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Banyan Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: BYN.U, BYN, BYN.WS) announced that at its special stockholder meeting on April 21, 2023, shareholders approved amendments to its charter and investment management trust agreement. This allows the company to extend the deadline for completing a business combination from April 24, 2023 to December 24, 2023. Additionally, approximately 20.15 million shares of Class A Common Stock were redeemed for cash at about $10.42 per share, totaling around $210.03 million, which will be deducted from the company's trust account. The strategic focus remains on identifying opportunities in the foodservice industry.

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Banyan Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: BYN.U, BYN, BYN.WS) announced it will postpone the special stockholder meeting originally scheduled for April 18, 2023, without conducting any business. The meeting is now set to reconvene on April 21, 2023. During this meeting, stockholders will vote on proposals to extend the deadline for business combinations from April 24, 2023, to December 24, 2023. The deadline for Class A common stockholders to redeem their shares has also been extended to April 19, 2023. The Extension Proxy Statement was mailed on March 31, 2023, to stockholders of record as of March 24, 2023. Stockholders are advised to vote promptly and can seek assistance from the proxy solicitor, Morrow Sodali LLC.

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Banyan Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: BYN.U) announced that beginning March 11, 2022, holders of its 24,150,000 units can separately trade Class A common stock and warrants. The common stock will trade under the symbol BYN, while warrants will trade as BYN.WS. Continuous units will trade under BYN.U. The Company focuses on acquiring businesses, particularly in the foodservice sector, but has not targeted any specific acquisition yet. BTIG, LLC was the sole bookrunner for the offering, which became effective on January 19, 2022.

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