Cibus Confirms its Herbicide Tolerance (HT2) Trait Shows Increased Tolerance to a Novel Herbicide for Weed Control in Canola
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS) announced successful greenhouse testing of its next-generation herbicide tolerance (HT2) trait in Canola, showing increased herbicide tolerance. The company plans to initiate field testing in 2025. This milestone demonstrates Cibus' capability in complex Canola editing and builds upon their previous HT1 and HT3 traits in rice. The HT2 trait is expected to provide farmers with additional herbicide options to combat resistant weeds, potentially reducing the number of herbicide applications needed. Cibus believes this trait can be translated to other crops like Soybean, representing part of their strategy to develop multiple herbicide-tolerant traits across various crops.
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS) ha annunciato il successo dei test in serra per la sua caratteristica di tolleranza agli erbicidi di nuova generazione (HT2) nella colza, mostrando una maggiore tolleranza agli erbicidi. L'azienda prevede di avviare i test sul campo nel 2025. Questo traguardo dimostra la capacità di Cibus nell'editing complesso della colza e si basa sulle precedenti caratteristiche HT1 e HT3 nel riso. La caratteristica HT2 è prevista per fornire agli agricoltori opzioni aggiuntive di erbicidi per combattere le erbacce resistenti, riducendo potenzialmente il numero di applicazioni di erbicidi necessarie. Cibus crede che questa caratteristica possa essere trasferita ad altre colture come la soia, rappresentando parte della loro strategia per sviluppare più caratteristiche di tolleranza agli erbicidi in diverse colture.
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS) anunció la exitosa prueba en invernadero de su característica de tolerancia a herbicidas de próxima generación (HT2) en canola, mostrando un aumento en la tolerancia a herbicidas. La empresa planea iniciar pruebas de campo en 2025. Este hito demuestra la capacidad de Cibus en la edición compleja de canola y se basa en sus características anteriores HT1 y HT3 en arroz. Se espera que la característica HT2 proporcione a los agricultores opciones adicionales de herbicidas para combatir las malas hierbas resistentes, reduciendo potencialmente el número de aplicaciones de herbicidas necesarias. Cibus cree que esta característica puede ser trasladada a otros cultivos como la soja, representando parte de su estrategia para desarrollar múltiples características de tolerancia a herbicidas en diferentes cultivos.
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS)는 카놀라에서 차세대 제초제 내성(Ht2) 특성의 온실 테스트를 성공적으로 완료했으며, 제초제 내성이 향상되었음을 보여주었습니다. 이 회사는 2025년에 현장 테스트를 시작할 계획입니다. 이 이정표는 카놀라의 복잡한 편집에서 Cibus의 능력을 입증하며, 이전의 HT1 및 HT3 특성과 연결됩니다. HT2 특성은 농부들에게 저항성 잡초와 싸우기 위해 추가적인 제초제 옵션을 제공할 것으로 예상되며, 필요로 하는 제초제 사용 횟수를 줄여줄 가능성이 있습니다. Cibus는 이 특성이 콩과 같은 다른 작물에도 적용될 수 있다고 믿으며, 이는 다양한 작물에서 여러 제초제 내성 특성을 개발하려는 전략의 일부를 나타냅니다.
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS) a annoncé le succès des tests en serre de son caractère de tolérance aux herbicides de nouvelle génération (HT2) dans le colza, montrant une augmentation de la tolérance aux herbicides. La société prévoit de commencer les tests sur le terrain en 2025. Ce jalon démontre la capacité de Cibus dans l'édition complexe du colza et s'appuie sur ses précédents caractères HT1 et HT3 dans le riz. Le caractère HT2 devrait offrir aux agriculteurs des options supplémentaires d'herbicides pour lutter contre les mauvaises herbes résistantes, réduisant potentiellement le nombre d'applications d'herbicides nécessaires. Cibus croit que ce caractère peut être appliqué à d'autres cultures comme le soja, représentant une partie de sa stratégie de développement de plusieurs caractères de tolérance aux herbicides dans diverses cultures.
Cibus (NASDAQ: CBUS) kündigte erfolgreiche Gewächshausversuche seiner nächsten Generation von Herbizidtoleranz (HT2) in Raps an, die eine erhöhte Herbizidtoleranz zeigt. Das Unternehmen plant, 2025 mit Feldversuchen zu beginnen. Dieser Meilenstein zeigt die Fähigkeit von Cibus zur komplexen Bearbeitung von Raps und baut auf ihren vorherigen Eigenschaften HT1 und HT3 im Reis auf. Die HT2-Eigenschaft wird voraussichtlich den Landwirten zusätzliche Herbizidoptionen bieten, um gegen resistente Unkräuter vorzugehen, was potenziell die Anzahl der erforderlichen Herbizidanwendungen reduzieren könnte. Cibus glaubt, dass diese Eigenschaft auf andere Kulturen wie Soja übertragen werden kann, und stellt einen Teil ihrer Strategie dar, mehrere Herbizidtoleranzeigenschaften in verschiedenen Kulturen zu entwickeln.
- Successfully demonstrated increased herbicide tolerance in greenhouse testing
- Technology shows potential for application across multiple crops
- Advancement in development pipeline toward 2025 field testing
- Solution addresses growing problem of herbicide-resistant weeds
- Potential to reduce number of required herbicide applications
- Field testing won't begin until 2025, indicating significant time before commercialization
- Success in greenhouse testing doesn't guarantee field performance
The greenhouse success of Cibus's HT2 herbicide tolerance trait represents a significant technical milestone, but with field testing not starting until 2025, commercial impact remains distant. The development demonstrates three key strategic advantages:
- Multi-crop applicability potential, particularly for Canola and Soybean markets
- Novel herbicide resistance mechanism addressing growing weed resistance issues
- Faster development timeline compared to traditional GMO approaches
The market opportunity is substantial - herbicide-tolerant traits are used in
The advancement of Cibus's RTDS® platform in developing complex edits for herbicide tolerance strengthens their intellectual property portfolio and competitive positioning. The successful demonstration of HT2 trait, alongside HT1 and HT3, creates a valuable IP stack that could generate multiple revenue streams through:
- Cross-crop licensing opportunities
- Trait stacking potential with existing agricultural technologies
- Novel herbicide pairing possibilities
The ability to develop traits more rapidly than traditional methods provides a significant competitive advantage in the $10+ billion seed trait market. However, patent protection duration and potential competition from other gene-editing platforms remain key considerations.
The greenhouse results represent an important success milestone in the development of its second-generation of HT2 edited Canola
Cibus expects to initiate seed bulk up for testing in fields in 2025
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cibus, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBUS), a leading agricultural technology company that develops and licenses plant traits to seed companies for royalties, today announced that its next generation edits for herbicide tolerance (HT2) in Canola have shown increased tolerance to the herbicide in greenhouse testing. With the achievement of this milestone, seed from these edited plants will be utilized to initiate larger scale field testing in the 2025 season. Reaching this critical milestone is another demonstration of complex editing in Canola by Cibus leading to improved trait performance.
HT2 represents an advanced multi-crop herbicide resistant trait within Cibus’ pipeline, building upon the Company’s previously reported work in herbicide tolerant traits such as its developed HT1 and HT3 traits in rice. Cibus believes that its HT2 trait will translate to other crops like Soybean. This development of a novel herbicide tolerance solution utilizing Cibus’ HT2 trait is important as many weeds that impact crop production are becoming resistant to widely used conventional herbicides. A new trait such as HT2 for major crops like Canola has the potential to provide farmers with additional herbicide options to address difficult weeds. Growers often require multiple herbicides applied before and after planting of the crop, and traits like HT2 also have the potential to provide improved weed control with fewer herbicide applications.
Greg Gocal, PhD, Co-Founder, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at Cibus, stated, “Our latest greenhouse results once again demonstrate how Cibus’ technologies can accelerate the time to make additional complex edits in Canola. Our team’s detailed biochemical understanding of how plants tolerate herbicide has led to this exciting novel result.”
With this milestone, Cibus continues to advance its strategy to provide a family of traits that improve farmer productivity. The objective of Cibus’ weed management platform is to provide farmers with crop seeds that are tolerant to herbicides, including novel herbicides that further enable new weed management solutions for farmers. This need exists especially for crops that do not currently have GMO herbicide tolerant traits. New solutions like those represented by Cibus’ HT2 trait are expected to help address weeds’ resistant to widely used herbicides like glyphosate and for crops that need multiple herbicide solutions. This milestone is an important testament to the ability of Cibus’ Rapid Trait Development System™ (RTDS®) to develop traits in a materially shorter timeframe than conventional breeding or GMO trait development processes and Cibus’ strategy to build an inventory of herbicide tolerant traits for multiple crops.
Rory Riggs, Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Cibus, commented, “HT2 is expected to be our third trait for herbicide tolerance following our two developed traits HT1 and HT3. Together, they are part of Cibus’ strategy to build a family of gene-edited herbicide tolerant traits that could be used across multiple crops either alone or stacked with other developed traits. Traits that make crops tolerant to the major non-selective herbicides are used in over
About Cibus
Cibus is a leading agricultural technology company that develops and licenses plant traits to seed companies for royalties. Cibus is a leader in the new era of gene-edited trait development, where plant traits (or specific genetic characteristics) that are indistinguishable from traits developed using traditional breeding are now created using gene editing. A key element of Cibus’ technology breakthrough is its patented RTDS® technology platform: the Trait Machine™-- the industry’s first semi-automated stand-alone trait production facility. Cibus’ Trait Machine™ materially changes the speed, breadth, and scale of trait development. This breakthrough is central to Cibus’ vision for the Future of Breeding: “High Throughput Gene Editing Systems operating as an extension of seed company breeding programs”. The ability to develop complex traits at a fraction of the time and cost of conventional breeding will be critical for addressing the sustainability challenges presented by Climate Change.
Karen Troeber
Jeff Sonnek – ICR
Colin Sanford