Broadband Providers Can Securely Serve More Types of Local Businesses With New Calix SmartBiz Enhancements That Simplify Deployment
Calix (NYSE: CALX) has announced significant enhancements to its SmartBiz™ solution and Broadband Platform, aimed at accelerating business market growth for broadband service providers (BSPs). The updates enable support for more types of small businesses, including medical clinics and dental practices with existing firewalls.
Key improvements include expanded Wi-Fi coverage capabilities for large properties, pre-provisioning features, and static IP support. According to a study by the Center on Rural Innovation, counties with over 80% broadband adoption show 213% higher business growth, 10% increase in self-employment, and 44% higher local GDP.
The enhanced platform offers:
- Support for businesses with existing security infrastructure
- Accelerated deployment through pre-provisioning in Calix Cloud
- Expanded marketing and sales support through the Calix Market Activation program
- Improved cloud capabilities for targeting and operational efficiency
Calix (NYSE: CALX) ha annunciato importanti miglioramenti alla sua soluzione SmartBiz™ e alla Broadband Platform, con l'obiettivo di accelerare la crescita del mercato business per i fornitori di servizi broadband (BSP). Gli aggiornamenti consentono il supporto per più tipi di piccole imprese, tra cui cliniche mediche e studi dentistici con firewall esistenti.
I principali miglioramenti includono capacità di copertura Wi-Fi ampliate per grandi proprietà, funzionalità di pre-provisioning e supporto per IP statici. Secondo uno studio del Center on Rural Innovation, le contee con oltre l'80% di adozione della banda larga mostrano 213% di crescita aziendale in più, 10% di incremento nell'autoimpiego e 44% di PIL locale più elevato.
La piattaforma potenziata offre:
- Supporto per le imprese con infrastruttura di sicurezza esistente
- Implementazione accelerata tramite pre-provisioning in Calix Cloud
- Supporto marketing e vendite ampliato attraverso il programma Calix Market Activation
- Migliorate capacità cloud per targeting ed efficienza operativa
Calix (NYSE: CALX) ha anunciado mejoras significativas en su solución SmartBiz™ y en la Broadband Platform, con el objetivo de acelerar el crecimiento del mercado empresarial para los proveedores de servicios de banda ancha (BSP). Las actualizaciones permiten el soporte para más tipos de pequeñas empresas, incluidas clínicas médicas y consultorios dentales con cortafuegos existentes.
Las mejoras clave incluyen capacidades de cobertura Wi-Fi ampliadas para grandes propiedades, características de pre-provisionamiento y soporte para IP estáticos. Según un estudio del Center on Rural Innovation, los condados con más del 80% de adopción de banda ancha muestran 213% de crecimiento empresarial más alto, 10% de aumento en el autoempleo y 44% de PIB local más alto.
La plataforma mejorada ofrece:
- Soporte para empresas con infraestructura de seguridad existente
- Despliegue acelerado a través de pre-provisionamiento en Calix Cloud
- Soporte de marketing y ventas ampliado a través del programa Calix Market Activation
- Mejoradas capacidades en la nube para segmentación y eficiencia operativa
Calix (NYSE: CALX)는 브로드밴드 서비스 제공업체(BSP)를 위한 비즈니스 시장 성장을 가속화하기 위해 SmartBiz™ 솔루션과 브로드밴드 플랫폼에 대한 중요한 개선 사항을 발표했습니다. 이러한 업데이트는 기존 방화벽이 있는 의료 클리닉과 치과 진료소를 포함하여 더 많은 유형의 소규모 비즈니스를 지원할 수 있게 합니다.
주요 개선 사항에는 대형 부동산을 위한 Wi-Fi 커버리지 기능 확장, 사전 프로비저닝 기능, 정적 IP 지원이 포함됩니다. Rural Innovation 센터의 연구에 따르면, 80% 이상의 브로드밴드 채택률을 보이는 카운티는 213% 더 높은 비즈니스 성장, 10% 자영업 증가, 44% 더 높은 지역 GDP를 보여줍니다.
개선된 플랫폼은 다음을 제공합니다:
- 기존 보안 인프라가 있는 비즈니스 지원
- Calix Cloud에서의 사전 프로비저닝을 통한 신속한 배포
- Calix Market Activation 프로그램을 통한 마케팅 및 판매 지원 확대
- 타겟팅 및 운영 효율성을 위한 개선된 클라우드 기능
Calix (NYSE: CALX) a annoncé des améliorations significatives à sa solution SmartBiz™ et à la Broadband Platform, visant à accélérer la croissance du marché des entreprises pour les fournisseurs de services de haut débit (BSP). Les mises à jour permettent de prendre en charge davantage de types de petites entreprises, y compris les cliniques médicales et les cabinets dentaires disposant de pare-feu existants.
Les améliorations clés comprennent des capacités de couverture Wi-Fi étendues pour de grandes propriétés, des fonctionnalités de pré-provisionnement et un support pour les IP statiques. Selon une étude du Center on Rural Innovation, les comtés ayant plus de 80 % d'adoption du haut débit affichent 213 % de croissance d'entreprise supérieure, 10 % d'augmentation de l'auto-emploi et 44 % de PIB local plus élevé.
La plateforme améliorée offre:
- Support pour les entreprises disposant d'une infrastructure de sécurité existante
- Déploiement accéléré grâce au pré-provisionnement dans Calix Cloud
- Support marketing et ventes élargi grâce au programme Calix Market Activation
- Capacités cloud améliorées pour le ciblage et l'efficacité opérationnelle
Calix (NYSE: CALX) hat bedeutende Verbesserungen an seiner SmartBiz™-Lösung und der Broadband Platform angekündigt, die darauf abzielen, das Wachstum des Geschäftmarktes für Breitbanddienstanbieter (BSP) zu beschleunigen. Die Aktualisierungen ermöglichen die Unterstützung für mehr Arten von kleinen Unternehmen, einschließlich medizinischer Kliniken und Zahnarztpraxen mit bestehenden Firewalls.
Wesentliche Verbesserungen umfassen erweiterte Wi-Fi-Abdeckungsfähigkeiten für große Immobilien, Vorabbereitungsfunktionen und statische IP-Unterstützung. Laut einer Studie des Center on Rural Innovation zeigen Landkreise mit über 80% Breitbandnutzung 213% höhere Unternehmenswachstum, 10% Anstieg der Selbstständigkeit und 44% höheres lokales BIP.
Die verbesserte Plattform bietet:
- Unterstützung für Unternehmen mit bestehender Sicherheitsinfrastruktur
- Beschleunigte Bereitstellung durch Vorabprovisionierung in Calix Cloud
- Erweiterten Marketing- und Vertriebsunterstützung durch das Calix Market Activation-Programm
- Verbesserte Cloud-Funktionen für Zielgruppenansprache und betriebliche Effizienz
- Platform enhancement expands addressable market to include healthcare and larger businesses
- Pre-provisioning feature reduces deployment costs and time
- Support for existing firewalls enables faster implementation
- Static IP capability broadens service offerings
- None.
Calix accelerates SmartBiz deployments, enabling support for more types of small businesses like medical clinics and dental practices with existing firewalls, while pre-provisioning and expanding coverage for Calix Wi-Fi systems simplify setup for large properties like golf courses and places of worship
Launched in 2023, SmartBiz is a purpose-built solution enabling BSPs to serve small businesses with managed Wi-Fi, advanced security, and network resiliency. Integrated with the Calix Platform, SmartBiz is easy to deploy, manage, and scale—helping BSPs reduce costs while growing revenue. A recent peer-reviewed economic study by the nonprofit Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) highlights the critical role local BSPs play in driving entrepreneurship and business investment and creating environments that foster small business growth. The study found that, in counties where broadband adoption exceeds 80 percent, business growth is 213 percent higher, self-employment rises by 10 percent, and local gross domestic product (GDP) is 44 percent higher compared to counties with lower broadband adoption.
The latest SmartBiz enhancements on the Calix Platform enable BSPs to:
- Meet the diverse needs of more small businesses, from large car dealerships and farms to healthcare clinics with existing security and business systems. The industry-leading Calix Wi-Fi systems portfolio gives BSPs a menu of Calix GigaSpire® and GigaPro™ systems to mix and match, enabling them to accommodate indoor and outdoor businesses that operate in large physical spaces like places of worship and golf courses. Additionally, SmartBiz now supports deployment behind existing firewalls, enabling rapid implementation for businesses with established security infrastructure like dentist practices, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, and pharmacies.
- Accelerate deployments to connect and protect small businesses more efficiently. With new SmartBiz pre-provisioning in Calix Cloud, BSPs can more quickly deploy small business connectivity through GigaSpire and GigaPro systems. This eliminates on-site provisioning, accelerates installations, and reduces technician time in the field—saving BSP resources while ensuring small businesses can benefit faster from SmartBiz. New updates to Calix Cloud® enable BSPs to assign static IP addresses to business devices—broadening their service capabilities and further minimizing time onsite.
- Sustain business market growth with enhanced sales and marketing support. The Calix Market Activation program hands BSPs the blueprint for SmartBiz launch success—including polished marketing plans, razor-sharp sales tools, and plug-and-play templates for websites, videos, digital ads, and classic outreach. Calix customers can access ready-to-use, customizable campaign materials for SmartBiz to promote differentiating features like outdoor Wi-Fi, along with targeted sales support tailored to specific small business verticals.
In 2024, Calix expanded capabilities in Calix Cloud and the Field Service App, enabling BSPs to easily grow their small business market share through enhanced targeting, acquisition, and operational efficiencies. Today’s announcement builds on that momentum, further streamlining deployments and driving sustained growth. With ongoing SmartBiz innovation, Calix empowers BSPs to seamlessly scale their small business offerings using the same integrated platform, systems, and workflows that support their residential subscribers.
“Our 18-year partnership with Calix has transformed our business and significantly enhanced the value we deliver to Kansans and Oklahomans,” said Carla Shearer, chief executive officer and general manager at SCTelcom. “Through the Calix Broadband Platform, we’ve been able to extend high-performance, secure connectivity with SmartBiz to small businesses across our footprint. Today’s updates further expand our market reach, enabling us to offer SmartBiz solutions to businesses previously beyond our service capabilities. Plus, the cloud efficiencies of the Calix Platform continue to support our growth while maintaining customer satisfaction scores in the 90s.”
“To stay competitive, broadband providers must evolve their offerings to drive real economic impact in their communities,” said Michael Weening, president and chief executive officer at Calix. “We have seen incredibly fast adoption of SmartBiz over the past two years, highlighting a clear market gap for a purpose-built small business solution. This presents a major opportunity for Calix customers to support the success of small businesses in their footprints by meeting the growing demand for secure small business connectivity that is tailored to the unique needs of myriad business types. The latest updates to the Calix Platform and SmartBiz simplify deployment and expand service capabilities, helping broadband providers support more businesses while driving their own growth to better serve their communities.”
Discover how new updates to the Calix Platform and SmartBiz accelerate BSP business market growth.
About Calix
Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX)—Calix is a platform, cloud, and managed services company. Broadband service providers leverage Calix’s broadband platform, cloud, and managed services to simplify their operations, subscriber engagement, and services; innovate for their consumer, business, and municipal subscribers; and grow their value for members, investors, and the communities they serve.
Our end-to-end platform and managed services democratize the use of data—enabling our customers of any size to operate efficiently, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement in partnership with our growing ecosystem to support the transformation of our customers and their communities.
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Source: Calix, Inc.
What are the key enhancements to Calix SmartBiz platform announced in 2024?
How does broadband adoption impact local business growth according to the CORI study?
What types of businesses can now be served by Calix SmartBiz platform?