BrightView Announces $100 Million Share Repurchase Program
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), America's leading commercial landscaping services company, has announced a $100 million share repurchase program authorized by its Board of Directors. The program demonstrates the company's strategic approach to capital allocation and commitment to delivering shareholder value.
The repurchase initiative will be executed through various methods, including open-market transactions, pre-set trading plans, and accelerated share repurchases. CEO Dale Asplund cited the company's strong balance sheet and current valuation as key factors supporting this decision. The program has no time limit, with repurchase activities expected to begin in the second fiscal quarter and continue into future fiscal years.
The company maintains flexibility in the program's execution, with no obligation to acquire any specific amount of common stock and the ability to discontinue at any time.
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), la principale azienda americana di servizi di paesaggistica commerciale, ha annunciato un programma di riacquisto di azioni da 100 milioni di dollari autorizzato dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Il programma dimostra l'approccio strategico dell'azienda nella gestione del capitale e il suo impegno a creare valore per gli azionisti.
L'iniziativa di riacquisto verrà attuata attraverso diversi metodi, tra cui transazioni sul mercato aperto, piani di trading predefiniti e riacquisti accelerati di azioni. Il CEO Dale Asplund ha citato il solido bilancio dell'azienda e la valutazione attuale come fattori chiave a sostegno di questa decisione. Il programma non ha limiti di tempo, con le attività di riacquisto che si prevede inizino nel secondo trimestre fiscale e continuino negli anni fiscali futuri.
L'azienda mantiene flessibilità nell'esecuzione del programma, senza obbligo di acquisire un importo specifico di azioni ordinarie e con la possibilità di interrompere in qualsiasi momento.
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), la principal empresa estadounidense de servicios de jardinería comercial, ha anunciado un programa de recompra de acciones de 100 millones de dólares autorizado por su Junta Directiva. El programa demuestra el enfoque estratégico de la compañía en la asignación de capital y su compromiso con la creación de valor para los accionistas.
La iniciativa de recompra se llevará a cabo a través de varios métodos, incluidos transacciones en el mercado abierto, planes de negociación preestablecidos y recompra acelerada de acciones. El CEO Dale Asplund citó el sólido balance de la empresa y la valoración actual como factores clave que respaldan esta decisión. El programa no tiene límite de tiempo, y se espera que las actividades de recompra comiencen en el segundo trimestre fiscal y continúen en los años fiscales futuros.
La empresa mantiene flexibilidad en la ejecución del programa, sin obligación de adquirir una cantidad específica de acciones ordinarias y con la posibilidad de interrumpir en cualquier momento.
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), 미국의 주요 상업 조경 서비스 회사가 이사회에서 승인한 1억 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램을 발표했습니다. 이 프로그램은 자본 배분에 대한 회사의 전략적 접근 방식과 주주 가치를 제공하겠다는 의지를 보여줍니다.
자사주 매입은 공개 시장 거래, 사전 설정된 거래 계획, 가속화된 자사주 매입 등 다양한 방법을 통해 실행될 예정입니다. CEO인 데일 애스플런드는 회사의 강력한 재무 구조와 현재 평가가 이 결정을 지지하는 주요 요소라고 언급했습니다. 이 프로그램에는 시간 제한이 없으며, 자사주 매입 활동은 두 번째 회계 분기부터 시작되어 향후 회계 연도까지 계속될 것으로 예상됩니다.
회사는 프로그램 실행에 있어 유연성을 유지하며, 특정 수량의 보통주를 매입할 의무가 없고 언제든지 중단할 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), la principale entreprise américaine de services de paysagisme commercial, a annoncé un programme de rachat d'actions de 100 millions de dollars autorisé par son conseil d'administration. Ce programme démontre l'approche stratégique de l'entreprise en matière d'allocation de capital et son engagement à créer de la valeur pour les actionnaires.
L'initiative de rachat sera mise en œuvre par divers moyens, y compris des transactions sur le marché libre, des plans de négociation prédéfinis et des rachats d'actions accélérés. Le PDG Dale Asplund a cité la solide situation financière de l'entreprise et sa valorisation actuelle comme des facteurs clés soutenant cette décision. Le programme n'a pas de limite de temps, et les activités de rachat devraient commencer au cours du deuxième trimestre fiscal et se poursuivre dans les années fiscales à venir.
L'entreprise conserve une flexibilité dans l'exécution du programme, sans obligation d'acquérir un montant spécifique d'actions ordinaires et avec la possibilité d'interrompre à tout moment.
BrightView Holdings (NYSE: BV), das führende amerikanische Unternehmen für gewerbliche Landschaftspflege, hat ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm in Höhe von 100 Millionen Dollar bekannt gegeben, das von seinem Vorstand genehmigt wurde. Das Programm zeigt den strategischen Ansatz des Unternehmens zur Kapitalallokation und das Engagement für die Schaffung von Aktionärswert.
Die Rückkaufinitiative wird durch verschiedene Methoden durchgeführt, einschließlich Transaktionen am offenen Markt, vorab festgelegten Handelsplänen und beschleunigten Aktienrückkäufen. CEO Dale Asplund nannte die starke Bilanz des Unternehmens und die aktuelle Bewertung als Schlüsselfaktoren, die diese Entscheidung unterstützen. Das Programm hat keine zeitliche Begrenzung, und die Rückkaufaktivitäten sollen im zweiten fiskalischen Quartal beginnen und in zukünftige Geschäftsjahre fortgesetzt werden.
Das Unternehmen behält sich Flexibilität bei der Durchführung des Programms vor, ohne Verpflichtung, eine bestimmte Menge an Stammaktien zu erwerben, und kann jederzeit eingestellt werden.
- Authorization of $100 million share repurchase program indicates financial strength
- Strong balance sheet position enables capital return to shareholders
- Flexible program structure with no time limit allows strategic execution
- Management maintains ability to invest in business growth while conducting buybacks
- Share repurchases may reduce available capital for business operations and growth
- Program execution subject to market conditions and stock price fluctuations
- No guaranteed minimum repurchase amount committed
BrightView's announcement of a
The program's structure provides considerable strategic optionality for management with no time limit and various execution methods available. The mention of "moderate balance sheet leverage" alongside ongoing business investment suggests a balanced approach to capital deployment rather than an aggressive cash drain.
Share repurchases typically enhance key per-share metrics by reducing the denominator in calculations like earnings per share. For BrightView, this represents an efficient mechanism to return capital to shareholders while potentially signaling management's view that shares are undervalued at current levels, as subtly indicated by the CEO's reference to "current valuation" in justifying the program.
The disciplined, extended implementation timeline suggests this isn't a reactive measure but rather a thoughtful component of their long-term capital strategy. By executing purchases opportunistically over multiple quarters or years, management can optimize purchase timing while maintaining financial flexibility for operational needs and potential growth investments.
The timing of BrightView's share repurchase authorization offers interesting strategic insights. The decision to "reinstitute" a buyback program indicates this is a return to a previously established capital return mechanism rather than a new strategic direction, suggesting management has cycled through various capital deployment priorities and is now confident enough in operational stability to resume shareholder returns.
For a commercial landscaping services leader, this move demonstrates maturation in their business model. The services sector typically generates relatively predictable cash flows once scale is achieved, allowing for more structured capital return policies compared to higher-growth or capital-intensive industries.
Notably, the company has chosen share repurchases rather than initiating or increasing dividends, providing greater flexibility to adjust or suspend the program if market conditions or internal capital needs change. This "no commitment" approach preserves strategic optionality while still delivering shareholder value.
The language around "opportunistic" purchases is particularly telling - it suggests management believes there may be valuation disconnects or market volatility ahead that could create advantageous buying windows. This program effectively establishes a value floor under the stock while signaling management confidence in their long-term business trajectory despite any near-term market fluctuations.
- Anticipates Opportunistic Share Repurchases
- Use of Open Market Repurchase Transactions
- No Expected Expiration with Anticipated Spend Near and Long Term
“As part of our continued focus on strategically allocating capital and driving shareholder value, we are pleased to announce this new share repurchase program,” said BrightView President and Chief Executive Officer Dale Asplund. “The strength in our balance sheet, coupled with our current valuation and unwavering commitment to drive sustainable and long-term profitable growth, gives us the confidence to reinstitute our share repurchase program and return capital to shareholders in a disciplined and opportunistic manner.”
Any repurchases will be made at management’s discretion and may be through a variety of methods, such as open-market transactions (including pre-set trading plans), accelerated share repurchases, and other transactions in accordance with applicable securities laws. The Company anticipates repurchase activities to occur over an extended period of time, potentially in its second fiscal quarter and in future fiscal years. The program has no time limit. The share repurchase authorization does not obligate the Company to acquire any particular amount of common stock and can be discontinued at any time.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release includes certain disclosures which contain “forward-looking statements.” You can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as “believes” and “expects.” Forward-looking statements are based on BrightView’s current expectations and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements, which are neither statements of historical fact nor guarantees or assurances of future performance. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, BrightView’s ability to effect repurchases under the newly authorized share repurchase program due to changes in stock price, corporate or other economic or market conditions; the timing, manner and volume of repurchases of common shares pursuant to the repurchase program, and the factors that can be found under the caption “Risk Factors” in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC, as such risk factors may be updated from time to time in our periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC’s website on Any forward-looking statement in this release speaks only as of the date of this release. BrightView undertakes no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by any applicable securities laws.
About BrightView
BrightView (NYSE: BV), the nation’s largest commercial landscaper, proudly designs, creates, and maintains the best landscapes on Earth and provides the most efficient and comprehensive snow and ice removal services. With a dependable service commitment, BrightView brings brilliant landscapes to life at premier properties across
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For More Information:
Chris Stoczko, Vice President of Finance
News Media
David Freireich, Vice President of Communications & Public Affairs
Source: BrightView Landscapes