BeFra Appoints Olga Botero as Independent Director to Its Board
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX) has appointed Olga Botero as an Independent Director to its Board, effective October 17, 2024. This appointment brings the total number of Board members to twelve, with nine being Independent Directors. Ms. Botero brings over 20 years of experience in digital technology, cybersecurity, and risk management across various industries.
Ms. Botero is the founder and Chair of SECCURI, and founder and CEO of C&S Customers and strategy. She currently serves on several boards, including ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel, and Evertec Inc. Her educational background includes degrees in computer science, finance, and e-business, as well as various management programs from prestigious institutions.
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX) ha nominato Olga Botero come Direttore Indipendente nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, a partire dal 17 ottobre 2024. Questa nomina porta il numero totale dei membri del Consiglio a dodici, di cui nove sono Direttori Indipendenti. La signora Botero porta oltre 20 anni di esperienza in tecnologia digitale, cybersecurity e gestione del rischio in diversi settori.
La signora Botero è fondatrice e Presidente di SECCURI, nonché fondatrice e CEO di C&S Customers and Strategy. Attualmente, ricopre anche ruoli in diversi consigli, tra cui ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel ed Evertec Inc. Il suo percorso formativo include lauree in informatica, finanza ed e-business, oltre a vari programmi di gestione presso prestigiose istituzioni.
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX) ha nombrado a Olga Botero como Directora Independiente de su Junta, con efecto a partir del 17 de octubre de 2024. Esta nombramiento eleva el número total de miembros de la Junta a doce, de los cuales nueve son Directores Independientes. La Sra. Botero aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en tecnología digital, ciberseguridad y gestión de riesgos en diversas industrias.
La Sra. Botero es fundadora y Presidenta de SECCURI, y fundadora y CEO de C&S Customers and Strategy. Actualmente, sirve en varias juntas, incluyendo ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel y Evertec Inc. Su formación académica incluye títulos en informática, finanzas y comercio electrónico, así como varios programas de gestión de instituciones prestigiosas.
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX)는 Olga Botero를 2024년 10월 17일부터 이사회의 독립 이사로 임명했습니다. 이번 임명으로 이사회의 총원은 12명으로 증가하며, 그 중 9명이 독립 이사입니다. Botero 씨는 다양한 산업에서 디지털 기술, 사이버 보안 및 리스크 관리에 대한 20년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
Botero 씨는 SECCURI의 설립자이자 의장이며, C&S Customers and Strategy의 설립자이자 CEO입니다. 그녀는 현재 ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel 및 Evertec Inc.를 포함한 여러 이사회에서 활동하고 있습니다. 그녀의 학력은 컴퓨터 과학, 금융 및 전자 상거래 분야의 학위와 여러 저명한 기관에서의 관리 프로그램을 포함하고 있습니다.
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX) a nommé Olga Botero en tant que Directrice Indépendante de son Conseil d'Administration, à compter du 17 octobre 2024. Cette nomination porte le nombre total de membres du Conseil à douze, dont neuf sont des Directeurs Indépendants. Mme Botero apporte plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans la technologie numérique, la cybersécurité et la gestion des risques à travers diverses industries.
Mme Botero est fondatrice et présidente de SECCURI, ainsi que fondatrice et PDG de C&S Customers and Strategy. Elle occupe actuellement des postes dans plusieurs conseils, dont ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel et Evertec Inc. Son parcours éducatif comprend des diplômes en informatique, finance et e-business, ainsi que divers programmes de gestion de prestigieuses institutions.
Betterware de México (NYSE: BWMX) hat Olga Botero mit Wirkung zum 17. Oktober 2024 als unabhängige Direktorin in sein Board berufen. Diese Ernennung erhöht die Anzahl der Mitglieder des Boards auf zwölf, von denen neun unabhängige Direktoren sind. Frau Botero bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in digitaler Technologie, Cybersicherheit und Risikomanagement in verschiedenen Branchen mit.
Frau Botero ist Gründerin und Vorsitzende von SECCURI sowie Gründerin und CEO von C&S Customers and Strategy. Derzeit ist sie in mehreren Vorständen aktiv, darunter ALTIPAL, Grupo Coppel und Evertec Inc. Ihr Bildungshintergrund umfasst Abschlüsse in Informatik, Finanzen und E-Business sowie verschiedene Managementprogramme von angesehenen Institutionen.
- Appointment of an experienced Independent Director with expertise in digital technology and cybersecurity
- Strengthening of the Board's composition with 9 out of 12 members being Independent Directors
- Potential for improved digital strategies within the Group due to Ms. Botero's expertise
- None.
Following Ms. Botero’s appointment, the Company’s Board comprises twelve members who possess a broad range of experience and skills in key areas such as strategy, finance, digital business, and marketing. Nine of the twelve Board members are Independent Directors.
Luis G. Campos, Executive Chairman of the Board, stated, “We are delighted to welcome Olga to our Board. As a proven Independent Board Director with over 20 years of experience in digital and technology, cybersecurity, and risk management across leading companies in the Financial Services, Technology, and Telecommunications industries, Olga brings deep knowledge of both the Mexican and global markets. We look forward to leveraging her expertise and are confident she will provide valuable perspectives as we advance our digital strategies within the Group.”
Ms. Olga Botero is the founder and Chair of SECCURI, and founder and CEO of C&S Customers and strategy. She currently serves as independent director of ALTIPAL, the largest consumer goods distribution and marketing company in
Ms. Botero has a Bachelors and Masters degree in computer science from Iowa State University, focused specially on Cyber Security and Encryption. She also has a diploma in Finance from EAFIT University in
About Betterware
Founded in 1995, Betterware de
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Matters discussed in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts. The words “believe,” “anticipate,” “intends,” “estimate,” “potential,” “may,” “should,” “expect” “pending” and similar expressions identify forward- looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based upon various assumptions. Although we believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, because these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond our control, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or accomplish these expectations.
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Investor Relations
Barbara Cano
Source: Betterware de México, S.A.P.I. de C.V.