Crown Leads Sustainalytics Containers and Packaging Category With Strong Sustainability Performance

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Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) has been ranked at the top of the Containers & Packaging category in Sustainalytics' latest ESG Risk Rating. Crown achieved an overall Negligible risk score, placing it among the top 3% of over 16,200 assessed companies. This ranking highlights the success of Crown's Twentyby30™ program, which aims to achieve 20 measurable sustainability goals by 2030.

The assessment noted Crown's low exposure levels in areas such as emissions, effluents and waste, carbon footprint, and resource use. This indicates that Sustainalytics views Crown's business model as inherently less risky for the environment. Crown continues to make progress on its sustainability commitments, including securing more renewable electricity, initiating water replenishment projects, and working to increase recycling rates for aluminum and steel cans.

Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) è stata classificata al primo posto nella categoria Contenitori e Imballaggi nel più recente ESG Risk Rating di Sustainalytics. Crown ha ottenuto un punteggio di rischio trascurabile, collocandosi tra il 3% delle oltre 16.200 aziende valutate. Questa classifica evidenzia il successo del programma Twentyby30™ di Crown, che mira a raggiungere 20 obiettivi di sostenibilità misurabili entro il 2030.

La valutazione ha osservato i bassi livelli di esposizione di Crown in aree come emissioni, effluenti e rifiuti, impronta di carbonio e utilizzo delle risorse. Ciò indica che Sustainalytics considera il modello di business di Crown intrinsecamente meno rischioso per l'ambiente. Crown continua a fare progressi nei suoi impegni di sostenibilità, inclusa la sicurezza di una maggiore elettricità rinnovabile, l'avvio di progetti di reintegro idrico e il lavoro per aumentare i tassi di riciclaggio per lattine in alluminio e acciaio.

Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) ha sido clasificada en la cima de la categoría de Envases y Embalajes en la última Calificación de Riesgo ESG de Sustainalytics. Crown logró un puntaje de riesgo insignificante, colocándose entre el 3% superior de más de 16,200 empresas evaluadas. Esta clasificación resalta el éxito del programa Twentyby30™ de Crown, que tiene como objetivo alcanzar 20 metas de sostenibilidad medibles para 2030.

La evaluación destacó los bajos niveles de exposición de Crown en áreas como emisiones, efluentes y desechos, huella de carbono y uso de recursos. Esto indica que Sustainalytics considera que el modelo de negocio de Crown es intrínsecamente menos arriesgado para el medio ambiente. Crown continúa avanzando en sus compromisos de sostenibilidad, incluyendo la obtención de más electricidad renovable, el inicio de proyectos de restauración de agua y el trabajo para aumentar los índices de reciclaje de latas de aluminio y acero.

Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK)는 Sustainalytics의 최신 ESG 위험 평가에서 용기 및 포장 범주에서 상위에 평가되었습니다. Crown은 무시할 수 있는 위험 점수를 획득하여 16,200개 이상의 평가된 회사 중 상위 3%에 포함되었습니다. 이 평가는 Crown의 Twentyby30™ 프로그램의 성공을 강조하는데, 이 프로그램은 2030년까지 20개의 측정 가능한 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

평가에서는 배출량, 오염물 및 폐기물, 탄소 발자국 및 자원 사용과 같은 분야에서 Crown의 낮은 노출 수준이 주목되었습니다. 이는 Sustainalytics가 Crown의 비즈니스 모델을 환경적으로 본질적으로 덜 위험하다고 보고 있음을 나타냅니다. Crown은 더 많은 재생 전기 확보, 물 보충 프로젝트 시작 및 알루미늄 및 강철 캔의 재활용 비율 증가를 위한 작업을 포함하여 지속 가능성 약속 이행을 계속하고 있습니다.

Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) a été classée en tête de la catégorie Conteneurs et Emballages dans la dernière évaluation de risque ESG de Sustainalytics. Crown a obtenu un score de risque négligeable, la plaçant parmi les 3% des plus de 16 200 entreprises évaluées. Ce classement souligne le succès du programme Twentyby30™ de Crown, qui a pour objectif d’atteindre 20 objectifs de durabilité mesurables d’ici 2030.

L'évaluation a noté les niveaux d'exposition faibles de Crown dans des domaines tels que les émissions, les effluents et les déchets, l'empreinte carbone et l'utilisation des ressources. Cela indique que Sustainalytics considère le modèle commercial de Crown comme intrinsèquement moins risqué pour l'environnement. Crown continue de progresser dans ses engagements en matière de durabilité, y compris la sécurisation de plus d'électricité renouvelable, l'initiation de projets de réapprovisionnement en eau et le travail pour augmenter les taux de recyclage des canettes en aluminium et en acier.

Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) wurde in der neuesten ESG-Risiko-Bewertung von Sustainalytics an die Spitze der Kategorie Behälter und Verpackungen eingestuft. Crown erzielte eine unbedeutende Risikobewertung und gehört damit zu den besten 3% von über 16.200 bewerteten Unternehmen. Diese Einstufung hebt den Erfolg des Twentyby30™-Programms von Crown hervor, das 20 messbare Nachhaltigkeitsziele bis 2030 erreichen will.

Die Bewertung stellte fest, dass Crown in Bereichen wie Emissionen, Abwässer und Abfall, CO2-Fußabdruck und Ressourcennutzung niedrige Expositionswerte aufweist. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Sustainalytics das Geschäftsmodell von Crown als intrinsisch weniger riskant für die Umwelt betrachtet. Crown macht weiterhin Fortschritte bei seinen Verpflichtungen zur Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich der Sicherung von mehr erneuerbarer Elektrizität, der Initiierung von Wasserauffrischungsprojekten und der Bemühungen zur Erhöhung der Recyclingquoten für Aluminium- und Stahlbehälter.

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TAMPA, FL / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / Sustainalytics has ranked Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:CCK) (Crown) ( at the top of the Containers & Packaging category in the latest ESG Risk Rating, an industry-wide assessment of corporate sustainability performance. After receiving positive marks across multiple areas of measurement, Crown leads its peer group of 105 organizations and represents one of only 3% of more than 16,200 assessed companies to attain an overall Negligible risk score. This rating from Sustainalytics underscores the comprehensive design and current impact of Crown's ongoing Twentyby30™ program, which aims to achieve 20 measurable sustainability goals to be completed by or before the end of 2030 and focuses on areas of critical concern to the industry.

To build its diverse research universe that spans dozens of industries, Sustainalytics conducts a review of any applicable company's exposure to industry-specific material sustainability risks-and determines how well that company is managing those risks. This review process observes action and performance in several areas related to sustainability. The ratings organization utilizes a significant amount of available data to create category-specific rankings that inform stakeholders such as customers, partners and investors.

"Receiving a top industry ranking from Sustainalytics acknowledges Crown's efforts to meet stakeholder expectations and continue driving a business that performs from every angle," said John Rost, Ph.D., Senior Vice President Crown Technology, Global Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs. "By scoring strongly across multiple categories, including safety, governance and others, we are demonstrating our commitment to making maximum impact not just in the traditional areas like GHG emissions reductions, but within every capacity possible. This comprehensive effort is what bolsters our ability to operate a responsible, healthy organization long-term."

Notable in Crown's assessment are relatively low exposure levels for various areas of concern including emissions, effluents and waste, carbon footprint and resource use, meaning Sustainalytics does not view Crown's business as being inherently risky or damaging for the environment. With lower risk in each category, the Company reflects a more inherently responsible model that can more easily adapt to meet evolving sustainability regulations-a strong business attribute that stands out against other investible sectors. To build on this solid foundation, Crown continues to make progress toward its Twentyby30™ commitments, most recently securing more renewable electricity, initiating new water replenishment projects and working diligently across the supply chain to strive to increase industry recycling rates for valuable aluminum and steel cans.

Further information about Crown's sustainability initiatives are available at Guidance around Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Rating methodology is available on the organization's website.

About Crown Holdings, Inc.

Crown Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, as well as transit and protective packaging products, equipment and services to a broad range of end markets. World headquarters are located in Tampa, Florida. For more information, visit

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Emily Hogan, Account Supervisor, FINN Partners; Email:

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Except for historical information, all other information in this press release consists of forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities law. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause the statements made in this report or the actual results of operations or financial condition of the Company to differ are discussed under the caption "Forward Looking Statements" in the Company's Form 10-K Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in subsequent filings. The Company does not intend to review or revise any particular forward-looking statement in light of future events.

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SOURCE: Crown Holdings, Inc.

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What was Crown Holdings' ranking in the Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating for the Containers & Packaging category?

Crown Holdings, Inc. (CCK) was ranked at the top of the Containers & Packaging category in Sustainalytics' latest ESG Risk Rating, leading a peer group of 105 organizations.

How did Crown Holdings (CCK) perform in the overall Sustainalytics assessment?

Crown Holdings (CCK) achieved an overall Negligible risk score, placing it among the top 3% of more than 16,200 companies assessed by Sustainalytics.

What is Crown Holdings' Twentyby30™ program?

Crown Holdings' Twentyby30™ program aims to achieve 20 measurable sustainability goals to be completed by or before the end of 2030, focusing on areas of critical concern to the industry.

What areas did Sustainalytics note as having low exposure levels for Crown Holdings (CCK)?

Sustainalytics noted that Crown Holdings (CCK) had relatively low exposure levels in areas including emissions, effluents and waste, carbon footprint, and resource use.

What recent sustainability initiatives has Crown Holdings (CCK) undertaken?

Crown Holdings (CCK) has recently secured more renewable electricity, initiated new water replenishment projects, and is working to increase industry recycling rates for aluminum and steel cans.

Crown Holdings Inc.


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Packaging & Containers
Metal Cans
United States of America