Chemours Chief Sustainability Officer on the Importance of Partnerships for Creating a More Sustainable World

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Chemours' Chief Sustainability Officer, Amber Wellman, emphasizes the importance of partnerships in creating a more sustainable world. The company's sustainability strategy is organized around four pillars: Environmental Leadership, Innovation & Sustainable Solutions, Community Impact, and Greatest Place to Work.

Key highlights include:

  • 52% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2018
  • 48% of revenue from products contributing to UN SDGs
  • $5.6 million in community grants awarded in 2023
  • 15 global regions certified as Great Place to Work®

Chemours is strengthening partnerships to accelerate progress, such as collaborating with the Wildlife Habitat Council and participating in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. The company remains committed to its 2030 sustainability goals and continues to seek ways to improve performance and increase impact.

Il Chief Sustainability Officer di Chemours, Amber Wellman, sottolinea l'importanza delle partnership per creare un mondo più sostenibile. La strategia di sostenibilità dell'azienda è organizzata attorno a quattro pilastri: Leadership Ambientale, Innovazione & Soluzioni Sostenibili, Impatto sulla Comunità e Migliore Posto di Lavoro.

Tra i punti salienti vi sono:

  • Riduzione del 52% delle emissioni di gas serra di Scope 1 e 2 dal 2018
  • Il 48% delle entrate proviene da prodotti che contribuiscono agli SDG delle Nazioni Unite
  • $5.6 milioni in sovvenzioni alla comunità assegnati nel 2023
  • 15 regioni globali certificate come Great Place to Work®

Chemours sta rafforzando le partnership per accelerare i progressi, ad esempio collaborando con il Wildlife Habitat Council e partecipando al Clean Hydrogen Partnership. L'azienda rimane impegnata nei propri obiettivi di sostenibilità per il 2030 e continua a cercare modi per migliorare le prestazioni e aumentare l'impatto.

La Directora de Sostenibilidad de Chemours, Amber Wellman, enfatiza la importancia de las asociaciones para crear un mundo más sostenible. La estrategia de sostenibilidad de la empresa se organiza en torno a cuatro pilares: Liderazgo Ambiental, Innovación y Soluciones Sostenibles, Impacto Comunitario y Mejor Lugar para Trabajar.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Reducción del 52% en las emisiones de GHG de Alcance 1 y 2 desde 2018
  • El 48% de los ingresos proviene de productos que contribuyen a los ODS de la ONU
  • $5.6 millones en subvenciones a la comunidad otorgadas en 2023
  • 15 regiones globales certificadas como Great Place to Work®

Chemours está fortaleciendo asociaciones para acelerar el progreso, como colaborar con el Wildlife Habitat Council y participar en la Clean Hydrogen Partnership. La empresa sigue comprometida con sus objetivos de sostenibilidad para 2030 y continúa buscando formas de mejorar el rendimiento y aumentar el impacto.

Chemours의 최고 지속 가능성 책임자인 앰버 웰먼은 더 지속 가능한 세상을 만들기 위한 파트너십의 중요성을 강조합니다. 회사의 지속 가능성 전략은 네 가지 기둥을 중심으로 구성되어 있습니다: 환경 리더십, 혁신 및 지속 가능한 솔루션, 지역 사회 영향 및 최고의 직장.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 2018년 이후 범위 1 및 2 온실가스(GHG) 배출량 52% 감소
  • 유엔 SDGs에 기여하는 제품에서 발생한 수익의 48%
  • 2023년에 지역 사회에 $5.6백만의 보조금 지급
  • 15개 글로벌 지역이 Great Place to Work® 인증을 받음

Chemours는 Wildlife Habitat Council과 협력하고 Clean Hydrogen Partnership에 참여하는 등 진전을 가속화하기 위해 파트너십을 강화하고 있습니다. 회사는 2030 지속 가능성 목표에 전념하고 있으며 성과 개선 및 영향력 확대 방안을 계속 모색하고 있습니다.

Amber Wellman, la directrice de la durabilité chez Chemours, souligne l'importance des partenariats pour créer un monde plus durable. La stratégie de durabilité de l'entreprise est organisée autour de quatre piliers : Leadership Environnemental, Innovation & Solutions Durables, Impact Communautaire et Meilleur Lieu de Travail.

Les points forts incluent :

  • Réduction de 52 % des émissions de GES de portée 1 et 2 depuis 2018
  • 48 % des revenus proviennent de produits contribuant aux ODD de l'ONU
  • 5,6 millions de dollars en subventions communautaires accordées en 2023
  • 15 régions mondiales certifiées Great Place to Work®

Chemours renforce les partenariats pour accélérer le progrès, notamment en collaborant avec le Wildlife Habitat Council et en participant à la Clean Hydrogen Partnership. L'entreprise reste engagée envers ses objectifs de durabilité pour 2030 et continue de rechercher des moyens d'améliorer ses performances et d'accroître son impact.

Die Chief Sustainability Officer von Chemours, Amber Wellman, hebt die Bedeutung von Partnerschaften hervor, um eine nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen. Die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie des Unternehmens ist um vier Säulen organisiert: Umweltführerschaft, Innovation & Nachhaltige Lösungen, Gemeinschaftsauswirkungen und Bester Arbeitsplatz.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • 52% Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen der Klassen 1 und 2 seit 2018
  • 48% der Einnahmen stammen aus Produkten, die zu den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen beitragen
  • 5,6 Millionen Dollar an Gemeinschaftszuschüssen wurden 2023 vergeben
  • 15 globale Regionen als Great Place to Work® zertifiziert

Chemours stärkt Partnerschaften, um Fortschritte zu beschleunigen, zum Beispiel durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wildlife Habitat Council und die Teilnahme an der Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Das Unternehmen bleibt seinen Nachhaltigkeitszielen von 2030 verpflichtet und sucht weiterhin nach Möglichkeiten zur Leistungsverbesserung und zur Steigerung der Auswirkungen.

  • None.
  • None.

By Amber Wellman, Chief Sustainability Officer, Chemours

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / As the modern world continues to progress faster each year, we are facing both societal challenges and opportunities for creating a more sustainable world. Climate change, nature loss, social inequality, and public health are some of the most pressing issues of our time, and they require bold and collaborative action from all sectors of society. We believe in the power of partnerships to find the best solutions to big challenges. By working together with our customers, regulators, policymakers, and communities our products can help enable important applications that deliver on societal goals, such as transitioning to clean energy, advancing electronics and electrifying transportation, progressing a greener and more inclusive future, and helping improve lives everywhere.

That's why we are leaning in and deepening our commitment to sustainability, putting it at the center of everything we do, from the way we operate our facilities, to the way we innovate our products, to the way we engage with our stakeholders and employees. We organize our sustainability strategy around four pillars: Environmental Leadership, Innovation & Sustainable Solutions, Community Impact, and Greatest Place to Work. These pillars are built upon our values, inspired by our vision, and guide our actions and decisions every day. We know we cannot achieve our goals alone, and that is why we are strengthening our partnerships as a way to accelerate progress. I want to highlight just a few examples of the progress that makes us proud and the partnerships that we know will allow us to go even further:

Under the Environmental Leadership pillar we are focused on reducing our environmental footprint and enhancing our positive impact. We set an ambitious target for 2030 to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 60%, and we are thrilled that Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) recently approved our near-term target. Our Scope 3 target for 2030 to reduce by 25% per ton of production was also approved by SBTi, and we look forward to providing further detail on that goal in next year's report. In this report, we celebrate that we have already achieved a 52% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2018, and we are sharing our decarbonization roadmap to 2030 and beyond. Looking toward the future, we recognize that we must go beyond climate and understand our intersections with nature. That is why we partnered with the Wildlife Habitat Council in 2023 to begin assessing our impacts and dependencies on nature and continue that partnership through the launch of a Chemours' signature initiative aimed at natural habitat renewal across our sites.

Through the Innovation & Sustainable Solutions pillar, we are developing and delivering products and solutions that enable our customers and end-users to achieve their own sustainability goals. We have already demonstrated that 48% of our revenue comes from products that make a specific contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). For example, our Nafion™ membranes play a vital role in hydrogen production, fuel cells and energy storage - three transformative energy areas. Through the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, an innovative public-private collaboration that brings together the U.S. Department of Defense, the University of Delaware, Chemours, Plug, and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), we expect to further advance membrane performance in order to drive down the cost of clean hydrogen production and improve efficiency in converting hydrogen to energy. Further, the Center for Clean Hydrogen at the University of Delaware, supported by investment from Chemours and part of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, will enable real-world fabrication and testing of hydrogen technologies at commercial scale.

In the Community Impact pillar, we are making a positive difference in the communities where we live and work. In 2023, we awarded more than $5.6 million in grants for initiatives that increased access to STEM skills, advanced safety, and created more sustainable environments within our communities - bringing our total investment since 2018 to more than $24 million. Our partnership with Discovery World Museum in Parkersburg, West Virginia, will provide a hands-on entry point to STEM concepts, activities and experimentation for young visitors. The Chemours grant helps fund Science Saturdays, supplies admission passes for underserved children and families, and gives Chemours volunteers the opportunity to share their passion for STEM with the next generation of problem-solvers while creating a pipeline of future talent for our industry.

Finally, under the Greatest Place to Work pillar, we are committed to living our values and the safety and wellbeing of our employees. We celebrate having 15 global regions certified as a Great Place to Work® in 2023, covering more than 92% of our global workforce. We also added an eighth Employee Resource Group (ERG) in 2023 with the launch of the Native American Employee Network. Our ERGs act as internal partners to help us recognize and celebrate the strength that lies in our diversity.

We are proud of what we have achieved so far, and we know that there is still more work to do. Guided by our values, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our performance, increase our impact, and strengthen our partnerships.

Read the full Chemours 2023 Sustainability Report

For more about Chemours and its 2030 Goals, visit our site.

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Spokesperson: The Chemours Company

SOURCE: The Chemours Company

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What are Chemours' (CC) four sustainability pillars?

Chemours' four sustainability pillars are Environmental Leadership, Innovation & Sustainable Solutions, Community Impact, and Greatest Place to Work.

How much has Chemours (CC) reduced its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2018?

Chemours has achieved a 52% reduction in its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2018.

What percentage of Chemours' (CC) revenue comes from products contributing to UN SDGs?

48% of Chemours' revenue comes from products that make a specific contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

How much did Chemours (CC) award in community grants in 2023?

Chemours awarded more than $5.6 million in grants for community initiatives in 2023.

How many of Chemours' (CC) global regions were certified as Great Place to Work® in 2023?

15 of Chemours' global regions were certified as Great Place to Work® in 2023, covering more than 92% of their global workforce.

The Chemours Company


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Specialty Chemicals
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United States of America