Chubb's Digital Payments and Cyber Scams Survey Finds Growing Impact of Fraud on Consumers; Harms Trust in Payment Methods

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Chubb's new global survey, "The Impact of Cyber Scams on Trust in Digital Payments," highlights the rising impact of cyber fraud on consumer trust and behavior. Conducted across the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, the survey reveals that 61% of respondents have altered their use of digital payment platforms due to cyber scam concerns. Additionally, 75% believe transaction insurance would enhance their trust in these platforms. The survey notes that 63% of respondents have been victims of cyber scams or know someone who has been. Key concerns include phishing/vishing, impersonation scams, and fake purchases. Demographic highlights show higher scam victim rates among women in Asia (33%) and younger people in the U.S. (33%) and Asia (34%). The study underscores the need for insurance solutions to foster trust and protect consumers in the digital payments ecosystem.

Il nuovo sondaggio globale di Chubb, "L'Impatto delle Frodi Informatiche sulla Fiducia nei Pagamenti Digitali," sottolinea l'impatto crescente delle frodi informatiche sulla fiducia e sul comportamento dei consumatori. Condotto negli Stati Uniti, in Messico, Brasile, Indonesia, Singapore, Filippine, Thailandia e Vietnam, il sondaggio rivela che il 61% degli intervistati ha modificato l'uso delle piattaforme di pagamento digitale a causa delle preoccupazioni relative alle frodi informatiche. Inoltre, il 75% ritiene che l'assicurazione sulle transazioni migliorerebbe la loro fiducia in queste piattaforme. Il sondaggio segnala che il 63% degli intervistati è stato vittima di frodi informatiche o conosce qualcuno che lo è stato. Le principali preoccupazioni includono phishing/vishing, frodi di impersonificazione e acquisti falsi. I dati demografici mostrano tassi di vittimizzazione più elevati tra le donne in Asia (33%) e le persone più giovani negli Stati Uniti (33%) e in Asia (34%). Lo studio evidenzia la necessità di soluzioni assicurative per promuovere la fiducia e proteggere i consumatori nell'ecosistema dei pagamenti digitali.

La nueva encuesta global de Chubb, "El Impacto de las Estafas Cibernéticas en la Confianza en los Pagos Digitales," resalta el creciente impacto del fraude cibernético en la confianza y el comportamiento de los consumidores. Realizada en EE.UU., México, Brasil, Indonesia, Singapur, Filipinas, Tailandia y Vietnam, la encuesta revela que el 61% de los encuestados ha modificado su uso de plataformas de pago digital debido a las preocupaciones sobre las estafas cibernéticas. Además, el 75% cree que el seguro de transacciones mejoraría su confianza en estas plataformas. La encuesta señala que el 63% de los encuestados ha sido víctima de estafas cibernéticas o conoce a alguien que lo ha sido. Las principales preocupaciones incluyen el phishing/vishing, las estafas de suplantación de identidad y las compras falsas. Los datos demográficos muestran tasas de víctimas más altas entre mujeres en Asia (33%) y personas más jóvenes en EE.UU. (33%) y Asia (34%). El estudio subraya la necesidad de soluciones de seguros para fomentar la confianza y proteger a los consumidores en el ecosistema de pagos digitales.

척의 새로운 글로벌 설문조사 "디지털 결제에서 사이버 사기의 신뢰에 미치는 영향"은 소비자의 신뢰와 행동에 대한 사이버 사기의 증가하는 영향을 강조합니다. 미국, 멕시코, 브라질, 인도네시아, 싱가포르, 필리핀, 태국 및 베트남에서 실시된 이 설문조사는 응답자의 61%가 사이버 사기 우려로 인해 디지털 결제 플랫폼의 사용을 변경했다고 밝혔습니다. 또한 75%는 거래 보험이 이러한 플랫폼에 대한 신뢰를 높일 것이라고 믿고 있습니다. 이 설문조사는 응답자의 63%가 사이버 사기의 피해자이거나 피해자를 알고 있음을 언급합니다. 주요 우려 사항으로는 피싱/비싱, 사칭 사기 및 가짜 구매가 포함됩니다. 인구 통계학적 하이라이트는 아시아의 여성(33%) 및 미국(33%)과 아시아(34%)의 젊은 사람들 사이에서 더 높은 사기 피해율을 보여줍니다. 이 연구는 디지털 결제 생태계에서 신뢰를 구축하고 소비자를 보호하기 위한 보험 솔루션의 필요성을 강조합니다.

La nouvelle enquête mondiale de Chubb, "L'Impact des Escroqueries Cybernétiques sur la Confiance dans les Paiements Numériques," met en évidence l'impact croissant de la fraude cybernétique sur la confiance et le comportement des consommateurs. Réalisée aux États-Unis, au Mexique, au Brésil, en Indonésie, à Singapour, aux Philippines, en Thaïlande et au Vietnam, l'enquête révèle que 61 % des répondants ont modifié leur utilisation des plateformes de paiement numérique en raison des préoccupations liées aux escroqueries cybernétiques. De plus, 75 % pensent qu'une assurance des transactions renforcerait leur confiance dans ces plateformes. L'enquête note que 63 % des répondants ont été victimes d'escroqueries cybernétiques ou connaissent quelqu'un qui l'a été. Les principales préoccupations comprennent le phishing/vishing, les arnaques par usurpation d'identité et les achats frauduleux. Les points démographiques mettent en évidence des taux de victimes plus élevés parmi les femmes en Asie (33 %) et les jeunes aux États-Unis (33 %) et en Asie (34 %). L'étude souligne la nécessité de solutions d'assurance pour renforcer la confiance et protéger les consommateurs dans l'écosystème des paiements numériques.

Die neue globale Umfrage von Chubb, "Die Auswirkungen von Cyber-Betrug auf das Vertrauen in digitale Zahlungen," hebt die wachsenden Auswirkungen von Cyber-Betrug auf das Vertrauen und Verhalten der Verbraucher hervor. Die Umfrage, die in den USA, Mexiko, Brasilien, Indonesien, Singapur, den Philippinen, Thailand und Vietnam durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass 61 % der Befragten aufgrund von Bedenken hinsichtlich Cyber-Betrug ihr Nutzungsverhalten bei digitalen Zahlungsplattformen geändert haben. Darüber hinaus glauben 75 %, dass eine Transaktionsversicherung ihr Vertrauen in diese Plattformen stärken würde. Die Umfrage weist darauf hin, dass 63 % der Befragten Opfer von Cyber-Betrug geworden sind oder jemanden kennen, der betroffen ist. Zu den Hauptanliegen zählen Phishing/Vishing, Identitätsdiebstahl und gefälschte Käufe. Demografische Highlights zeigen höhere Opferquoten unter Frauen in Asien (33 %) und jüngeren Menschen in den USA (33 %) sowie in Asien (34 %). Die Studie betont die Notwendigkeit von Versicherungslösungen, um Vertrauen aufzubauen und Verbraucher im digitalen Zahlungs-Ökosystem zu schützen.

  • None.
  • None.

Across the globe, 61% have changed their behavior or reduced use of digital payment platforms due to cyber scam concerns. 75% say transaction insurance would boost their trust, increasing adoption.

NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Chubb, a world leader in insurance, today released the results of its new global survey, "The Impact of Cyber Scams on Trust in Digital Payments," revealing the growing impact of cyber fraud on consumers, the misconceptions regarding cyber protections, and the significant changes in consumer purchasing behavior driven by escalating worries over cyber breaches.

Digital payments have become part of our daily lives and are increasingly crucial to fostering financially inclusive economies. Chubb's survey findings define the pivotal role insurance plays in building trust and helping to enable the growth of the digital payments ecosystem.

According to the survey conducted in the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam – nearly half (46%) of respondents mistakenly believe their payments are protected. This false sense of security is compounded by the fact that 61% of participants have changed their behavior or reduced their use of payment platforms due to fears about cyber scams.

Waning trust threatens exponential growth

All survey respondents have made a digital payment in the last year, and 63% have been a cyber scam victim or know someone who has been. The impact of this fraud extends beyond financial losses, eroding trust in payment platforms, hindering adoption.

"The future of digital payments is bright, and insurance will help play a crucial role in shaping its trajectory," said Sean Ringsted, Chubb's Chief Digital Business Officer. "At Chubb, we are committed to developing innovative insurance solutions that address the changing risks faced by individuals and businesses in the digital era. By fostering a mindset focused on awareness, vigilance and protection, we can ensure that the benefits of digital payments are accessible to all while mitigating the associated risks."

Respondents were asked about nine different types of scams. They are most troubled by phishing/vishing and impersonation scams, as well as fake product or service purchases. Some 61% of respondents have changed their behavior or reduced use of certain digital payment platforms over concerns.

Key findings from Chubb's Global Payments and Cyber Scams survey include:

Certain demographic and geographic survey audience segments report higher rates of being a victim of cyber scams

  • Women in Asia (33%).
  • Younger people in the US (33%) and Asia (34%).
  • At the market level, women in Thailand (39%), Philippines (38%), Indonesia (36%), and Brazil (32%).

Threats of being hacked looms large

  • 53% voiced worry about their account being hacked.
  • 48% were troubled about a potential data breach.
  • 46% cited the possibility of being scammed as a barrier to trust.
  • 37% indicated unease at their ability to recover their money, if scammed.

Trust levels vary amongst the respondent audience

  • 69% of women (vs. 65% of total respondents) completely trust digital payment technologies.
  • 68% of younger users (18-34 years old) do not completely trust these technologies.
  • 96% of those who make international transfers and 94% who make transfers weekly either somewhat, or completely trust digital technologies (vs. 91% globally) even though they are more susceptible to cyber scams.

Payment providers have an opportunity to close a trust gap

  • 32% of respondents don't trust the security of digital payment technologies.
  • 36% don't trust their customer support.
  • 29% don't trust platforms to protect their confidentiality.

Insurance could promote greater trust and adoption of digital payments

  • 75% of respondents say transaction insurance would boost their trust.
  • Impact of insurance is highest among consumers in Latin America84% would fully trust or trust payment technology much more if they had personal cyber-scam insurance, and 82% for payment protection insurance.
  • Many respondents also see AI as a way to enhance security.


Findings are based on a survey of 2,600 individuals in the U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines that explored the impact of cyberscams on levels of trust in digital payment technology. The survey was conducted by Opinium on behalf of Chubb in June 2024. The respondents were adults who had made digital money transfers through traditional banking apps / Fin Techs / Neo banks, or digital wire transfers in the last 12 months. The margin of error for the survey was +/- 2%.

About Chubb

Chubb is a world leader in insurance. With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. As an underwriting company, we assess, assume, and manage risk with insight and discipline. We service and pay our claims fairly and promptly. The company is also defined by its extensive product and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptional financial strength, and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limited is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P 500 index. Chubb maintains executive offices in Zurich, New York, London, Paris, and other locations, and employs approximately 40,000 people worldwide. Additional information can be found at:

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What percentage of respondents have changed their behavior due to cyber scam concerns according to Chubb's survey?

61% of respondents have changed their behavior or reduced their use of digital payment platforms due to concerns about cyber scams.

How many respondents believe transaction insurance would boost their trust in digital payment platforms?

75% of respondents believe that transaction insurance would enhance their trust in digital payment platforms.

What are the most troubling cyber scams identified in Chubb's survey?

The most troubling cyber scams identified are phishing/vishing, impersonation scams, and fake product or service purchases.

Which demographic groups reported higher rates of being cyber scam victims in Chubb's survey?

Higher rates of being cyber scam victims were reported among women in Asia (33%) and younger people in the U.S. (33%) and Asia (34%).

What is the percentage of respondents who have been victims of cyber scams or know someone who has been?

63% of respondents have been victims of cyber scams or know someone who has been.

What percentage of respondents completely trust digital payment technologies?

69% of women and 65% of total respondents completely trust digital payment technologies.

How does the impact of insurance on trust levels vary geographically according to Chubb's survey?

In Latin America, 84% of respondents would fully trust or trust payment technology much more if they had personal cyber-scam insurance.

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