New Clinical Evidence Links Ceribell Point-of-Care EEG to Shorter Hospital Stays and Better Functional Outcomes Compared to Conventional EEG

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Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL) presented five abstracts at the 2024 Neurocritical Care Society Annual Meeting, showcasing new clinical evidence for its point-of-care EEG system and AI-powered Clarity™ algorithm. Key findings include:

1. Shorter median hospital stays and 33% lower likelihood of significant functional disability at discharge for patients monitored with Ceribell.

2. Link between Clarity seizure burden and poor functional outcomes.

3. Reliable signal quality for up to 24 hours of continuous monitoring.

4. Variability in clinicians' EEG interpretation, highlighting the need for AI standardization.

5. Improved detection of status epilepticus with the latest Clarity version.

The Ceribell System, FDA 510(k) cleared for indicating suspected seizure activity, has been adopted by over 500 hospitals and used to diagnose and monitor over 100,000 patients.

Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL) ha presentato cinque abstract durante il Meeting Annuale della Neurocritical Care Society 2024, mostrando nuove evidenze cliniche per il suo sistema EEG point-of-care e l'algoritmo Clarity™ alimentato da IA. I risultati chiave includono:

1. Tempi di ricovero ospedaliero medi più brevi e una probabilità inferiore del 33% di disabilità funzionale significativa al momento della dimissione per i pazienti monitorati con Ceribell.

2. Collegamento tra il carico di crisi secondo Clarity e scarsi risultati funzionali.

3. Qualità del segnale affidabile per fino a 24 ore di monitoraggio continuo.

4. Variabilità nell'interpretazione EEG da parte dei clinici, evidenziando la necessità di standardizzazione tramite IA.

5. Migliore rilevamento dello stato epilettico con l'ultima versione di Clarity.

Il Sistema Ceribell, autorizzato dalla FDA 510(k) per indicare attività epilettica sospetta, è stato adottato da oltre 500 ospedali e utilizzato per diagnosticare e monitorare oltre 100.000 pazienti.

Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL) presentó cinco resúmenes en la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Cuidados Neurocríticos 2024, mostrando nuevas evidencias clínicas para su sistema de EEG en el punto de atención y el algoritmo Clarity™ impulsado por IA. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Estancias hospitalarias medianas más cortas y un 33% menos de probabilidad de discapacidad funcional significativa al alta para los pacientes monitoreados con Ceribell.

2. Vínculo entre la carga de convulsiones de Clarity y malos resultados funcionales.

3. Calidad de señal confiable durante hasta 24 horas de monitoreo continuo.

4. Variabilidad en la interpretación del EEG por parte de los clínicos, resaltando la necesidad de estandarización de IA.

5. Mejora en la detección del estado epiléptico con la última versión de Clarity.

El Sistema Ceribell, aprobado por la FDA 510(k) para indicar actividad convulsiva sospechosa, ha sido adoptado por más de 500 hospitales y utilizado para diagnosticar y monitorear más de 100,000 pacientes.

Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL)은 2024년 신경중환자 관리학회 연례 회의에서 다섯 개의 초록을 발표하며, 자사의 신속 진단 EEG 시스템AI 기반 Clarity™ 알고리즘에 대한 새로운 임상 증거를 제시했습니다. 주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

1. Ceribell로 모니터링된 환자들은 병원에 머무는 시간이 평균적으로 더 짧고, 퇴원 시 중증 기능 장애 가능성이 33% 낮았습니다.

2. Clarity의 발작 부담과 열악한 기능적 결과 간의 연관성.

3. 최대 24시간 지속적인 모니터링을 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 신호 품질.

4. 임상의별 EEG 해석의 변동성, AI 표준화의 필요성을 강조합니다.

5. 최신 Clarity 버전으로 상태 간질의 감지가 개선되었습니다.

FDA 510(k) 승인을 받은 Ceribell 시스템은 의심되는 발작 활동을 지시하기 위해 500개 이상의 병원에서 채택되었으며, 10만 명 이상의 환자를 진단하고 모니터링하는 데 사용되었습니다.

Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL) a présenté cinq résumés lors de la Réunion Annuelle de la Neurocritical Care Society 2024, mettant en avant de nouvelles preuves cliniques pour son système EEG au point de soin et l'algorithme Clarity™ alimenté par IA. Les résultats clés incluent:

1. Durées d'hospitalisation médianes plus courtes et une probabilité de 33 % inférieure de handicap fonctionnel significatif au moment de la sortie pour les patients surveillés avec Ceribell.

2. Lien entre la charge de crises selon Clarity et de mauvais résultats fonctionnels.

3. Qualité du signal fiable pendant jusqu'à 24 heures de surveillance continue.

4. Variabilité dans l'interprétation de l'EEG par les cliniciens, soulignant le besoin de standardisation par IA.

5. Amélioration de la détection du statut épileptique avec la dernière version de Clarity.

Le Système Ceribell, approuvé par la FDA 510(k) pour indiquer une activité convulsive suspectée, a été adopté par plus de 500 hôpitaux et utilisé pour diagnostiquer et surveiller plus de 100 000 patients.

Ceribell (Nasdaq: CBLL) präsentierte fünf Abstracts auf dem Jahresmeeting der Neurocritical Care Society 2024 und zeigte neue klinische Beweise für sein Point-of-Care-EEG-System und den KI-gesteuerten Clarity™-Algorithmus. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Kürzere durchschnittliche Krankenhausaufenthalte und 33% geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit von erheblichen funktionalen Einschränkungen bei Entlassung für Patienten, die mit Ceribell überwacht wurden.

2. Zusammenhang zwischen der Anfallsbelastung von Clarity und schlechten funktionalen Ergebnissen.

3. Zuverlässige Signalqualität bei bis zu 24 Stunden kontinuierlicher Überwachung.

4. Variabilität in der EEG-Interpretation durch Kliniker, was die Notwendigkeit einer KI-Standardisierung hervorhebt.

5. Verbesserte Erkennung des Status epilepticus mit der neuesten Clarity-Version.

Das Ceribell-System, das von der FDA 510(k) für den Verdacht auf Anfallsaktivität zugelassen wurde, wird von über 500 Krankenhäusern eingesetzt und zur Diagnose und Überwachung von über 100.000 Patienten verwendet.

  • Ceribell's point-of-care EEG system associated with shorter hospital stays and better functional outcomes
  • Clarity™ algorithm is the first and only device FDA 510(k) cleared for diagnosing electrographic status epilepticus
  • Ceribell System adopted by over 500 hospitals and used on over 100,000 patients
  • Received two FDA Breakthrough Device Designations in 2022
  • Clarity algorithm received a New Technology Add-on Payment (NTAP) from CMS
  • None.


This new clinical evidence significantly bolsters Ceribell's position in the acute care EEG market. The data from 937 point-of-care EEG cases demonstrates that Ceribell's system is associated with 33% lower likelihood of significant functional disability at discharge and shorter median hospital stays. This could translate to substantial cost savings for hospitals and better patient outcomes. The FDA 510(k) clearance for diagnosing electrographic status epilepticus, along with the CMS New Technology Add-on Payment, enhances Ceribell's competitive advantage. With adoption by over 500 hospitals and use in over 100,000 patients, Ceribell is showing strong market penetration. The ability to provide reliable signal quality for up to 24 hours supports its use for long-term monitoring, potentially expanding its addressable market. These findings could drive increased adoption and revenue growth for Ceribell in the near term.

The clinical evidence presented at the NCS Annual Meeting is a significant catalyst for Ceribell (NASDAQ: CBLL). The demonstrated benefits of shorter hospital stays and improved patient outcomes directly translate to cost savings for healthcare providers, which could accelerate market adoption. The FDA clearances, including two Breakthrough Device Designations, position Ceribell as a leader in acute care EEG. The CMS New Technology Add-on Payment is particularly noteworthy, as it can facilitate reimbursement and drive sales. With a market cap of $868,496,237, Ceribell shows strong growth potential. The company's penetration into 500+ hospitals indicates scalability, while the 100,000+ patient use demonstrates market validation. Investors should monitor key metrics like revenue growth, gross margins and new hospital adoptions in upcoming quarters to gauge the impact of these clinical findings on Ceribell's financial performance.

—Five abstracts presented at the 2024 Neurocritical Care Society Annual Meeting demonstrated the clinical impact of the FDA-cleared Ceribell System and Ceribell's AI-powered Clarity™ algorithm—

—Clarity remains first and only device FDA 510(k) cleared for the diagnosis of  electrographic status epilepticus—

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ceribell, Inc. (Nasdaq: CBLL), a commercial-stage medical technology company focused on transforming the diagnosis and management of patients with serious neurological conditions, today announced the presentation of data in five abstracts at the 2024 Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) Annual Meeting being held from October 14-17 in San Diego. The analyses—which include 937 point-of-care EEG cases and recordings—add to the growing body of evidence highlighting the potential of Ceribell's point-of-care EEG (the Ceribell System) and AI-powered algorithm (Clarity™) to reduce hospital length of stay and improve functional outcomes* compared to conventional EEG.

Aaron Struck, M.D., assistant professor and director of University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Epilepsy Program and EEG Lab, presented two sub-analyses from the primary SAFER-EEG trial, a multicenter, retrospective study of adult patients monitored with EEG during a hospital stay.

"These two sub-analyses reinforce the importance of early seizure detection and management in improving outcomes for critically ill patients," said Dr. Struck, the principal investigator of the two pivotal sub-analyses. "By providing frontline clinicians with real-time monitoring for seizure detection, the Ceribell System has the potential to redefine how we care for patients at risk of seizures in acute care settings. Enabling earlier detection and intervention can lead to better patient outcomes and shorter hospital stays."

Research presented at NCS included:

  • A sub-analysis of SAFER-EEG that demonstrated shorter median hospital stay and that patients initially monitored with Ceribell were 33% less likely to leave the hospital with significant functional disability.*
  • A second sub-analysis of SAFER-EEG that linked Clarity seizure burden to poor functional outcomes as measured by the modified Rankin Scale.
  • An analysis led by Khalid Alsherbini, M.D., F.N.C.S., from Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix, demonstrated that the Ceribell System provided reliable signal quality for up to 24 hours—the maximum duration examined— suggesting that it supports long-term, continuous monitoring.
  • Another analysis led by Dr. Alsherbini highlighted variability in clinicians' interpretation of EEG data, underscoring the importance of standardizing diagnosis with AI tools such as Clarity.
  • An analysis by Veeresh Kumar Shivamurthy, M.D., from Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Trinity Health of New England, demonstrated improved detection of status epilepticus and seizure-related patterns in the latest version of Clarity.

"When it comes to seizures, time is brain. Early detection and intervention are vital in the emergency department and the ICU, as millions of patients in these settings are at risk of non-convulsive seizures that can result in permanent brain injury and even death if left undetected and untreated," said Jane Chao, Ph.D., co-founder and chief executive officer of Ceribell. "The Ceribell System and our AI-powered Clarity algorithm help clinicians detect seizures in minutes, improving neurological outcomes as well as shortening hospital stays. The research presented at NCS demonstrates that the Ceribell System can offer earlier seizure detection and seizure monitoring, which have the potential to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis in acute care settings."

Ceribell is exhibiting in booth #203 at NCS.

Learn how Ceribell point-of-care EEG transforms patient care here.

About the Ceribell System
The Ceribell system is a novel, point-of-care EEG platform designed to address the unmet needs of patients in the acute care setting. By combining proprietary, highly portable, and rapidly deployable hardware with a sophisticated AI-powered algorithm, the Ceribell system enables rapid diagnosis and continuous monitoring of patients with neurological conditions. The Ceribell system is FDA 510(k) cleared for indicating suspected seizure activity and currently utilized in intensive care units and emergency rooms across the U.S. The Ceribell system received two FDA Breakthrough Device Designations in 2022, and in 2023, the latest generation of Ceribell's AI algorithm (Clarity™) made it the first and only device to receive 510(k) clearance for diagnosing electrographic status epilepticus. Subsequently, the Clarity algorithm received a New Technology Add-on Payment (NTAP) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The Ceribell System has been adopted by more than 500 hospitals and has been used to diagnose and monitor over 100,000 patients.

About Ceribell
Ceribell is a commercial-stage medical technology company focused on transforming the diagnosis and management of patients with serious neurological conditions. The Ceribell System is an AI-powered, rapidly deployable point-of-care electroencephalography ("EEG") platform designed to address the unmet needs of patients in the acute care setting. The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.

*Using modified Rankin Scale score greater than or equal to 4 at discharge as an indicator of significant functional disability
† Disclosure: Veeresh Kumar Shivamurthy is an employee of Ceribell.

Corrie Rose 

Brian Johnston
Laine Morgan 

(1) Struck AF, et al. Association Between Functional Outcomes and Automated Seizure Burden Algorithm obtained via a rapid point-of-care EEG device. Neurocritical Care Society Abstracts from the 22nd Annual Meeting 2024. Neurocrit Care (2024).
(2) Struck AF, et al. Access to Rapid Point-of-care EEG in Academic Hospitals and its Association with Improved Patient Outcomes. Neurocritical Care Society Abstracts from the 22nd Annual Meeting 2024. Neurocrit Care (2024).
(3) Shivamurthy VKN, et al. Improvements in Detecting Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus in Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients by an Automated Seizure-Burden Monitoring Algorithm. Neurocritical Care Society Abstracts from the 22nd Annual Meeting 2024. Neurocrit Care (2024).
(4) Alsherbini K, et al. Ceribell Point of Care EEG Provides High Quality Signal for Up to 24 Hours of Continuous Recording. Neurocritical Care Society Abstracts from the 22nd Annual Meeting 2024. Neurocrit Care (2024).
(5) Alsherbini K, et al. Inter-rater Variability When Determining Electrographic Status Epilepticus and the Implications for Single-Rater Accuracy Assessments. Neurocritical Care Society Abstracts from the 22nd Annual Meeting 2024. Neurocrit Care (2024).

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SOURCE Ceribell, Inc.


What clinical evidence was presented for Ceribell's point-of-care EEG system at the 2024 NCS Annual Meeting?

Five abstracts were presented, showing shorter hospital stays, better functional outcomes, reliable 24-hour signal quality, and improved detection of status epilepticus compared to conventional EEG.

How does Ceribell's Clarity™ algorithm impact patient care for those at risk of seizures?

Clarity™ enables real-time monitoring and earlier seizure detection, potentially leading to faster intervention, better patient outcomes, and shorter hospital stays in acute care settings.

What is the current adoption rate of the Ceribell System (CBLL) in hospitals?

The Ceribell System has been adopted by over 500 hospitals and has been used to diagnose and monitor over 100,000 patients.

What regulatory approvals has Ceribell (CBLL) received for its EEG system and Clarity™ algorithm?

Ceribell's system is FDA 510(k) cleared for indicating suspected seizure activity, received two FDA Breakthrough Device Designations in 2022, and Clarity™ is the first device 510(k) cleared for diagnosing electrographic status epilepticus.
CeriBell, Inc.


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