Pathward Earns 2025 Great Place To Work Certification™
Pathward (CASH) has achieved Great Place To Work Certification™ for the third consecutive year, with 84% of employees rating it as a great workplace - 27 points above the U.S. company average.
Key survey highlights reveal strong employee satisfaction:
- 93% say new employees feel welcome
- 94% appreciate flexible time-off policies
- 92% feel positive about community contributions
- 90% believe in management's ethical business practices
The company has implemented several employee-focused improvements, including enhanced parental leave benefits and the introduction of transparent job descriptions. Pathward recently held its first Dare to Be Great Summit in Atlanta, featuring career development discussions and wellness program initiatives. According to Great Place To Work research, certified workplaces show significantly higher employee satisfaction metrics, including 67% higher likelihood of looking forward to work and 89% higher likelihood of fair profit sharing.
Pathward (CASH) ha ottenuto la Certificazione Great Place To Work™ per il terzo anno consecutivo, con l'84% dei dipendenti che lo valuta come un ottimo luogo di lavoro - 27 punti sopra la media delle aziende statunitensi.
I principali punti salienti dell'indagine rivelano un forte grado di soddisfazione tra i dipendenti:
- Il 93% afferma che i nuovi dipendenti si sentono accolti
- Il 94% apprezza le politiche di congedo flessibile
- Il 92% si sente positivo riguardo ai contributi alla comunità
- Il 90% crede nelle pratiche commerciali etiche della direzione
L'azienda ha implementato diverse migliorie focalizzate sui dipendenti, tra cui vantaggi migliorati per il congedo parentale e l'introduzione di descrizioni di lavoro trasparenti. Recentemente, Pathward ha tenuto il suo primo Dare to Be Great Summit ad Atlanta, con discussioni sullo sviluppo professionale e iniziative per il benessere. Secondo la ricerca di Great Place To Work, i luoghi di lavoro certificati mostrano metriche di soddisfazione dei dipendenti significativamente più elevate, inclusa una probabilità del 67% più alta di guardare con favore al lavoro e una probabilità dell'89% più alta di una equa distribuzione dei profitti.
Pathward (CASH) ha logrado la Certificación Great Place To Work™ por tercer año consecutivo, con un 84% de los empleados calificándolo como un gran lugar para trabajar, 27 puntos por encima del promedio de las empresas en EE. UU.
Los aspectos destacados de la encuesta revelan una fuerte satisfacción entre los empleados:
- El 93% dice que los nuevos empleados se sienten bienvenidos
- El 94% aprecia las políticas de tiempo libre flexible
- El 92% se siente positivo sobre las contribuciones a la comunidad
- El 90% cree en las prácticas comerciales éticas de la dirección
La empresa ha implementado varias mejoras centradas en los empleados, incluyendo beneficios mejorados para el permiso parental y la introducción de descripciones de trabajo transparentes. Recientemente, Pathward celebró su primera Cumbre Dare to Be Great en Atlanta, con discusiones sobre desarrollo profesional e iniciativas de bienestar. Según la investigación de Great Place To Work, los lugares de trabajo certificados muestran métricas de satisfacción de empleados significativamente más altas, incluyendo un 67% más de probabilidad de esperar con ansias el trabajo y un 89% más de probabilidad de una distribución justa de las ganancias.
Pathward (CASH)는 세 번째 연속으로 Great Place To Work™ 인증을 획득했으며, 84%의 직원이 이를 훌륭한 직장으로 평가했습니다 - 이는 미국 기업 평균보다 27점 높은 수치입니다.
주요 설문조사 하이라이트는 강한 직원 만족도를 보여줍니다:
- 93%는 신규 직원들이 환영받는다고 느낍니다
- 94%는 유연한 휴가 정책을 감사하게 생각합니다
- 92%는 지역 사회 기여에 대해 긍정적으로 느낍니다
- 90%는 경영진의 윤리적인 비즈니스 관행을 믿습니다
회사는 강화된 육아 휴직 혜택과 투명한 직무 설명 도입을 포함한 여러 직원 중심의 개선 사항을 시행했습니다. Pathward는 최근 애틀랜타에서 첫 번째 Dare to Be Great Summit을 개최하였으며, 이 자리에서는 경력 개발 논의와 웰니스 프로그램 이니셔티브가 진행되었습니다. Great Place To Work 연구에 따르면, 인증된 직장은 직원 만족도 지표가 현저히 높으며, 일에 대한 기대감이 67% 더 높고 공정한 이익 분배의 가능성이 89% 더 높습니다.
Pathward (CASH) a obtenu la Certification Great Place To Work™ pour la troisième année consécutive, avec 84 % des employés le qualifiant de grand lieu de travail - 27 points au-dessus de la moyenne des entreprises américaines.
Les principaux points saillants de l'enquête révèlent une forte satisfaction des employés :
- 93 % disent que les nouveaux employés se sentent bienvenus
- 94 % apprécient les politiques de congé flexible
- 92 % se sentent positifs quant aux contributions à la communauté
- 90 % croient aux pratiques commerciales éthiques de la direction
L'entreprise a mis en œuvre plusieurs améliorations axées sur les employés, notamment des avantages de congé parental améliorés et l'introduction de descriptions de poste transparentes. Récemment, Pathward a organisé son premier Dare to Be Great Summit à Atlanta, avec des discussions sur le développement de carrière et des initiatives de bien-être. Selon les recherches de Great Place To Work, les lieux de travail certifiés affichent des indicateurs de satisfaction des employés significativement plus élevés, y compris une probabilité de 67 % plus élevée d'attendre avec impatience le travail et une probabilité de 89 % plus élevée de partage équitable des bénéfices.
Pathward (CASH) hat zum dritten Mal in Folge die Great Place To Work™ Zertifizierung erhalten, wobei 84% der Mitarbeiter das Unternehmen als großartigen Arbeitsplatz bewerten - 27 Punkte über dem Durchschnitt der US-Unternehmen.
Wichtige Umfrage-Highlights zeigen eine hohe Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit:
- 93% sagen, dass neue Mitarbeiter sich willkommen fühlen
- 94% schätzen flexible Urlaubsregelungen
- 92% fühlen sich positiv über die Beiträge zur Gemeinschaft
- 90% glauben an die ethischen Geschäftspraktiken des Managements
Das Unternehmen hat mehrere mitarbeiterorientierte Verbesserungen umgesetzt, darunter verbesserte Elternzeitregelungen und die Einführung transparenter Stellenbeschreibungen. Pathward veranstaltete kürzlich seinen ersten Dare to Be Great Summit in Atlanta, der Diskussionen über berufliche Entwicklung und Initiativen für das Wohlbefinden beinhaltete. Laut der Forschung von Great Place To Work zeigen zertifizierte Arbeitsplätze signifikant höhere Mitarbeiterzufriedenheitswerte, einschließlich einer 67% höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich auf die Arbeit zu freuen, und einer 89% höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine faire Gewinnbeteiligung.
- High employee satisfaction rate at 84%, significantly above industry average
- Strong retention indicators with 94% satisfaction in time-off policies
- Implementation of enhanced parental benefits showing investment in employee welfare
- None.

Pathward®, N.A. announced that Great Place To Work® has certified™ the company for the third consecutive year.
Great Place To Work® describes itself as the global authority on workplace culture, employee experience, and the leadership behaviors proven to deliver market-leading revenue, employee retention and increased innovation.
“We are pleased to achieve Great Place To Work Certification for the third year in a row. We owe our continued success to Pathward’s team of dedicated employees,” said Pathward Executive Vice President, Chief People and Culture Officer Anjana Berde, who joined the company in February. “As a new employee, I experienced the power of a robust and welcoming onboarding process firsthand, and I am proud of Pathward’s commitment to and intentionality in creating a positive culture for employees to work, grow professionally and thrive.”
Berde’s onboarding experience aligns with Great Place To Work’s survey findings that
Survey highlights
In addition to making newcomers feel welcome, the Great Place To Work® survey highlighted that Pathward’s employees enjoy working from home as a result of the company’s Talent Anywhere recruiting strategy and the balance that environment offers, the people they work with, and the company’s benefits. Some specific findings include:
94% say: “I am able to take time off from work when I think it's necessary.” -
92% say: “I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community.” -
90% say: “Management is honest and ethical in its business practices.”
Pathward uses survey results to capture employee feedback and to seek continuous improvement. The company held its first ever Dare to Be Great Summit in
According to Great Place To Work research, employees at Certified workplaces are
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About Pathward®
Pathward®, N.A., a national bank, is a subsidiary of Pathward Financial, Inc. (Nasdaq: CASH). Pathward is a
About Great Place To Work®
As the global authority on workplace culture, Great Place To Work® brings 30 years of groundbreaking research and data to help every place become a great place to work for all. Their proprietary platform and For All™ Model helps companies evaluate the experience of every employee, with exemplary workplaces becoming Great Place To Work Certified™ or receiving recognition on a coveted Best Workplaces™ List.
Learn more at and follow Great Place To Work on LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram.
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Media contact:
Courtney Heidelberg
Source: Pathward Financial, Inc.