Simplify Introduces China A Shares Plus Income ETF (CAS), Providing A Share Exposure With Options Overlay Designed to Deliver Additional Income

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Simplify Asset Management has launched the Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS), an actively-managed fund targeting capital appreciation while providing additional income through an options overlay strategy. The fund offers exposure to small, mid, and large-cap Chinese mainland-listed companies through total return swaps.

The innovative structure using swaps, rather than direct equity ownership, protects investors from potential capital lock-up during geopolitical tensions. The swaps are designed to track A share equity indices while potentially offering better performance than physical shares due to favorable funding rates.

The fund's risk-managed options overlay involves selling put spreads on various instruments, including equity, fixed income, commodity indices, and ETFs, aiming to generate additional income without requiring extra capital investment. This approach represents Simplify's strategy to provide more resilient China exposure while addressing current investor income needs.

Semplificare la gestione degli asset ha lanciato il Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS), un fondo gestito attivamente che punta ad un apprezzamento del capitale, fornendo al contempo un reddito aggiuntivo attraverso una strategia basata su opzioni. Il fondo offre esposizione a società cinesi quotate nel continente, di piccole, medie e grandi dimensioni, tramite swap di rendimento totale.

La struttura innovativa che utilizza swap, anziché la proprietà diretta delle azioni, protegge gli investitori da potenziali blocchi di capitale durante le tensioni geopolitiche. Gli swap sono progettati per seguire gli indici azionari A, offrendo potenzialmente prestazioni superiori rispetto alle azioni fisiche grazie a tassi di finanziamento favorevoli.

L'approccio di gestione del rischio del fondo attraverso l'overlay di opzioni prevede la vendita di spread su varie strumentazioni, tra cui azioni, reddito fisso, indici di commodity e ETF, con l'obiettivo di generare reddito aggiuntivo senza richiedere un investimento di capitale supplementare. Questo approccio rappresenta la strategia di Simplify per fornire un'esposizione più resiliente alla Cina, rispondendo al contempo alle attuali esigenze di reddito degli investitori.

Simplificar la gestión de activos ha lanzado el Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS), un fondo gestionado activamente que busca la apreciación del capital mientras proporciona ingresos adicionales a través de una estrategia de sobreposición de opciones. El fondo ofrece exposición a empresas chinas que cotizan en el continente, de pequeña, mediana y gran capitalización, mediante swaps de rendimiento total.

La estructura innovadora que utiliza swaps, en lugar de la propiedad directa de acciones, protege a los inversores de posibles bloqueos de capital durante tensiones geopolíticas. Los swaps están diseñados para rastrear índices de acciones A, ofreciendo potencialmente un mejor rendimiento que las acciones físicas debido a tasas de financiación favorables.

El enfoque de gestión de riesgos del fondo mediante la sobreposición de opciones implica la venta de spreads de venta en diversos instrumentos, incluidos acciones, renta fija, índices de materias primas y ETFs, con el objetivo de generar ingresos adicionales sin requerir inversión de capital extra. Este enfoque representa la estrategia de Simplify para proporcionar una exposición más resilient a China, al tiempo que aborda las actuales necesidades de ingresos de los inversores.

자산 관리 간소화하기Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS)를 출시했습니다. 이 능동 관리형 펀드는 자본 상승을 목표로 하며, 옵션 오버레이 전략을 통해 추가 수익을 제공합니다. 이 펀드는 전체 수익 스왑을 통해 소형, 중형 및 대형 중국 상장 기업에 대한 노출을 제공합니다.

직접적인 주식 소유권 대신 스왑을 사용하는 혁신적인 구조는 지정학적 긴장 상황에서 자본 잠금을 피할 수 있도록 투자자를 보호합니다. 스왑은 A주 지수에 맞춰 설계되었으며, 유리한 자금 조달 비율로 인해 실제 주식보다 더 나은 성과를 제공할 수 있습니다.

펀드의 리스크 관리 옵션 오버레이 접근법은 다양한 도구에 대해 풋 스프레드를 판매하는 것을 포함하며, 여기에는 주식, 고정 수익, 원자재 지수 및 ETF가 포함됩니다. 이를 통해 추가 자본 투자 없이도 추가 수익을 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이러한 접근은 현재 투자자의 수익 요구를 고려하면서 중국에 대한 보다 탄력적인 노출을 제공하기 위한 Simplify의 전략을 나타냅니다.

Simplifier la gestion d'actifs a lancé le Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS), un fonds géré activement qui vise à l'appréciation du capital tout en fournissant un revenu supplémentaire grâce à une stratégie d'options. Le fonds offre une exposition à des entreprises chinoises cotées sur le continent, de petites, moyennes et grandes capitalisations, via des swaps de rendement total.

La structure innovante utilisant des swaps, plutôt que la propriété directe des actions, protège les investisseurs contre un potentiel blocage de capital en période de tensions géopolitiques. Les swaps sont conçus pour suivre les indices d'actions A, tout en offrant potentiellement de meilleures performances que les actions physiques grâce à des taux de financement favorables.

L'overlay d'options géré par le risque du fonds implique la vente de spreads de vente sur divers instruments, y compris les actions, le revenu fixe, les indices de matières premières et les ETF, visant à générer un revenu supplémentaire sans nécessiter un investissement de capital supplémentaire. Cette approche représente la stratégie de Simplify pour offrir une exposition plus résiliente à la Chine tout en répondant aux besoins actuels de revenus des investisseurs.

Vermögensverwaltung vereinfachen hat den Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS) eingeführt, einen aktiv verwalteten Fonds, der auf Kapitalgewinne abzielt und gleichzeitig zusätzliches Einkommen durch eine Optionsüberlagerungsstrategie bereitstellt. Der Fonds bietet Zugang zu kleinen, mittleren und großen chinesischen Unternehmen, die an den Festlandbörsen gelistet sind, über Total Return Swaps.

Die innovative Struktur, die Swaps anstelle von direkter Aktienbesitz verwendet, schützt Investoren vor möglichen Kapitalblockaden während geopolitischer Spannungen. Die Swaps sind darauf ausgelegt, die A-Aktien-Indizes nachzubilden und bieten potenziell bessere Leistungen als physische Aktien aufgrund günstiger Finanzierungssätze.

Der risikomanagte Optionsüberlagerungsansatz des Fonds umfasst den Verkauf von Put-Spread-Optionen auf verschiedene Vermögenswerte, einschließlich Aktien, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, Rohstoffindizes und ETFs, mit dem Ziel, zusätzliches Einkommen zu generieren, ohne zusätzliches Kapital investieren zu müssen. Dieser Ansatz repräsentiert die Strategie von Simplify, eine widerstandsfähigere Exposition gegenüber China zu bieten und gleichzeitig den aktuellen Einkommensbedürfnissen der Investoren Rechnung zu tragen.

  • Innovative structure using swaps protects against geopolitical risks
  • Potential performance advantage through favorable funding rates
  • Additional income generation through options overlay strategy
  • Broader market exposure compared to traditional offshore Chinese equities
  • Exposure to Chinese market volatility and regulatory risks
  • Complex structure involving derivatives may increase operational risks


This innovative ETF launch represents a significant development in China A-shares investment accessibility. The use of total return swaps instead of direct equity holdings is a sophisticated risk management approach, providing a important safety valve against potential geopolitical disruptions. The options overlay strategy adds an income-generating component that could help offset the historically high volatility of Chinese markets.

The fund's structure addresses two key market demands: enhanced liquidity protection and income generation. The swap-based exposure offers superior capital efficiency compared to traditional A-shares ETFs, with the potential for enhanced returns through favorable funding rates. This approach effectively creates a "best of both worlds" scenario - maintaining exposure to China's domestic market while mitigating specific risks that have historically deterred international investors.

For retail investors, this means gaining access to a broader universe of Chinese companies beyond the typical offshore listings, with built-in risk management features that weren't previously available in a single product. The income component through put spread sales adds an attractive yield element, though investors should understand this creates its own set of risks.

The timing of this ETF launch is particularly strategic given the current market context. China's economy is showing signs of transformation, with domestic consumption and technology sectors gaining prominence. The A-shares market, historically less correlated with global markets, offers unique diversification benefits that this product makes more accessible.

The total return swap mechanism is especially noteworthy as it provides a solution to a critical market access risk that has concerned institutional investors. In an environment of increasing geopolitical tensions, the ability to quickly liquidate positions becomes paramount. Traditional A-shares ETFs face potential trading suspensions or access restrictions, but this structure maintains theoretical liquidity even in stress scenarios.

The additional income stream through options strategies could help smooth returns during periods of market volatility, though investors should recognize this comes with its own risk-reward tradeoff. This product essentially creates a new category in the China ETF space, combining tactical access with strategic risk management features.

CAS is actively managed to provide exposure to small, mid and large cap Chinese mainland-listed companies; the Fund uses total return swaps so investor cash would not be locked up in the event of adverse geopolitical events.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Simplify Asset Management (“Simplify”), a leading provider of Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”), today introduced the Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS), an actively-managed fund designed to achieve capital appreciation in its core portfolio, while providing investors additional current income via exposure to mainland Chinese equities utilizing an options overlay.

China A shares are equities that trade on mainland China exchanges and are predominantly held by domestic Chinese investors. The exposure available via the A share market is much broader than that available via the offshore Chinese equities that are typically accessed by foreign investors.

Simplify delivers China A share exposure in this new fund via total return swaps, which are traded through major global banks. The fund also includes a risk-managed options overlay that involves selling put spreads on a variety of underlying instruments, including equity, fixed income, commodity indices, and/or ETFs — with the goal of providing investors with additional income without requiring additional capital outlay.

“We’re very pleased to be adding China A shares to our growing roster of ‘PLUS Income’ ETFs,” said David Berns, CIO and Co-Founder of Simplify. “We’re equally excited about the means through which we are delivering this exposure. The coming year is likely to bring with it heightened geopolitical tensions, including between the U.S. and China. By accessing A share performance via total return swaps, investors do not face the possibility of their capital being locked up in the event of sanctions or other actions that may make A share equities themselves untradeable or otherwise inaccessible.”

David added that the swaps in use with CAS are designed to precisely track A share equity indices while also enjoying a performance advantage over physical shares due to favorable funding rates, as dealers effectively share their lending revenues with the swap holders.

“China is and will remain a key component of any well-diversified international portfolio, but the means through which investors add their China exposure must change with the times and with the very real risks investors now face,” continued David. “With CAS, we believe we have built a more robust and resilient China ETF, all while delivering the additional income today’s investors crave. We’re eager to continue to educate the marketplace about this approach.”

In addition to overseeing their fast-growing fund lineup, the Simplify team also produces some of the investment industry’s most engaging and informative content, including deep dives into the various investment strategies, reactions to headline-making news and trends, and interviews with some of the most compelling names in research, trading and portfolio construction, which you can access here:


Simplify Asset Management Inc. is a Registered Investment Adviser founded in 2020 to help advisors tackle the most pressing portfolio challenges with an innovative set of options-based strategies. By accounting for real-world investor needs and market behavior, along with the non-linear power of options, our strategies allow for the tailored portfolio outcomes for which clients are looking. For more information, visit


Option: An option is a contract that gives the buyer the right to either buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) an underlying asset at a pre-determined price ("strike") by a specific date ("expiry"). An "outright" is another name for a single option leg. A "spread" is when options are bought at one strike and an equal amount of options are sold at a different strike, all at the same expiry.

Put Spread: Buying a put on a strike, and selling another put on a lower strike of the same expiry.

Swap: An agreement between two parties to exchange sequences of cash flows for a set period of time. Usually, at the time the contract is initiated, at least one of these series of cash flows is determined by a random or uncertain variable, such as an interest rate, foreign exchange rate, equity price, or commodity price.


Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) before investing. To obtain an ETF's prospectus or Summary prospectus containing this and other important information, please call (855) 772-8488, or visit Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

An investment in the fund involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

The fund is actively-managed is subject to the risk that the strategy may not produce the intended results. The fund is new and has a limited operating history to evaluate. The Fund invests in ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and entails higher expenses than if invested into the underlying ETF directly. The lower the credit quality, the more volatile performance will be. When junk bonds sell off, the lowest-rated bonds are typically hit hardest known as blow up risk. Likewise, the riskiest bonds typically rise fastest in a bull market however these investments that don't have a credit rating are typically the most volatile, hard to price and the least liquid.

The use of derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. These risks include (i) the risk that the counterparty to a derivative transaction may not fulfill its contractual obligations; (ii) risk of mispricing or improper valuation; and (iii) the risk that changes in the value of the derivative may not correlate perfectly with the underlying asset, rate, or index. Derivative prices are highly volatile and may fluctuate substantially during a short period of time. The use of leverage by the Fund, such as borrowing money to purchase securities or the use of options, will cause the Fund to incur additional expenses and magnify the Fund’s gains or losses. The Fund's investment in fixed income securities is subject to credit risk (the debtor may default) and prepayment risk (an obligation paid early) which could cause its share price and total return to be reduced. Typically, as interest rates rise the value of bond prices will decline and the fund could lose value.

While the option overlay is intended to improve the Fund’s performance, there is no guarantee that it will do so. Utilizing an option overlay strategy involves the risk that as the buyer of a put or call option, the Fund risks losing the entire premium invested in the option if the Fund does not exercise the option. Also, securities and options traded in over-the-counter markets may trade less frequently and in limited volumes and thus exhibit more volatility and liquidity risk.

China Risk: The Chinese economy is generally considered an emerging market and can be significantly affected by economic and political conditions in China and may demonstrate significantly higher volatility than developed markets. China may be subject to considerable degrees of economic, political and social instability. The Chinese government has undertaken reform of economic and market practices and has expanded the sphere of private ownership of property in China. However, Chinese markets generally continue to experience inefficiency, volatility and pricing anomalies resulting from governmental influence, a lack of publicly available information and or political and social instability. Chinese companies are also subject to governmental intervention in their operations and structure. The Chinese economy is export-driven and highly reliant on trading with key partners. The Chinese government regulates the payment of foreign currency denominated obligations. Consequently, the RMB is not freely convertible and currency conversion transactions are subject to approval of PRC authorities. Although Chinese authorities have indicated an intent to move to a freely convertible RMB, there is no assurance that restrictions will not continue. The Chinese government may introduce new laws and regulations that could have an adverse effect on the Fund.

Non-Diversified Fund Risk: Because the Fund is non-diversified and may invest a greater portion of its assets in fewer issuers than a diversified fund, changes in the market value of a single portfolio holding could cause greater fluctuations in the Fund’s share price than would occur in a diversified fund.

Simplify ETFs are distributed by Foreside Financial Services, LLC. Foreside and Simplify are not related.

© 2025 Simplify ETFs. All rights reserved.


Chris Sullivan

Craft & Capital

Source: Simplify Asset Management


What is unique about the Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF (CAS)?

CAS uses total return swaps instead of direct equity ownership to provide exposure to Chinese A shares, protecting investors from potential capital lock-up during geopolitical events, while also offering additional income through an options overlay strategy.

How does CAS generate additional income for investors?

CAS generates additional income through a risk-managed options overlay that involves selling put spreads on various instruments including equity, fixed income, commodity indices, and ETFs.

What advantages does CAS offer over traditional China A shares ETFs?

CAS offers potential performance advantages through favorable funding rates, protection against geopolitical risks through swap structure, and additional income generation through options overlay.

What type of Chinese companies does CAS provide exposure to?

CAS provides exposure to small, mid, and large-cap Chinese mainland-listed companies trading on mainland China exchanges.

How does CAS protect investors from geopolitical risks?

CAS uses total return swaps traded through major global banks instead of direct equity ownership, preventing potential capital lock-up in case of sanctions or trading restrictions.

Simplify China A Shares PLUS Income ETF


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