Kidde Releases Powerful Plea from Child House Fire Survivors for Its Cause For Alarm Campaign

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Kidde, a leading fire safety company, has launched the next phase of its Cause For Alarm campaign to promote fire safety awareness. The campaign features a 'Living Jingle', an emotional plea from child house fire survivors, aimed at inspiring families to prioritize fire safety. Despite 40% of people believing they're more likely to win the lottery than experience a home fire, over 1,000 people have died in house fires across North America this year.

Kidde has partnered with Multi-Platinum Recording Artist Jordin Sparks to champion the importance of fire safety. The campaign provides fire safety toolkits, a children's book, and other resources on Kidde will donate $1 for every alarm purchased at participating retailers from September to November 2024, up to $1,000,000 in total retail value, to communities in need.

Kidde, una delle principali aziende nel settore della sicurezza antincendio, ha lanciato la fase successiva della sua campagna Cause For Alarm per promuovere la consapevolezza sulla sicurezza antincendio. La campagna presenta un 'Living Jingle', un appello emotivo da parte di bambini sopravvissuti a incendi domestici, volto a ispirare le famiglie a dare priorità alla sicurezza antincendio. Nonostante il 40% delle persone creda di avere più probabilità di vincere alla lotteria che di sperimentare un incendio domestico, quest'anno oltre 1.000 persone sono morte in incendi domestici in Nord America.

Kidde ha collaborato con l'artista musicale multi-platino Jordin Sparks per sostenere l'importanza della sicurezza antincendio. La campagna offre kit di sicurezza antincendio, un libro per bambini e altre risorse su Kidde donerà 1 dollaro per ogni allarme acquistato presso i rivenditori partecipanti da settembre a novembre 2024, fino a un totale di 1.000.000 di dollari in valore al dettaglio, a comunità bisognose.

Kidde, una de las principales empresas de seguridad contra incendios, ha lanzado la próxima fase de su campaña Cause For Alarm para promover la concienciación sobre la seguridad contra incendios. La campaña presenta un 'Living Jingle', un llamado emocional de niños sobrevivientes de incendios en casa, con el objetivo de inspirar a las familias a priorizar la seguridad contra incendios. A pesar de que el 40% de las personas cree que es más probable ganar la lotería que experimentar un incendio en casa, más de 1,000 personas han muerto en incendios hogareños en América del Norte este año.

Kidde se ha asociado con la artista musical multi-platino Jordin Sparks para abogar por la importancia de la seguridad contra incendios. La campaña proporciona kits de seguridad contra incendios, un libro infantil y otros recursos en Kidde donará 1 dólar por cada alarma comprada en minoristas participantes desde septiembre hasta noviembre de 2024, con un total de hasta 1,000,000 de dólares en valor minorista, a comunidades necesitadas.

키드(Kidde)는 화재 안전 인식을 높이기 위한 Cause For Alarm 캠페인의 다음 단계 를 시작했습니다. 이 캠페인은 아동 화재 생존자들의 감동적인 간청을 담은 'Living Jingle'을 특징으로 하며, 가족들이 화재 안전을 우선시하도록 영감을 주기 위한 것입니다. 40%의 사람들이 집에서 불이 날 가능성보다 복권에 당첨될 가능성이 더 높다고 믿고 있지만, 올해 북미에서는 1,000명 이상이 집에서 발생한 화재로 사망했습니다.

키드는 멀티 플래티넘 음반 아티스트 조르딘 스팍스(Jordin Sparks)와 협력하여 화재 안전의 중요성을 전파하고 있습니다. 이 캠페인은 화재 안전 도구 키트, 아동 도서 및 CauseForAlarm.org의 기타 자료를 제공합니다. 키드는 2024년 9월부터 11월까지 참여 소매점에서 구매한 각 경보기에 대해 1달러를 기부하여 총 1,000,000달러까지 지원이 필요한 커뮤니티에 기부합니다.

Kidde, une entreprise leader dans le domaine de la sécurité incendie, a lancé la prochaine phase de sa campagne Cause For Alarm pour promouvoir la sensibilisation à la sécurité incendie. La campagne présente un 'Living Jingle', un appel émotionnel d'enfants survivants d'incendies domestiques, visant à inspirer les familles à donner la priorité à la sécurité incendie. Bien que 40 % des personnes pensent qu'elles ont plus de chances de gagner à la loterie que de subir un incendie domestique, plus de 1 000 personnes ont perdu la vie dans des incendies domestiques en Amérique du Nord cette année.

Kidde s'est associé à l'artiste multi-platine Jordin Sparks pour promouvoir l'importance de la sécurité incendie. La campagne fournit des kits de sécurité incendie, un livre pour enfants et d'autres ressources sur Kidde fera un don de 1 dollar pour chaque alarme achetée chez des détaillants participants de septembre à novembre 2024, jusqu'à un total de 1 000 000 de dollars en valeur totale, aux communautés dans le besoin.

Kidde, ein führendes Unternehmen für Brandschutz, hat die nächste Phase seiner Cause For Alarm-Kampagne zur Förderung des Bewusstseins für Brandschutz gestartet. Die Kampagne beinhaltet einen 'Living Jingle', einen emotionalen Appell von überlebenden Kindern von Wohnungsbränden, der Familien dazu inspirieren soll, die Brandsicherheit zu priorisieren. Trotz der Tatsache, dass 40% der Menschen glauben, dass sie wahrscheinlicher im Lotto gewinnen, als ein Wohnungsbrand zu erleben, sind in diesem Jahr über 1.000 Menschen in Wohnungsbränden in Nordamerika gestorben.

Kidde hat sich mit Multi-Platin Recording Artist Jordin Sparks zusammengeschlossen, um die Bedeutung der Brandsicherheit zu fördern. Die Kampagne bietet Brandschutz-Toolkit, ein Kinderbuch und weitere Ressourcen auf Kidde wird vom 1. September bis 30. November 2024 für jeden bei teilnehmenden Einzelhändlern gekauften Alarm 1 Dollar spenden, insgesamt bis zu 1.000.000 Dollar, an bedürftige Gemeinschaften.

  • Partnership with celebrity Jordin Sparks to increase campaign visibility
  • Potential $1,000,000 donation to communities in need through alarm purchases
  • Provision of fire safety toolkits and resources on
  • None.

The brand is joining forces with Multi-Platinum Recording Artist and mom Jordin Sparks to champion the importance of fire safety with the "Living Jingle"

MEBANE, N.C., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kidde, a trusted leader in fire safety for more than 100 years, has introduced the next phase of its Cause For AlarmTM campaign, focused on helping families prioritize fire safety. Candid conversations about fire safety are often dismissed because many parents find it hard to imagine they will ever experience a fire in their home. In fact, 40% of people believe they are more likely to win the lottery or get struck by lightning than experience a home fire.1 However, over 1,000 people have died in house fires across North America this year – including children.2 To help inspire people to prioritize fire safety, Kidde is launching its new "Living Jingle," an emotional plea and call to action – directly from the voices of children who have been impacted by house fires. Kidde is a part of Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR), global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions.

The Living Jingle features the voices of brave children who have survived house fires, reminding all who listen that the risk of a home fire is real for everyone. The compelling stories of these young survivors are also featured in short videos available on Kidde's YouTube channel. Everyone is also invited to visit or where families can find fire safety toolkits in various languages, a children's book, and other essential resources to start life-saving conversations about fire safety at home.

To elevate the conversation around fire safety preparedness, Kidde has teamed up with award winning musician and mom, Jordin Sparks.        

"Music is a powerful communication and memory tool that can spark emotions and really drive home important messages. Knowing there are young kids all over that have survived house fires inspired me to talk with my son about this topic," said Sparks. "I admire these children for sharing their emotional stories to help empower others. I'm grateful to lend my voice as a part of Kidde's Cause For Alarm campaign with the intention that more families will prioritize fire safety, so we can help avoid the tragedies of home fires."

"The Living Jingle highlights the profound emotional impact a house fire can have on families – and especially children," said Isis Wu, President of Global Residential Fire & Safety, Carrier. "The Cause For Alarm campaign continues to shine a light on the importance of having working smoke alarms and practicing home fire safety. We hope this year's campaign inspires everyone to talk about fire safety today."

The Cause For Alarm campaign aims to make significant strides toward creating safer homes and communities. Here's how you can get involved:

  • Share The Living Jingle on social media, tag @KiddeFireSafety and use #CauseForAlarm to help raise awareness.
  • Purchase a Kidde alarm at participating retailers in the U.S., from September until the end of November 2024 to prompt a $1 contribution for alarm donations up to $1,000,000 in total retail value to communities in need.
  • Learn more about fire safety and how to protect your family by visiting or

For more information about Kidde, visit or or follow @KiddeFireSafety on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn.

About Kidde
Kidde, a leading manufacturer of residential smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers, and safety accessories, has been keeping the world a safer place for over 100 years. Kidde produced the first integrated smoke detection system a century ago and continues its legacy today by delivering advanced fire-safety technology. Kidde is a part of Carrier Global Corporation, global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions that matter for people and our planet for generations to come. For more information, visit or follow @KiddeFireSafety on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn.

2Office of Fire Prevention and Control, "Smoke Alarms Save Lives," 2021, and National Fire Protection Association, "Home Fire Victims by Age and Gender," December 2021.

Stephanie Berzinski

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What is Kidde's Cause For Alarm campaign?

Kidde's Cause For Alarm campaign is an initiative to promote fire safety awareness, featuring a 'Living Jingle' from child house fire survivors and providing resources to help families prioritize fire safety in their homes.

How is Jordin Sparks involved in Kidde's fire safety campaign?

Jordin Sparks, a Multi-Platinum Recording Artist and mom, has partnered with Kidde to champion the importance of fire safety and raise awareness for the Cause For Alarm campaign.

How can purchasing a Kidde alarm contribute to communities in need?

From September to November 2024, Kidde will donate $1 for every alarm purchased at participating retailers, up to $1,000,000 in total retail value, to communities in need.

Where can families find fire safety resources from Kidde?

Families can find fire safety toolkits in various languages, a children's book, and other essential resources at or

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