Cameco Reports Document Filings
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) has announced the filing of several key documents with regulatory authorities. The company has submitted its annual report on Form 40-F to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including audited annual financial statements for 2024, management's discussion and analysis (MD&A), and Canadian annual information form (AIF).
The company plans to release its management proxy circular on April 3, 2025, for shareholders of record as of March 10, 2025, ahead of its annual meeting scheduled for May 9, 2025. Additionally, Cameco will publish its Modern Slavery Report in compliance with Canadian legislation.
As one of the largest global uranium fuel providers, Cameco maintains a competitive advantage through its controlling ownership of high-grade reserves and low-cost operations. The company has strategic investments across the nuclear fuel cycle, including stakes in Westinghouse Electric Company and Global Laser Enrichment.
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) ha annunciato la presentazione di diversi documenti chiave alle autorità di regolamentazione. L'azienda ha inviato il suo rapporto annuale sul Modulo 40-F alla Securities and Exchange Commission degli Stati Uniti, includendo i bilanci annuali auditati per il 2024, la discussione e analisi della direzione (MD&A) e il modulo di informazione annuale canadese (AIF).
L'azienda prevede di pubblicare il suo circolare di delega di gestione il 3 aprile 2025, per gli azionisti registrati al 10 marzo 2025, in preparazione della sua assemblea annuale prevista per il 9 maggio 2025. Inoltre, Cameco pubblicherà il suo Rapporto sulla Schiavitù Moderna in conformità con la legislazione canadese.
Essendo uno dei maggiori fornitori globali di combustibile uranifero, Cameco mantiene un vantaggio competitivo grazie alla sua proprietà controllante di riserve di alta qualità e operazioni a basso costo. L'azienda ha investimenti strategici lungo il ciclo del combustibile nucleare, inclusi partecipazioni nella Westinghouse Electric Company e nella Global Laser Enrichment.
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) ha anunciado la presentación de varios documentos clave ante las autoridades reguladoras. La compañía ha enviado su informe anual en el Formulario 40-F a la Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos, incluyendo estados financieros anuales auditados para 2024, la discusión y análisis de la administración (MD&A), y el formulario de información anual canadiense (AIF).
La compañía planea publicar su circular de poder de gestión el 3 de abril de 2025, para los accionistas registrados a partir del 10 de marzo de 2025, antes de su reunión anual programada para el 9 de mayo de 2025. Además, Cameco publicará su Informe sobre la Esclavitud Moderna en cumplimiento con la legislación canadiense.
Como uno de los mayores proveedores globales de combustible de uranio, Cameco mantiene una ventaja competitiva a través de su propiedad controladora de reservas de alta calidad y operaciones de bajo costo. La compañía tiene inversiones estratégicas a lo largo del ciclo del combustible nuclear, incluyendo participaciones en Westinghouse Electric Company y Global Laser Enrichment.
카메코 (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ)는 규제 당국에 여러 주요 문서 제출을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 미국 증권 거래 위원회에 연례 보고서인 40-F 양식을 제출했으며, 2024년 감사된 연간 재무제표, 경영진의 논의 및 분석(MD&A), 캐나다 연간 정보 양식(AIF)을 포함하고 있습니다.
회사는 2025년 4월 3일에 2025년 3월 10일 기준 주주를 위한 경영 위임장 순환문을 발표할 계획이며, 2025년 5월 9일로 예정된 연례 회의에 앞서 진행됩니다. 또한 카메코는 캐나다 법률에 따라 현대 노예 보고서를 발표할 것입니다.
세계 최대의 우라늄 연료 공급업체 중 하나인 카메코는 고품질 매장량에 대한 지배적 소유권과 저비용 운영을 통해 경쟁 우위를 유지하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 웨스팅하우스 전기 회사 및 글로벌 레이저 농축에 대한 지분을 포함하여 원자력 연료 주기 전반에 걸쳐 전략적 투자를 하고 있습니다.
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) a annoncé le dépôt de plusieurs documents clés auprès des autorités de régulation. L'entreprise a soumis son rapport annuel sur le formulaire 40-F à la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis, y compris des états financiers annuels audités pour 2024, la discussion et l'analyse de la direction (MD&A) et le formulaire d'information annuel canadien (AIF).
L'entreprise prévoit de publier son circulaire de procuration de gestion le 3 avril 2025, pour les actionnaires enregistrés au 10 mars 2025, avant son assemblée générale annuelle prévue pour le 9 mai 2025. De plus, Cameco publiera son Rapport sur l'Esclavage Moderne en conformité avec la législation canadienne.
En tant que l'un des plus grands fournisseurs mondiaux de combustible d'uranium, Cameco maintient un avantage concurrentiel grâce à sa propriété contrôlante de réserves de haute qualité et à ses opérations à faible coût. L'entreprise a des investissements stratégiques tout au long du cycle du combustible nucléaire, y compris des participations dans la Westinghouse Electric Company et la Global Laser Enrichment.
Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) hat die Einreichung mehrerer wichtiger Dokumente bei den Regulierungsbehörden bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Jahresbericht im Formular 40-F bei der US-amerikanischen Wertpapier- und Börsenaufsichtsbehörde eingereicht, der geprüfte Jahresabschlüsse für 2024, die Diskussion und Analyse des Managements (MD&A) sowie das kanadische Jahresinformationsformular (AIF) umfasst.
Das Unternehmen plant, seine Management-Stimmrechtsvollmacht am 3. April 2025 für Aktionäre, die am 10. März 2025 im Aktienregister stehen, vor der für den 9. Mai 2025 geplanten Hauptversammlung zu veröffentlichen. Darüber hinaus wird Cameco seinen Bericht über moderne Sklaverei gemäß den kanadischen gesetzlichen Vorgaben veröffentlichen.
Als einer der größten globalen Anbieter von Uranbrennstoff erhält Cameco einen Wettbewerbsvorteil durch seinen kontrollierenden Besitz von hochgradigen Lagerstätten und kostengünstigen Betrieb. Das Unternehmen hat strategische Investitionen im gesamten nuklearen Brennstoffzyklus, einschließlich Beteiligungen an der Westinghouse Electric Company und Global Laser Enrichment.
- Controlling ownership of world's largest high-grade uranium reserves
- Strategic investments in Westinghouse Electric and Global Laser Enrichment
- Low-cost operations maintaining competitive position
- None.
In addition, Cameco filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities its AIF. Its audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2024, and its MD&A were filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities in February 2025.
All of these documents are posted on our website. Shareholders may obtain hard copies of these documents, including the financial statements, free of charge by contacting:
Cameco Investor Relations
2121 11th Street West
Phone: 306-956-6294
On April 3, 2025, Cameco plans to post on its website the management proxy circular that is being distributed to shareholders of record as of March 10, 2025, for its annual meeting of shareholders on May 9, 2025. Cameco, on behalf of itself and certain subsidiaries (collectively, “Cameco”), will also post its Modern Slavery Report in accordance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (
Cameco is one of the largest global providers of the uranium fuel needed to power a secure energy future. Our competitive position is based on our controlling ownership of the world’s largest high-grade reserves and low-cost operations, as well as significant investments across the nuclear fuel cycle, including ownership interests in Westinghouse Electric Company and Global Laser Enrichment. Utilities around the world rely on Cameco to provide global nuclear fuel solutions for the generation of safe, reliable, carbon-free nuclear power. Our shares trade on the
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Investor inquiries:
Cory Kos
Media inquiries:
Veronica Baker
Source: Cameco