Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund - CCLFX STOCK NEWS

Welcome to our dedicated page for Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund news (Ticker: CCLFX), a resource for investors and traders seeking the latest updates and insights on Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund stock.

Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund (CCLFX) is a 1940-Act registered interval fund specializing in corporate middle market direct lending. With over $12.5 billion in net assets, CCLFX focuses on generating consistent floating-rate income. The Fund's portfolio includes over 3,200 unique private credit borrowers, emphasizing first lien senior secured loans and maintaining a low non-accrual rate. Managed by Cliffwater LLC, CCLFX aims to deliver stable returns and principal protection while prioritizing investor interests.

Rhea-AI Summary
Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund announces the closing of its $600 million Notes offering. The Fund plans to use the proceeds to enhance portfolio yield and support further growth.
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What is Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund (CCLFX) known for?

CCLFX is recognized for its focus on corporate middle market direct lending and delivering consistent floating-rate income.

How much net assets does CCLFX have?

As of July 31, 2023, CCLFX boasts over $12.5 billion in net assets.

What is the investment focus of CCLFX?

CCLFX emphasizes investing in a diverse set of loans, primarily first lien senior secured loans, with a low non-accrual rate.

Who manages Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund?

Cliffwater LLC serves as the investment adviser of CCLFX, overseeing its operations and investment strategy.

How does CCLFX aim to protect investor interests?

By prioritizing first lien senior secured loans and maintaining a low non-accrual rate, CCLFX aims to protect investor interests while delivering stable returns.

What makes CCLFX unique in the market?

CCLFX's innovative approach to corporate middle market lending, combined with its diverse portfolio and focus on principal protection, sets it apart in the market.

What is the historical performance of CCLFX?

CCLFX has generated a net annualized total return of 8.61% since its inception, showcasing its strong performance over time.

How does CCLFX use the net proceeds from its offerings?

CCLFX utilizes the net proceeds from its offerings to enhance portfolio yield and support further growth, ensuring investor interests are prioritized.

What role does Cliffwater LLC play in managing CCLFX?

Cliffwater LLC, as the investment adviser of CCLFX, plays a crucial role in overseeing the Fund's operations, investments, and overall performance.

What sets CCLFX apart from other interval funds?

CCLFX's emphasis on corporate middle market direct lending, focus on delivering stable returns, and prioritization of investor interests distinguish it from other interval funds.

Cliffwater Corporate Lending Fund


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CCLFX Stock Data