C4 Therapeutics Announces Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)
C4 Therapeutics (C4T), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on targeted protein degradation science, has announced an inducement grant for a new employee. The grant, approved by the independent directors on the Organization, Leadership and Compensation Committee, consists of non-qualified stock options to purchase 146,880 shares of C4T's common stock.
The grant was made on September 30, 2024, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4). The exercise price is equal to the closing price of C4T's common stock on the grant date. The options will vest over four years, with 25% vesting after one year and the remainder vesting in twelve equal monthly installments, subject to continued employment.
C4 Therapeutics (C4T), un'azienda biofarmaceutica in fase clinica concentrata sulla scienza della degradazione proteica mirata, ha annunciato un grant di indizione per un nuovo dipendente. Il grant, approvato dai direttori indipendenti del Comitato per l'Organizzazione, la Leadership e la Compensazione, consiste in opzioni di acquisto di azioni non qualificate per l'acquisto di 146.880 azioni ordinarie di C4T.
Il grant è stato emesso il 30 settembre 2024, in conformità con la Regola di Quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Il prezzo di esercizio è uguale al prezzo di chiusura delle azioni ordinarie di C4T alla data del grant. Le opzioni matureranno in quattro anni, con il 25% che matura dopo un anno e il resto che matura in dodici rate mensili uguali, soggette a un impiego continuativo.
C4 Therapeutics (C4T), una compañía biofarmacéutica en etapa clínica enfocada en la ciencia de degradación de proteínas dirigida, ha anunciado una subvención de inducción para un nuevo empleado. La subvención, aprobada por los directores independientes del Comité de Organización, Liderazgo y Compensación, consiste en opciones de acciones no calificadas para comprar 146,880 acciones ordinarias de C4T.
La subvención se realizó el 30 de septiembre de 2024, de acuerdo con la Regla de Cotización Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). El precio de ejercicio es igual al precio de cierre de las acciones ordinarias de C4T en la fecha de la subvención. Las opciones se consolidarán en cuatro años, con el 25% consolidándose después de un año y el resto consolidándose en doce cuotas mensuales iguales, sujeta a la continuidad del empleo.
C4 Therapeutics (C4T)는 표적 단백질 분해 과학에 집중하는 임상 단계의 생명공학 회사로, 신규 직원에 대한 유도 보조금을 발표했습니다. 이 보조금은 조직, 리더십 및 보상위원회의 독립 이사들에 의해 승인되었으며, 146,880주를 구매할 수 있는 비자격 주식 옵션으로 구성되어 있습니다.
이 보조금은 2024년 9월 30일에 부여되었으며, 이는 나스닥 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따라 진행되었습니다. 행사 가격은 보조금 부여일의 C4T 일반 주식의 폐장 가격과 같습니다. 옵션은 4년 동안 분할되며, 1년 후 25%가 분할되고 나머지는 향후 12개월 동안 월별로 동등한 할당으로 분할됩니다; 이는 지속적인 고용에 따라 다릅니다.
C4 Therapeutics (C4T), une entreprise biopharmaceutique en phase clinique axée sur la science de la dégradation ciblée des protéines, a annoncé une subvention d'incitation pour un nouvel employé. La subvention, approuvée par les administrateurs indépendants du Comité d'Organisation, de Leadership et de Rémunération, se compose de options d'achat d'actions non qualifiées pour l'achat de 146 880 actions ordinaires de C4T.
La subvention a été accordée le 30 septembre 2024, conformément à la règle de cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Le prix d'exercice est égal au prix de clôture des actions ordinaires de C4T à la date de la subvention. Les options se débloqueront sur quatre ans, avec 25% se débloquant après un an et le reste se débloquant en douze versements mensuels égaux, sous réserve d'un emploi continu.
C4 Therapeutics (C4T), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in klinischer Phase, das sich auf die Wissenschaft der gezielten Proteinabbau konzentriert, hat einen Auszeichnungzuschuss für einen neuen Mitarbeiter angekündigt. Der Zuschuss, der von den unabhängigen Direktoren des Ausschusses für Organisation, Führung und Vergütung genehmigt wurde, besteht aus nicht qualifizierten Aktienoptionen zum Kauf von 146.880 Aktien des Stammkapitals von C4T.
Der Zuschuss wurde am 30. September 2024 gewährt, gemäß der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4). Der Ausübungspreis entspricht dem Schlusskurs der Stammaktien von C4T am Tag der Gewährung. Die Optionen werden über vier Jahre fällig, wobei 25% nach einem Jahr fällig werden und der Rest in zwölf gleichen monatlichen Raten fällig wird, abhängig von einer fortlaufenden Anstellung.
- Attraction of new talent with stock-based compensation
- Alignment of employee interests with company performance through equity incentives
- Potential dilution of existing shareholders' equity
WATERTOWN, Mass., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- C4 Therapeutics, Inc. (C4T) (Nasdaq: CCCC), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to advancing targeted protein degradation science, today announced that the independent directors serving on the Organization, Leadership and Compensation Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors approved the grant of non-qualified stock options to purchase 146,880 shares of the Company’s common stock to one new employee (the “Inducement Grant”), with the grant made on September 30, 2024 (the “Grant Date”). The Inducement Grant was granted as a material inducement to this individual entering into employment with C4T in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).
The Inducement Grant has an exercise price per share that is equal to the closing price of C4T’s common stock on the Grant Date. The Inducement Grant will vest over a four-year period, with
About C4 Therapeutics
C4 Therapeutics (C4T) (Nasdaq: CCCC) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to delivering on the promise of targeted protein degradation science to create a new generation of medicines that transforms patients’ lives. C4T is progressing targeted oncology programs through clinical studies and leveraging its TORPEDO® platform to efficiently design and optimize small-molecule medicines to address difficult-to-treat diseases. C4T’s degrader medicines are designed to harness the body’s natural protein recycling system to rapidly degrade disease-causing proteins, offering the potential to overcome drug resistance, drug undruggable targets and improve patient outcomes. For more information, please visit www.c4therapeutics.com.
Courtney Solberg
Senior Manager, Investor Relations
Loraine Spreen
Senior Director, Corporate Communications & Patient Advocacy

What is the size of the inducement grant offered by C4 Therapeutics (CCCC) on September 30, 2024?
How will the stock options granted by C4 Therapeutics (CCCC) vest?
What is the exercise price for the stock options granted by C4 Therapeutics (CCCC)?