CCA Industries, Inc. Reports Results of Operations for the Quarter and Nine Months ended August 31, 2024

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CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW) reported a net loss of $444,878 for Q3 2024, compared to a $452,394 loss in Q3 2023. EBITDA loss improved from $456,962 to $399,175. CEO Christopher Dominello highlighted the company's transition from brick-and-mortar to a hybrid model, emphasizing:

1. Cost reduction: Operating expenses decreased by 60% from $5.1M to $2.1M.
2. Amazon growth: Sales increased from $250K to over $5M annually with double-digit profitability.
3. Challenges with Neutein rollout at CVS, but potential opportunity with Walmart.
4. Warehouse consolidation expected to reduce costs by over 20%.
5. Price increases across all brands to improve profitability.
6. Lobe Miracle brand growth of 267% over 3 years, with new product launch planned.

The company anticipates a loss in Q4 but expects significant profitability improvements in 2025 and beyond.

CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW) ha riportato una perdita netta di $444,878 per il Q3 2024, rispetto a una perdita di $452,394 nel Q3 2023. La perdita EBITDA è migliorata da $456,962 a $399,175. Il CEO Christopher Dominello ha evidenziato la transizione dell'azienda da un modello tradizionale a uno ibrido, sottolineando:

1. Riduzione dei costi: Le spese operative sono diminuite del 60% da $5.1M a $2.1M.
2. Crescita su Amazon: Le vendite sono aumentate da $250K a oltre $5M all'anno con profitti a doppia cifra.
3. Problemi con il lancio di Neutein da CVS, ma una potenziale opportunità con Walmart.
4. Consolidamento dei magazzini previsto per ridurre i costi di oltre il 20%.
5. Aumenti di prezzo su tutti i marchi per migliorare la redditività.
6. Crescita del marchio Lobe Miracle del 267% negli ultimi 3 anni, con un nuovo lancio di prodotto pianificato.

L'azienda prevede una perdita nel Q4 ma si aspetta significativi miglioramenti nella redditività nel 2025 e oltre.

CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW) informó una pérdida neta de $444,878 para el Q3 2024, en comparación con una pérdida de $452,394 en el Q3 2023. La pérdida EBITDA mejoró de $456,962 a $399,175. El CEO Christopher Dominello destacó la transición de la empresa de un modelo físico a uno híbrido, enfatizando:

1. Reducción de costos: Los gastos operativos disminuyeron en un 60% de $5.1M a $2.1M.
2. Crecimiento en Amazon: Las ventas aumentaron de $250K a más de $5M anuales con rentabilidad de dos dígitos.
3. Desafíos con el lanzamiento de Neutein en CVS, pero una oportunidad potencial con Walmart.
4. Consolidación de almacenes que se espera reduzca costos en más del 20%.
5. Aumentos de precios en todas las marcas para mejorar la rentabilidad.
6. Crecimiento de la marca Lobe Miracle del 267% en 3 años, con un nuevo lanzamiento de producto planeado.

La empresa anticipa una pérdida en Q4, pero espera mejoras significativas en la rentabilidad para 2025 y en adelante.

CCA 산업 주식회사 (OTC: CAWW)는 2024년 3분기에 $444,878의 순손실을 보고했으며, 이는 2023년 3분기 $452,394의 손실에 비해 개선된 수치입니다. EBITDA 손실은 $456,962에서 $399,175로 개선되었습니다. CEO 크리스토퍼 도미넬로는 회사가 오프라인 모델에서 하이브리드 모델로 전환하고 있음을 강조하며:

1. 비용 절감: 운영 비용이 $5.1M에서 $2.1M로 60% 감소했습니다.
2. 아마존 성장: 매출이 $250K에서 연간 $5M 이상으로 증가하며 두 자릿수의 수익성을 보이고 있습니다.
3. CVS에서 Neutein 출시와 관련된 문제가 있지만, Walmart와의 잠재적인 기회가 있습니다.
4. 창고 통합을 통해 20% 이상의 비용 절감이 예상됩니다.
5. 모든 브랜드의 가격 인상으로 수익성 향상.
6. Lobe Miracle 브랜드가 3년 만에 267% 성장했으며, 새로운 제품 출시가 계획되어 있습니다.

회사는 4분기에 손실이 있을 것으로 예상하지만, 2025년 이후로는 수익성이 크게 개선될 것으로 기대합니다.

CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW) a signalé une perte nette de 444,878 $ pour le T3 2024, comparée à une perte de 452,394 $ pour le T3 2023. La perte EBITDA s'est améliorée, passant de 456,962 $ à 399,175 $. Le PDG Christopher Dominello a souligné la transition de l'entreprise d'un modèle physique à un modèle hybride, en mettant l'accent sur :

1. Réduction des coûts : Les dépenses d'exploitation ont diminué de 60 % de 5,1 millions $ à 2,1 millions $.
2. Croissance sur Amazon : Les ventes sont passées de 250 000 $ à plus de 5 millions $ par an avec une rentabilité à deux chiffres.
3. Défis liés au lancement de Neutein chez CVS, mais une opportunité potentielle avec Walmart.
4. La consolidation des entrepôts devrait permettre de réduire les coûts de plus de 20 %.
5. Augmentations de prix pour toutes les marques afin d'améliorer la rentabilité.
6. Croissance de la marque Lobe Miracle de 267 % au cours des 3 dernières années, avec un lancement de produit prévu.

L'entreprise prévoit une perte au T4 mais s'attend à des améliorations significatives de la rentabilité en 2025 et au-delà.

CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW) meldete für das 3. Quartal 2024 einen Nettverlust von 444.878 $, verglichen mit einem Verlust von 452.394 $ im 3. Quartal 2023. Der EBITDA-Verlust verbesserte sich von 456.962 $ auf 399.175 $. CEO Christopher Dominello hob den Übergang des Unternehmens von einem stationären Modell zu einem hybriden Modell hervor und betonte:

1. Kostensenkung: Die Betriebskosten sind um 60 % von 5,1 Millionen $ auf 2,1 Millionen $ gesenkt worden.
2. Wachstum bei Amazon: Der Umsatz stieg von 250.000 $ auf über 5 Millionen $ jährlich mit zweistelliger Rentabilität.
3. Herausforderungen beim Neutein-Start bei CVS, aber potenzielle Chancen mit Walmart.
4. Lagerkonsolidierung wird voraussichtlich die Kosten um über 20 % senken.
5. Preiserhöhungen aller Marken zur Verbesserung der Rentabilität.
6. Wachstum der Lobe Miracle-Marke um 267 % in 3 Jahren, mit geplanten Produkteinführungen.

Das Unternehmen erwartet im 4. Quartal einen Verlust, geht jedoch von erheblichen Verbesserungen der Rentabilität im Jahr 2025 und darüber hinaus aus.

  • Amazon sales growth from $250K to over $5M annually with double-digit profitability
  • Operating expenses reduced by 60% from $5.1M to $2.1M
  • Lobe Miracle brand grew 267% over 3 years, reaching $1.1M in sales with 70% profit margin
  • Warehouse consolidation expected to reduce costs by over 20%
  • Potential opportunity to sell Neutein at Walmart
  • Net loss of $444,878 for Q3 2024
  • EBITDA loss of $399,175 for Q3 2024
  • Challenges with Neutein rollout at CVS due to low initial order quantities
  • Expected loss in Q4 2024
  • Risk of discontinuation at retailers due to price increases

FORT WASHINGTON, Pa., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CCA Industries, Inc. (OTC: CAWW), announced today its results for the three and nine months ended August 31, 2024.  The results can be found in the chart below.

The net loss was $444,878 for the three months ended August 31, 2024, compared to a loss of $452,394 for the three months ended August 31, 2023. As shown in the chart below, EBITDA for the third quarter of fiscal 2024 was a loss of $399,175 compared to an EBITDA loss of $456,962 for the third quarter of fiscal 2023.  Christopher Dominello, Chief Executive Officer, commented, "I don't believe EBITDA gives the full picture of the progress we are actually achieving at CCA.  So, I thought it would be helpful for me to walk you through some of the specifics to help clarify our situation and why I am optimistic about our future.

But first, I would be remiss if I didn't start by thanking you, the shareholder, for your patience as we continue our substantial paradigm shift from a 100% brick-and-mortar retail company to a hybrid company through the growth of our online channels.  It was a necessary move so we could take control of our future as opposed to being at the mercy of the retailers who forced low margins and the constant fear of being discontinued even when successful.  The move towards a hybrid model increases our revenue's reliability and quality compared to operating in a brick-and-mortar environment.  Now, this journey certainly has faced its challenges, and challenges remain. However, we feel that our initiatives will put CCA in a position of strength as we move into 2025 and beyond – increasing shareholder value.

When we started this business model shift, our primary focus was to decrease expenses while building an online/Amazon business as the insurance policy for brick-and-mortar retail.  With regard to decreasing costs, we drove down our operating expenses from an average of approximately $5.1M to around $2.1M (a 60% reduction). We have grown our Amazon business from $250K Gross Sales per year and negative profitability to over $5M and double-digit positive profitability.  With Amazon, we control the pricing, the placement, and the offering, which gives us some control over our destiny vs being at the mercy of brick-and-mortar retail and decisions that are outside our control. 

We have found challenges with the Neutein rollout at CVS.  No easy way to say it other than it has been less than desirable.  Their initial order was substantially below the norm – ordering approximately 2 units per store, whereas a normal order would be in the 4-6 units per store range.  It is impossible to advertise in that situation because if your ad works, it moves the unit off the shelf, and then the shelf is empty for 2-3 weeks until replenished.  We are working with CVS on ways to address this issue, and they have been responsive. 

Also, regarding Neutein, we had a meeting in Chicago with senior members at Walmart and were awarded the coveted open-call fast pass to present Neutein to the Walmart buyer. Mike Singletary, Dr. Mike Roussell, and I attended this meeting that was held at Walmart's headquarters. Last week, we received a "New item Submission Form" from Walmart, which is an encouraging next step but certainly not the finish line and shouldn't be taken as such.

Now, getting to profitability.  Profitability can come from both expense reduction and/or revenue creation, and we have looked to do both. 

Our most significant initiative for additional expense reduction is our move from three warehouses in two states to one warehouse in Kansas City.  This has been a huge effort led by Steve Heit, our CFO, and it will reduce our freight, warehousing, delivery, and packing costs.  We expect to see north of a 20% reduction in those sizeable cost buckets which will certainly help profitability as we move forward.

Our other initiative is increasing our prices across all our brands.  This is a large paradigm shift that will come with some pain as we hold firm to the price increases and risk the possibility of discontinuation as we reject retail orders that are not at the new pricing.  This is a necessity for CCA to be able to move forward, which led us to not expect to be profitable in the third quarter and possibly the fourth quarter as we make the tough moves for the right reasons. With that said, we do not have any brick-and-mortar retailer that makes up more than 15% of our business, making the move less risky.  The primary beneficiary of the price increase will be our Amazon business, as it removes the price pressure on our items. 

For organic growth, Lobe Miracle has grown 267 percent over the last 3 years, going from $300K to $1.1M, and currently has a year-over-year growth rate of 42% percent with a profit margin of over 70%.  We are leveraging this success with the launch of line extensions under the Lobe Miracle brand, starting with the Lobe Miracle Rejuvenating Serum, which will launch in the next 6-8 weeks.  It will be incremental revenue to Lobe Miracle Patches, and leveraging the anchor product's success, we expect strong revenues and margins from the brand in 2025.

We are not out of the weeds yet but are very clear-eyed on what we need to do and where we are going.  We have made great strides to date, and we feel our "go forward" strategy will take us to growth and profitability.  The fourth quarter will likely also be a loss, but all the initiatives we are undertaking - and have completed - should lead to dramatic improvements in profitability in 2025 and beyond."

Further information, including the Unaudited Financial Statement for the third quarter, ended August 31, 2024, the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended November 30, 2023, and the Quarterly Disclosure Statement filed with the OTC, may be found on the Company's investor web site:  

CCA Industries, Inc. manufactures and markets health and beauty aids, each under its individual brand name. The products include, principally, "Plus White" toothpaste and teeth whiteners, "Nutra Nail" nail care treatments, "Porcelana" skin care products, "Scar Zone" scar treatment products, "Sudden Change" anti-aging skin care products, brands, "Hair Off" depilatory products, "Lobe Miracle" earlobe protection products and "Neutein" brain health supplements. 

Statements contained in the news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which would cause actual results to differ materially, from estimated results. No assurance can be given that the results in any forward-looking statement will be achieved, and actual results could be affected by one or more factors, which could cause them to differ materially. For these statements, we claim the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. 



Financial Results (Unaudited)

Three Months Ended

August 31, 2024

August 31, 2023


$                   1,755,246

$                    2,891,918

Net Losses:

$                     (444,878)

$                      (452,394)

Losses Per Share:


$                           (0.06)

$                            (0.06)


$                           (0.06)

$                            (0.06)

Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding:








$                     (399,175)

$                      (456,962)

* Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization

Reconciliation of Net Income to EBITDA:

Net Income

$                     (444,878)

$                      (452,394)

Provision for income taxes



Interest expense



Depreciation and Amortization




$                     (399,175)

$                      (456,962)



Financial Results (Unaudited)

Nine Months Ended

August 31, 2024

August 31, 2023


$                   6,100,393

$                 8,353,598

Net Income

$                     (714,709)

$                   (868,521)

Earnings Per Share:


$                           (0.09)

$                          (0.11)


$                           (0.09)

$                          (0.11)

Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding:








$                     (685,842)

$                    (873,429)

* Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization

Reconciliation of Net Income to EBITDA:

Net Income

$                    (714,709)

$                   (868,521)

Provision for income taxes



Interest expense



Depreciation and Amortization




$                    (685,842)

$                    (873,429)


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SOURCE CCA Industries, Inc.


What was CCA Industries' (CAWW) net loss for Q3 2024?

CCA Industries (CAWW) reported a net loss of $444,878 for the third quarter of 2024.

How much has CCA Industries (CAWW) grown its Amazon sales?

CCA Industries (CAWW) has grown its Amazon sales from $250,000 to over $5 million annually with double-digit profitability.

What is the growth rate of CCA Industries' (CAWW) Lobe Miracle brand?

CCA Industries' (CAWW) Lobe Miracle brand has grown 267% over the last 3 years, from $300,000 to $1.1 million in sales, with a current year-over-year growth rate of 42%.

How much has CCA Industries (CAWW) reduced its operating expenses?

CCA Industries (CAWW) has reduced its operating expenses by 60%, from approximately $5.1 million to around $2.1 million.

What challenges is CCA Industries (CAWW) facing with its Neutein rollout at CVS?

CCA Industries (CAWW) is facing challenges with the Neutein rollout at CVS due to low initial order quantities, making it difficult to advertise effectively and maintain stock on shelves.



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