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Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK) has announced a significant move to transfer $740 million in US pension plan obligations to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). This transaction involves purchasing a group annuity contract to guarantee benefits for nearly all retirees and deferred vested participants in Crown's primary US defined benefit plans, covering approximately 12,000 participants.

The transfer will eliminate $740 million in both US pension plan assets and liabilities from Crown's balance sheet. Combined with previous buy-outs in Canada and the UK, Crown will have annuitized about $4 billion of pension liabilities since 2021. The company expects to contribute $100 million to the plan and record a one-time non-cash charge of $450 million ($340 million after tax) in Q3 2024. Crown reaffirms its 2024 full year adjusted free cash flow guidance of at least $750 million.

Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK) ha annunciato un'importante operazione per trasferire 740 milioni di dollari di obbligazioni dei piani pensionistici negli Stati Uniti alla Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). Questa transazione prevede l'acquisto di un contratto di rendita per garantire i benefici per quasi tutti i pensionati e i partecipanti con diritto a una pensione differita nei piani pensionistici a benefici definiti principali di Crown negli Stati Uniti, coprendo circa 12.000 partecipanti.

Il trasferimento eliminerà 740 milioni di dollari sia dagli attivi che dalle passività dei piani pensionistici negli Stati Uniti dal bilancio di Crown. Combinato con precedenti buy-out in Canada e Regno Unito, Crown avrà annuitizzato circa 4 miliardi di dollari di passività pensionistiche dal 2021. L'azienda prevede di contribuire con 100 milioni di dollari al piano e registrare un onere non monetario una tantum di 450 milioni di dollari (340 milioni di dollari dopo le tasse) nel terzo trimestre del 2024. Crown riafferma la sua guida sulla generazione di flussi di cassa libero rettificati per l'intero anno 2024 di almeno 750 milioni di dollari.

Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK) ha anunciado un movimiento significativo para transferir 740 millones de dólares en obligaciones de planes de pensiones de EE. UU. a Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). Esta transacción implica la compra de un contrato de anualidad grupal para garantizar beneficios para casi todos los jubilados y participantes con derecho diferido en los planes de beneficios definidos de Crown en EE. UU., cubriendo aproximadamente 12,000 participantes.

La transferencia eliminará 740 millones de dólares tanto de los activos como de las pasivos del plan de pensiones de Crown. Combinado con las compras anteriores en Canadá y el Reino Unido, Crown habrá anualizado alrededor de 4 mil millones de dólares de obligaciones de pensiones desde 2021. La empresa espera contribuir con 100 millones de dólares al plan y registrar un cargo no monetario único de 450 millones de dólares (340 millones de dólares después de impuestos) en el tercer trimestre de 2024. Crown reafirma su guía de flujo de caja libre ajustado para todo el año 2024 de al menos 750 millones de dólares.

Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK)는 미국 연금 계획 의무 7억 4천만 달러를 매사추세츠 뮤추얼 생명 보험 회사(MassMutual)로 이전하기로 한 중요한 조치를 발표했습니다. 이 거래는 Crown의 주요 미국 확정 급여 계획에 따라 거의 모든 은퇴자 및 이연 기여 참가자의 혜택을 보장하기 위해 그룹 연금 계약을 구매하는 것을 포함하며, 약 12,000명의 참가자를 커버합니다.

이번 이전은 Crown의 대차대조표에서 미국 연금 계획 자산과 부채 각각 7억 4천만 달러를 제거할 것입니다. 캐나다 및 영국에서의 이전 매입과 결합하여 Crown은 2021년 이후 약 40억 달러의 연금 부채를 연금화했습니다. 이 회사는 계획에 1억 달러를 기여하고 2024년 3분기에 한 번의 비현금 비용 4억 5천만 달러 (세후 3억 4천만 달러)를 기록할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. Crown은 2024년 전체 조정 후 자유 현금 흐름 가이드를 최소 7억 5천만 달러로 reaffirm합니다.

Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK) a annoncé une démarche significative pour transférer 740 millions de dollars d'obligations de fonds de pension aux États-Unis à Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual). Cette transaction implique l'achat d'un contrat de rente de groupe pour garantir des prestations pour presque tous les retraités et les participants ayant des droits différés dans les principaux plans de retraite à prestations définies de Crown aux États-Unis, couvrant environ 12 000 participants.

Le transfert éliminera 740 millions de dollars à la fois des actifs et des passifs du fonds de pension de Crown. Combiné avec des rachats précédents au Canada et au Royaume-Uni, Crown aura annuitisé environ 4 milliards de dollars d'obligations de pension depuis 2021. L'entreprise prévoit de contribuer 100 millions de dollars au plan et d'enregistrer une charge non monétaire unique de 450 millions de dollars (340 millions de dollars après impôts) au troisième trimestre de 2024. Crown réaffirme sa prévision de flux de trésorerie libre ajusté pour l'année 2024 d'au moins 750 millions de dollars.

Crown Holdings (NYSE: CCK) hat einen bedeutenden Schritt angekündigt, um 740 Millionen Dollar an Pensionsverpflichtungen in den USA an die Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) zu übertragen. Diese Transaktion beinhaltet den Kauf eines Gruppenrentenvertrags, um Leistungen für nahezu alle Rentner und aufgeschobene berechtigte Teilnehmer in den wichtigsten US-Pensionsplänen von Crown zu garantieren, wobei etwa 12.000 Teilnehmer abgedeckt sind.

Die Übertragung wird 740 Millionen Dollar sowohl aus den Vermögenswerten als auch aus den Verbindlichkeiten des US-Pensionsplans aus der Bilanz von Crown entfernen. In Kombination mit früheren Abfindungen in Kanada und Großbritannien wird Crown seit 2021 etwa 4 Milliarden Dollar an Pensionsverpflichtungen verbrieft haben. Das Unternehmen erwartet, 100 Millionen Dollar in den Plan einzubringen und im dritten Quartal 2024 einen einmaligen nicht liquiden Aufwand von 450 Millionen Dollar (340 Millionen Dollar nach Steuern) zu verbuchen. Crown bekräftigt seine Prognose für den adjustierten freien Cashflow für das gesamte Jahr 2024 von mindestens 750 Millionen Dollar.

  • Elimination of $740 million in both US pension plan assets and liabilities
  • Reduction of future earnings and cash flow risk
  • Annuitization of approximately $4 billion of pension liabilities since 2021
  • Reaffirmation of 2024 full year adjusted free cash flow guidance of at least $750 million
  • One-time non-cash charge of $450 million ($340 million after tax) in Q3 2024
  • Additional contribution of $100 million to the pension plan

Crown Holdings' decision to transfer $740 million in pension obligations is a strategic move with significant financial implications. This transaction will effectively remove these liabilities from Crown's balance sheet, potentially improving its financial ratios and reducing future volatility in earnings and cash flow. The $100 million contribution and $450 million non-cash charge are short-term costs for long-term benefits.

Notably, the company has already annuitized $4 billion of pension liabilities since 2021, showcasing a consistent strategy to de-risk its pension obligations. This approach could make Crown more attractive to investors who prefer companies with cleaner balance sheets and more predictable cash flows.

The reaffirmation of $750 million in adjusted free cash flow guidance for 2024 is a positive signal, indicating that the transaction isn't expected to impact the company's near-term financial performance negatively.

Crown Holdings' pension obligation transfer is a textbook example of de-risking strategy in action. By offloading $740 million in pension liabilities to MassMutual, Crown is effectively mitigating long-term financial risks associated with market volatility, interest rate fluctuations and changing demographics that can impact pension fund performance.

This move aligns with a broader trend among corporations to reduce exposure to defined benefit plans. The transaction not only transfers the investment risk but also the longevity risk to MassMutual. For investors, this translates to reduced uncertainty in Crown's future financial obligations and potentially lower capital requirements, which could free up resources for core business activities or shareholder returns.

However, it's important to note that while this strategy reduces risk, it comes at a cost, as evidenced by the $100 million contribution and the significant non-cash charge.

TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) announced that it has entered into an agreement to purchase a group annuity contract from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) to fully guarantee benefits covered under the contract for nearly all of the retirees and deferred vested participants in its primary US defined benefit plans.  The transaction provides a policy which covers the benefits for approximately 12,000 participants. 

"We are carefully moving portions of our pension obligations to MassMutual, a highly rated and experienced insurance and retirement benefits provider," said Kevin Clothier, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.  "Upon completion of the transfer, Crown will eliminate approximately $740 million in both US pension plan assets and liabilities.  When combined with previous buy-outs in Canada and the UK, the Company will have annuitized approximately $4 billion of pension liabilities since 2021.  This transaction further strengthens Crown's balance sheet, significantly reduces future earnings and cash flow risk, and maintains secure benefits for our pension plan participants."

MassMutual will make payments to participants starting November 1, 2024.  Benefits payable to the retirees and other plan participants will not be affected by the transaction.

The Company expects to contribute approximately $100 million to the plan and to record a one-time non-cash charge of approximately $450 million ($340 million after tax) in the third quarter of 2024 as a part of the plan settlement.  The Company reaffirms its previously provided 2024 full year adjusted free cash flow guidance of at least $750 million.

About Crown Holdings, Inc.
Crown Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is a leading global supplier of rigid packaging products to consumer marketing companies, as well as transit and protective packaging products, equipment and services to a broad range of end markets.  World headquarters are located in Tampa, Florida.  For more information, visit

About MassMutual
MassMutual is a leading mutual life insurance company that is run for the benefit of its members and participating policyowners.  Founded in 1851, the company has been continually guided by one consistent purpose: we help people secure their future and protect the ones they love.  MassMutual has financial strength ratings that are among the highest of any company in any industry at A++ by AM Best, AA+ by Fitch, Aa3 by Moody's, and AA+ by S&P1.  With a focus on delivering long-term value, MassMutual offers a wide range of protection, accumulation, wealth management and retirement products and services.  For more information, visit

– as of 07/31/2024

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Except for historical information, all other information in this press release consists of forward-looking statements.  These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors, including whether the full settlement and irrevocable transfer of the Company's risk related to the plan obligations will occur in September 2024, or at all; the amount of the charge the Company will incur in connection with the plan settlement; the Company's ability to generate adjusted free cash flow and the impact of the transaction and plan settlement on the Company's future cash flow and earnings.  Important factors that could cause the statements made in this press release or the actual results of operations or financial condition of Crown to differ are discussed under the caption "Forward Looking Statements" in Crown's Form 10-K Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in subsequent filings made prior to or after the date hereof.  Crown does not intend to review or revise any particular forward-looking statement in light of future events.

Non-GAAP Measures
Adjusted free cash flow is not a defined term under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (non-GAAP measures).  Adjusted free cash flow is defined by the Company as net cash from operating activities less capital expenditures and certain other items.  Non-GAAP measures should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for income from operations, cash flow, leverage ratio, net income, effective tax rates, diluted earnings per share or interest expense and interest income prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and may not be comparable to calculations of similarly titled measures by other companies.

The Company views adjusted free cash flow as a principal measure of its liquidity.  The Company considers this measure in the allocation of resources.  Adjusted free cash flow has certain limitations, however, including that it does not represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures since other non-discretionary expenditures, such as mandatory debt service requirements, are not deducted from the measure.  The amount of mandatory versus discretionary expenditures can vary significantly between periods.  The Company believes that adjusted free cash flow provides a meaningful measure of liquidity and a useful basis for assessing the Company's ability to fund its activities, including the financing of acquisitions, debt repayments, share repurchases or dividends. 

For more information, contact:
Kevin Clothier, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, (215) 698-5281
Thomas T. Fischer, Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs, (215) 552-3720

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SOURCE Crown Holdings, Inc.


What is the value of pension obligations Crown Holdings (CCK) is transferring?

Crown Holdings (CCK) is transferring $740 million in US pension plan obligations to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual).

How many participants are affected by Crown Holdings' (CCK) pension obligation transfer?

The pension obligation transfer affects approximately 12,000 participants, including nearly all retirees and deferred vested participants in Crown Holdings' primary US defined benefit plans.

When will MassMutual start making payments to Crown Holdings (CCK) pension plan participants?

MassMutual will start making payments to Crown Holdings (CCK) pension plan participants on November 1, 2024.

What financial impact will the pension obligation transfer have on Crown Holdings (CCK) in Q3 2024?

Crown Holdings (CCK) expects to record a one-time non-cash charge of approximately $450 million ($340 million after tax) in the third quarter of 2024 as part of the plan settlement.

Crown Holdings Inc.


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