Chemours Announces Development of a Low GWP Retrofit Approach for Vehicles Using the Legacy R-134a Mobile Air Conditioning Refrigerant

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Chemours (NYSE: CC) has developed a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant retrofit approach for the automotive aftermarket. This innovative solution will allow older vehicles to easily and cost-effectively transition from the legacy R-134a refrigerant to the climate-friendly Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) refrigerant. The retrofit procedure is designed to be simple and safe for vehicle owners and service technicians.

Opteon™ YF, developed to replace R-134a in new mobile HVAC systems, is currently used in 250 million light-duty vehicles. By 2025, Chemours expects its Opteon™ portfolio to eliminate an estimated 325 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This retrofit approach is a significant step in supporting global climate targets and regulations, especially considering the millions of vehicles still using R-134a.

Chemours (NYSE: CC) ha sviluppato un approccio di retrofit per refrigeranti con basso potenziale di riscaldamento globale (GWP) per il mercato automobilistico aftermarket. Questa soluzione innovativa consente ai veicoli più vecchi di transitare facilmente e in modo economico dal refrigerante tradizionale R-134a al refrigerante ecologico Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf). La procedura di retrofit è progettata per essere semplice e sicura per i proprietari di veicoli e i tecnici di servizio.

Opteon™ YF, sviluppato per sostituire R-134a nei nuovi sistemi HVAC mobili, è attualmente utilizzato in 250 milioni di veicoli leggeri. Entro il 2025, Chemours prevede che il suo portafoglio Opteon™ eliminerà un stimato 325 milioni di tonnellate di anidride carbonica equivalente. Questo approccio di retrofit rappresenta un passo significativo nel sostenere gli obiettivi e le normative climatiche globali, soprattutto considerando i milioni di veicoli che utilizzano ancora R-134a.

Chemours (NYSE: CC) ha desarrollado un enfoque de retrofit para refrigerantes con bajo potencial de calentamiento global (GWP) para el mercado de posventa automotriz. Esta solución innovadora permitirá a los vehículos más antiguos hacer una transición fácil y rentable del refrigerante tradicional R-134a al refrigerante ecológico Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf). El procedimiento de retrofit está diseñado para ser simple y seguro para los propietarios de vehículos y los técnicos de servicio.

Opteon™ YF, desarrollado para reemplazar el R-134a en nuevos sistemas HVAC móviles, se utiliza actualmente en 250 millones de vehículos ligeros. Para 2025, Chemours espera que su portafolio de Opteon™ elimine un estimado de 325 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono equivalente. Este enfoque de retrofit es un paso significativo para apoyar los objetivos y regulaciones climáticas globales, especialmente considerando los millones de vehículos que aún utilizan R-134a.

Chemours (NYSE: CC)는 자동차 애프터마켓을 위한 저글로벌온난화 잠재력 (GWP) 냉매 리트로핏 접근법을 개발했습니다. 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 오래된 차량이 기존의 R-134a 냉매에서 기후 친화적인 Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) 냉매로 쉽게 그리고 비용 효율적으로 전환할 수 있도록 합니다. 리트로핏 절차는 차량 소유자와 서비스 기술자가 간단하고 안전하게 수행할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

Opteon™ YF는 새로운 모바일 HVAC 시스템을 위해 R-134a를 대체하기 위해 개발되었으며, 현재 2억 5천만 대의 경량 차량에서 사용되고 있습니다. 2025년까지 Chemours는 Opteon™ 포트폴리오가 약 3억 2천 5백만 톤의 이산화탄소 동등량을 제거할 것으로 예상합니다. 이 리트로핏 접근법은 전 세계의 기후 목표와 규제를 지원하는 중요한 단계이며, R-134a를 여전히 사용하는 수백만 대의 차량을 고려할 때 더욱 그렇습니다.

Chemours (NYSE: CC) a développé une approche de réaménagement de réfrigérants avec un faible potentiel de réchauffement global (GWP) pour le marché secondaire automobile. Cette solution innovante permettra aux véhicules plus anciens de faire une transition facile et économique du réfrigérant traditionnel R-134a vers le réfrigérant respectueux du climat Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf). La procédure de réaménagement est conçue pour être simple et sûre pour les propriétaires de véhicules et les techniciens de service.

Opteon™ YF, développé pour remplacer le R-134a dans les nouveaux systèmes HVAC mobiles, est actuellement utilisé dans 250 millions de véhicules légers. D'ici 2025, Chemours prévoit que son portefeuille Opteon™ éliminera environ 325 millions de tonnes de CO2 équivalent. Cette approche de réaménagement est une étape significative pour soutenir les objectifs et réglementations climatiques mondiaux, surtout compte tenu des millions de véhicules qui utilisent encore le R-134a.

Chemours (NYSE: CC) hat einen Ansatz zur Nachrüstungen mit geringem globalen Erwärmungspotenzial (GWP) für den Automobilnachrüstmarkt entwickelt. Diese innovative Lösung ermöglicht es älteren Fahrzeugen, einfach und kostengünstig von dem herkömmlichen Kältemittel R-134a auf das umweltfreundliche Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) umzusteigen. Das Nachrüstverfahren ist so konzipiert, dass es für Fahrzeugbesitzer und Servicetechniker einfach und sicher ist.

Opteon™ YF, das entwickelt wurde, um R-134a in neuen mobilen HVAC-Systemen zu ersetzen, wird derzeit in 250 Millionen leichten Nutzfahrzeugen verwendet. Bis 2025 erwartet Chemours, dass sein Opteon™-Portfolio voraussichtlich 325 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Äquivalent einsparen wird. Dieser Nachrüstansatz ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Unterstützung globaler Klimaziele und Vorschriften, insbesondere angesichts der Millionen von Fahrzeugen, die noch R-134a verwenden.

  • Development of a low GWP refrigerant retrofit approach for existing vehicles
  • Potential for increased adoption of Opteon™ YF in the automotive aftermarket
  • Projected elimination of 325 million tons of CO2 equivalent by 2025 through Opteon™ portfolio
  • Opteon™ YF already in use in 250 million light-duty vehicles
  • None.

Chemours' development of a retrofit approach for replacing R-134a with Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) in existing vehicles is a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the automotive sector. This initiative addresses the critical issue of legacy vehicles, which often continue to use high-GWP refrigerants long after newer models have transitioned to more environmentally friendly alternatives.

The cost-effectiveness and simplicity of the proposed retrofit procedure could accelerate the adoption of low-GWP refrigerants in the aftermarket sector. This is particularly important as it targets the millions of vehicles still using R-134a, which has a GWP about 1,300 times that of CO2. The potential environmental impact is substantial, considering Chemours' projection of eliminating 325 million tons of CO2 equivalent by 2025 through their Opteon™ portfolio.

However, it's important to monitor the long-term performance and safety of retrofitted systems, as they were originally designed for R-134a. The industry will need to ensure that this retrofit approach doesn't compromise the efficiency or safety of vehicle air conditioning systems.

This retrofit solution by Chemours presents a significant opportunity for the automotive aftermarket. It addresses a key challenge in the industry's transition to low-GWP refrigerants by providing a solution for the vast number of older vehicles still using R-134a. This could potentially create a new revenue stream for service technicians and parts suppliers as vehicle owners seek to upgrade their AC systems.

The ease of integration with existing service practices is a important factor that could drive rapid adoption. It minimizes the need for extensive retraining or new equipment investments, making it attractive for service centers. However, the success of this initiative will largely depend on:

  • The final cost to consumers
  • Regulatory support and potential incentives
  • Consumer awareness and willingness to retrofit

If widely adopted, this solution could accelerate the phase-out of R-134a in the automotive sector, potentially influencing regulatory timelines and market dynamics in the refrigerant industry. It's a proactive move by Chemours that could strengthen their market position in the evolving automotive refrigerant landscape.

Chemours' development of this retrofit approach for R-134a replacement represents a strategic move to expand its market share in the automotive refrigerant sector. By addressing the aftermarket segment, Chemours is targeting a significant untapped market, potentially driving additional revenue streams for its Opteon™ YF product line.

The financial implications could be substantial:

  • Increased sales volume of Opteon™ YF as it penetrates the aftermarket sector
  • Potential for premium pricing due to the environmental benefits and regulatory compliance
  • Enhanced brand value and market positioning as a leader in sustainable solutions

However, investors should consider:

  • The initial costs of bringing this solution to market
  • Potential regulatory hurdles or approvals needed for widespread adoption
  • The pace of adoption, which will influence the revenue impact timeline

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the initiative aligns with global trends towards sustainability, potentially positioning Chemours for long-term growth in the evolving automotive and refrigerant markets.

The fully integrable aftermarket approach will make it easy and cost effective for older vehicles to transition to climate-friendly Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf)

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Chemours Company (Chemours) (NYSE: CC), a global leader in delivering innovative performance chemistry, today announced the development of a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant retrofit approach for the automotive aftermarket to support the global phasedown of higher GWP hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants. The technical approach developed will provide vehicle owners—and their service technicians—with a simple retrofit procedure to safely and cost effectively replace the legacy R-134a refrigerant in their existing vehicle with the widely-used, low GWP Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) refrigerant. Opteon™ YF was developed to replace R-134a in new mobile HVAC systems.

"Customer satisfaction, safety, and ease-of-use are always top priorities. The development of a simple retrofit approach that builds on existing safe service practices and provides a lower GWP refrigerant option, is a prime example of those commitments in action,” said Joseph Martinko, President of Thermal & Specialized Solutions at Chemours. “Providing a fully integrable approach with matched performance and lower environmental footprint is a win-win for the automotive industry and society at-large.”

As the use of Opteon™ YF continues to expand in support of global climate targets and regulations, Chemours has continued to partner with industry to support adoption.

“While many countries have transitioned to lower GWP refrigerant technologies, millions of vehicles remain on-the-road using R-134a,” says Amber Stephenson, Senior Director of Technology at Chemours. “Developing a safe, simple, and cost-effective retrofit approach to facilitate the transition to low GWP technology is a critical step forward.”

Since its development more than a decade ago, Opteon™ YF has become the preferred low GWP refrigerant used by global vehicle manufacturers. Today, R-1234yf is in use in 250 million light-duty vehicles, and by 2025, Chemours expects its Opteon™ portfolio will eliminate an estimated 325 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. As global HFC phase-out activities accelerate, Opteon™ YF is proven to meet GWP targets and performance requirements.

About The Chemours Company
The Chemours Company (NYSE: CC) is a global leader in providing industrial and specialty chemicals products for markets, including coatings, plastics, refrigeration and air conditioning, transportation, semiconductor and advanced electronics, general industrial, and oil and gas. Through our three businesses – Thermal & Specialized Solutions, Titanium Technologies, and Advanced Performance Materials – we deliver application expertise and chemistry-based innovations that solve customers’ biggest challenges. Our flagship products are sold under prominent brands such as Opteon™, Freon™, Ti-Pure™, Nafion™, Teflon™, Viton™, and Krytox™. Headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware and listed on the NYSE under the symbol CC, Chemours has approximately 6,100 employees and 28 manufacturing sites and serves approximately 2,700 customers in approximately 110 countries.

For more information, visit or follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @Chemours or LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions and include any statement that does not directly relate to a historical or current fact. The words "believe," "expect," "will," "anticipate," "plan," "estimate," "target," "project" and similar expressions, among others, generally identify "forward-looking statements," which speak only as of the date such statements were made. These forward-looking statements may address, among other things, expected contributions to advancing sustainability, improving environmental footprint, all of which are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements also involve risks and uncertainties that are beyond Chemours' control. Matters outside our control, including general economic conditions, geopolitical conditions and global health events, have affected or may affect our business and operations and may or may continue to hinder our ability to provide goods and services to customers, cause disruptions in our supply chains such as through strikes, labor disruptions or other events, adversely affect our business partners, significantly reduce the demand for our products, adversely affect the health and welfare of our personnel or cause other unpredictable events. Additionally, there may be other risks and uncertainties that Chemours is unable to identify at this time or that Chemours does not currently expect to have a material impact on its business. Factors that could cause or contribute to these differences include the risks, uncertainties and other factors discussed in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Chemours assumes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement for any reason, except as required by law.


Brandon Ontjes

Vice President, Investor Relations


Kurt Bonner,

Manager, Investor Relations



Cassie Olszewski

Corporate Media & Brand Reputation Leader


Source: The Chemours Company


What is Chemours' new retrofit approach for vehicle refrigerants?

Chemours (CC) has developed a low GWP refrigerant retrofit approach that allows older vehicles to easily and cost-effectively transition from R-134a to the climate-friendly Opteon™ YF (R-1234yf) refrigerant.

How many vehicles currently use Opteon™ YF refrigerant?

According to Chemours (CC), Opteon™ YF is currently in use in 250 million light-duty vehicles worldwide.

What environmental impact does Chemours expect from its Opteon™ portfolio by 2025?

Chemours (CC) projects that its Opteon™ portfolio will eliminate an estimated 325 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2025.

Why is Chemours developing this retrofit approach for vehicle refrigerants?

Chemours (CC) is developing this retrofit approach to support the global phasedown of higher GWP hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants and facilitate the transition to low GWP technology in existing vehicles still using R-134a.

The Chemours Company


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