Bowman Contracted by Illinois Department of Transportation for I-55 Corridor Rehabilitation Project

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Bowman Consulting Group (NASDAQ: BWMN) has been contracted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to provide corridor management and design services for a 15.6-mile corridor of I-55. This project is part of the state's $45 billion Rebuild Illinois infrastructure investment program.

Bowman will manage all projects within this highly trafficked stretch of I-55, which connects Chicago to its southwest suburbs and transits over 100,000 vehicles daily. The company will also prepare repair plans for 16 bridges and develop roadway improvement plans for the expressway. These enhancements aim to improve safety, reduce congestion, and extend the lifespan of Illinois' transportation infrastructure.

Gary Bowman, chairman and CEO, expressed excitement about the project, highlighting the company's ability to mobilize quickly due to pre-existing resources.

Il Bowman Consulting Group (NASDAQ: BWMN) è stato incaricato dal Dipartimento dei Trasporti dell'Illinois (IDOT) di fornire servizi di gestione e progettazione dei corridoi per un corridoio di 15,6 miglia dell'I-55. Questo progetto è parte del programma statale di investimento nelle infrastrutture Rebuild Illinois da 45 miliardi di dollari.

Bowman gestirà tutti i progetti all'interno di questo tratto ad alto traffico dell'I-55, che collega Chicago ai suoi sobborghi sud-occidentali e sperimenta oltre 100.000 veicoli al giorno. L'azienda preparerà anche piani di riparazione per 16 ponti e svilupperà piani di miglioramento della viabilità per l'autostrada. Questi miglioramenti mirano a incrementare la sicurezza, ridurre la congestione e prolungare la vita delle infrastrutture di trasporto dell'Illinois.

Gary Bowman, presidente e CEO, ha espresso entusiasmo per il progetto, sottolineando la capacità dell'azienda di mobilitarsi rapidamente grazie alle risorse preesistenti.

El Bowman Consulting Group (NASDAQ: BWMN) ha sido contratado por el Departamento de Transporte de Illinois (IDOT) para proporcionar servicios de gestión y diseño de corredores para un corredor de 15.6 millas de la I-55. Este proyecto forma parte del programa estatal de inversión en infraestructura Rebuild Illinois de 45 mil millones de dólares.

Bowman gestionará todos los proyectos dentro de este tramo de alta circulación de la I-55, que conecta Chicago con sus suburbios del suroeste y transita más de 100,000 vehículos diarios. La empresa también preparará planes de reparación para 16 puentes y desarrollará planes de mejora de la carretera para la autopista. Estas mejoras tienen como objetivo mejorar la seguridad, reducir la congestión y extender la vida útil de la infraestructura de transporte de Illinois.

Gary Bowman, presidente y CEO, expresó su entusiasmo por el proyecto, destacando la capacidad de la empresa para movilizarse rápidamente gracias a los recursos preexistentes.

보우먼 컨설팅 그룹 (NASDAQ: BWMN)이 일리노이 교통부 (IDOT)로부터 15.6마일의 I-55 노선에 대한 코리도어 관리 및 디자인 서비스를 제공하도록 계약되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 주의 450억 달러 규모의 Rebuild Illinois 인프라 투자 프로그램의 일환입니다.

보우먼은 시카고와 남서부 교외를 연결하고 하루에 10만 대 이상의 차량이 지나다니는 이 고속도로의 모든 프로젝트를 관리할 것입니다. 이 회사는 또한 16개의 다리 수리 계획을 준비하고 고속도로 개선 계획을 개발할 것입니다. 이러한 개선은 안전을 개선하고, 혼잡을 줄이며, 일리노이의 교통 인프라 수명을 연장하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

게리 보우먼 회장 겸 CEO는 프로젝트에 대한 기대를 표현하며, 기존 자원을 활용하여 신속하게 동원할 수 있는 회사의 능력을 강조했습니다.

Le Bowman Consulting Group (NASDAQ: BWMN) a été contracté par le Département des Transports de l'Illinois (IDOT) pour fournir des services de gestion et de conception de corridor pour un circuit de 15,6 miles de l'I-55. Ce projet fait partie du programme d'investissement dans les infrastructures de 45 milliards de dollars Rebuild Illinois.

Bowman gérera tous les projets dans ce tronçon à fort trafic de l'I-55, qui relie Chicago à ses banlieues du sud-ouest et accueille plus de 100 000 véhicules par jour. L'entreprise préparera également des plans de réparation pour 16 ponts et développera des plans d'amélioration routière pour l'autoroute. Ces améliorations visent à améliorer la sécurité, réduire la congestion et prolonger la durée de vie des infrastructures de transport de l'Illinois.

Gary Bowman, président et PDG, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour le projet, soulignant la capacité de l'entreprise à se mobiliser rapidement grâce à des ressources préexistantes.

Die Bowman Consulting Group (NASDAQ: BWMN) wurde vom Verkehrsministerium von Illinois (IDOT) beauftragt, Dienstleistungen für die Koridormanagement und -gestaltung für einen 15,6-Meilen-Korridor der I-55 bereitzustellen. Dieses Projekt ist Teil des 45 Milliarden Dollar umfassenden Rebuild Illinois-Infrastrukturinvestitionsprogramms.

Bowman wird alle Projekte in diesem stark befahrenen Abschnitt der I-55 verwalten, der Chicago mit seinen südwestlichen Vororten verbindet und täglich über 100.000 Fahrzeuge führt. Das Unternehmen wird auch Reparaturpläne für 16 Brücken erstellen und Pläne zur Verbesserung der Straßenverhältnisse für die Autobahn entwickeln. Diese Verbesserungen zielen darauf ab, die Sicherheit zu erhöhen, Staus zu verringern und die Lebensdauer der Transportinfrastruktur in Illinois zu verlängern.

Gary Bowman, Vorsitzender und CEO, äußerte seine Begeisterung für das Projekt und hob die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens hervor, dank bereits vorhandener Ressourcen schnell mobil zu machen.

  • Secured a contract with IDOT for a major infrastructure project
  • Project is part of a $45 billion state investment program
  • Responsible for managing a heavily trafficked 15.6-mile corridor of I-55
  • Scope includes repair plans for 16 bridges and roadway improvements
  • Demonstrates company's expertise in large-scale infrastructure projects
  • None.

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Bowman Consulting Group Ltd. (the Company or Bowman) (NASDAQ: BWMN), a national engineering services firm delivering infrastructure design solutions and project management services to customers who own, develop and maintain the built environment, has been contracted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to provide corridor management and design services for a 15.6-mile corridor of I-55.

“We are excited to start working on the highly impactful and innovative I-55 corridor assignment,” said Gary Bowman, chairman and CEO of Bowman. “This is one of several awards where we’ve been anticipating and planning for a final contract and notice to proceed for several months. We had the necessary resources for the assignment in place, so we were able to mobilize quickly and immediately commence work on the project. Our transportation practice has unparalleled experience with the complexities of large-scale infrastructure projects in Illinois, and we appreciate this opportunity to help IDOT improve and modernize one of the most heavily traveled expressways in the state for its constituents.”

Corridor management is an innovative approach to transportation system management whereby public agencies and private contractors commit to working together to manage a transportation corridor holistically rather than the more traditional approach of managing individual assets discretely. This contract is one of a few design management corridor contracts to be released from IDOT and is a key component of the state's $45 billion Rebuild Illinois infrastructure investment program strategy.

Under this engagement, Bowman will manage all projects within the highly trafficked stretch of I-55, which connects Chicago to its southwest suburbs, a corridor that transits over 100,000 vehicles daily. Additionally, Bowman will prepare bridge repair plans for 16 bridges within the corridor, as well as develop roadway improvement plans of the expressway. These enhancements have been identified as key to improving safety, reducing congestion and extending the lifespan of Illinois’ transportation infrastructure.

About Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.

Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Bowman is a national engineering services firm delivering infrastructure solutions to customers who own, develop and maintain the built environment. With over 2,200 employees in more than 90 locations throughout the United States, Bowman provides a variety of planning, engineering, geospatial, construction management, commissioning, environmental consulting, land procurement and other technical services to customers operating in a diverse set of regulated end markets. Bowman trades on the Nasdaq under the symbol BWMN. For more information, visit or

General Media Contact:

Christina Nichols

Investor Relations Contacts:

Bruce Labovitz

Betsy Patterson

Source: Bowman Consulting Group


What is the scope of Bowman Consulting Group's (BWMN) contract with IDOT for the I-55 project?

Bowman Consulting Group (BWMN) will provide corridor management and design services for a 15.6-mile corridor of I-55, prepare repair plans for 16 bridges, and develop roadway improvement plans for the expressway.

How many vehicles transit daily through the I-55 corridor managed by Bowman Consulting Group (BWMN)?

The I-55 corridor managed by Bowman Consulting Group (BWMN) transits over 100,000 vehicles daily, connecting Chicago to its southwest suburbs.

What are the main objectives of the I-55 corridor rehabilitation project involving Bowman Consulting Group (BWMN)?

The main objectives of the I-55 corridor rehabilitation project are to improve safety, reduce congestion, and extend the lifespan of Illinois' transportation infrastructure.

How does the I-55 project fit into Illinois' broader infrastructure plans?

The I-55 project is a key component of Illinois' $45 billion Rebuild Illinois infrastructure investment program strategy.

Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.


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Engineering & Construction
Services-management Consulting Services
United States of America