BrainsWay Announces US$20 Million Private Placement with Valor Equity Partners

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private placement

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) has announced a US$20 million private placement with Valor Equity Partners. The deal includes issuing 2,103,745 American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at US$9.51 per ADS, a 20% premium over the 30-day VWAP, and warrants to purchase up to 1,500,000 additional ADSs. If fully exercised, the warrants could increase total proceeds to US$34.3 million.

Valor will gain board representation and BrainsWay will use the funds for strategic initiatives including expanding market awareness, enhancing data analysis capabilities, developing R&D roadmap, and expanding access to Deep TMS™ technology. The transaction is subject to shareholder approval and customary closing conditions.

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) ha annunciato un collocamento privato di 20 milioni di dollari USA con Valor Equity Partners. L'accordo prevede l'emissione di 2.103.745 American Depositary Shares (ADS) a 9,51 dollari USA per ADS, un premio del 20% rispetto al valore medio ponderato per il volume degli ultimi 30 giorni, e warrant per l'acquisto di fino a 1.500.000 ADS aggiuntivi. Se esercitati completamente, i warrant potrebbero aumentare i proventi totali a 34,3 milioni di dollari USA.

Valor avrà una rappresentanza nel consiglio di amministrazione e BrainsWay utilizzerà i fondi per iniziative strategiche, tra cui espandere la consapevolezza del mercato, migliorare le capacità di analisi dei dati, sviluppare una roadmap di ricerca e sviluppo e ampliare l'accesso alla tecnologia Deep TMS™. La transazione è soggetta all'approvazione degli azionisti e alle condizioni di chiusura consuete.

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) ha anunciado una colocación privada de 20 millones de dólares estadounidenses con Valor Equity Partners. El acuerdo incluye la emisión de 2,103,745 American Depositary Shares (ADS) a 9.51 dólares estadounidenses por ADS, una prima del 20% sobre el VWAP de 30 días, y garantías para comprar hasta 1,500,000 ADS adicionales. Si se ejercen completamente, las garantías podrían aumentar los ingresos totales a 34.3 millones de dólares estadounidenses.

Valor obtendrá representación en la junta directiva y BrainsWay utilizará los fondos para iniciativas estratégicas que incluyen ampliar la concienciación del mercado, mejorar las capacidades de análisis de datos, desarrollar una hoja de ruta de I+D y ampliar el acceso a la tecnología Deep TMS™. La transacción está sujeta a la aprobación de los accionistas y a las condiciones de cierre habituales.

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY)는 Valor Equity Partners와 함께 2천만 달러의 사모펀드 유치를 발표하였습니다. 이번 거래는 2,103,745개의 미국 예탁주식(ADS)을 주당 9.51달러의 가격으로 발행하는 것으로, 이는 30일간의 거래량 가중 평균(VWAP) 대비 20% 프리미엄이 적용된 것입니다. 또한, 최대 1,500,000개의 추가 ADS를 구매할 수 있는 워런트가 포함되어 있습니다. 만약 완전히 행사된다면, 워런트는 총 수익을 3,430만 달러로 증가시킬 수 있습니다.

Valor는 이사회에 대표를 얻고, BrainsWay는 이러한 자금을 시장 인식을 확대하고, 데이터 분석 능력을 강화하며, 연구 및 개발 로드맵을 개발하고, Deep TMS™ 기술에 대한 접근성을 확대하는 것을 포함한 전략적 이니셔티브에 사용할 것입니다. 이 거래는 주주 승인 및 관례적인 종료 조건을 충족해야 합니다.

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) a annoncé un placement privé de 20 millions de dollars américains avec Valor Equity Partners. L'accord comprend l'émission de 2.103.745 American Depositary Shares (ADS) à 9,51 dollars américains par ADS, soit une prime de 20 % par rapport à la moyenne pondérée par le volume des 30 derniers jours (VWAP), et des bons de souscription pour acheter jusqu'à 1.500.000 ADS supplémentaires. Si entièrement exercés, les bons pourraient porter le total des produits à 34,3 millions de dollars américains.

Valor obtiendra une représentation au conseil d'administration et BrainsWay utilisera les fonds pour des initiatives stratégiques, notamment augmenter la sensibilisation au marché, améliorer les capacités d'analyse des données, développer une feuille de route de R&D et élargir l'accès à la technologie Deep TMS™. La transaction est soumise à l'approbation des actionnaires et aux conditions de clôture habituelles.

BrainsWay (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) hat eine Privatplatzierung von 20 Millionen US-Dollar mit Valor Equity Partners angekündigt. Das Geschäft umfasst die Emission von 2.103.745 American Depositary Shares (ADS) zu einem Preis von 9,51 US-Dollar pro ADS, was eine Prämie von 20% gegenüber dem 30-Tage-Durchschnittspreis (VWAP) darstellt, sowie Optionen zum Kauf von bis zu 1.500.000 zusätzlichen ADS. Bei vollständiger Ausübung könnten die Optionen die Gesamterträge auf 34,3 Millionen US-Dollar erhöhen.

Valor wird im Vorstand vertreten sein, und BrainsWay wird die Mittel für strategische Initiativen verwenden, darunter die Marktkenntnis zu erweitern, die Datenanalysefähigkeiten zu verbessern, einen F&E-Fahrplan zu entwickeln und den Zugang zur Deep TMS™-Technologie zu erweitern. Die Transaktion unterliegt der Genehmigung der Aktionäre und den üblichen Abschlussbedingungen.

  • Secured US$20 million in private placement funding
  • 20% premium on share price compared to 30-day VWAP
  • Potential for additional US$14.3 million through warrant exercise
  • Strategic partnership with Valor Equity Partners, a firm with US$18.9B in assets under management
  • Strengthened balance sheet for strategic initiatives and business growth
  • Dilution of existing shareholders' ownership
  • Transaction subject to shareholder approval
  • Warrants may cause further dilution if exercised


This US$20 million private placement with Valor Equity Partners is a significant development for BrainsWay. The deal structure, including 2,103,745 ADSs at a 20% premium and warrants for an additional 1,500,000 ADSs, demonstrates strong investor confidence. The potential for up to $34.3 million in total proceeds if warrants are fully exercised provides substantial financial flexibility.

The strategic partnership with Valor, known for investments in high-growth tech companies, brings valuable expertise and connections. This could accelerate BrainsWay's market penetration and R&D efforts in the growing TMS industry. The commitment to board representation by Valor aligns interests and suggests a long-term partnership.

However, investors should note the dilutive effect of the new shares and potential further dilution if warrants are exercised. The use of proceeds for market awareness, data analysis and R&D is promising but execution will be key. Overall, this deal strengthens BrainsWay's financial position and growth prospects in the competitive neurostimulation market.

BrainsWay's Deep TMS™ technology represents a significant advancement in noninvasive neurostimulation for mental health disorders. This investment from Valor Equity Partners could accelerate the development and market penetration of this promising treatment modality.

The focus on expanding market awareness and enhancing data analysis capabilities is crucial. TMS is still an emerging field and robust clinical data will be essential for wider adoption. The R&D roadmap development supported by this funding could lead to new indications or improved protocols, potentially expanding the addressable market.

However, the TMS industry faces challenges in reimbursement and competition from pharmaceutical treatments. BrainsWay will need to leverage this capital effectively to demonstrate clear clinical and economic benefits. The partnership with Valor, given their experience with companies like Neuralink and Harmony Biosciences, could provide valuable insights in navigating the complex healthcare technology landscape.

Company to leverage capital and Valor’s expertise for strategic initiatives building market awareness, R&D roadmap, data analysis capabilities, and expanding access to Deep TMS™

Purchase price of US$9.51 represents a 20% premium over 30-day VWAP of BrainsWay’s American Depositary Shares

Valor provides growth equity to technology-enabled companies and currently has $18.9B in assets under management

BURLINGTON, Mass. and JERUSALEM, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BrainsWay Ltd. (NASDAQ & TASE: BWAY) (“BrainsWay” or the “Company”), a global leader in advanced noninvasive neurostimulation treatments for mental health disorders, today announced that it has entered into a securities purchase agreement with an affiliate of Valor Equity Partners (“Valor”) for a private investment financing (the "PIPE") expected to result in gross proceeds of approximately US$20 million. Valor is an operational growth investment firm focused on investing in high-growth companies across various stages of development. The firm partners with leading companies and entrepreneurs who are committed to the highest standards of excellence and the courage to transform their industries. For decades, Valor has served companies such as SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, Harmony Biosciences, and K Health with unique expertise to solve the challenges of growth and scale.

“The equity financing strengthens the Company’s balance sheet, further advances strategic initiatives, and expands access to its Deep TMS™ technology, while aligning BrainsWay with a premier U.S. tech investor,” Ami Boehm, the Company’s Chairman of the Board, notes. “With this transaction, we will be better positioned to accelerate the growth of our business by tapping into new markets and new revenue channels, including customer types and commercial partnerships. During the past year, we have received several inbound requests from leading investment groups interested in investing in BrainsWay. We elected to move forward with Valor given its exceptional track record and our belief that it is ideally suited to support us in executing our growth plans in the U.S. We are pleased to welcome Valor to our board of directors.”

“We are grateful for the opportunity to provide this important strategic growth capital to BrainsWay at a pivotal point in its corporate evolution,” said Jonathan Shulkin, Partner and Co-President at Valor. “BrainsWay’s transformative TMS technology has the opportunity to capture significant market share in the growing global TMS industry. Our investment in BrainsWay reflects our focus on disruptive technologies and businesses, as well as our strong belief in the Company’s mission and leadership.”

In the PIPE, BrainsWay has agreed to issue to Valor (i) an aggregate of 2,103,745 American Depositary Shares (ADSs) (representing 4,207,490 ordinary shares), at a purchase price of US$9.51 per ADS, a 20% premium above the 30-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the ADSs, and (ii) warrants (the "Warrants") to purchase up to an additional 1,500,000 ADSs (representing up to 3,000,000 ordinary shares) at the same price (the “Exercise Price”), which may further increase the proceeds from the PIPE up to a total of approximately US$34.3 million if the Warrants are fully exercised in cash. The Warrants will become exercisable upon issuance thereof at the closing of the PIPE and will remain exercisable for 18 months following their initial issuance date, provided, however, that during such 18-month period, if the Company’s ADS closing price for any thirty (30) consecutive trading days exceeds the Exercise Price by 40% or more, the holder of the Warrants shall be required to fully exercise the Warrants in accordance with the terms therein within five (5) trading days.

In connection with the PIPE, the Company is granting Valor the right to nominate (i) at least one member to its board of directors so long as Valor holds, directly or indirectly, at least 10% of the outstanding voting rights of the Company and (ii) two members to its board of directors so long as Valor holds, directly or indirectly, at least 20% of the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company. Valor has notified the Company that the initial director it designates for nomination as a member to the board of directors will be Mr. Shulkin.

The closing of the PIPE and the issuance of the ADSs and Warrants to Valor is subject to customary closing conditions as well as the Company obtaining shareholder approval of the transaction. The Company agreed to (i) file a notice and proxy statement for its extraordinary general meeting of its shareholders for the purpose of obtaining such shareholder approval by no later than ten (10) days following the signing of the securities purchase agreement and (ii) hold such meeting within thirty-five (35) days following such filing. The Company intends to use the proceeds from the PIPE for strategic initiatives including to expand market awareness, enhance data analysis capabilities, develop its R&D roadmap, evaluate other potential opportunities in the TMS industry and expand access to Deep TMS.     

The offer and sale of the foregoing securities are being made in a transaction not involving a public offering and the securities have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be reoffered or resold in the United States except pursuant to an effective registration statement or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. Concurrently with the execution of the securities purchase agreement, BrainsWay and Valor entered into a registration rights agreement pursuant to which the Company has agreed to file within 10 days following receipt of the shareholder approval noted above a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to register the resale of the ADSs sold in the PIPE financing, as well as the securities underlying the Warrants sold in the PIPE financing.

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

About Valor Equity Partners

Valor, founded and led by Antonio J. Gracias, Valor’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, is an operational growth investment firm focused on investing in, and partnering with, high-growth companies and entrepreneurs with the courage to transform their industries. For decades, Valor has served companies such as SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, Harmony Biosciences, and K Health with unique expertise to solve the challenges of growth and scale. Valor Siren Ventures II L.P. (together with its parallel funds, “VSV”) is a venture fund managed by Valor and the primary fund investing in the PIPE. VSV is differentiated by anchor investments from Starbucks, Nestlé, and a suite of Fortune 500 food and retail organizations. VSV seeks to add value to portfolio companies by applying the intellectual capital of Valor and accelerating growth through its operations team and network of strategic investors. Valor’s mission is to serve exceptional founders, entrepreneurs, and companies that are making the world a better place. For more information on Valor Equity Partners, please visit

About BrainsWay

BrainsWay is a global leader in advanced noninvasive neurostimulation treatments for mental health disorders. The Company is boldly advancing neuroscience with its proprietary Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS™) platform technology to improve health and transform lives. BrainsWay is the first and only TMS company to obtain three FDA-cleared indications backed by pivotal clinical studies demonstrating clinically proven efficacy. Current indications include major depressive disorder (including reduction of anxiety symptoms, commonly referred to as anxious depression), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and smoking addiction. The Company is dedicated to leading through superior science and building on its unparalleled body of clinical evidence. Additional clinical trials of Deep TMS in various psychiatric, neurological, and addiction disorders are underway. Founded in 2003, with offices in Burlington, MA and Jerusalem, Israel, BrainsWay is committed to increasing global awareness of and broad access to Deep TMS. For the latest news and information about BrainsWay, please visit

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be preceded by the words “intends,” “may,” “will,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “predicts,” “estimates,” “aims,” “believes,” “hopes,” “potential” or similar words. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding the completion of the PIPE financing, the satisfaction of closing conditions related to the PIPE financing, including the ability of the Company to obtain shareholder approval, the anticipated use of proceeds therefrom, and the exercise of the Warrants prior to their expiration, and their implications are based on the current expectations of the management of the Company only and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. In addition, historical results or conclusions from scientific research and clinical studies do not guarantee that future results would suggest similar conclusions or that historical results referred to herein would be interpreted similarly in light of additional research or otherwise. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements: market and other conditions, inadequacy of financial resources to meet future capital requirements; changes in technology and market requirements; delays or obstacles in launching and/or successfully completing planned studies and clinical trials; failure to obtain approvals by regulatory agencies on the Company’s anticipated timeframe, or at all; inability to retain or attract key employees whose knowledge is essential to the development of Deep TMS products; unforeseen difficulties with Deep TMS products and processes, and/or inability to develop necessary enhancements; unexpected costs related to Deep TMS products; failure to obtain and maintain adequate protection of the Company’s intellectual property, including intellectual property licensed to the Company; the potential for product liability; changes in legislation and applicable rules and regulations; unfavorable market perception and acceptance of Deep TMS technology; inadequate or delays in reimbursement from third-party payers, including insurance companies and Medicare; inability to commercialize Deep TMS, including internationally, by the Company or through third-party distributors; product development by competitors; inability to timely develop and introduce new technologies, products and applications, which could cause the actual results or performance of the Company to differ materially from those contemplated in such forward-looking statements.

Any forward-looking statement in this press release speaks only as of the date of this press release. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by any applicable securities laws. More detailed information about the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company is contained under the heading “Risk Factors” in the Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Ido Marom
Chief Financial Officer

Brian Ritchie
LifeSci Advisors LLC


What is the value of BrainsWay's private placement with Valor Equity Partners?

BrainsWay (BWAY) announced a US$20 million private placement with Valor Equity Partners, with potential to increase to US$34.3 million if all warrants are exercised.

At what price are BrainsWay (BWAY) shares being issued in the private placement?

BrainsWay is issuing American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at US$9.51 per ADS, which represents a 20% premium over the 30-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP).

How will BrainsWay (BWAY) use the proceeds from the private placement?

BrainsWay plans to use the proceeds for strategic initiatives including expanding market awareness, enhancing data analysis capabilities, developing R&D roadmap, and expanding access to Deep TMS™ technology.

Will Valor Equity Partners gain board representation in BrainsWay (BWAY) following the investment?

Yes, Valor will have the right to nominate at least one board member if they hold 10% or more of BrainsWay's voting rights, and two members if they hold 20% or more of the company's share capital.

Brainsway Ltd. American Depositary Shares


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