CB Scientific, Inc. Appoints Trip Thomas as Chief Financial Officer

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CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), a company specializing in non-invasive ambulatory cardiac monitoring products and services, has appointed William "Trip" Thomas as its new Chief Financial Officer, effective October 1, 2024. This appointment follows the resignation of Brooke Turk, who stepped down on September 30, 2024. The company clarified that Turk's departure was not due to any disagreement or conflict.

Mr. Thomas brings a strong educational background to his new role, holding a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Tampa and a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness from the University of Florida. Additionally, he is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of Florida, further solidifying his qualifications for the position.

CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), un'azienda specializzata in prodotti e servizi di monitoraggio cardiaco ambulatoriale non invasivo, ha nominato William "Trip" Thomas come nuovo Direttore Finanziario, con effetto dal 1 ottobre 2024. Questa nomina segue le dimissioni di Brooke Turk, che ha lasciato il posto il 30 settembre 2024. L'azienda ha chiarito che l'uscita di Turk non è stata causata da alcun disaccordo o conflitto.

Il Signor Thomas porta una solida formazione educativa al suo nuovo ruolo, avendo conseguito un laurea in Scienze nella contabilità presso l'Università di Tampa e una laurea in Scienze in Agribusiness presso l'Università della Florida. Inoltre, è un commercialista certificato autorizzato nello Stato della Florida, che rafforza ulteriormente le sue qualifiche per la posizione.

CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), una empresa especializada en productos y servicios de monitoreo cardíaco ambulatorio no invasivo, ha designado a William "Trip" Thomas como su nuevo Director Financiero, con efecto a partir del 1 de octubre de 2024. Esta designación sigue a la renuncia de Brooke Turk, quien dejó el cargo el 30 de septiembre de 2024. La empresa aclaró que la salida de Turk no fue debido a ningún desacuerdo o conflicto.

El Sr. Thomas aporta una sólida formación académica a su nuevo papel, posee una licenciatura en Ciencias en Contabilidad de la Universidad de Tampa y una licenciatura en Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad de Florida. Además, es un contador público certificado con licencia en el Estado de Florida, lo que refuerza aún más sus calificaciones para el puesto.

CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), 비침습적 외래 심장 모니터링 제품 및 서비스 전문 회사가 윌리엄 "트립" 토마스를 새로운 최고 재무 책임자(CFO)로 임명했습니다, 2024년 10월 1일부로 시행됩니다. 이 임명은 2024년 9월 30일 자로 사직한 브룩 터크의 사임에 따른 것입니다. 회사는 터크의 퇴사가 어떤 불일치나 갈등 때문이 아니라고 밝혔습니다.

토마스 씨는 탬파 대학교에서 회계학 학사플로리다 대학교에서 농업 경영학 학사를 보유하고 있어 새로운 역할에 큰 교육적 배경을 가지고 있습니다. 또한 그는 플로리다 주에서 면허를 받은 공인 회계사로서 이 직책에 대한 자격을 더욱 강화합니다.

CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), une entreprise spécialisée dans les produits et services de surveillance cardiaque ambulatoire non invasive, a nommé William "Trip" Thomas comme nouveau Directeur Financier, à compter du 1er octobre 2024. Cette nomination fait suite à la démission de Brooke Turk, qui a quitté son poste le 30 septembre 2024. L'entreprise a précisé que le départ de Turk n'était pas dû à un désaccord ou un conflit.

M. Thomas apporte un solide parcours éducatif à son nouveau rôle, détenant un Bachelor of Science en comptabilité de l'Université de Tampa et un Bachelor of Science en agribusiness de l'Université de Floride. De plus, il est un expert-comptable certifié agréé dans l'État de Floride, consolidant ainsi ses qualifications pour ce poste.

CB Scientific (OTC PINK:CBSC), ein Unternehmen, das auf nicht-invasive ambulante Herzmonitoring-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen spezialisiert ist, hat William "Trip" Thomas als neuen Chief Financial Officer ernannt, der am 1. Oktober 2024 in Kraft tritt. Diese Ernennung folgt auf den Rücktritt von Brooke Turk, die am 30. September 2024 ausgeschieden ist. Das Unternehmen stellte klar, dass Turks Abgang nicht auf Meinungsverschiedenheiten oder Konflikte zurückzuführen ist.

Herr Thomas bringt einen starken Bildungshintergrund in seine neue Rolle ein, mit einem Bachelor of Science in Rechnungswesen von der University of Tampa und einem Bachelor of Science in Agrarwirtschaft von der University of Florida. Darüber hinaus ist er staatlich geprüfter Wirtschaftsprüfer im Bundesstaat Florida, was seine Qualifikationen für die Position weiter festigt.

  • Appointment of a new CFO with relevant educational background
  • New CFO is a licensed Certified Public Accountant
  • Departure of previous CFO

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / CB Scientific, Inc. (OTC PINK:CBSC) ("CBSC" or the "Company"), a designer, manufacturer and distributor of non-invasive ambulatory cardiac monitoring products and services, announced today that the Company's Board of Directors appointed Mr. William "Trip" Thomas as its Chief Financial Officer effective October 1, 2024. Mr. Thomas is replacing Ms. Brooke Turk who formally tendered her resignation effective September 30, 2024. Ms. Turk's resignation was not the result of any disagreement or conflict with the Company.

Mr. Thomas earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Tampa and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness from the University of Florida. He is a licensed Certified Public Account in the State of Florida.

About CB Scientific, Inc.

CB Scientific, Inc., through its international subsidiaries, provides innovative products and services in the ambulatory non-invasive cardiac monitoring space. Our electrocardiogram (EKG) devices, interactive cloud-based acquisition software, and smartphone apps for both iOS and Android platforms provides improved compliance for patients at risk of abnormal heart rhythms, as well as more accurate information for physicians.

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This information disclosure may contain forward-looking statements covered within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, plans and timing for the introduction or enhancement of our services and products, statements about future market conditions, supply and demand conditions, and other expectations, intentions, and plans contained in this press release that are not historical fact and involve risks and uncertainties. Our expectations regarding future revenues depend upon our ability to develop and supply products and services that we may not produce today and that meet defined specifications. When used in this press release, the words "plan," "expect," "believe," and similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current expectations. They are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, changes in technology and changes in pervasive markets. This release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 27E of the Securities Act of 1934. Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain. Actual performance and results may differ materially from that projected or suggested herein due to certain risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, the ability to obtain financing and regulatory and shareholder approval for anticipated actions.

SOURCE: CB Scientific, Inc.

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Who is the new CFO of CB Scientific (CBSC)?

William "Trip" Thomas has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer of CB Scientific (CBSC), effective October 1, 2024.

What are Trip Thomas's qualifications for the CFO position at CBSC?

Trip Thomas holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Tampa, a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness from the University of Florida, and is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of Florida.

When did the previous CFO of CB Scientific (CBSC) resign?

The previous CFO, Brooke Turk, formally tendered her resignation effective September 30, 2024.

Was there any conflict leading to the previous CFO's resignation from CBSC?

No, the company stated that Brooke Turk's resignation was not the result of any disagreement or conflict with CB Scientific (CBSC).



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