Calix Launches SmartMDU, Simplifying Property-Wide Connectivity, Wi-Fi, and Broadband Service Management for Multi-Dwelling Units, Driving Service Provider Profitability

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Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) has launched SmartMDU™, a new managed service on the Calix Broadband Platform designed for multi-dwelling units (MDUs). This solution simplifies property-wide connectivity, Wi-Fi, and broadband service management, enhancing resident experiences and boosting property manager efficiency. SmartMDU offers:

  • Personalized, private Wi-Fi experiences for residents
  • Scalability for buildings of any size or age
  • Support for various network connection types
  • Streamlined operations through cloud solutions

Early trials have shown promising results, with ICS Advanced Technologies reporting a 10X faster adoption of secure, managed Wi-Fi compared to previous solutions. The launch of SmartMDU is expected to help service providers efficiently grow their business and address the unique requirements of property owners and residents in the MDU market.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha lanciato SmartMDU™, un nuovo servizio gestito sulla Calix Broadband Platform progettato per unità abitative multipole (MDU). Questa soluzione semplifica la connettività a livello di proprietà, la gestione del Wi-Fi e dei servizi a banda larga, migliorando l'esperienza degli abitanti e aumentando l'efficienza dei gestori patrimoniali. SmartMDU offre:

  • Esperienze Wi-Fi personalizzate e private per i residenti
  • Scalabilità per edifici di qualsiasi dimensione o età
  • Supporto per vari tipi di connessione di rete
  • Operazioni semplificate attraverso soluzioni cloud

I primi test hanno mostrato risultati promettenti, con ICS Advanced Technologies che riporta un'adozione 10 volte più veloce del Wi-Fi gestito e sicuro rispetto alle soluzioni precedenti. Il lancio di SmartMDU dovrebbe aiutare i fornitori di servizi a far crescere efficacemente il proprio business e a soddisfare le esigenze uniche dei proprietari e dei residenti nel mercato MDU.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) ha lanzado SmartMDU™, un nuevo servicio gestionado en la Calix Broadband Platform diseñado para unidades de vivienda múltiples (MDUs). Esta solución simplifica la conectividad a nivel de propiedad, la gestión del Wi-Fi y los servicios de banda ancha, mejorando la experiencia de los residentes y aumentando la eficiencia de los administradores de propiedades. SmartMDU ofrece:

  • Experiencias de Wi-Fi personalizadas y privadas para los residentes
  • Escalabilidad para edificios de cualquier tamaño o antigüedad
  • Soporte para varios tipos de conexión de red
  • Operaciones simplificadas a través de soluciones en la nube

Las pruebas iniciales han mostrado resultados prometedores, con ICS Advanced Technologies reportando una adopción 10 veces más rápida de Wi-Fi gestionado y seguro en comparación con soluciones anteriores. Se espera que el lanzamiento de SmartMDU ayude a los proveedores de servicios a crecer de manera eficiente en su negocio y a abordar los requisitos únicos de propietarios y residentes en el mercado MDU.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)는 다세대 주택(MDU)을 위해 설계된 Calix Broadband Platform에서 새로운 관리 서비스인 SmartMDU™를 출시했습니다. 이 솔루션은 전체 자산의 연결성, Wi-Fi 및 광대역 서비스 관리를 단순화하여 거주자의 경험을 향상시키고 자산 관리자 효율성을 높입니다. SmartMDU는 다음과 같은 기능을 제공합니다:

  • 거주자를 위한 개인화되고 전용 Wi-Fi 경험
  • 모든 크기 또는 연식의 건물에 대한 확장성
  • 다양한 네트워크 연결 유형 지원
  • 클라우드 솔루션을 통한 간소화된 운영

초기 시험에서는 ICS Advanced Technologies가 이전 솔루션에 비해 관리형 안전 Wi-Fi의 채택이 10배 더 빠르다고 보고했습니다. SmartMDU의 출시는 서비스 제공자가 비즈니스를 효율적으로 성장시키고 MDU 시장에서 자산 소유자와 거주자의 독특한 요구 사항을 해결하는 데 도움을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) a lancé SmartMDU™, un nouveau service géré sur la Calix Broadband Platform conçu pour les unités d'habitation multiples (MDUs). Cette solution simplifie la connectivité sur l'ensemble du site, la gestion du Wi-Fi et des services à large bande, améliorant ainsi l'expérience des résidents et augmentant l'efficacité des gestionnaires de propriétés. SmartMDU offre :

  • Des expériences Wi-Fi personnalisées et privées pour les résidents
  • Une évolutivité pour des bâtiments de toute taille ou ancienneté
  • Un support pour divers types de connexions réseau
  • Des opérations rationalisées grâce à des solutions cloud

Les premiers essais ont montré des résultats prometteurs, ICS Advanced Technologies rapportant une adoption 10 fois plus rapide du Wi-Fi géré et sécurisé par rapport aux solutions précédentes. Le lancement de SmartMDU devrait aider les fournisseurs de services à développer efficacement leur activité et à répondre aux besoins uniques des propriétaires et des résidents sur le marché des MDUs.

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) hat SmartMDU™, einen neuen Managed Service auf der Calix Broadband Platform, der für Mehrfamilienhäuser (MDUs) konzipiert ist, auf den Markt gebracht. Diese Lösung vereinfacht die Grundstücksvernetzung, das Wi-Fi und das Management von Breitbanddiensten und verbessert die Erfahrungen der Bewohner und die Effizienz der Hausverwalter. SmartMDU bietet:

  • Personalisierte, private Wi-Fi-Erlebnisse für die Bewohner
  • Skalierbarkeit für Gebäude jeder Größe oder Alters
  • Unterstützung für verschiedene Netzwerkverbindungstypen
  • Vereinfachte Abläufe durch Cloud-Lösungen

Frühe Tests haben vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt, wobei ICS Advanced Technologies von einer 10-fach schnelleren Akzeptanz von sicherem, verwaltetem Wi-Fi im Vergleich zu früheren Lösungen berichtet. Die Einführung von SmartMDU wird voraussichtlich den Dienstanbietern helfen, ihr Geschäft effizient zu wachsen und die einzigartigen Anforderungen von Immobilieneigentümern und Bewohnern auf dem MDU-Markt zu erfüllen.

  • Launch of SmartMDU, a new managed service for multi-dwelling units
  • 10X faster adoption of secure, managed Wi-Fi reported by early trial customer
  • Scalability for buildings of any size, supporting various network connection types
  • Streamlined operations through cloud solutions and PropertyWorx administrative portal
  • Potential for increased market share in the MDU segment
  • None.


The launch of SmartMDU by Calix represents a significant advancement in the multi-dwelling unit (MDU) connectivity market. This solution addresses key pain points for service providers, property managers and residents:

  • Simplifies property-wide connectivity management
  • Enables personalized, secure Wi-Fi experiences for residents
  • Scales to buildings of various sizes and network types
  • Streamlines operations through cloud-based management

For Calix (NYSE: CALX), this product launch could drive substantial growth in the lucrative MDU market. Early trials have shown promising results, with one customer reporting a 125% growth in just a year. The ability to rapidly deploy and scale these services could accelerate Calix's revenue growth and market share in the broadband infrastructure sector.

However, success will depend on Calix's ability to effectively market SmartMDU and compete against established players in the MDU connectivity space. The company's emphasis on customer success services and its integrated platform approach could provide a competitive edge, but execution will be key to capitalizing on this opportunity.

SmartMDU represents a significant leap forward in property technology for multi-dwelling units. This solution addresses several critical needs in the MDU market:

  • Enhanced resident experiences with personalized Wi-Fi and IoT security
  • Improved property manager efficiency through centralized management
  • Flexible deployment options for buildings of various ages and sizes
  • Seamless integration of common areas and amenities into the connectivity ecosystem

For property managers and owners, SmartMDU could be a game-changer in attracting and retaining tenants. The ability to offer high-quality, managed Wi-Fi as an amenity, once to luxury properties, can now be extended to a broader range of multi-family housing. This could potentially increase property values and rental income.

Moreover, the streamlined management through the PropertyWorx portal could significantly reduce operational overhead and improve responsiveness to tenant issues. The scalability of the solution also makes it adaptable to various property types, from small apartment buildings to large, multi-building complexes.

SmartMDU on the Calix Broadband Platform transforms the managed Wi-Fi experience in multi-dwelling units, improving resident experiences, boosting property manager efficiency, and helping service providers expand their residential markets

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) launched SmartMDU™ at Calix ConneXions. The newest managed service, now available on the Calix Broadband Platform, is purpose-built to service multi-dwelling units (MDUs). Calix began trials of SmartMDU earlier this year with customers who serve the MDU market within their footprint. Seamlessly delivering personalized, private experiences for residents and their guests within their individual home units has helped customers like ICS Advanced Technologies (ICS) increase adoption of secure, managed Wi-Fi 10X faster than their previous solutions. With SmartMDU, service providers can now go to market with a revolutionary value proposition for the complex needs of property managers and their residents.

From fiber to Wi-Fi, SmartMDU is the only solution in the market enabling service providers to deliver cost-effective managed Wi-Fi services—once exclusive to luxury high-rise living—to any multi-family apartment building. Delivered by the Calix Platform, it is easy for service providers to deploy, manage, and support. SmartMDU offers flexible managed Wi-Fi options that enhance the in-unit experience, provide Internet of Things (IoT) security features, support property-wide roaming and electric vehicle networks, and allow day-use guest Wi-Fi in common areas. Additionally, Calix customers can adopt SmartMDU in weeks rather than months or years—turning up managed services faster and accelerating time to revenue.

With SmartMDU, delivered by the Calix Platform, service providers can:

  • Provide incredible residential experiences throughout the complex. With SmartMDU, residents in multi-family housing will benefit from the award-winning features of Calix SmartHome™, like personalized experiences with network protection, content and security controls, and unique guest SSIDs for weekend visitors. Residents can enjoy a rich, personalized experience in their units that extends out to the common areas and throughout the property. At home, every resident has their own dedicated connection that is conveniently managed through the intuitive CommandIQ® mobile app.
  • Scale to buildings of any size or age and easily adapt to a variety of network connection types. SmartMDU scales from apartment buildings with fewer than 10 units to multi-building complexes with hundreds of units—extending coverage across entire properties to connect dog walks, fitness facilities, and common areas. Delivered on the Calix Platform, SmartMDU can fully support a variety of network connection types, including fiber to the unit and structured Ethernet wiring. It can also repurpose existing copper and coaxial cable to deliver a reliable high-speed connection through partners like Positron Access Solutions.
  • Streamline operations for service providers and property managers with cloud solutions. With a new, simple, and easy-to-use administrative portal called PropertyWorx, property management and service provider management can increase their efficiency and boost residential experiences. With Calix Cloud®—a key component of the Calix Platform—property managers can leverage custom-built dashboards to easily identify the resident’s unit and building within the property, and the status of IoT devices, streamlining the work of support and operations teams.

Calix customers deploying SmartMDU have access to Calix Success. The Success team offers help with everything from network design and optimization for MDU communities (Success Delivery) to tailored guidance that reduces time to revenue for new service launches (Success Guidance). Customers also benefit from 24/7 support for network and service availability (Success Support) and access to top-tier training and certification (Success Education).

“SmartMDU stands to transform the MDU market, creating safe, secure experiences for both residents and property owners,” said Matt Bueltel, chief executive and financial officer at ICS. “With Calix, we can quickly onboard new residents, leveraging unit-ready Wi-Fi and expelling the old assumption that exceptional experiences are hard to deliver to the 35,000+ units we serve. With an early version of SmartMDU, we achieved 125 percent growth in just a year. Now that SmartMDU has launched, we expect it to further streamline service delivery, sustain our momentum, and drive continued growth.”

“Exceptional subscriber experiences within an MDU require a purpose-built broadband solution,” said Shane Eleniak, chief product officer at Calix. “SmartMDU is designed to simplify access, support, and operations for service providers, allowing them to deliver seamless, secure, and scalable Wi-Fi experiences across any type of property. Streamlining management and integration, the launch of this solution will help any service provider who serves MDUs efficiently grow their business and address the unique requirements of property owners and their residents.”

SmartMDU and SmartHome are part of the Calix SmartLife™ portfolio of purpose-built managed services, enabling service providers to quickly and seamlessly deliver tailored Wi-Fi services for different subscriber segments using the same cloud-enabled broadband platform. The portfolio also includes SmartTown® (community) and SmartBiz™ (small business).

To learn more, Calix ConneXions attendees can check out SmartMDU in the Innovation Showcase at the Wynn in Las Vegas, October 14 and 15.

Discover how SmartMDU can help service providers win multi-family housing in their market.

About Calix

Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)—Calix is a platform, cloud, and managed services company. Broadband service providers leverage Calix’s broadband platform, cloud, and managed services to simplify their operations, subscriber engagement, and services; innovate for their consumer, business, and municipal subscribers; and grow their value for members, investors, and the communities they serve.

Our end-to-end platform and managed services democratize the use of data—enabling our customers of any size to operate efficiently, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement in partnership with our growing ecosystem to support the transformation of our customers and their communities.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Forward-looking statements are based upon information available to us as of the date of this release, and we assume no obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking statement to reflect any event or circumstance after the date of this release, except as required by law. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from current expectations based on risks and uncertainties affecting Calix’s business. The reader is cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Additional information on potential factors that could affect Calix’s results and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC and available at

Calix and the Calix logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Calix and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Calix’s trademarks can be found at Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Press Inquiries:

Zach Burger


Investor Inquiries:

Nancy Fazioli

Source: Calix, Inc.


What is SmartMDU and when was it launched by Calix (CALX)?

SmartMDU is a new managed service on the Calix Broadband Platform designed for multi-dwelling units (MDUs). It was launched by Calix (NYSE: CALX) at Calix ConneXions on the day of the press release.

How does SmartMDU benefit service providers using Calix (CALX) solutions?

SmartMDU helps service providers using Calix (CALX) solutions by simplifying property-wide connectivity, Wi-Fi, and broadband service management. It enables them to deliver cost-effective managed Wi-Fi services to any multi-family apartment building, potentially increasing their market share in the MDU segment.

What results have been reported from early trials of SmartMDU by Calix (CALX)?

Early trials of SmartMDU by Calix (CALX) have shown promising results. ICS Advanced Technologies reported a 10X faster adoption of secure, managed Wi-Fi compared to their previous solutions.

How does SmartMDU integrate with other Calix (CALX) products?

SmartMDU is part of the Calix SmartLife™ portfolio of managed services, which includes SmartHome, SmartTown, and SmartBiz. It integrates with Calix Cloud and the CommandIQ mobile app, allowing for streamlined management and personalized user experiences.



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