BorgWarner Secures BEV electric Cross Differential Contracts with Three Global OEMs

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BorgWarner has secured contracts to supply its electric cross differential (eXD) to three major OEMs: GAC Motor, a Global East Asian OEM, and a Global OEM based in Europe. The eXD technology will be used in battery electric vehicles (BEVs) ranging from sports cars to premium sedans and hatchbacks. Production for GAC Motor is already underway, with others starting in 2026.

The eXD, part of BorgWarner's electric torque management system (eTMS) portfolio, improves vehicle traction, handling, and stability by intelligently controlling wheel torque. It addresses challenges in EV performance caused by high motor torque. The technology is applicable to all architectures and offers customizable performance characteristics. BorgWarner's eXD also enhances driving safety and optimizes energy consumption in difficult driving conditions.

BorgWarner ha assicurato contratti per fornire il suo differenziale incrociato elettrico (eXD) a tre grandi OEM: GAC Motor, un OEM dell'Asia orientale, e un OEM globale con sede in Europa. La tecnologia eXD sarà utilizzata in veicoli elettrici a batteria (BEV) che vanno da sportive a berline e hatchback premium. La produzione per GAC Motor è già in corso, con gli altri che inizieranno nel 2026.

L'eXD, parte del portafoglio del sistema di gestione della coppia elettrica (eTMS) di BorgWarner, migliora la trazione, la maneggevolezza e la stabilità del veicolo controllando intelligentemente la coppia delle ruote. Affronta le sfide delle prestazioni nei veicoli elettrici causate dall'alta coppia del motore. La tecnologia è applicabile a tutte le architetture e offre caratteristiche di prestazione personalizzabili. L'eXD di BorgWarner migliora anche la sicurezza di guida e ottimizza il consumo energetico in condizioni di guida difficili.

BorgWarner ha conseguido contratos para suministrar su diferencial cruzado eléctrico (eXD) a tres grandes fabricantes de equipos originales (OEM): GAC Motor, un OEM de Asia Oriental, y un OEM global con sede en Europa. La tecnología eXD se utilizará en vehículos eléctricos de batería (BEVs), que van desde coches deportivos hasta sedanes y hatchbacks premium. La producción para GAC Motor ya está en marcha, y los otros comenzarán en 2026.

El eXD, parte del portafolio del sistema de gestión de par eléctrico (eTMS) de BorgWarner, mejora la tracción, el manejo y la estabilidad del vehículo al controlar inteligentemente el par de las ruedas. Aborda los desafíos en el rendimiento de los vehículos eléctricos causados por el alto par del motor. La tecnología es aplicable a todas las arquitecturas y ofrece características de rendimiento personalizables. El eXD de BorgWarner también mejora la seguridad en la conducción y optimiza el consumo de energía en condiciones de conducción difíciles.

BorgWarner는 전기 크로스 디퍼렌셜 (eXD)을 세 개의 주요 OEM에 공급하기 위한 계약을 체결했습니다: GAC 모터, 동아시아의 글로벌 OEM, 그리고 유럽에 본사를 둔 글로벌 OEM입니다. eXD 기술은 배터리 전기차 (BEV)에 사용되며, 스포츠카부터 프리미엄 세단과 해치백에 이르기까지 다양합니다. GAC 모터의 생산은 이미 시작되었고, 다른 OEM들은 2026년에 시작될 예정입니다.

eXD는 BorgWarner의 전기 토크 관리 시스템 (eTMS) 포트폴리오의 일부로서 차량의 견인력, 조작성 및 안정성을 개선하며, 휠 토크를 지능적으로 제어합니다. 이는 높은 모터 토크로 인해 발생하는 전기차 성능의 문제를 다룹니다. 이 기술은 모든 아키텍처에 적용 가능하며 맞춤형 성능 특성을 제공합니다. BorgWarner의 eXD는 또한 어려운 주행 조건에서 주행 안전성을 향상시키고 에너지 소비를 최적화합니다.

BorgWarner a sécurisé des contrats pour fournir son différentiel croisé électrique (eXD) à trois grands OEM : GAC Motor, un OEM d'Asie de l'Est, et un OEM mondial basé en Europe. La technologie eXD sera utilisée dans des véhicules électriques à batterie (BEV) allant des voitures de sport aux berlines et hatchbacks premium. La production pour GAC Motor est déjà en cours, d'autres devant commencer en 2026.

Le eXD, faisant partie du portefeuille du système de gestion du couple électrique (eTMS) de BorgWarner, améliore la traction, la maniabilité et la stabilité du véhicule en contrôlant intelligemment le couple des roues. Il répond aux défis de performance des VE causés par un couple moteur élevé. La technologie est applicable à toutes les architectures et propose des caractéristiques de performance personnalisables. Le eXD de BorgWarner améliore également la sécurité de conduite et optimise la consommation d'énergie dans des conditions de conduite difficiles.

BorgWarner hat Verträge zur Lieferung seines elektrischen Kreuzdifferentials (eXD) an drei große OEMs gesichert: GAC Motor, ein globaler OEM aus Ostasien, und einen globalen OEM mit Sitz in Europa. Die eXD-Technologie wird in batteriebetriebenen Elektrofahrzeugen (BEVs) eingesetzt, die von Sportwagen bis zu Premium-Limousinen und -Kleinwagen reichen. Die Produktion für GAC Motor hat bereits begonnen, während die anderen 2026 starten werden.

Das eXD, Teil des Portfolios des elektrischen Drehmomentmanagementsystems (eTMS) von BorgWarner, verbessert die Traktion, Handhabung und Stabilität des Fahrzeugs, indem es das Drehmoment der Räder intelligent steuert. Es begegnet den Herausforderungen der EV-Leistung, die durch hohes Motor-Drehmoment verursacht werden. Die Technologie ist auf alle Architekturen anwendbar und bietet anpassbare Leistungsmerkmale. Das eXD von BorgWarner verbessert außerdem die Fahrsicherheit und optimiert den Energieverbrauch unter schwierigen Fahrbedingungen.

  • Secured contracts with three major OEMs for eXD technology
  • Applicable to various BEV types (sports cars, premium sedans, hatchbacks)
  • Production for GAC Motor already underway
  • Improves vehicle traction, handling, and stability
  • Customizable technology applicable to all architectures
  • Enhances driving safety and optimizes energy consumption
  • None.

BorgWarner's securing of contracts for its electric Cross Differential (eXD) technology with three major OEMs is a significant development in the electric vehicle (EV) propulsion systems market. This move demonstrates the company's strong position in providing advanced drivetrain solutions for the rapidly evolving EV sector.

The eXD technology, part of BorgWarner's electric torque management system (eTMS) portfolio, addresses a critical challenge in EV performance: managing the high torque output to individual wheels. By enabling intelligent modulation of side-to-side torque, the eXD system enhances traction, cornering and lane change performance, while also improving overall efficiency and safety.

What's particularly noteworthy is the versatility of the eXD technology. Its applicability across various architectures, including front and rear drive units for electric, hybrid and ICE vehicles, positions BorgWarner as a key player in the transition towards electrification. The system's scalability and customizability allow OEMs to tailor performance characteristics to their specific platforms, which is important in the highly competitive automotive market.

The contracts with GAC Motor, a Global East Asian OEM and a European-based Global OEM span different vehicle types, from sports cars to premium sedans and hatchbacks. This diversity in application showcases the broad appeal and adaptability of BorgWarner's technology across various market segments.

From an investor's perspective, these contracts signify BorgWarner's strong market position and potential for revenue growth in the EV component sector. The company's ability to leverage its legacy know-how while innovating for the EV era demonstrates its adaptability and foresight in a rapidly changing industry landscape.

The securing of contracts with three major OEMs for BorgWarner's eXD technology represents a significant business opportunity and potential revenue stream for the company. While specific financial figures are not disclosed, the scope of these agreements spanning multiple global markets and vehicle types suggests a substantial impact on BorgWarner's future earnings.

Key financial implications to consider:

  • Market Expansion: The contracts with OEMs from different regions (GAC Motor from China, a Global East Asian OEM and a European-based Global OEM) indicate BorgWarner's successful penetration into diverse global markets, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue diversification.
  • Long-term Revenue Visibility: With production for GAC Motor already underway and production for the other OEMs set to begin in 2026, these contracts provide BorgWarner with a clear revenue pipeline for the coming years, enhancing investor confidence in the company's future financial performance.
  • Competitive Advantage: The eXD technology's versatility and applicability across various vehicle types and architectures position BorgWarner favorably against competitors, potentially leading to higher profit margins and sustained demand for its products.
  • R&D Investment Payoff: These contracts validate BorgWarner's R&D investments in EV technologies, suggesting a positive return on investment and the potential for further innovation-driven growth.

Investors should monitor BorgWarner's future financial reports for quantitative data on how these contracts translate into revenue growth and profitability. The company's ability to secure contracts with major OEMs in the competitive EV component market is a positive indicator of its financial health and future prospects in the rapidly evolving automotive industry.

  • eXD (electric cross differential) improves vehicle traction, handling and stability
  • Technology is applicable to all architectures, including front and rear drive units
  • Highlights BorgWarner's proven capabilities to offer intelligent vehicle propulsion systems to customers on a global basis

AUBURN HILLS, Mich., July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BorgWarner has secured contracts to supply its electric cross differential (eXD) to three major OEMs, including GAC Motor, a Global East Asian OEM, and a Global OEM based in Europe. The companies will incorporate BorgWarner's eXD technology on both rear- and front-wheel-drive battery electric vehicle (BEV) applications ranging from sports cars to premium sedans to hatchbacks. Production for GAC Motor is currently underway, and production for the other OEMs will begin in 2026.

BorgWarner's eXD is part of its electric torque management system (eTMS) portfolio, which offers a range of products that intelligently control wheel torque to increase stability, provide superior dynamic performance, and improve traction during launch and acceleration. High torque from the motor in electric vehicles (EVs) leads to limitations and challenges in vehicle performance since the application of torque to individual wheels remains unsupervised. Adding an eXD to the drive system is critical because it enables intelligent modulation of the side-to-side torque, resulting in improved traction, cornering and lane change performance, all with improved efficiency. The eXD system can effectively increase driving safety in an energy-efficient way in difficult driving conditions.

"BorgWarner's eTMS portfolio leverages an array of BorgWarner's longstanding and proven competencies within the industry, spanning software, controls, systems integration and beyond," said Isabelle McKenzie, President and General Manager, BorgWarner Drivetrain and Morse Systems. "The recent business awards for our eXD technology underscore the versatility and sophistication of the system and highlight our ability to meet the industry's need for solutions that increase safety and optimize energy consumption."

BorgWarner's eXD technology is applicable to all architectures, including front and rear drive units for electric, hybrid and ICE vehicles, and offers a wide range of selectable modes depending on vehicle performance needs. As a completely scalable and customizable technology, customers have the freedom to program different performance characteristics and behaviors for their respective platforms. Based on strong BorgWarner legacy know-how and a platform development approach, the eXD employs carry-over elements for both software and hardware.

The eXD enables efficient and intelligent communication with the vehicle, operating on-demand and featuring an on-board integrated controller that supports requirements ranging from cyber security to functional safety and beyond. Additionally, by adaptively controlling wheel slip, the eXD decreases brake system utilization and thus the emission of non-exhaust particulate matter to the environment.

About BorgWarner
For more than 130 years, BorgWarner has been a transformative global product leader bringing successful mobility innovation to market. With a focus on sustainability, we're helping to build a cleaner, healthier, safer future for all. 

BorgWarner has secured contracts to supply its electric cross differential (eXD) to three major OEMs, including GAC Motor, a Global East Asian OEM, and a Global OEM based in Europe. The eXD is a part of BorgWarner's electric torque management system (eTMS) portfolio, which offers a range of products that intelligently control wheel torque to increase stability, provide superior dynamic performance, and improve traction during launch and acceleration.

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You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed, projected or implied in or by the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties, among others, include supply disruptions impacting us or our customers, commodity availability and pricing, and an inability to achieve expected levels of recoverability in commercial negotiations with customers concerning these costs; competitive challenges from existing and new competitors, including original equipment manufacturer ("OEM") customers; the challenges associated with rapidly changing technologies, particularly as they relate to electric vehicles, and our ability to innovate in response; the difficulty in forecasting demand for electric vehicles and our electric vehicles revenue growth; potential disruptions in the global economy caused by wars or other geopolitical conflicts; the ability to identify targets and consummate acquisitions on acceptable terms; failure to realize the expected benefits of acquisitions on a timely basis; the possibility that our 2023 tax-free spin-off of our former Fuel Systems and Aftermarket segments into a separate publicly traded company will not achieve its intended benefits; the failure to promptly and effectively integrate acquired businesses; the potential for unknown or inestimable liabilities relating to the acquired businesses; our dependence on automotive and truck production, which is highly cyclical and subject to disruptions; our reliance on major OEM customers; impacts of any future strikes involving any of our OEM customers and any actions such OEM customers take in response; fluctuations in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates; our dependence on information systems; the uncertainty of the global economic environment; the outcome of existing or any future legal proceedings, including litigation with respect to various claims, or governmental investigations, including related litigation; future changes in laws and regulations, including, by way of example, taxes and tariffs, in the countries in which we operate; impacts from any potential future acquisition or disposition transactions; and the other risks noted in reports that we file with the SEC, including Item 1A, "Risk Factors," in our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K and/or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. We do not undertake any obligation to update or announce publicly any updates to or revisions to any of the forward-looking statements in this press release to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions, circumstances, or assumptions underlying the statements.


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What is BorgWarner's eXD technology and how does it benefit BEVs?

BorgWarner's eXD (electric cross differential) is part of its electric torque management system portfolio. It intelligently controls wheel torque in battery electric vehicles (BEVs), improving traction, handling, stability, and energy efficiency. The technology addresses performance challenges caused by high motor torque in EVs.

Which OEMs has BorgWarner (BWA) secured contracts with for its eXD technology?

BorgWarner has secured contracts to supply its eXD technology to three major OEMs: GAC Motor, a Global East Asian OEM, and a Global OEM based in Europe. These contracts cover various BEV applications, including sports cars, premium sedans, and hatchbacks.

When will production of BorgWarner's (BWA) eXD technology begin for the contracted OEMs?

Production of BorgWarner's eXD technology for GAC Motor is already underway. For the other two OEMs (the Global East Asian OEM and the European-based Global OEM), production is scheduled to begin in 2026.

How does BorgWarner's (BWA) eXD technology contribute to vehicle safety and efficiency?

BorgWarner's eXD technology enhances vehicle safety by improving traction, cornering, and lane change performance. It also optimizes energy consumption by adaptively controlling wheel slip, which reduces brake system utilization and decreases the emission of non-exhaust particulate matter to the environment.

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