Credit Acceptance Named One of the 2024 Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ by Great Place To Work® and Fortune

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Credit Acceptance (Nasdaq: CACC) has been recognized as one of the 2024 Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ by Great Place to Work® and Fortune for the tenth consecutive year, ranking #13 out of 50 in the large company category. The company's commitment to employee success is evident through its remote-first policy, flexible scheduling, generous paid time off, and comprehensive health and wellness benefits.

Credit Acceptance's workplace culture emphasizes collaboration, performance-based compensation, and transparent annual reviews aligned with core values. The company also supports employee-driven charitable initiatives and allocates time for team-building activities. This recognition is based on employee survey results and highlights Credit Acceptance's success in fostering trust, fairness, and inclusivity in the workplace.

Credit Acceptance (Nasdaq: CACC) è stata riconosciuta come una delle 2024 Migliori Aziende per il Lavoro nei Servizi Finanziari e Assicurativi™ da Great Place to Work® e Fortune per il decimo anno consecutivo, classificandosi al #13 su 50 nella categoria delle grandi aziende. L'impegno dell'azienda per il successo dei dipendenti è evidente attraverso la sua politica di lavoro remoto, orari flessibili, generosi permessi retribuiti e vantaggi completi per la salute e il benessere.

La cultura lavorativa di Credit Acceptance enfatizza collaborazione, compensazione basata sulle performance e revisioni annuali trasparenti allineate ai valori fondamentali. L'azienda sostiene anche iniziative caritatevoli guidate dai dipendenti e dedica tempo ad attività di team building. Questo riconoscimento si basa sui risultati di un sondaggio tra i dipendenti e mette in evidenza il successo di Credit Acceptance nel promuovere fiducia, equità e inclusività sul posto di lavoro.

Credit Acceptance (Nasdaq: CACC) ha sido reconocida como una de las 2024 Mejores Empresas para Trabajar en Servicios Financieros y Seguros™ por Great Place to Work® y Fortune por décimo año consecutivo, ocupando el #13 de 50 en la categoría de grandes empresas. El compromiso de la empresa con el éxito de los empleados es evidente a través de su política de trabajo remoto, horarios flexibles, generoso tiempo libre pagado y completos beneficios de salud y bienestar.

La cultura laboral de Credit Acceptance enfatiza colaboración, compensación basada en el rendimiento y revisiones anuales transparentes alineadas con los valores fundamentales. La empresa también apoya iniciativas benéficas impulsadas por los empleados y dedica tiempo a actividades de construcción de equipos. Este reconocimiento se basa en los resultados de encuestas a empleados y destaca el éxito de Credit Acceptance en fomentar confianza, equidad e inclusividad en el lugar de trabajo.

크레딧 어셉턴스 (Nasdaq: CACC)는 Great Place to Work®와 Fortune이 인증한 2024년 금융 서비스 및 보험 부문 최고의 직장 중 하나로, 10년 연속 50개 대기업 중 13위에 선정되었습니다. 이 회사가 직원의 성공에 대한 헌신은 원격 근무 정책, 유연한 근무 시간, 넉넉한 유급 휴가 및 종합적인 건강 및 웰빙 혜택을 통해 뚜렷하게 나타납니다.

크레딧 어셉턴스의 직장 문화는 협력, 성과 기반 보상 및 핵심 가치에 맞는 투명한 연례 평가를 강조합니다. 또한, 회사는 직원 주도의 자선 활동을 지원하며 팀 빌딩 활동을 위한 시간을 할애합니다. 이 인정은 직원 설문 조사 결과에 기반하여, 직장에서 신뢰, 공정성 및 포용성을 촉진하는 크레딧 어셉턴스의 성공을 강조합니다.

Credit Acceptance (Nasdaq: CACC) a été reconnue comme l'un des 2024 Meilleurs Lieux de Travail dans les Services Financiers et l'Assurance™ par Great Place to Work® et Fortune pour la dixième année consécutive, se classant #13 sur 50 dans la catégorie des grandes entreprises. L'engagement de l'entreprise pour le succès des employés est évident à travers sa politique de travail à distance, des horaires flexibles, un généreux congé payé et des avantages de santé et de bien-être complets.

La culture de travail de Credit Acceptance met l'accent sur la collaboration, la rémunération basée sur la performance et les évaluations annuelles transparentes alignées sur les valeurs fondamentales. L'entreprise soutient également des initiatives caritatives pilotées par les employés et consacre du temps à des activités de renforcement d'équipe. Cette reconnaissance est basée sur les résultats d'une enquête auprès des employés et souligne le succès de Credit Acceptance à promouvoir la confiance, l'équité et l'inclusivité sur le lieu de travail.

Credit Acceptance (Nasdaq: CACC) wurde von Great Place to Work® und Fortune als eines der 2024 Besten Arbeitsplätze in der Finanzdienstleistungs- und Versicherungsbranche™ anerkannt und belegt im zehnten Jahr in Folge den #13 Platz von 50 in der Kategorie der großen Unternehmen. Das Engagement des Unternehmens für den Erfolg der Mitarbeiter wird durch die Remote-First-Politik, flexible Arbeitszeiten, großzügige bezahlte Freizeit und umfassende Gesundheits- und Wellnessleistungen deutlich.

Die Arbeitsplatzkultur von Credit Acceptance betont Zusammenarbeit, leistungsorientierte Vergütung und transparente Jahresbewertungen, die sich an den Kernwerten orientieren. Das Unternehmen unterstützt auch von Mitarbeitern initierte Geme charitable Initiativen und stellt Zeit für Team-Building-Aktivitäten zur Verfügung. Diese Anerkennung basiert auf den Ergebnissen von Mitarbeiterbefragungen und hebt den Erfolg von Credit Acceptance bei der Förderung von Vertrauen, Fairness und Inklusivität am Arbeitsplatz hervor.

  • None.
  • None.

Southfield, Michigan, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Credit Acceptance Corporation (Nasdaq: CACC) (referred to as the “Company”, “Credit Acceptance”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) has been named one of the 2024 Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ by Great Place to Work® and Fortune for the tenth consecutive year. The Company ranked #13 out of 50 companies in the large company category.

“At Credit Acceptance, we’re committed to offering our team members flexibility and opportunities for career growth, setting them up for success in our mission of making car ownership accessible to those who need it most,” said Ken Booth, Chief Executive Officer.

Our award-winning workplace is designed to meet the needs of every team member. In addition to being a remote-first employer, we provide team members with flexible scheduling, generous paid time off, and benefits and initiatives that support physical and mental health and wellness. We embrace flexibility and continually seek new ways to enhance collaboration among team members. Our performance evaluation practices align compensation with individual and company success, and we conduct annual reviews that focus on our core values to ensure equity and transparency for all team members.

Additionally, we support the causes and activities our team members care about most—choices guided and “championed” by team members themselves. We allocate time each month for hourly team members to participate in both in-person and virtual camaraderie-building activities.

The Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ list is based on employee survey results from Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies. It honors companies in these industries that excel in fostering trust, fairness, and inclusivity, thereby creating a positive and supportive work environment for all employees.

About Credit Acceptance
We make vehicle ownership possible by providing innovative financing solutions that enable automobile dealers to sell vehicles to consumers regardless of their credit history. Our financing programs are offered through a nationwide network of automobile dealers who benefit from sales of vehicles to consumers who otherwise could not obtain financing; from repeat and referral sales generated by these same customers; and from sales to customers responding to advertisements for our financing programs, but who actually end up qualifying for traditional financing.  

Without our financing programs, consumers are often unable to purchase vehicles, or they purchase unreliable ones. Further, as we report to the three national credit reporting agencies, an important ancillary benefit of our programs is that we provide consumers with an opportunity to improve their lives by improving their credit score and move on to more traditional sources of financing. Credit Acceptance is publicly traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CACC. For more information, visit

About the Fortune Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ 
Great Place To Work selected the 2024 Fortune Best Workplaces for Financial Services & Insurance by analyzing confidential survey responses from more than 1.3 million employees, representing the experiences of 8.2 million employees in the U.S. in 2023 and 2024. Of those responses, more than 194,000 responses were received from employees at Great Place To Work Certified companies in the financial services and insurance industry, and these rankings are based on that feedback. Company rankings are derived from 60 employee experience questions within the Great Place To Work Trust Index™ Survey.


What ranking did Credit Acceptance (CACC) receive in the 2024 Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ list?

Credit Acceptance (CACC) ranked #13 out of 50 companies in the large company category of the 2024 Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ list.

How many consecutive years has Credit Acceptance (CACC) been named to the Best Workplaces list?

Credit Acceptance (CACC) has been named to the Best Workplaces in Financial Services & Insurance™ list for ten consecutive years.

What are some key employee benefits offered by Credit Acceptance (CACC)?

Credit Acceptance (CACC) offers a remote-first work environment, flexible scheduling, generous paid time off, and comprehensive physical and mental health benefits. They also provide performance-based compensation and support employee-driven charitable initiatives.

How does Credit Acceptance (CACC) promote employee engagement and collaboration?

Credit Acceptance (CACC) allocates time each month for team members to participate in both in-person and virtual camaraderie-building activities. They also focus on enhancing collaboration among team members and conduct annual reviews based on core values.

What is the main business of Credit Acceptance (CACC)?

Credit Acceptance (CACC) provides innovative financing solutions that enable automobile dealers to sell vehicles to consumers regardless of their credit history, making vehicle ownership possible for those who might not otherwise qualify for traditional financing.

Credit Acceptance Corp


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Credit Services
Personal Credit Institutions
United States of America