Carrier Survey: U.S. Executives Prioritize Sustainability for 2025, with Building Decarbonization Leading the Way

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A recent survey by Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) reveals that sustainability is becoming a top priority for U.S. corporate executives, with building decarbonization emerging as a critical focus. Key findings include:

  • 83% of executives plan to increase sustainability spending over the next two years
  • 57% cite sustainability as a top priority
  • 52% prioritize decarbonization efforts
  • 81% would continue or increase sustainability investments even if government incentives were reduced

However, only 44% of executives are strongly confident in achieving global net-zero goals by 2050. The survey also highlighted a gap between CSOs' focus on specific actions and CEOs/CFOs' broader business priorities. Carrier CEO David Gitlin emphasized the importance of corporate leadership in driving sustainability actions, with 85% of executives agreeing that businesses have this responsibility.

Un recente sondaggio condotto da Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) rivela che la sostenibilità sta diventando una priorità assoluta per i dirigenti aziendali statunitensi, con la decarbonizzazione degli edifici che emerge come un focus critico. I risultati principali includono:

  • l'83% dei dirigenti prevede di aumentare la spesa per la sostenibilità nei prossimi due anni
  • il 57% cita la sostenibilità come una priorità principale
  • il 52% dà priorità agli sforzi di decarbonizzazione
  • l'81% continuerebbe o aumenterebbe gli investimenti in sostenibilità anche se gli incentivi governativi fossero ridotti

Tuttavia, solo il 44% dei dirigenti è fortemente sicuro di poter raggiungere gli obiettivi di azzeramento delle emissioni globali entro il 2050. Il sondaggio ha anche messo in evidenza un divario tra il focus dei CSO su azioni specifiche e le priorità aziendali più ampie di CEO e CFO. Il CEO di Carrier, David Gitlin, ha sottolineato l'importanza della leadership aziendale nel promuovere azioni di sostenibilità, con l'85% dei dirigenti che concorda sul fatto che le aziende abbiano questa responsabilità.

Una encuesta reciente realizada por Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) revela que la sostenibilidad se está convirtiendo en una prioridad principal para los ejecutivos corporativos en EE. UU., con la descarbonización de edificios emergiendo como un enfoque crítico. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • el 83% de los ejecutivos planea aumentar el gasto en sostenibilidad en los próximos dos años
  • el 57% cita la sostenibilidad como una prioridad principal
  • el 52% prioriza los esfuerzos de descarbonización
  • el 81% continuaría o aumentaría las inversiones en sostenibilidad incluso si se redujeran los incentivos gubernamentales

No obstante, solo el 44% de los ejecutivos tiene una fuerte confianza en lograr los objetivos de cero emisiones netas globales para 2050. La encuesta también destacó una brecha entre el enfoque de los CSO en acciones específicas y las prioridades empresariales más generales de los CEO y CFO. David Gitlin, CEO de Carrier, enfatizó la importancia del liderazgo corporativo en impulsar acciones de sostenibilidad, con el 85% de los ejecutivos de acuerdo en que las empresas tienen esta responsabilidad.

Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR)의 최근 조사에 따르면 지속 가능성이 미국의 기업 임원들에게 최우선 과제가 되고 있으며 건물 탈탄소화가 중요한 초점으로 떠오르고 있습니다. 주요 조사 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 83%의 임원들이 향후 2년간 지속 가능성에 대한 지출을 늘릴 계획입니다
  • 57%가 지속 가능성을 최우선 과제로 언급했습니다
  • 52%가 탈탄소화 노력을 우선시합니다
  • 81%가 정부 인센티브가 줄어들더라도 지속 가능성 투자를 계속하거나 늘릴 것입니다

하지만 전체 임원의 44%만이 2050년까지 전 세계 탄소 중립 목표를 달성할 수 있다고 강하게 확신하고 있습니다. 또한, 조사에서는 CSO의 특정 행동에 대한 초점과 CEO/CFO의 더 광범위한 비즈니스 우선 사항 간의 간극이 강조되었습니다. Carrier의 CEO인 David Gitlin은 지속 가능성 행동을 추진하는 데 있어 기업 리더십의 중요성을 강조하며, 85%의 임원이 기업이 이러한 책임이 있다고 동의한다고 밝혔습니다.

Une enquête récente menée par Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) révèle que la durabilité devient une priorité majeure pour les dirigeants d'entreprises américaines, avec la décarbonisation des bâtiments en tant qu'axe critique. Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • 83% des dirigeants prévoient d'augmenter leurs dépenses en matière de durabilité au cours des deux prochaines années
  • 57% citent la durabilité comme une priorité absolue
  • 52% donnent la priorité aux efforts de décarbonisation
  • 81% continueraient ou augmenteraient leurs investissements en durabilité même si les incitations gouvernementales étaient réduites

Cependant, seulement 44% des dirigeants sont fortement convaincus d'atteindre les objectifs mondiaux de zéro émission nette d'ici 2050. L'enquête a également souligné un fossé entre l'accent mis par les CSO sur des actions spécifiques et les priorités commerciales plus larges des PDG et CFO. David Gitlin, PDG de Carrier, a souligné l'importance du leadership corporate dans la promotion des actions de durabilité, 85% des dirigeants étant d'accord sur le fait que les entreprises ont cette responsabilité.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage von Carrier Global (NYSE: CARR) zeigt, dass Nachhaltigkeit zu einer der wichtigsten Prioritäten für Unternehmensleiter in den USA wird, wobei die Dekarbonisierung von Gebäuden als kritischer Fokus heraussticht. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • 83% der Führungskräfte planen, ihre Ausgaben für Nachhaltigkeit in den nächsten zwei Jahren zu erhöhen
  • 57% nennen Nachhaltigkeit als oberste Priorität
  • 52% setzen Dekarbonisierungsbemühungen an erste Stelle
  • 81% würden die Investitionen in Nachhaltigkeit fortsetzen oder erhöhen, selbst wenn staatliche Anreize reduziert würden

Allerdings sind nur 44% der Führungskräfte zuversichtlich, die globalen Netto-Null-Ziele bis 2050 zu erreichen. Die Umfrage hob auch die Kluft zwischen dem Fokus der CSOs auf spezifische Maßnahmen und den breiteren geschäftlichen Prioritäten der CEOs/CFOs hervor. Der CEO von Carrier, David Gitlin, betonte die Bedeutung unternehmerischer Führung zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen, wobei 85% der Führungskräfte zustimmen, dass Unternehmen diese Verantwortung haben.

  • None.
  • None.

PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sustainability is rising to the top of U.S. corporate agendas, with building decarbonization emerging as a critical focus for the years ahead, according to a new survey conducted by Carrier Global Corporation (NYSE: CARR), global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions. The survey found that 83% of US C-suite executives responding to the survey plan to increase sustainability spending over the next two years, with 57% citing sustainability as a top priority and 52% prioritizing decarbonization efforts.

Despite the complexity of building decarbonization, it stands as the highest priority for executives in their sustainability strategies through 2025.

"Companies that invest in addressing climate change will see benefits across the board," said David Gitlin, Chairman and CEO of Carrier. "Not only is it essential for the environment, but it also delivers value to investors, customers and the companies themselves."

The survey, which included responses from over 200 CEOs, CFOs, and CSOs across various industries in July 2024, also highlighted the impact of government incentives on sustainability plans. Despite concerns over potential changes to legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), 81% of respondents said they would continue or increase their sustainability investments even if incentives were rolled back.

However, only 44% of executives responding to the survey expressed strong confidence that the global net-zero goals of the Paris Climate Accord will be achieved by 2050. This underscores the ongoing challenges in meeting decarbonization targets, despite increased corporate focus on sustainability.

Interestingly, the survey revealed a gap in how different C-suite roles view the path forward. CSOs are more focused on specific actions, such as decarbonization and adapting to evolving ESG regulations, while CEOs and CFOs are more focused on broader business priorities. This divergence highlights a growing responsibility for CSOs to lead sustainability initiatives.

"There's a shared belief that corporate America must lead the way in shaping the U.S. sustainability agenda," added Gitlin, noting that 85% of executives participating in the survey think businesses have a responsibility to drive sustainability actions.

As part of its continued commitment to sustainability, Carrier will host a key event during Climate Week in New York City on Sept. 24: "Reimagining the Built Environment for a Net Zero Future." This gathering will bring together sustainability leaders, business leaders, public officials and investors to discuss the future of climate action and building decarbonization. More information can be found here.

About Carrier
Carrier Global Corporation, global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions, is committed to creating solutions that matter for people and our planet for generations to come. From the beginning, we've led in inventing new technologies and entirely new industries. Today, we continue to lead because we have a world-class, diverse workforce that puts the customer at the center of everything we do. For more information, visit or follow Carrier on social media at @Carrier.

* Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
**Source: Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) 


Jason Shockley



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SOURCE Carrier Global Corporation


What percentage of U.S. executives plan to increase sustainability spending according to Carrier's survey?

According to Carrier's survey, 83% of U.S. executives plan to increase sustainability spending over the next two years.

What is the top sustainability priority for U.S. executives through 2025, as per CARR's survey?

Building decarbonization stands as the highest priority for U.S. executives in their sustainability strategies through 2025, according to Carrier's survey.

How would changes to government incentives affect sustainability investments, based on CARR's survey results?

Carrier's survey found that 81% of respondents would continue or increase their sustainability investments even if government incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act were rolled back.

What percentage of executives in CARR's survey are strongly confident in achieving global net-zero goals by 2050?

Only 44% of executives responding to Carrier's survey expressed strong confidence that the global net-zero goals of the Paris Climate Accord will be achieved by 2050.

What event is Carrier (CARR) hosting during Climate Week in New York City on September 24, 2024?

Carrier is hosting an event called 'Reimagining the Built Environment for a Net Zero Future' during Climate Week in New York City on September 24, 2024, to discuss climate action and building decarbonization.

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