Instacart Unveils New Ad Solutions to Spark Out-of-Aisle Inspiration

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Instacart (CART) has unveiled new advertising solutions to enhance consumer discovery and brand engagement on its platform. The new tools include:

  • Recipes: Visual ad units with meal ideas featuring branded products
  • Occasions: Curated collections for cross-aisle exploration
  • Bundles: Strategic product pairings for quick basket building

These solutions aim to create a more dynamic shopping experience by allowing brands to reach consumers outside traditional aisle placements. Pilot partners Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co., and HORMEL FOODS® have reported positive results from testing sponsored recipes. The new capabilities build on Instacart's existing advertising solutions, which have already demonstrated value for over 5,500 CPG brands on the platform.

Instacart (CART) ha presentato nuove soluzioni pubblicitarie per migliorare la scoperta dei consumatori e il coinvolgimento del marchio sulla sua piattaforma. I nuovi strumenti includono:

  • Ricette: Unità pubblicitarie visive con idee per pasti che presentano prodotti di marca
  • Occasioni: Collezioni curate per esplorazioni trasversali tra i vari reparti
  • Bundle: Abbinamenti strategici di prodotti per facilitare la creazione del carrello

Queste soluzioni mirano a creare un'esperienza di acquisto più dinamica, permettendo ai marchi di raggiungere i consumatori al di fuori delle tradizionali posizioni sugli scaffali. I partner pilota Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. e HORMEL FOODS® hanno riportato risultati positivi dai test delle ricette sponsorizzate. Le nuove funzionalità si basano sulle soluzioni pubblicitarie esistenti di Instacart, che hanno già dimostrato valore per oltre 5.500 marchi CPG sulla piattaforma.

Instacart (CART) ha presentado nuevas soluciones publicitarias para mejorar el descubrimiento del consumidor y la interacción con la marca en su plataforma. Las nuevas herramientas incluyen:

  • Recetas: Unidades publicitarias visuales con ideas de comidas que presentan productos de marca
  • Ocasiones: Colecciones curadas para explorar productos entre diferentes secciones
  • Paquetes: Combinaciones estratégicas de productos para crear fácilmente la cesta de compra

Estas soluciones tienen como objetivo crear una experiencia de compra más dinámica, permitiendo a las marcas alcanzar a los consumidores fuera de las ubicaciones de estanterías tradicionales. Los socios piloto Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. y HORMEL FOODS® han informado resultados positivos de las pruebas de recetas patrocinadas. Las nuevas capacidades se basan en las soluciones publicitarias existentes de Instacart, que ya han demostrado ser valiosas para más de 5,500 marcas CPG en la plataforma.

인스타카트 (CART)가 소비자 발견과 브랜드 참여를 향상시키기 위한 새로운 광고 솔루션을 발표했습니다. 새로운 도구는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 레시피: 브랜드 제품을 특징으로 하는 식사 아이디어를 담은 시각 광고 단위
  • 기회: 다양한 통로를 탐색하기 위해 선별된 컬렉션
  • 번들: 신속한 장바구니 생성을 위한 전략적 제품 조합

이 솔루션들은 브랜드가 전통적인 통로 위치 외부에서 소비자에게 도달할 수 있도록 하여 보다 역동적인 쇼핑 경험을 창출하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 파일럿 파트너인 몬델레즈, J.M. 스머커사, HORMEL FOODS®는 후원된 레시피 테스트에서 긍정적인 결과를 보고했습니다. 새로운 기능들은 인스타카트의 기존 광고 솔루션에 기반해 있으며, 이 솔루션들은 이미 플랫폼에서 5,500개 이상의 CPG 브랜드에게 가치가 있음을 입증했습니다.

Instacart (CART) a dévoilé de nouvelles solutions publicitaires pour améliorer la découverte des consommateurs et l'engagement des marques sur sa plateforme. Les nouveaux outils comprennent :

  • Recettes: Unités publicitaires visuelles avec des idées de repas présentant des produits de marque
  • Occasions: Collections soigneusement sélectionnées pour explorer différentes allées
  • Bundles: Associations stratégiques de produits pour faciliter la constitution du panier

Ces solutions visent à créer une expérience d'achat plus dynamique en permettant aux marques d'atteindre les consommateurs en dehors des emplacements traditionnels. Les partenaires pilotes Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. et HORMEL FOODS® ont rapporté des résultats positifs des tests de recettes sponsorisées. Les nouvelles capacités s'appuient sur les solutions publicitaires existantes d'Instacart, qui ont déjà démontré leur valeur pour plus de 5 500 marques CPG sur la plateforme.

Instacart (CART) hat neue Werbelösungen vorgestellt, um die Entdeckung von Verbrauchern und die Markenbindung auf seiner Plattform zu verbessern. Die neuen Tools umfassen:

  • Rezepte: Visuelle Werbeeinheiten mit Essensideen, die Markenprodukte vorstellen
  • Anlässe: Kuratierte Kollektionen zur Erkundung verschiedener Kategorien
  • Bundles: Strategische Produktkombinationen zum schnellen Zusammenstellen des Warenkorbs

Diese Lösungen zielen darauf ab, ein dynamischeres Einkaufserlebnis zu schaffen, indem Marken die Möglichkeit geboten wird, Verbraucher außerhalb der traditionellen Regalplatzierungen zu erreichen. Die Pilotpartner Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. und HORMEL FOODS® haben positive Ergebnisse aus der Erprobung gesponserter Rezepte berichtet. Die neuen Funktionen bauen auf den bestehenden Werbelösungen von Instacart auf, die bereits für über 5.500 CPG-Marken auf der Plattform von Wert waren.

  • Introduction of new advertising solutions to enhance consumer discovery and brand engagement
  • Expansion of advertising capabilities beyond traditional in-aisle placements
  • Positive feedback from pilot brand partners on sponsored recipes
  • Potential for increased cross-selling and basket building through strategic product pairings
  • None.

Instacart's new advertising solutions represent a significant shift in digital grocery marketing strategies. By introducing Recipes, Occasions and Bundles, Instacart is creating a more immersive and inspirational shopping experience that mimics in-store discovery while leveraging the flexibility of digital platforms.

The out-of-aisle placements are particularly innovative, allowing brands to reach consumers in contextually relevant moments beyond their traditional product categories. This approach has the potential to increase basket sizes and drive cross-category purchases, benefiting both retailers and CPG brands.

Early pilot results from major brands like Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. and HORMEL FOODS® indicate positive outcomes. For instance, Mondelez's campaign featuring Chips Ahoy! Ice Cream Pops demonstrates how these tools can transform snack products into dessert inspirations, potentially expanding usage occasions and sales.

From an advertising perspective, these solutions offer brands:

  • Enhanced consumer engagement through contextual relevance
  • Opportunities for creative storytelling and product positioning
  • Potential for increased conversion rates due to seamless cart integration
  • Ability to showcase product versatility and inspire new usage scenarios

As Instacart expands these capabilities to more advertisers, we can expect to see increased competition for these premium placements, potentially driving up advertising costs on the platform. However, the added value in terms of consumer engagement and basket building may justify the investment for many brands.

Instacart's new advertising solutions mark a significant evolution in the e-commerce grocery space. By bridging the gap between inspiration and transaction, these tools address a key challenge in online grocery shopping: replicating the discovery experience of physical stores.

The introduction of Recipes, Occasions and Bundles creates a more holistic shopping journey, potentially leading to:

  • Increased average order value (AOV) through cross-category purchases
  • Higher customer engagement and time spent on the platform
  • Improved customer loyalty through a more satisfying shopping experience

From a strategic perspective, this move positions Instacart as more than just a delivery service, but as a comprehensive grocery technology platform. By enhancing the value proposition for both consumers and CPG brands, Instacart strengthens its competitive position against other e-commerce giants and grocery retailers with online presence.

The success of these new features could have broader implications for the grocery industry, potentially influencing how traditional retailers approach their online strategies and in-store merchandising. It may also accelerate the shift towards more personalized and contextual shopping experiences across the sector.

For investors, this development suggests Instacart's commitment to innovation and revenue diversification. The expansion of advertising capabilities could lead to increased high-margin revenue from CPG brands, potentially improving Instacart's profitability in the long term.

CPG Brands Including Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co. and HORMEL FOODS® Are First To Pilot Recipes 

SAN FRANCISCO, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Instacart (Nasdaq: CART), the leading grocery technology company in North America, today announced new advertising solutions to enhance consumer discovery and brand engagement on its platform. These tools expand Instacart's on-platform advertising capabilities beyond traditional in-aisle placements. In a grocery store, consumers might find crackers next to the cheese counter, or salsa next to tortilla chips. Instacart's new tools pair that same ease and inspiration with the flexibility of the digital shelf, helping brands curate more immersive experiences for consumers across every aisle.

The new suite of merchandising solutions includes:

  • Recipes: Visual ad units with meal ideas to inspire consumers featuring branded and complementary products – like finding a recipe for chicken pot pie while shopping for chicken, helping to feature a pastry dough brand.
  • Occasions: Curated collections that encourage cross-aisle exploration and discovery around specific themes or moments, like essentials for the perfect charcuterie board or summer barbeque supplies.
  • Bundles: Strategic product pairings that allow consumers to quickly build a basket, like featuring laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets together.

These solutions provide advertisers with flexible ways to reach consumers outside their traditional shopping aisles, promoting both brand discovery and conversion. Brands can pair their own products across different categories in their portfolio as well as with other brands to effectively merchandise around a theme or seasonal moment. This enables brands to reach consumers with a curated experience at a moment that might not be possible with their products alone.

For example, a consumer searching the produce aisle for spinach might be served a spinach lasagna recipe and be inspired to try it. This not only supports meal and occasion planning, but also enables consumers to quickly add all necessary ingredients to their cart. These "out of aisle" placements create a more dynamic shopping experience while helping brands showcase their products in context and inspire new audiences and routines.

"Instacart's marketplace is a space where inspiration meets convenience. We're excited to offer brands the opportunity to reach consumers out of traditional aisle placements in a way that feels timely and relevant. We want consumers to be able to explore new products, find recipe inspiration, and engage with their favorite brands throughout their shopping journey as they build their carts. We're grateful to our pilot brand partners who have provided valuable feedback as we've built and tested these new experiences, and we're looking forward to continuing to innovate together," said Ali Miller, VP of Advertising Product at Instacart.

Select brand partners have been piloting recipes on Instacart with positive results:

"Instacart's sponsored recipes are opening up exciting possibilities for Mondelez brands. We've been testing a pilot campaign featuring a recipe for Chips Ahoy! Ice Cream Pops, leveraging this new capability to transform a beloved snack into an enticing dessert idea for the summer season. By presenting our products within creative recipe contexts, we're able to engage new consumers in unexpected ways outside of our traditional aisle. We're enthusiastic about the potential of recipes to drive consideration and spark creativity," said Francesca Hahn, VP of Digital Commerce at Mondelez.

"At The J.M. Smucker Co., we have established a full-funnel media strategy that allows us to meaningfully engage with consumers throughout their shopping journey. Instacart's sponsored recipes feature is one way that we are able to make a meaningful connection with consumers while creatively representing our product portfolio. Featuring recipes like our Caramel Apple Pie Cold Brew and Strawberry Fruit Dip demonstrates how our portfolio of brands can deliver across all meal and snacking occasions while offering fresh ideas for enjoying our products in fun, unexpected ways," said Kelly Sweeney, Director of Integrated Media at The J.M. Smucker Co.

"Instacart's sponsored recipes have proven to be an exciting opportunity for HORMEL FOODS®. We've already seen success with our JENNIE-O® brand, testing delicious recipes like our Turkey Spinach Lasagna. The sponsored recipe capability allows us to connect with consumers at the moment of inspiration, turning everyday ingredients into exciting culinary experiences. We are also leveraging this tool to empower aspiring charcutiers, with a wide variety of charcuterie-board concepts, featuring products from COLUMBUS® Craft Meats. It is exciting to work creatively with Instacart, improving the convenience and ease of the shopping experience for our busy consumers," said Leslie Lee, Vice President, Digital Experience Group at HORMEL FOODS®.

These new advertising capabilities build on Instacart's existing full-funnel suite of advertising solutions - including sponsored product ads, display units, and shoppable display and video - which have already demonstrated significant value for the more than 5,500 CPG brands advertising on Instacart.

Recipes are currently available to select CPG advertisers, with occasions and bundles set to begin piloting in the coming months.

About Instacart
Instacart, the leading grocery technology company in North America, works with grocers and retailers to transform how people shop. The company partners with more than 1,500 national, regional, and local retail banners to facilitate online shopping, delivery and pickup services from more than 85,000 stores across North America on the Instacart Marketplace. Instacart makes it possible for millions of people to get the groceries they need from the retailers they love, and for approximately 600,000 Instacart shoppers to earn by picking, packing and delivering orders on their own flexible schedule. The Instacart Platform offers retailers a suite of enterprise-grade technology products and services to power their e-commerce experiences, fulfill orders, digitize brick-and-mortar stores, provide advertising services, and glean insights. With Instacart Ads, thousands of CPG brands – from category leaders to emerging brands – partner with the company to connect directly with consumers online, right at the point of purchase. With Instacart Health, the company is providing tools to increase nutrition security, make healthy choices easier for consumers, and expand the role that food can play in improving health outcomes. For more information, visit, and to start shopping, visit

For anyone interested in becoming an Instacart shopper, visit

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SOURCE Maplebear Inc. dba Instacart


What new advertising solutions has Instacart (CART) introduced?

Instacart has introduced Recipes (visual ad units with meal ideas), Occasions (curated collections for cross-aisle exploration), and Bundles (strategic product pairings for quick basket building) as new advertising solutions to enhance consumer discovery and brand engagement.

Which companies are piloting Instacart's new Recipes feature?

Mondelez, The J.M. Smucker Co., and HORMEL FOODS® are among the first companies piloting Instacart's new Recipes feature.

How many CPG brands are currently advertising on Instacart (CART)?

Over 5,500 CPG brands are currently advertising on Instacart's platform.

When will Instacart (CART) begin piloting Occasions and Bundles features?

Instacart plans to begin piloting Occasions and Bundles features in the coming months.

Maplebear Inc.


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