Byrna Launchers Adopted by Uruguayan Ministry of the Interior for Enhanced Less-Lethal Law Enforcement

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Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN) has secured a significant order from the Uruguayan Ministry of the Interior for 400 Byrna launchers and over 100,000 rounds of less-lethal ammunition. The purchase includes 300 handheld and 100 long gun launchers for the Uruguayan National Police. This adoption aims to enhance public safety and reduce reliance on lethal force in various law enforcement scenarios.

The launchers will initially be deployed by the Republican Guard, with plans for expansion to other divisions following comprehensive training programs. This order aligns with Byrna's broader strategy in Latin America, where the company sees strong momentum and significant opportunities. CEO Bryan Ganz emphasized that this decision underscores the growing recognition of Byrna's products as effective, less-lethal solutions for law enforcement.

Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN) ha ottenuto un ordine significativo dal Ministero dell'Interno uruguaiano per 400 lanciatori Byrna e oltre 100.000 colpi di munizioni meno letali. L'acquisto include 300 lanciatori portatili e 100 lanciatori per fucili per la Polizia Nazionale uruguaiana. Questa adozione mira a migliorare la sicurezza pubblica e a ridurre la dipendenza dalla forza letale in varie situazioni di applicazione della legge.

I lanciatori saranno inizialmente utilizzati dalla Guardia Repubblicana, con piani di espansione ad altre divisioni dopo programmi di formazione completi. Questo ordine si allinea con la strategia più ampia di Byrna in America Latina, dove l'azienda vede un forte slancio e opportunità significative. L'amministratore delegato Bryan Ganz ha sottolineato che questa decisione evidenzia il crescente riconoscimento dei prodotti Byrna come soluzioni efficaci e meno letali per l'applicazione della legge.

Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN) ha asegurado un pedido significativo del Ministerio del Interior de Uruguay por 400 lanzadores Byrna y más de 100,000 cartuchos de municiones menos letales. La compra incluye 300 lanzadores portátiles y 100 lanzadores de larga distancia para la Policía Nacional de Uruguay. Esta adopción tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad pública y reducir la dependencia de la fuerza letal en diversas situaciones de aplicación de la ley.

Los lanzadores se desplegarán inicialmente por la Guardia Republicana, con planes de expansión a otras divisiones tras programas de capacitación completos. Este pedido se alinea con la estrategia más amplia de Byrna en América Latina, donde la compañía ve un fuerte impulso y oportunidades significativas. El CEO Bryan Ganz enfatizó que esta decisión subraya el creciente reconocimiento de los productos de Byrna como soluciones efectivas y menos letales para la aplicación de la ley.

Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN)가 우루과이 내무부로부터 400개의 Byrna 발사기와 100,000발 이상의 비치명적 탄약을 포함한 대규모 주문을 확보했습니다. 이 구매는 우루과이 국가 경찰을 위한 300개의 휴대용 발사기와 100개의 소총 발사기를 포함합니다. 이 도입은 공공 안전을 향상하고 다양한 법 집행 시나리오에서 치명적인 힘에 대한 의존도를 줄이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

발사기는 처음에 공화국 경비대에 배치될 예정이며, 포괄적인 훈련 프로그램 후 다른 부서로 확장할 계획입니다. 이 주문은 라틴 아메리카에서의 Byrna의 광범위한 전략과 일치하며, 회사는 강력한 모멘텀과 중요한 기회를 보고 있습니다. CEO인 브라이언 간즈는 이 결정이 법 집행을 위한 효과적이고 비치명적인 솔루션으로서 Byrna 제품에 대한 인식이 높아지고 있음을 강조했습니다.

Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN) a sécurisé une commande significative du Ministère de l'Intérieur uruguayen pour 400 lanceurs Byrna et plus de 100 000 cartouches de munitions moins létales. Cet achat comprend 300 lanceurs portatifs et 100 lanceurs d'armes longues pour la Police Nationale uruguayenne. Cette adoption vise à améliorer la sécurité publique et à réduire la dépendance à la force létale dans divers scénarios d'application de la loi.

Les lanceurs seront initialement déployés par la Garde Républicaine, avec des plans d'expansion vers d'autres divisions après des programmes de formation complets. Cette commande s'inscrit dans la stratégie plus large de Byrna en Amérique Latine, où l'entreprise voit un fort élan et d'importantes opportunités. Le PDG Bryan Ganz a souligné que cette décision souligne la reconnaissance croissante des produits Byrna en tant que solutions efficaces et moins létales pour l'application de la loi.

Byrna Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq: BYRN) hat einen bedeutenden Auftrag vom Uruguayischen Innenministerium über 400 Byrna-Launcher und über 100.000 Schuss weniger tödlicher Munition gesichert. Der Kauf umfasst 300 Handgeräte und 100 Langwaffen-Launcher für die Nationale Polizei Uruguays. Diese Einführung zielt darauf ab, die öffentliche Sicherheit zu verbessern und die Abhängigkeit von tödlicher Gewalt in verschiedenen Durchsetzungs-Szenarien zu verringern.

Die Launcher werden zunächst von der Republikanischen Garde eingesetzt, mit Plänen zur Ausweitung auf andere Abteilungen nach umfassenden Schulungsprogrammen. Diese Bestellung steht im Einklang mit Byrnas umfassenderer Strategie in Lateinamerika, wo das Unternehmen einen starken Schwung und bedeutende Chancen sieht. CEO Bryan Ganz betonte, dass diese Entscheidung das wachsende Bewusstsein für Byrnas Produkte als effektive, weniger tödliche Lösungen für die Strafverfolgung unterstreicht.

  • Secured order for 400 Byrna launchers and 100,000+ rounds of ammunition from Uruguayan Ministry of the Interior
  • Expansion into Latin American law enforcement market
  • Potential for increased orders as deployment expands to other police divisions
  • Recognition of Byrna products as effective less-lethal solutions by international law enforcement
  • None.

The adoption of Byrna launchers by Uruguay's Ministry of the Interior marks a significant shift in law enforcement tactics. This move towards less-lethal options aligns with global trends in policing reform. The purchase of 400 launchers and 100,000 rounds indicates a substantial commitment to this approach. The inclusion of both handheld and long gun variants suggests a versatile deployment strategy, potentially covering various operational scenarios.

The emphasis on training is crucial, as effective use of less-lethal weapons requires specific skills. This initiative could potentially reduce instances of lethal force, improving public perception of police and reducing legal liabilities. However, the effectiveness of these launchers in real-world scenarios remains to be seen and their impact on overall policing outcomes will need careful monitoring.

Byrna's expansion into the Uruguayan market represents a strategic move in Latin America. This deal not only provides immediate revenue but also serves as a potential springboard for further regional growth. The high-profile nature of the client - a national government - could enhance Byrna's credibility in the law enforcement sector globally.

However, investors should note that government contracts can be subject to political changes and budget fluctuations. The $400,000 to $800,000 estimated revenue from this deal (based on typical pricing) is significant for Byrna, but sustainability of such contracts is key. The company's ability to secure similar deals in other countries will be important for long-term growth in this sector.

The Uruguayan government's decision to adopt less-lethal weapons is part of a broader trend in modernizing law enforcement. This approach aims to balance public safety with minimizing harm, particularly in scenarios like protests or standoffs. The initial deployment to the Republican Guard, followed by planned expansion to other divisions, suggests a phased, cautious implementation.

While this move can potentially improve police-community relations, it's important to monitor for any misuse or overreliance on these tools. Proper training and clear guidelines for usage are essential to prevent these less-lethal options from being used inappropriately. The success of this initiative could influence similar policies in neighboring countries, potentially opening up more markets for companies like Byrna in the region.

ANDOVER, Mass., Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Byrna Technologies Inc. (“Byrna” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: BYRN), a technology company, specializing in the development, manufacture, and sale of innovative less-lethal personal security solutions, today announced that the Ministry of the Interior of Uruguay has purchased 400 Byrna launchers and over 100,000 rounds of less-lethal ammunition for the Uruguayan National Police.

This purchase, which includes 300 handheld launchers and 100 long gun launchers, was highlighted during a demonstration at the Republican Guard’s shooting range. The event was attended by Uruguay’s Minister of the Interior, Nicolás Martinelli, along with other senior officials, who emphasized the importance of integrating these less-lethal tools into police operations to enhance public safety and reduce reliance on lethal force.

These new launchers provide the Uruguayan National Police with an additional, less-lethal option before resorting to firearms, offering a critical tool for managing situations such as public demonstrations or incidents where individuals barricade themselves. The devices are designed to reduce the combat capacity of potential threats with minimal physical harm.

The launchers will initially be used by the Republican Guard, with plans to expand their deployment across other divisions following a series of comprehensive training programs. These training sessions, conducted at the Republican Guard’s range, will ensure that officers are proficient in using the launchers for a variety of scenarios, including crowd control and high-risk interventions.

Byrna CEO Bryan Ganz stated, “The Ministry of the Interior’s decision to equip their police force with Byrna launchers underscores the growing recognition of our products as effective, less-lethal solutions for law enforcement. This development aligns with our broader strategy in Latin America, where we continue to see strong momentum and significant opportunities.”

About Byrna Technologies Inc.

Byrna is a technology company specializing in the development, manufacture, and sale of innovative less-lethal personal security solutions. For more information on the Company, please visit the corporate website here or the Company's investor relations site here. The Company is the manufacturer of the Byrna® SD personal security device, a state-of-the-art handheld CO2 powered launcher designed to provide a less-lethal alternative to a firearm for the consumer, private security, and law enforcement markets. To purchase Byrna products, visit the Company's e-commerce store.

Investor Contact:
Tom Colton and Alec Wilson
Gateway Group, Inc.


How many Byrna launchers did the Uruguayan Ministry of the Interior purchase?

The Uruguayan Ministry of the Interior purchased 400 Byrna launchers, including 300 handheld launchers and 100 long gun launchers.

What is the purpose of Byrna launchers for the Uruguayan National Police?

Byrna launchers provide the Uruguayan National Police with a less-lethal option to enhance public safety, manage situations like public demonstrations, and reduce reliance on lethal force.

Which division of the Uruguayan police will initially use the Byrna launchers?

The Byrna launchers will initially be used by the Republican Guard, with plans to expand their deployment across other divisions following comprehensive training programs.

How does this order align with Byrna Technologies Inc.'s (BYRN) strategy in Latin America?

This order aligns with Byrna's broader strategy in Latin America, where the company sees strong momentum and significant opportunities for growth in the law enforcement sector.

Byrna Technologies, Inc.


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