Cibus to Participate in the Food+ Forum during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Cibus, a leading agricultural technology company (Nasdaq: CBUS), announced its participation in the Food+ Forum during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Peter Beetham, Co-Founder, President and Chief Operating Officer, will join a panel discussion on 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds' on September 26, 2024, at 12:50 pm ET.
Beetham emphasized Cibus' role in addressing climate change's impact on global food systems through gene editing technology. The company's RTDS-based high throughput breeding system is developing improved crops that are more adaptive to changing environmental conditions, manage plant diseases, and optimize nutrient usage.
The Food+ Forum, hosted by Foreign Policy Magazine, will bring together experts, scientists, policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs working on sustainable food systems, crop science, regenerative agriculture, and soil sustainability.
Cibus, un'azienda leader nel settore della tecnologia agricola (Nasdaq: CBUS), ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al Food+ Forum durante la 79ª sessione dell'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite a New York. Peter Beetham, co-fondatore, presidente e chief operating officer, parteciperà a un dibattito intitolato 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds' il 26 settembre 2024, alle 12:50 ET.
Beetham ha sottolineato il ruolo di Cibus nell'affrontare l'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sui sistemi alimentari globali attraverso la tecnologia di editing genico. Il sistema di allevamento ad alta produttività basato su RTDS dell'azienda sta sviluppando colture migliorate più adattabili alle mutevoli condizioni ambientali, in grado di gestire le malattie delle piante e ottimizzare l'uso dei nutrienti.
Il Food+ Forum, ospitato da Foreign Policy Magazine, riunirà esperti, scienziati, decisori politici, investitori e imprenditori che lavorano su sistemi alimentari sostenibili, scienza delle colture, agricoltura rigenerativa e sostenibilità del suolo.
Cibus, una empresa líder en tecnología agrícola (Nasdaq: CBUS), anunció su participación en el Food+ Forum durante la 79ª sesión de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York. Peter Beetham, cofundador, presidente y director de operaciones, se unirá a un panel de discusión titulado 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds' el 26 de septiembre de 2024, a las 12:50 p.m. ET.
Beetham destacó el papel de Cibus en la lucha contra el impacto del cambio climático en los sistemas alimentarios globales a través de la tecnología de edición genética. El sistema de crianza de alto rendimiento basado en RTDS de la empresa está desarrollando cultivos mejorados que son más adaptables a las condiciones ambientales cambiantes, gestionan las enfermedades de las plantas y optimizan el uso de nutrientes.
El Food+ Forum, organizado por Foreign Policy Magazine, reunirá a expertos, científicos, responsables políticos, inversores y emprendedores que trabajan en sistemas alimentarios sostenibles, ciencia de cultivos, agricultura regenerativa y sostenibilidad del suelo.
Cibus, 선도적인 농업 기술 회사(Nasdaq: CBUS),는 뉴욕에서 열린 79차 유엔 총회 기간 동안 Food+ Forum에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 공동 창립자이자 사장 및 COO인 Peter Beetham은 2024년 9월 26일 오후 12시 50분(ET)에 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds'라는 패널 토론에 참여할 것입니다.
Beetham은 기초 유전자 편집 기술을 통해 기후 변화가 전 세계 식품 시스템에 미치는 영향을 해결하는 Cibus의 역할을 강조했습니다. 이 회사의 RTDS 기반 고처리량 육종 시스템은 변화하는 환경 조건에 더 잘 적응하고 식물 질병을 관리하며 영양소 사용을 최적화하는 향상된 작물을 개발하고 있습니다.
Foreign Policy Magazine이 주최하는 Food+ Forum은 지속 가능한 식품 시스템, 작물 과학, 재생 농업 및 토양 지속 가능성 분야에서 활동하는 전문가, 과학자, 정책 입법자, 투자자 및 기업가를 한자리에 모을 것입니다.
Cibus, une entreprise leader en technologie agricole (Nasdaq: CBUS), a annoncé sa participation au Food+ Forum pendant la 79ème session de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York. Peter Beetham, co-fondateur, président et directeur des opérations, participera à une table ronde intitulée 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds' le 26 septembre 2024 à 12h50 ET.
Beetham a souligné le rôle de Cibus dans l'atténuation des impacts du changement climatique sur les systèmes alimentaires mondiaux à travers la technologie d'édition génomique. Le système de reproduction à haut rendement basé sur RTDS de l'entreprise développe des cultures améliorées qui s'adaptent mieux aux conditions environnementales changeantes, gèrent les maladies des plantes et optimisent l'utilisation des nutriments.
Le Food+ Forum, organisé par Foreign Policy Magazine, rassemblera des experts, des scientifiques, des décideurs politiques, des investisseurs et des entrepreneurs travaillant sur des systèmes alimentaires durables, la science des cultures, l'agriculture régénérative et la durabilité des sols.
Cibus, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Agrartechnologie (Nasdaq: CBUS), gab seine Teilnahme am Food+ Forum während der 79. Sitzung der Hauptversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in New York bekannt. Peter Beetham, Mitgründer, Präsident und Chief Operating Officer, wird am 26. September 2024 um 12:50 Uhr ET an einer Podiumsdiskussion mit dem Titel 'Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds' teilnehmen.
Beetham betonte die Rolle von Cibus bei der Bewältigung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf globale Ernährungssysteme durch die Gentechnologie. Das RTDS-basierte Hochdurchsatz-Züchtungssystem des Unternehmens entwickelt verbesserte Pflanzen, die besser an sich ändernde Umweltbedingungen angepasst sind, Pflanzenkrankheiten managen und die Nährstoffnutzung optimieren.
Das Food+ Forum, das von Foreign Policy Magazine ausgerichtet wird, bringt Experten, Wissenschaftler, politische Entscheidungsträger, Investoren und Unternehmer zusammen, die an nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen, Pflanzenwissenschaft, regenerativer Landwirtschaft und Bodennachhaltigkeit arbeiten.
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SAN DIEGO, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cibus, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBUS), a leading agricultural technology company that develops plant traits to license to seed companies for royalties, today announced that Peter Beetham, Co-Founder, President and Chief Operating Officer, will participate in a panel discussion titled “Sowing Solutions: Innovations in Climate-Resilient Seeds” at the Food+ Forum during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (“UNGA”) in New York, NY, on Thursday, September 26, at 12:50 pm ET.
“As a leader in the gene editing industry, Cibus is enabling the agriculture industry’s efforts to address the ramifications of climate change for the benefit of our global food systems,” said Peter Beetham, Co-Founder, President, and Chief Operating Officer at Cibus. “Our participation in the Food+ Forum at the UNGA underscores the important role of gene editing technology as a solution that can accelerate development timelines, while also reducing cost, to ensure novel innovations find their way to market as fast as possible. Cibus’ RTDS-based high throughput breeding system is at the forefront of developing improved crops that are more adaptive to changing environmental conditions, helping to manage plant diseases and optimize nutrient usage. By fostering global regulatory alignment, we can fully harness the potential of gene editing to produce food that meets the needs of a growing global population while bolstering farmer productivity in a sustainable way.”
The Food+ Forum, hosted by Foreign Policy Magazine, will convene leading experts, scientists, policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs who are building more sustainable food systems, through advancing crop science and regenerative agriculture, enhancing soil sustainability and nutrient density, and providing innovative financing and safety nets to bolster food system resilience. For more information or to register, please visit: Food+ @ UNGA79 – Foreign Policy.
About Cibus
Cibus is a leading independent plant trait company that develops and licenses plant traits to seed companies for royalties. Cibus is not a seed company, but rather a technology company that uses its proprietary gene editing technology to develop and commercialize plant traits at a fraction of the time and cost of conventional breeding. Cibus’ strategy is focused on commercializing productivity traits for the world’s major row crops with large acreage such as: canola, rice, soybean, corn and wheat. The Company targets traits that help manage farmers’ seed productivity and sustainability challenges such as weeds, disease, and insects. The United Nations estimates that the impacts from these challenges cost the global economy approximately
About the Cibus Trait Machine™ process and Rapid Trait Development System™
A key element of Cibus' technology breakthrough is its high-throughput breeding process (referred to as the Trait Machine™ process). The Trait Machine process is a crop specific application of Cibus' patented Rapid Trait Development System™ (RTDS®). The proprietary technologies in RTDS integrate crop specific cell biology platforms with a series of gene editing technologies to enable a system of end-to-end crop specific precision breeding. It is the core technology platform for Cibus' Trait Machine process: the first standardized end-to-end semi-automated crop specific gene editing system that directly edits a seed company's elite germplasm. Each Trait Machine process requires a crop specific cell biology platform that enables Cibus to edit a single cell from a customer's elite germplasm and grow that edited cell into a plant with the Cibus edits. Cibus has a Trait Machine process developed for canola and rice and has already begun transferring their elite germplasm with Cibus edits back to customers.
The traits from Cibus' RTDS-based high-throughput breeding system are indistinguishable from traits developed using conventional breeding or from nature. RTDS does not integrate any foreign DNA or transgenes. Under the European Commission's current proposals, it is expected that products from Cibus' RTDS gene editing platform such as its Pod Shatter Reduction trait and Sclerotinia resistance traits for Canola and Winter Oilseed Rape would be considered 'Conventional-like'.
Cibus believes that RTDS and the Trait Machine process represent the technological breakthrough in plant breeding that is the ultimate promise of plant gene editing: "high-throughput gene editing systems operating as an extension of seed company breeding programs." In 2024, the Trait Machine process was cited by Fast Company Magazine as one of the most innovative products in 2024.
Because the Trait Machine process is intended to be integrated into seed companies' breeding operations, the customer relationship between Cibus and seed companies with which it engages is a collaborative relationship in which seed companies transfer elite germplasm to have a specific validated trait placed in the seed company's elite germplasm and expectation of delivery back to the seed company of their elite germplasm with the Cibus edit toward commercial development. Accordingly, Cibus refers to seed company "customers" in its disclosure once such a customer relationship has been initiated.
Karen Troeber
Jeff Sonnek – ICR
(619) 849-6009
Colin Sanford