Chemours CEO Denise Dignam on the Company's Commitment to Sustainability

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Chemours CEO Denise Dignam reaffirms the company's commitment to sustainability in the face of challenges. The company has made significant progress towards its Corporate Responsibility Commitment goals, focusing on improving lives, powering progress, and protecting the planet. Chemours is integrating sustainability into business decisions and actions across the organization.

Key points include:

  • Advancing sustainable innovations and reducing operational impact
  • Partnering with stakeholders to address global challenges
  • Investing in emissions control technologies and reducing energy and water consumption
  • Setting ambitious environmental goals and promoting greater circularity
  • Renewing commitment to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact

Dignam emphasizes that responsible manufacturing is crucial, and Chemours continues to be an environmental leader in the industry. The company's 2023 Sustainability Report details milestones achieved and outlines future sustainability efforts.

La CEO di Chemours, Denise Dignam, riafferma l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sostenibilità di fronte alle sfide. L'azienda ha fatto significativi progressi verso gli obiettivi del suo impegno per la responsabilità aziendale, concentrandosi sul miglioramento della vita, sull'avanzamento dei progressi e sulla protezione del pianeta. Chemours sta integrando la sostenibilità nelle decisioni e nelle azioni aziendali in tutta l'organizzazione.

I punti chiave includono:

  • Promuovere innovazioni sostenibili e ridurre l'impatto operativo
  • Collaborare con le parti interessate per affrontare le sfide globali
  • Investire in tecnologie di controllo delle emissioni e ridurre il consumo di energia e acqua
  • Stabilire obiettivi ambientali ambiziosi e promuovere una maggiore circolarità
  • Rinnovare l'impegno verso i Dieci Principi del Patto Mondiale delle Nazioni Unite

Dignam sottolinea che una produzione responsabile è fondamentale e Chemours continua a essere un leader ambientale nel settore. Il Rapporto sulla sostenibilità 2023 dell'azienda delinea i traguardi raggiunti e definisce i futuri sforzi per la sostenibilità.

La CEO de Chemours, Denise Dignam, reafirma el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad frente a los desafíos. La compañía ha logrado avances significativos hacia las metas de su Compromiso de Responsabilidad Corporativa, centrándose en mejorar vidas, impulsar el progreso y proteger el planeta. Chemours está integrando la sostenibilidad en las decisiones y acciones empresariales en toda la organización.

Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Avanzar en innovaciones sostenibles y reducir el impacto operativo
  • Colaborar con las partes interesadas para abordar los desafíos globales
  • Invertir en tecnologías de control de emisiones y reducir el consumo de energía y agua
  • Establecer metas ambientales ambiciosas y promover una mayor circularidad
  • Renovar el compromiso con los Diez Principios del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas

Dignam enfatiza que la fabricación responsable es crucial, y Chemours sigue siendo un líder ambiental en la industria. El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de la empresa detalla los hitos alcanzados y esboza los esfuerzos futuros en sostenibilidad.

케모어스 CEO 데니즈 디그남은 도전 과제에 직면하여 회사의 지속 가능성에 대한 약속을 재확인합니다. 회사는 삶을 개선하고, 발전을 촉진하며, 지구를 보호하는 데 중점을 두고 기업 책임 약속 목표를 향해 중요한 진전을 이루었습니다. 케모어스는 조직 전체에서 비즈니스 결정 및 행동에 지속 가능성을 통합하고 있습니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 지속 가능한 혁신을 촉진하고 운영 영향을 줄이기
  • 이해관계자와 협력하여 글로벌 문제 해결에 대응하기
  • 배출 제어 기술에 투자하고 에너지 및 물 소비 줄이기
  • 야심찬 환경 목표 설정 및 원형 경제 촉진하기
  • 유엔 글로벌 컴팩트의 10대 원칙에 대한 약속 갱신하기

디그남은 책임 있는 제조가 매우 중요하다고 강조하며, 케모어스는 산업 내에서 환경 리더로 계속 남아 있습니다. 회사의 2023 지속 가능성 보고서는 달성한 이정표에 대해 설명하고 향후 지속 가능성 노력을 개 outline합니다.

La PDG de Chemours, Denise Dignam, réaffirme l'engagement de l'entreprise en faveur de la durabilité face aux défis. L'entreprise a réalisé des progrès significatifs vers ses objectifs de Responsabilité Sociétale, en se concentrant sur l'amélioration des vies, l'avancement du progrès et la protection de la planète. Chemours intègre la durabilité dans les décisions et actions commerciales à tous les niveaux de l'organisation.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Avancer dans les innovations durables et réduire l'impact opérationnel
  • Collaborer avec les parties prenantes pour relever les défis mondiaux
  • Investir dans des technologies de contrôle des émissions et réduire la consommation d'énergie et d'eau
  • Fixer des objectifs environnementaux ambitieux et promouvoir une plus grande circularité
  • Renouveler l'engagement envers les Dix Principes du Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies

Dignam souligne que la fabrication responsable est cruciale, et Chemours continue d'être un leader environnemental dans l'industrie. Le Rapport sur la durabilité 2023 de l'entreprise détaille les étapes franchies et esquisse les efforts futurs en matière de durabilité.

Chemours-CEO Denise Dignam bekräftigt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Nachhaltigkeit angesichts von Herausforderungen. Das Unternehmen hat bedeutende Fortschritte bei seinen Zielen für Unternehmensverantwortung erzielt, wobei der Fokus auf der Verbesserung von Lebensbedingungen, der Förderung von Fortschritt und dem Schutz des Planeten liegt. Chemours integriert Nachhaltigkeit in Geschäftsentscheidungen und -maßnahmen in der gesamten Organisation.

Wichtige Punkte sind:

  • Förderung nachhaltiger Innovationen und Reduzierung der betrieblichen Auswirkungen
  • Partnerschaft mit Interessengruppen zur Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen
  • Investition in Emissionskontrolltechnologien und Reduzierung des Energie- und Wasserverbrauchs
  • Festlegung ehrgeiziger Umweltziele und Förderung größerer Kreislaufwirtschaft
  • Erneuerung des Engagements für die Zehn Prinzipien des Global Compact der Vereinten Nationen

Dignam betont, dass verantwortungsvolle Produktion entscheidend ist, und Chemours bleibt ein Umweltführer in der Branche. Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 des Unternehmens dokumentiert die erreichten Meilensteine und skizziert zukünftige Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 20, 2024 / The Chemours Company
By Denise Dignam, President & CEO, Chemours

Originally published in the Chemours 2023 Sustainability Report

In a year shaped by external and internal challenges and change, Chemours' commitment to sustainability and our values remained unwavering. This is reflected in the significant progress we made against our Corporate Responsibility Commitment goals, which prioritize actions that improve lives, power modern progress, and protect our planet for future generations. We are focused on priorities that matter to our company and our stakeholders, and we fully integrate sustainability into our business decisions and actions across our organization. We are firm in our belief that what is good for the world is also good for business.

This past year, we've seen our values in action as we confronted challenges headon, turning hurdles into opportunities. We've taken decisive action in advancing sustainable innovations, strengthening our environmental leadership, and reducing our operational impact while delivering important products that our customers and the world need for a more sustainable future.

Partnering for Progress

The growing needs to address climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure that prosperity and progress are inclusive are not only essential for our society, but also essential to our business. The products we make enable sustainable technologies and applications that intersect with these global priorities, and our chemistry is inseparable from meeting the world's demand for clean energy, next-generation semiconductor chips, and data centers that consume less energy and water. The scale and complexity of these global challenges can make them appear insurmountable; no single organization can solve these problems alone. The need for partnerships with stakeholders across the public and private sectors is more vital than ever as the shared pursuit of solutions, diverse perspectives, and expertise are the cornerstones of transformative progress.

Responsible Manufacturing

We can each do our part to create a better world. In our daily operations, sustainability begins with our employees and the responsible manufacturing of our products. Across our manufacturing network, we have invested in ground-breaking emissions control technologies to reduce our environmental impact, worked to reduce our energy and water consumption, and continue to partner across industry and academia on pathways to promote greater circularity. While the products we produce are critical, how we produce them is equally as important.

That is why we set ambitious environmental goals and every day apply the investments, creativity, and energy needed to achieve them. We have been, and continue to be, an environmental leader in our industry and recognize that our most important responsibility is to protect the well-being of our people and the communities surrounding our plants.

Moving Forward

Our belief in what we can achieve together is stronger than ever. I am excited to renew our commitment to our goals and pledge our ongoing support to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. I invite everyone to explore our Sustainability Report to see the milestones we've proudly reached with full acknowledgment that there remains more work to be done on our sustainability journey. We hope you'll find that the report is a plain-spoken chronicle of our shared commitment and a roadmap for the future we are striving to create, as we to partner to forge a more sustainable path forward for us all.

Read the full Chemours 2023 Sustainability Report

For more about Chemours and it's 2030 Goals, visit our site

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Spokesperson: The Chemours Company

SOURCE: The Chemours Company

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What are Chemours' main sustainability goals as outlined in the 2023 press release?

Chemours' main sustainability goals focus on improving lives, powering modern progress, and protecting the planet for future generations. The company is committed to advancing sustainable innovations, strengthening environmental leadership, reducing operational impact, and delivering products essential for a more sustainable future.

How is Chemours (CC) addressing climate change and environmental concerns?

Chemours (CC) is addressing climate change and environmental concerns by investing in emissions control technologies, reducing energy and water consumption, and partnering with industry and academia to promote greater circularity. The company is also focusing on responsible manufacturing and setting ambitious environmental goals.

What partnerships is Chemours pursuing for sustainability efforts?

Chemours is pursuing partnerships with stakeholders across public and private sectors to address global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity preservation, and inclusive progress. The company recognizes that diverse perspectives and expertise are essential for transformative progress in sustainability efforts.

How does Chemours' 2023 sustainability report reflect its commitment to responsible manufacturing?

Chemours' 2023 sustainability report reflects its commitment to responsible manufacturing by highlighting investments in ground-breaking emissions control technologies, efforts to reduce energy and water consumption, and partnerships to promote greater circularity. The report also emphasizes the company's focus on protecting the well-being of employees and surrounding communities.

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