Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas, Cadence Bank and Citizens National Bank Award $9K Grant to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Housing Nonprofit
Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas), along with Cadence Bank and Citizens National Bank, has awarded a $9,000 Partnership Grant Program (PGP) grant to Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE) in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
The funds will support homeownership education, supplies, and outreach efforts. HERE will use the grant to hire a consultant for achieving HUD-certified counseling agency status and provide one-on-one counseling for homebuyers, particularly focusing on moderate to low-income individuals and those with nontraditional credit scores.
The grant is part of FHLB Dallas's PGP initiative, where member institutions contribute $500 to $5,000 to nonprofits, with FHLB Dallas matching at a 5:1 ratio, providing up to $25,000 per member. In 2024, FHLB Dallas and participating members awarded $1.2 million in total PGP grants.
La Federal Home Loan Bank di Dallas (FHLB Dallas), insieme a Cadence Bank e Citizens National Bank, ha assegnato un grant di $9,000 attraverso il Programma di Partnership Grant (PGP) a Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE) a Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
I fondi supporteranno l'educazione all'acquisto di abitazioni, le forniture e le attività di sensibilizzazione. HERE utilizzerà il grant per assumere un consulente al fine di ottenere lo status di agenzia di consulenza certificata HUD e fornire consulenze individuali per gli acquirenti di case, con particolare attenzione agli individui a reddito moderato o basso e a coloro con punteggi di credito non tradizionali.
Il grant fa parte dell'iniziativa PGP di FHLB Dallas, dove le istituzioni membri contribuiscono da $500 a $5,000 a organizzazioni non profit, con FHLB Dallas che corrisponde con un rapporto di 5:1, fornendo fino a $25,000 per membro. Nel 2024, FHLB Dallas e i membri partecipanti hanno assegnato un totale di $1.2 milioni in grant PGP.
La Federal Home Loan Bank de Dallas (FHLB Dallas), junto con Cadence Bank y Citizens National Bank, ha otorgado una subvención de $9,000 a través del Programa de Subvenciones de Asociación (PGP) a Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE) en Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Los fondos apoyarán la educación sobre la propiedad de vivienda, los suministros y los esfuerzos de divulgación. HERE utilizará la subvención para contratar a un consultor con el fin de lograr el estatus de agencia de asesoría certificada por HUD y proporcionar asesoramiento individual a los compradores de vivienda, enfocándose particularmente en individuos de ingresos moderados a bajos y aquellos con puntajes de crédito no tradicionales.
La subvención es parte de la iniciativa PGP de FHLB Dallas, donde las instituciones miembros contribuyen con $500 a $5,000 a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, con FHLB Dallas igualando en una proporción de 5:1, proporcionando hasta $25,000 por miembro. En 2024, FHLB Dallas y los miembros participantes otorgaron un total de $1.2 millones en subvenciones PGP.
달라스 연방 주택 대출 은행(FHLB 달라스)는 카덴스 은행 및 시민국립은행과 함께 미시시피주 해티스버그에 있는 주택 경제 자원 및 교육(HERE)에 $9,000의 파트너십 보조금 프로그램(PGP) 보조금을 수여했습니다.
이 자금은 주택 소유 교육, 용품 및 홍보 활동을 지원할 것입니다. HERE는 HUD 인증 상담 기관 지위를 달성하기 위해 컨설턴트를 고용하고, 특히 중저소득 개인 및 비전통적인 신용 점수를 가진 사람들에게 1:1 상담을 제공하기 위해 보조금을 사용할 것입니다.
이 보조금은 FHLB 달러스의 PGP 이니셔티브의 일환으로, 회원 기관이 비영리 단체에 $500에서 $5,000까지 기여하며, FHLB 달러스는 5:1 비율로 매칭하여 회원당 최대 $25,000을 제공합니다. 2024년에는 FHLB 달러스와 참여 회원들이 총 $120만의 PGP 보조금을 수여했습니다.
La Federal Home Loan Bank de Dallas (FHLB Dallas), en collaboration avec Cadence Bank et Citizens National Bank, a attribué une subvention de 9 000 $ dans le cadre du Programme de Subventions de Partenariat (PGP) à Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE) à Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Les fonds soutiendront l'éducation à la propriété, les fournitures et les efforts de sensibilisation. HERE utilisera la subvention pour embaucher un consultant afin d'obtenir le statut d'agence de conseil certifiée par le HUD et fournir des conseils individuels aux acheteurs de maisons, en se concentrant particulièrement sur les personnes à revenu modéré à faible et celles ayant des scores de crédit non traditionnels.
La subvention fait partie de l'initiative PGP de FHLB Dallas, où les institutions membres contribuent de 500 $ à 5 000 $ à des organisations à but non lucratif, FHLB Dallas égalant jusqu'à 25 000 $ par membre avec un ratio de 5:1. En 2024, FHLB Dallas et les membres participants ont attribué un total de 1,2 million de dollars en subventions PGP.
Die Federal Home Loan Bank von Dallas (FHLB Dallas) hat zusammen mit Cadence Bank und Citizens National Bank einen Zuschuss von 9.000 $ im Rahmen des Partnership Grant Program (PGP) an Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE) in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, vergeben.
Die Mittel werden die Bildung im Bereich Wohneigentum, Materialien und Aufklärungsmaßnahmen unterstützen. HERE wird den Zuschuss nutzen, um einen Berater einzustellen, um den Status einer von HUD zertifizierten Beratungsstelle zu erreichen und individuelle Beratungen für Hauskäufer anzubieten, wobei der Fokus insbesondere auf Personen mit mittlerem bis niedrigem Einkommen und solchen mit unkonventionellen Kreditbewertungen liegt.
Der Zuschuss ist Teil der PGP-Initiative von FHLB Dallas, bei der Mitgliedsinstitutionen zwischen 500 $ und 5.000 $ an gemeinnützige Organisationen beitragen, während FHLB Dallas im Verhältnis 5:1 mit bis zu 25.000 $ pro Mitglied übereinstimmt. Im Jahr 2024 vergaben FHLB Dallas und die teilnehmenden Mitglieder insgesamt 1,2 Millionen $ in PGP-Zuschüssen.
- Partnership with Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas provides additional funding opportunities for Cadence Bank
- Demonstrates CADE's commitment to community development and financial inclusion
- None.
Funds Will Be Used to Educate Low-Income Homebuyers

FHLB Dallas Community & Economic Development Product Manager Mark Loya (fourth from right) is accompanied by representatives from member financial institutions and Housing Economic Resources & Education (HERE), a nonprofit, to celebrate two Partnership Grant Program checks for homeownership education. (Photo: Business Wire)
The funds will be used for homeownership education, supplies and outreach efforts, as well as hiring a consultant to assist with applying for and meeting requirements to become a
“I am delighted for this partnership opportunity,” said HERE Executive Director Lakeylah White. “The Federal Home Loan Bank of
The mission of HERE is to assist homeowners and individuals in the housing market by providing education and counseling on homeowner maintenance and the homebuying process, particularly for moderate- to low-income and nontraditional credit score individuals.
“Property education is critical for homeownership, especially in underserved communities. Citizens National Bank is proud to partner with FHLB Dallas and Cadence Bank to support HERE’s efforts in homeownership education and counseling, helping families build a stronger financial future in Hattiesburg,” said Tyeisha Smith, Citizens Bank Community Development Officer.
Through the PGP, FHLB Dallas member institutions contribute
“Cadence Bank’s vision is to help people, companies and communities prosper. We cannot think of a better way to accomplish this than by working with HERE and FHLB Dallas,” said John Griffith, president, Pine Belt Division of Cadence Bank. “By supporting free homebuyer seminars, we are helping more people get on the path to homeownership."
“Both Citizens Bank and Cadence Bank have been true partners in community development, and we are excited to continuing our partnership through the PGP grant to HERE,” said Greg Hettrick, senior vice president and director of Community Investment at FHLB Dallas.
The PGP funds are part of
Learn more about the PGP.
About Cadence Bank
Cadence Bank (NYSE: CADE) is a leading regional banking franchise with approximately
About Citizens National Bank
Founded in 1888, Citizens National Bank is currently celebrating 134 years of service as an independent,
About the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas is one of 11 district banks in the FHLBank System created by Congress in 1932. FHLB Dallas, with total assets of
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Corporate Communications
Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas
fhlb.com, (214) 441-8445
Source: Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas