Blackstone Announces $8 Billion Final Close for Latest Real Estate Debt Strategies Fund
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) has successfully closed its latest real estate debt fund, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies V (BREDS V), with approximately $8 billion in total capital commitments.
The fund, managed by Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies which oversees $77 billion in assets under management and employs over 170 professionals globally, will focus on multiple investment strategies including global scale lending, liquid securities, structured solutions to financial institutions, and corporate credit.
Tim Johnson, Global Head of Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, highlighted the significant achievement of raising this capital during market dislocation and expressed optimism about future opportunities, leveraging Blackstone's position as the largest owner of commercial real estate and alternative real estate credit platform globally.
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) ha chiuso con successo il suo ultimo fondo di debito immobiliare, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies V (BREDS V), con circa 8 miliardi di dollari in impegni di capitale totali.
Il fondo, gestito da Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies che supervisiona 77 miliardi di dollari in asset sotto gestione e impiega oltre 170 professionisti a livello globale, si concentrerà su molteplici strategie di investimento, tra cui prestiti su scala globale, titoli liquidi, soluzioni strutturate per istituzioni finanziarie e credito aziendale.
Tim Johnson, Responsabile Globale di Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, ha sottolineato il significativo traguardo di aver raccolto questo capitale durante una dislocazione del mercato e ha espresso ottimismo riguardo alle opportunità future, sfruttando la posizione di Blackstone come il più grande proprietario di immobili commerciali e piattaforma di credito immobiliare alternativo a livello globale.
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) ha cerrado con éxito su último fondo de deuda inmobiliaria, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies V (BREDS V), con aproximadamente 8 mil millones de dólares en compromisos de capital totales.
El fondo, gestionado por Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, que supervisa 77 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión y emplea a más de 170 profesionales a nivel mundial, se centrará en múltiples estrategias de inversión, incluyendo préstamos a escala global, valores líquidos, soluciones estructuradas para instituciones financieras y crédito corporativo.
Tim Johnson, Jefe Global de Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, destacó el logro significativo de recaudar este capital durante la dislocación del mercado y expresó optimismo sobre las oportunidades futuras, aprovechando la posición de Blackstone como el mayor propietario de bienes raíces comerciales y plataforma de crédito inmobiliario alternativo a nivel mundial.
블랙스톤 (NYSE: BX)은 최근 부동산 채무 펀드인 블랙스톤 부동산 채무 전략 V (BREDS V)를 약 80억 달러의 총 자본 약정을 통해 성공적으로 마감했습니다.
이 펀드는 770억 달러의 자산을 관리하며 전 세계적으로 170명 이상의 전문가를 고용하는 블랙스톤 부동산 채무 전략에 의해 관리되며, 글로벌 규모의 대출, 유동성 증권, 금융 기관에 대한 구조화된 솔루션, 기업 신용 등 다양한 투자 전략에 집중할 예정입니다.
블랙스톤 부동산 채무 전략의 글로벌 책임자인 팀 존슨은 시장의 혼란 속에서 이 자본을 모은 중요한 성과를 강조하며, 블랙스톤이 세계에서 상업용 부동산 및 대체 부동산 신용 플랫폼의 최대 소유주로서 향후 기회에 대한 낙관적인 전망을 표현했습니다.
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) a réussi à clôturer son dernier fonds de dette immobilière, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies V (BREDS V), avec environ 8 milliards de dollars d'engagements de capital total.
Le fonds, géré par Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, qui supervise 77 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion et emploie plus de 170 professionnels à l'échelle mondiale, se concentrera sur plusieurs stratégies d'investissement, y compris le prêt à l'échelle mondiale, les titres liquides, les solutions structurées pour les institutions financières et le crédit d'entreprise.
Tim Johnson, responsable mondial de Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, a souligné l'importance de cet accomplissement en levant ce capital pendant une dislocation du marché et a exprimé son optimisme quant aux opportunités futures, en tirant parti de la position de Blackstone en tant que plus grand propriétaire d'immobilier commercial et plateforme de crédit immobilier alternatif au monde.
Blackstone (NYSE: BX) hat erfolgreich seinen neuesten Immobilien-Schuldenfonds, Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies V (BREDS V), mit etwa 8 Milliarden Dollar an Gesamtkapitalzusagen geschlossen.
Der Fonds, der von Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies verwaltet wird, die 77 Milliarden Dollar an verwalteten Vermögenswerten betreut und über 170 Fachkräfte weltweit beschäftigt, wird sich auf mehrere Anlagestrategien konzentrieren, darunter globale Kredite, liquide Wertpapiere, strukturierte Lösungen für Finanzinstitute und Unternehmensanleihen.
Tim Johnson, globaler Leiter von Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, hob die bedeutende Leistung hervor, dieses Kapital während einer Marktverwerfung gesammelt zu haben, und äußerte Optimismus über zukünftige Möglichkeiten, indem er die Position von Blackstone als größten Eigentümer von Gewerbeimmobilien und alternativer Immobilienkreditplattform weltweit nutzt.
- Successful raise of $8 billion in capital commitments
- Large-scale platform with $77 billion AUM in real estate debt strategies
- Flexible investment mandate across multiple strategies
- Strong market positioning as largest commercial real estate owner
- Market dislocation in the real estate sector
Tim Johnson, Global Head of Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies, said, “We are extraordinarily appreciative of our investors for allocating this amount of capital during this period of market dislocation. We could not be more enthusiastic about the opportunities ahead and with the support of the largest owner of commercial real estate as well as the largest alternative real estate credit platform in the world, BREDS V is well-positioned to deliver in this attractive vintage.”
Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies has
About Blackstone Real Estate
Blackstone is a global leader in real estate investing. Blackstone’s real estate business was founded in 1991 and has US
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Ruby Wald
Source: Blackstone
How much capital did Blackstone raise for its latest BREDS V fund?
What is the current AUM of Blackstone's Real Estate Debt Strategies platform?
What investment strategies will BREDS V pursue?
How many professionals does Blackstone's Real Estate Debt Strategies employ globally?