BWXT Awarded Contract to Develop Pilot Plant Solution for Domestic Uranium Enrichment

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BWX Technologies (NYSE: BWXT) has been awarded a contract by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to conduct a yearlong engineering study for the Domestic Uranium Enrichment Centrifuge Experiment (DUECE) program. The study aims to evaluate options for deploying a centrifuge pilot plant to establish domestic uranium enrichment capabilities for national security purposes.

The contract, awarded to BWXT subsidiary Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., represents the next phase of the DUECE program. The objective is to inform the acquisition approach for a pilot plant that will demonstrate centrifuge performance, reliability, and life-cycle costs for the NNSA. Fluor will serve as the engineering, procurement, and construction service provider for this activity.

This initiative aligns with BWXT's strategy to expand its role in the national security nuclear fuel cycle, leveraging its unique nuclear operations infrastructure and NRC Category 1 uranium handling and processing licenses.

BWX Technologies (NYSE: BWXT) ha ricevuto un contratto dall'Amministrazione Nazionale per la Sicurezza Nucleare (NNSA) per condurre uno studio ingegneristico della durata di un anno per il programma di Esperimento di Arricchimento dell'Uranio Domestico con Centrifuga (DUECE). Lo studio ha lo scopo di valutare le opzioni per l'implementazione di un impianto pilota per centrifughe per stabilire capacità di arricchimento dell'uranio domestico a fini di sicurezza nazionale.

Il contratto, assegnato alla sussidiaria di BWXT Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., rappresenta la fase successiva del programma DUECE. L'obiettivo è informare l'approccio all'acquisizione per un impianto pilota che dimostrerà le performance, l'affidabilità e i costi di ciclo di vita delle centrifughe per la NNSA. Fluor agirà come fornitore di servizi di ingegneria, approvvigionamento e costruzione per questa attività.

Questa iniziativa è in linea con la strategia di BWXT di ampliare il proprio ruolo nel ciclo del combustibile nucleare per la sicurezza nazionale, sfruttando la sua unica infrastruttura operativa nucleare e le licenze di gestione e lavorazione dell'uranio di Categoria 1 della NRC.

BWX Technologies (NYSE: BWXT) ha sido adjudicada un contrato por la Administración Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear (NNSA) para llevar a cabo un estudio de ingeniería de un año para el programa de Experimento de Enriquecimiento de Uranio Doméstico por Centrifugación (DUECE). El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar opciones para desplegar una planta piloto de centrifugas que establezca capacidades de enriquecimiento de uranio doméstico para fines de seguridad nacional.

El contrato, adjudicado a la subsidiaria de BWXT Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., representa la siguiente fase del programa DUECE. El objetivo es informar el enfoque de adquisición para una planta piloto que demostrará el rendimiento, la fiabilidad y los costos de ciclo de vida de las centrifugas para la NNSA. Fluor servirá como proveedor de servicios de ingeniería, adquisición y construcción para esta actividad.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con la estrategia de BWXT de ampliar su papel en el ciclo de combustible nuclear para la seguridad nacional, aprovechando su infraestructura operativa nuclear única y las licencias de manejo y procesamiento de uranio de Categoría 1 de la NRC.

BWX 테크놀로지스(BWX Technologies, NYSE: BWXT)는 국가 핵 안전 관리국(NNSA)으로부터 1년간의 공학 연구를 수행하기 위한 계약을 체결했습니다. 이는 국내 우라늄 농축 원심분리기 실험(DUECE) 프로그램을 위한 것입니다. 이 연구는 국가 안보 목적을 위해 원심분리기 파일럿 플랜트를 배치하기 위한 옵션을 평가하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

BWXT의 자회사인 Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.에 수여된 이 계약은 DUECE 프로그램의 다음 단계입니다. 목표는 NNSA를 위해 원심분리기의 성능, 신뢰성 및 생애 주기 비용을 검증하는 파일럿 플랜트의 인수 접근 방식을 수립하는 것입니다. 이 활동에 대해 Fluor는 공학, 조달 및 건설 서비스 제공자로 활동할 것입니다.

이 계획은 BWXT가 고유한 핵 작업 인프라와 NRC 1급 우라늄 처리 및 가공 라이센스를 활용하여 국가 안보의 핵 연료 사이클에서 역할을 확대하려는 전략과 일치합니다.

BWX Technologies (NYSE: BWXT) a remporté un contrat de l'Administration nationale de la sécurité nucléaire (NNSA) pour réaliser une étude d'ingénierie d'une durée d'un an pour le programme d'Expérience d'enrichissement de l'uranium domestique par centrifugeuse (DUECE). L'étude vise à évaluer les options pour déployer une unité pilote de centrifugeuses afin d'établir des capacités d'enrichissement de l'uranium à des fins de sécurité nationale.

Le contrat, attribué à la filiale de BWXT, Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., représente la prochaine phase du programme DUECE. L'objectif est de renseigner l'approche d'acquisition pour une unité pilote qui démontrera les performances, la fiabilité et les coûts de cycle de vie des centrifugeuses pour la NNSA. Fluor agira en tant que fournisseur de services d'ingénierie, d'approvisionnement et de construction pour cette activité.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans la stratégie de BWXT d'élargir son rôle dans le cycle de combustible nucléaire pour la sécurité nationale, en tirant parti de son infrastructure unique d'opérations nucléaires et de ses licences de gestion et de traitement de l'uranium de catégorie 1 de la NRC.

BWX Technologies (NYSE: BWXT) wurde von der National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) mit einem Vertrag beauftragt, der ein einjähriges Ingenieurstudium für das Programm Experiment zur Urananreicherung inländischer Centrifugen (DUECE) durchführen soll. Ziel der Studie ist es, Optionen für den Betrieb eines Pilotwerks für Centrifugen zur Etablierung nationaler Urananreicherungsfähigkeiten aus Sicherheitsgründen zu bewerten.

Der Vertrag, der an die Tochtergesellschaft von BWXT, Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., vergeben wurde, stellt die nächste Phase des DUECE-Programms dar. Die Zielsetzung besteht darin, den Beschaffungsansatz für ein Pilotwerk zu informieren, das Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Lebenszykluskosten von Centrifugen für die NNSA demonstriert. Fluor wird als Anbieter von Ingenieur-, Beschaffungs- und Bauleistungen für diese Maßnahme fungieren.

Diese Initiative entspricht der Strategie von BWXT, ihre Rolle im nationalen Sicherheitszyklus für nukleare Brennstoffe zu erweitern, indem sie ihre einzigartige Infrastruktur für nukleare Operationen und die NRC-Kategorie-1-Lizenzen für den Umgang mit und die Verarbeitung von Uran nutzt.

  • Contract awarded by NNSA for a strategic national security project
  • Alignment with BWXT's long-term strategy in the national security nuclear fuel cycle
  • Potential for future expansion into the domestic uranium enrichment market
  • None.

This contract award to BWXT is a significant development in the U.S. nuclear industry. The NNSA's DUECE program aims to address a critical gap in national security by re-establishing domestic uranium enrichment capabilities. This move is likely driven by concerns over reliance on foreign sources for enriched uranium, which is vital for both defense and civilian nuclear applications.

The yearlong engineering study will be important in determining the feasibility and costs of deploying a centrifuge pilot plant. If successful, this could lead to a larger-scale production facility, potentially revolutionizing the U.S. nuclear fuel cycle. For BWXT, this represents a strategic expansion into a new market segment, leveraging their existing nuclear expertise and infrastructure.

Investors should note that while this contract itself may not have an immediate significant financial impact, it positions BWXT for potentially lucrative future contracts in uranium enrichment. The long-term implications for BWXT and the broader nuclear industry could be substantial, depending on the study's outcomes and subsequent government decisions.

The NNSA's initiative to develop domestic uranium enrichment capabilities is a critical national security measure. The U.S. currently lacks the ability to enrich uranium for defense missions, which poses a strategic vulnerability. This contract with BWXT is a step towards addressing this gap and reducing dependence on foreign sources for enriched uranium.

The focus on centrifuge technology is noteworthy, as it's generally considered more efficient and cost-effective than older enrichment methods. The pilot plant will be important in demonstrating the viability of this technology for large-scale deployment. If successful, it could significantly enhance the U.S.'s nuclear deterrence capabilities and energy security.

From a geopolitical perspective, this move signals the U.S.'s commitment to maintaining its nuclear capabilities and could influence international negotiations and strategic relationships. Investors should consider the broader implications of this project on global nuclear non-proliferation efforts and potential shifts in international nuclear fuel markets.

While the financial details of this contract weren't disclosed, its strategic importance for BWXT cannot be overstated. This project aligns with BWXT's long-term strategy to expand its role in the national security nuclear fuel cycle, potentially opening up a new revenue stream in the future.

The contract itself, being a yearlong engineering study, is unlikely to have a significant immediate impact on BWXT's financials. However, if the study leads to further contracts for the construction and operation of a pilot plant or eventual full-scale facility, the financial implications could be substantial.

Investors should monitor the progress of this study closely, as positive outcomes could lead to a significant upside for BWXT's stock in the long term. The company's unique position with NRC Category 1 uranium handling licenses gives it a competitive advantage in this space. However, it's important to note that the timeline for realizing substantial financial benefits from this initiative could be quite long, given the complex nature of nuclear projects and government decision-making processes.

LYNCHBURG, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: BWXT) today announced a contract from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to complete a yearlong engineering study to evaluate options for the deployment of a centrifuge pilot plant that would establish a domestic uranium enrichment capability for national security purposes.

Awarded to BWXT subsidiary Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., this contract represents the next phase of the NNSA’s Domestic Uranium Enrichment Centrifuge Experiment (DUECE). The NNSA’s DUECE program, developed and managed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is intended to preserve and advance uranium enrichment expertise and technology for current and future U.S. national security needs. The objective of this engineering study is to inform the acquisition approach for a pilot plant that will demonstrate the DUE centrifuge performance, reliability and life-cycle costs for the NNSA. Fluor will be the engineering, procurement and construction service provider for the activity.

“BWXT’s entry into the domestic uranium enrichment market is driven by our unwavering commitment to national security, and we look forward to working with NNSA and ORNL to advance the DUECE program,” said Kevin McCoy, president of BWXT Government Operations. “Given BWXT’s unique nuclear operations infrastructure and NRC Category 1 uranium handling and processing licenses, this venture aligns well with BWXT's long-standing strategy to expand its role in the national security nuclear fuel cycle.”

According to the NNSA, the U.S. Government currently lacks the ability to enrich uranium to support defense missions. This program is working to establish a new capability in time to meet national security needs using centrifuge technologies. There is a need to develop and demonstrate centrifuge technologies to better characterize performance, reliability, and life-cycle costs prior to selecting a path forward for a production-scale capability.

Forward Looking Statements

BWXT cautions that this release contains forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the performance, scope and timing of the contract for an engineering study to evaluate options for domestic uranium enrichment. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, modification or termination of the contract, delays or other difficulties in the commencement or execution of the contract, the expected duration of the contract and any changes to government appropriations for the contract for an engineering study to evaluate options for domestic uranium enrichment. If one or more of these or other risks materialize, actual results may vary materially from those expressed. For a more complete discussion of these and other risk factors, please see BWXT’s annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent reports on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. BWXT cautions not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this release, and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, except to the extent required by applicable law.

About NFS

Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS) processes highly enriched uranium to manufacture fuel material for all naval nuclear reactors used in U.S. submarines and aircraft carriers. It also provides uranium downblending services to support commercial power needs and national security missions. NFS is a BWX Technologies, Inc. company and is a part of its BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc. subsidiary.

About BWXT

At BWX Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: BWXT), we are People Strong, Innovation Driven. A U.S.-based company, BWXT is a Fortune 1000 and Defense News Top 100 manufacturing and engineering innovator that provides safe and effective nuclear solutions for global security, clean energy, environmental restoration, nuclear medicine and space exploration. With approximately 7,800 employees, BWXT has 14 major operating sites in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. In addition, BWXT joint ventures provide management and operations at a dozen U.S. Department of Energy and NASA facilities. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram.

Media Contact

Christine Courard

Vice President, Communications


Investor Contact

Chase Jacobson

Vice President, Investor Relations


Source: BWX Technologies, Inc.


What is the purpose of the NNSA's Domestic Uranium Enrichment Centrifuge Experiment (DUECE) program?

The DUECE program aims to preserve and advance uranium enrichment expertise and technology for current and future U.S. national security needs. It seeks to establish a domestic uranium enrichment capability to support defense missions.

What is the objective of the engineering study awarded to BWXT (NYSE: BWXT)?

The objective is to evaluate options for deploying a centrifuge pilot plant and inform the acquisition approach for demonstrating centrifuge performance, reliability, and life-cycle costs for the NNSA.

How does this contract align with BWXT's (NYSE: BWXT) business strategy?

The contract aligns with BWXT's strategy to expand its role in the national security nuclear fuel cycle, leveraging its nuclear operations infrastructure and NRC Category 1 uranium handling and processing licenses.

Who will be the engineering, procurement, and construction service provider for BWXT's (NYSE: BWXT) DUECE program activity?

Fluor will serve as the engineering, procurement, and construction service provider for the DUECE program activity awarded to BWXT.

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