Burford Capital marks 15-year anniversary with business data and new legal finance research
Burford Capital, the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law, marks its 15-year anniversary with impressive business growth and new legal finance research. Since its founding in 2009, Burford has grown from a $130 million fund to managing a portfolio of over $7 billion. The company's annual commitments to legal finance assets have increased from $11 million in 2009 to $1.2 billion in 2023.
New research reveals a significant increase in legal finance awareness and usage among lawyers. 82% of surveyed law firm lawyers claim to have used legal finance, a ninefold increase since 2012. The research also indicates that legal finance is now viewed as a strategic tool for managing risk across commercial litigation and arbitration. Corporate clients are increasingly embracing legal finance, with 82% of surveyed lawyers noting an increase in its use by corporations over the past 15 years.
Burford's CEO, Christopher Bogart, emphasizes the company's focus on client needs, innovation, and advancing the business of law as key factors in their success and future growth.
Burford Capital, la principale società globale di finanza e gestione patrimoniale focalizzata sul diritto, celebra il suo 15° anniversario con una crescita aziendale impressionante e nuove ricerche sulla finanza legale. Dalla sua fondazione nel 2009, Burford è passata da un fondo di 130 milioni di dollari a gestire un portafoglio di oltre 7 miliardi di dollari. Gli impegni annuali dell'azienda per gli attivi di finanza legale sono aumentati da 11 milioni di dollari nel 2009 a 1,2 miliardi di dollari nel 2023.
Nuove ricerche rivelano un aumento significativo della consapevolezza e dell'uso della finanza legale tra gli avvocati. Il 82% degli avvocati intervistati afferma di aver utilizzato la finanza legale, un incremento di nove volte rispetto al 2012. La ricerca indica anche che la finanza legale è ora considerata uno strumento strategico per gestire i rischi in contenziosi commerciali e arbitraggi. I clienti aziendali abbracciano sempre più la finanza legale, con l'82% degli avvocati intervistati che segnala un aumento del suo utilizzo da parte delle aziende negli ultimi 15 anni.
Il CEO di Burford, Christopher Bogart, sottolinea l'attenzione dell'azienda alle esigenze dei clienti, all'innovazione e all'avanzamento del business legale come fattori chiave del loro successo e della crescita futura.
Burford Capital, la principal firma global de finanzas y gestión de activos centrada en el derecho, celebra su 15 aniversario con un impresionante crecimiento empresarial y nueva investigación en finanzas legales. Desde su fundación en 2009, Burford ha crecido de un fondo de 130 millones de dólares a gestionar un portafolio de más de 7 mil millones de dólares. Los compromisos anuales de la compañía con activos de finanzas legales han aumentado de 11 millones de dólares en 2009 a 1,2 mil millones de dólares en 2023.
Nuevas investigaciones revelan un aumento significativo en la conciencia y el uso de las finanzas legales entre los abogados. El 82% de los abogados encuestados afirma haber utilizado financiamiento legal, un incremento nueve veces mayor desde 2012. La investigación también indica que las finanzas legales ahora se ven como una herramienta estratégica para gestionar el riesgo en litigios comerciales y arbitraje. Los clientes corporativos están adoptando cada vez más las finanzas legales, con el 82% de los abogados encuestados señalando un aumento en su uso por parte de las corporaciones en los últimos 15 años.
El CEO de Burford, Christopher Bogart, enfatiza el enfoque de la compañía en las necesidades del cliente, la innovación y el avance del negocio legal como factores clave en su éxito y crecimiento futuro.
버포드 캐피탈, 법률에 중점을 둔 글로벌 금융 및 자산 관리 회사는 15주년을 맞아 인상적인 사업 성장과 새로운 법률 재무 연구를 발표합니다. 2009년 설립 이후 버포드는 1억 3천만 달러의 펀드에서 70억 달러 이상의 포트폴리오를 관리하게 되었습니다. 이 회사의 연간 법률 재무 자산에 대한 약속은 2009년 1천1백만 달러에서 2023년 12억 달러로 증가했습니다.
새로운 연구는 변호사들 사이에서 법률 재무에 대한 인식과 사용이 크게 증가했음을 보여줍니다. 설문에 응답한 법률 회사 변호사 중 82%가 법률 재무를 사용했다고 주장합니다, 이는 2012년 이후 아홉 배 증가한 수치입니다. 연구는 또한 법률 재무가 이제 상업 소송 및 중재에서 리스크를 관리하기 위한 전략적 도구로 인식되고 있음을 나타냅니다. 기업 고객들은 법률 재무를 점점 더 수용하고 있으며, 응답한 변호사 중 82%가 지난 15년 동안 기업들이 법률 재무를 사용하는 증가세를 언급했습니다.
버포드의 CEO인 크리스토퍼 보가트는 고객의 요구, 혁신 및 법률 사업의 발전에 대한 회사의 초점을 성공과 미래 성장을 위한 핵심 요소로 강조합니다.
Burford Capital, la principale société mondiale de financement et de gestion d'actifs axée sur le droit, fête son 15ème anniversaire avec une croissance commerciale impressionnante et de nouvelles recherches sur le financement juridique. Depuis sa création en 2009, Burford est passée d'un fonds de 130 millions de dollars à la gestion d'un portefeuille de plus de 7 milliards de dollars. Les engagements annuels de l'entreprise envers les actifs de financement juridique ont augmenté, passant de 11 millions de dollars en 2009 à 1,2 milliard de dollars en 2023.
De nouvelles recherches révèlent une augmentation significative de la sensibilisation et de l'utilisation du financement juridique parmi les avocats. 82 % des avocats des cabinets interrogés affirment avoir utilisé le financement juridique, un accroissement neuf fois supérieur depuis 2012. La recherche indique également que le financement juridique est désormais considéré comme un outil stratégique pour la gestion des risques dans les litiges commerciaux et l'arbitrage. Les clients d'entreprise adoptent de plus en plus le financement juridique, 82 % des avocats interrogés signalant une augmentation de son utilisation par les entreprises au cours des 15 dernières années.
Le PDG de Burford, Christopher Bogart, souligne que l'accent mis par l'entreprise sur les besoins des clients, l'innovation et l'avancement du business du droit sont des facteurs clés de leur succès et de leur croissance future.
Burford Capital, das führende globale Finanz- und Vermögensverwaltungsunternehmen mit dem Schwerpunkt Recht, feiert sein 15-jähriges Bestehen mit beeindruckendem Unternehmenswachstum und neuen Forschungen zur Rechtsfinanzierung. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 ist Burford von einem Fonds in Höhe von 130 Millionen Dollar auf ein Portfolio von über 7 Milliarden Dollar angewachsen. Die jährlichen Verpflichtungen des Unternehmens für Rechtsfinanzierungsanlagen sind von 11 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2009 auf 1,2 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023 gestiegen.
Neue Forschungen zeigen einen signifikanten Anstieg des Bewusstseins und der Nutzung von Rechtsfinanzierung unter Anwälten. 82 % der befragten Anwälte geben an, Rechtsfinanzierung genutzt zu haben, was einer neunfachen Steigerung seit 2012 entspricht. Die Forschung zeigt auch, dass Rechtsfinanzierung nun als strategisches Instrument zum Risikomanagement in der kommerziellen Prozessführung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit angesehen wird. Unternehmensklienten nehmen Rechtsfinanzierungen zunehmend an, wobei 82 % der befragten Anwälte einen Anstieg der Nutzung durch Unternehmen in den letzten 15 Jahren beobachten.
Der CEO von Burford, Christopher Bogart, hebt hervor, dass die Fokussierung des Unternehmens auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden, Innovation und die Förderung des Rechtsgeschäfts entscheidende Faktoren für ihren Erfolg und zukünftiges Wachstum sind.
- None.
- None.
Growth in awareness and use of "corporate finance for law" reinforced in data and in interviews with global law firm lawyers
Christopher Bogart, CEO of Burford Capital, says: "Jon Molot and I started Burford 15 years ago because of economic inefficiencies we saw in the business of law. We're delighted that our business has since grown from niche to mainstream and is now truly 'corporate finance for law.' From day one, our priority has been to listen to clients' needs, and as a result, we have a suite of tools that provide liquidity, de-risk contingent matters and enable more strategic affirmative recoveries. Burford has earned a reputation as the go-to firm for legal finance, and we're excited about the road ahead. We'll keep our focus on clients, innovation and advancing the business of law."
Data from Burford's business confirms its performance as a legal finance industry leader:
- Exceptional growth in our business: Burford began in 2009 as a
fund; today, Burford has a portfolio of more than$130 million .$7 billion - Increased demand for what we do: In 2009, Burford committed
to legal finance assets; in 2023, that number was$11 million on a Group-wide basis.$1.2 billion - Growing relevance to sophisticated businesses, with innovation to address corporate balance sheet and P&L needs: More than half our business now comes from corporate clients. Many seek monetizations ― where Burford provides businesses immediate capital by advancing some of the expected entitlement of a pending claim, judgment or award ― and we have committed very substantial capital over the past five years to monetization deals from
to$10 million .$325 million - Development of human capital and proprietary data: In 2009, we had five employees; today, we have seven offices and more than 150 employees. In addition, Burford has built an industry-leading proprietary database of commercial dispute outcomes and tools that harness machine learning, data analytics and artificial intelligence to benefit our clients and our performance.
- NYSE-listed in 2020: We have been public since 2009 and have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2020.
Similarly, research released today by Burford reveals that legal finance has exploded in visibility and value with lawyers. Key findings include:
82% of law firm lawyers surveyed claim to have used legal finance, a ninefold increase since Burford first asked law firm lawyers this question in 2012. Although confirmation bias may result in overstatement of actual use, even accounting for this, legal finance's enormous increased stated use reflects its visibility and acceptance in the business of law.- Lawyers are using legal finance in more sophisticated ways: Many law firm lawyers affirm that legal finance is now used to strategically manage risk rather than because clients lack funds. Law firm lawyers and their clients see legal finance as a strategic tool across commercial litigation and arbitration as well as more complex financial structures like portfolio financing and funded patent divestitures.
- An Am Law 50 law firm partner said: "For some of the bigger clients, you see more portfolio deals rather than single transactions. Not many companies start with a portfolio, but as they see success, both law firms and corporations are pursuing portfolio transactions."
- Law firms are embracing legal finance to fuel growth, as more than eight in ten of those surveyed report a more positive perception of legal finance than 15 years ago.
- A Global 100 law firm partner said: "The client's mindset has completely changed, and they are now coming to their outside counsel and asking for litigation funding options. Offering the use of funding and using it is a validation of the merit of a claim and is a good pressure point."
- Law firm lawyers confirm that corporate clients are increasingly using legal finance, as
82% of those surveyed said the use of legal finance by corporations has increased over this period.- A litigation boutique partner said: "Litigation is a bottom-line cost. If corporations can spread that risk by sharing it with an outside capital provider, CFOs want to explore that option, especially because corporations hate litigation expenses. They are much more open to it if they can get some or all of it covered by legal finance."
The research is based on one-on-one phone interviews conducted by Ari Kaplan Advisors with 44 senior lawyers from global law firms in August and September 2024. The participants included partners, department heads and practice group chairs. Of these respondents,
About Burford Capital
Burford Capital is the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law. Its businesses include litigation finance and risk management, asset recovery and a wide range of legal finance and advisory activities. Burford is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUR) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE: BUR), and it works with companies and law firms around the world from its offices in
For more information, please visit www.burfordcapital.com.
This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any ordinary shares or other securities of Burford. This announcement contains certain unaudited alternative performance measures ("APMs"). The presentation of the APMs is for informational purposes only and is based on information available at the date of this announcement and certain assumptions and estimates that Burford Capital believes are reasonable. Additional information with respect to these APMs and their definitions is provided in Burford Capital's periodic reports that it files with, or furnishes to, the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
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SOURCE Burford Capital