B2Gold Completes Phase 2 Expansion of Fekola Solar Plant in Mali

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B2Gold (NYSE: BTG) has successfully completed and operationalized the Phase 2 expansion of its Fekola Solar Plant in Mali. The expansion, which began construction in June 2023 and became operational in January 2025, added 46,200 solar panels, bringing the total to 142,912 panels.

The expanded facility now provides an additional 22 megawatts of solar capacity (52 MW total) and 12.7 megawatt-hours of battery capacity (27.7 MWh total). This enhancement is expected to reduce annual emissions by 63,000 tonnes of CO2e and cut heavy fuel oil consumption by 20 million liters annually.

The project created over 120 local jobs during peak construction and established 13 permanent maintenance positions. The expanded solar plant, now one of the largest off-grid solar/HFO hybrid power plants globally, will supply approximately 30% of the site's total electricity demand, supporting B2Gold's target of reducing Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030.

B2Gold (NYSE: BTG) ha completato con successo e messo in funzione l'espansione della Fase 2 del suo impianto solare Fekola in Mali. L'espansione, i cui lavori sono iniziati a giugno 2023 e sono diventati operativi a gennaio 2025, ha aggiunto 46.200 pannelli solari, portando il totale a 142.912 pannelli.

La struttura ampliata ora fornisce un ulteriore 22 megawatt di capacità solare (52 MW totali) e 12,7 megawattora di capacità di batteria (27,7 MWh totali). Questo miglioramento dovrebbe ridurre le emissioni annuali di 63.000 tonnellate di CO2e e ridurre il consumo di olio combustibile pesante di 20 milioni di litri all'anno.

Il progetto ha creato oltre 120 posti di lavoro locali durante il picco della costruzione e ha stabilito 13 posizioni permanenti per la manutenzione. L'impianto solare ampliato, ora uno dei più grandi impianti ibridi solare/HFO al di fuori della rete a livello globale, fornirà circa il 30% della domanda totale di elettricità del sito, supportando l'obiettivo di B2Gold di ridurre le emissioni di gas serra Scope 1 e 2 del 30% entro il 2030.

B2Gold (NYSE: BTG) ha completado con éxito y puesto en funcionamiento la expansión de la Fase 2 de su Planta Solar Fekola en Malí. La expansión, que comenzó su construcción en junio de 2023 y se volvió operativa en enero de 2025, agregó 46,200 paneles solares, llevando el total a 142,912 paneles.

La instalación ampliada ahora proporciona 22 megavatios adicionales de capacidad solar (52 MW en total) y 12.7 megavatios-hora de capacidad de batería (27.7 MWh en total). Se espera que esta mejora reduzca las emisiones anuales en 63,000 toneladas de CO2e y reduzca el consumo de fuelóleo pesado en 20 millones de litros anuales.

El proyecto creó más de 120 empleos locales durante el pico de construcción y estableció 13 puestos permanentes de mantenimiento. La planta solar ampliada, ahora una de las más grandes plantas de energía híbrida solar/HFO fuera de la red a nivel mundial, suministrará aproximadamente el 30% de la demanda total de electricidad del sitio, apoyando el objetivo de B2Gold de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de Alcance 1 y 2 en un 30% para 2030.

B2Gold (NYSE: BTG)는 말리의 Fekola 태양광 발전소 Phase 2 확장을 성공적으로 완료하고 운영을 시작했습니다. 2023년 6월에 건설이 시작되어 2025년 1월에 운영을 시작한 이 확장은 46,200개의 태양광 패널을 추가하여 총 142,912개의 패널로 증가했습니다.

확장된 시설은 이제 22메가와트의 추가 태양광 용량(총 52MW)과 12.7메가와트시의 배터리 용량(총 27.7MWh)을 제공합니다. 이 개선은 연간 63,000톤의 CO2e 배출을 줄이고, 연간 2천만 리터의 중유 소비를 줄일 것으로 예상됩니다.

이 프로젝트는 최대 건설 기간 동안 120개 이상의 지역 일자리를 창출하고 13개의 영구 유지보수 직위를 설정했습니다. 이제 전 세계에서 가장 큰 오프그리드 태양광/HFO 하이브리드 발전소 중 하나인 확장된 태양광 발전소는 사이트의 총 전기 수요의 약 30%를 공급하여 B2Gold의 2030년까지 Scope 1 및 2 온실가스 배출량을 30% 줄이겠다는 목표를 지원합니다.

B2Gold (NYSE: BTG) a réussi à compléter et à mettre en service l'extension de la Phase 2 de sa centrale solaire Fekola au Mali. L'extension, dont la construction a commencé en juin 2023 et qui est devenue opérationnelle en janvier 2025, a ajouté 46 200 panneaux solaires, portant le total à 142 912 panneaux.

La structure élargie offre désormais une capacité solaire supplémentaire de 22 mégawatts (52 MW au total) et une capacité de batterie de 12,7 mégawattheures (27,7 MWh au total). Cette amélioration devrait réduire les émissions annuelles de 63 000 tonnes de CO2e et diminuer la consommation de fioul lourd de 20 millions de litres par an.

Le projet a créé plus de 120 emplois locaux pendant le pic de construction et a établi 13 postes permanents de maintenance. La centrale solaire élargie, maintenant l'une des plus grandes centrales hybrides solaire/HFO hors réseau au monde, fournira environ 30 % de la demande totale d'électricité du site, soutenant l'objectif de B2Gold de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des scopes 1 et 2 de 30 % d'ici 2030.

B2Gold (NYSE: BTG) hat erfolgreich die Phase-2-Erweiterung seines Fekola-Solarwerks in Mali abgeschlossen und in Betrieb genommen. Die Erweiterung, deren Bau im Juni 2023 begann und die im Januar 2025 in Betrieb ging, fügte 46.200 Solarpanels hinzu, wodurch die Gesamtzahl auf 142.912 Panels steigt.

Die erweiterte Anlage bietet nun zusätzliche 22 Megawatt Solarleistung (insgesamt 52 MW) und 12,7 Megawattstunden Batteriespeicher (insgesamt 27,7 MWh). Diese Verbesserung wird voraussichtlich die jährlichen Emissionen um 63.000 Tonnen CO2e reduzieren und den Verbrauch von Schweröl um jährlich 20 Millionen Liter senken.

Das Projekt schuf über 120 lokale Arbeitsplätze während der Hochbauphase und richtete 13 permanente Wartungspositionen ein. Das erweiterte Solarkraftwerk, das nun eines der größten netzunabhängigen Solar/HFO-Hybridkraftwerke weltweit ist, wird etwa 30% des gesamten Strombedarfs des Standorts decken und unterstützt das Ziel von B2Gold, die Treibhausgasemissionen der Scopes 1 und 2 bis 2030 um 30% zu reduzieren.

  • Significant reduction in operational costs through 20 million liters annual HFO savings
  • Enhanced energy independence with 30% of site electricity from solar
  • Creation of 13 permanent local jobs for plant maintenance
  • Progress toward emissions reduction targets with 63,000 tonnes CO2e annual decrease
  • Substantial capital investment required for solar plant expansion
  • Continued 70% dependency on traditional fuel sources


B2Gold's completion of the Fekola Solar Plant Phase 2 expansion represents a significant operational advancement with meaningful financial implications. The expanded facility—now featuring 142,912 solar panels with 52 MW total capacity and 27.7 MWh of battery storage—stands as one of the largest off-grid solar/HFO hybrid power plants globally.

The most compelling aspect from an operational perspective is the projected 20 million liter reduction in annual heavy fuel oil consumption. This represents substantial cost savings in an environment where energy typically constitutes 15-20% of mining operational expenses. The ability to completely shut down the HFO plant during periods of sufficient solar radiation is particularly noteworthy, as few mining operations have achieved this level of renewable integration.

With solar now supplying approximately 30% of the site's total electricity needs, B2Gold has significantly reduced its exposure to fuel price volatility. This transition enhances cost predictability and operational resilience, especially valuable in remote mining locations where fuel logistics present considerable challenges.

Beyond direct cost benefits, this expansion advances B2Gold's environmental targets, reducing emissions by 63,000 tonnes of CO2e annually and progressing toward their 30% greenhouse gas reduction goal by 2030. The local economic impact, including 120+ construction jobs and 13 permanent positions, further strengthens community relations and social license to operate.

This implementation demonstrates B2Gold's concrete execution capabilities in sustainability initiatives that simultaneously address operational efficiency and environmental responsibility—a combination increasingly valued by investors focused on miners with strong ESG credentials and cost discipline.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO, NYSE AMERICAN: BTG, NSX: B2G) (“B2Gold” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the Phase 2 expansion of the Fekola Solar Plant is complete and operational.

B2Gold commenced construction of the Phase 2 Solar Plant expansion in June 2023 with initial land clearing and road construction, and ramped up to physical equipment construction in February 2024. The expansion of the Fekola Solar Plant was completed in the fourth quarter of 2024 and became operational in January 2025. The Phase 2 expansion included the construction of an additional 46,200 solar panels, increasing the total panel count of the Fekola Solar Plant to 142,912.

At the peak of construction, over 120 local jobs were generated, and 13 individuals have been trained and employed to maintain the Fekola Solar Plant expansion area following completion. The Company also engaged with a local drilling company for services throughout the construction period, generating employment for local workers.

Operating at full capacity, the expansion to the Fekola Solar Plant will provide an additional 22 megawatts (“MW”) of solar capacity (52 MW total capacity) and 12.7 megawatt-hours (“MWh”) of battery capacity (27.7 MWh total capacity). The expanded Fekola Solar Plant is expected to reduce annual emissions by an estimated 63,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and reduce the annual consumption of heavy fuel oil (“HFO”) by an estimated 20 million liters. The expanded Fekola Solar Plant is expected to supply approximately 30% of the site’s total electricity demand and is considered to be one of the largest off-grid solar/HFO hybrid power plants in the world.

Ken Jones, Director of Sustainability for B2Gold, commented, “The expansion of the Fekola Solar Plant is a significant initiative in support of B2Gold’s emission reduction target. The expanded facility will allow the Fekola site team to turn off the HFO plant for a portion of the day during times of sufficient solar radiation, a tremendous achievement for B2Gold and a testament to our commitment to implementing renewable energy solutions.”

B2Gold continues to investigate and implement new and existing renewable energy sources to power operations globally and is actively pursuing additional decarbonization initiatives in an effort to mitigate climate risks and to progress towards achieving the Company’s target of a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 against a 2021 baseline. For details on how B2Gold takes action to manage its climate impacts and climate-related risks, please refer to the 2023 Climate Strategy Report located at

About B2Gold

B2Gold is a responsible international senior gold producer headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has operating gold mines in Mali, Namibia and the Philippines, the Goose Project under construction in northern Canada and numerous development and exploration projects in various countries including Mali, Colombia and Finland. B2Gold forecasts total consolidated gold production of between 970,000 and 1,075,000 ounces in 2025.


“Clive T. Johnson”                                        
President and Chief Executive Officer                               

Source: B2Gold Corp.

The Toronto Stock Exchange and NYSE American LLC neither approve nor disapprove the information contained in this news release.

Production guidance presented in this news release reflect total production at the mines B2Gold operates on a 100% project basis. Please see our Annual Information Form dated March 14, 2024, for a discussion of our ownership interest in the mines B2Gold operates.

This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" ("collectively forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation, including: projections; outlook; guidance; forecasts; estimates; and other statements regarding future or estimated financial and operational performance, gold production and sales, revenues and cash flows, and capital costs (sustaining and non-sustaining) and operating costs, including projected cash operating costs and AISC, and budgets on a consolidated and mine by mine basis; future or estimated mine life, metal price assumptions, ore grades or sources, gold recovery rates, stripping ratios, throughput, ore processing; statements regarding anticipated exploration, drilling, development, construction, permitting and other activities or achievements of B2Gold; and including, without limitation: total consolidated gold production of between 970,000 and 1,075,000 ounces in 2025; the Company reducing its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 against a 2021 baseline; the expanded Fekola Solar Plant reducing annual emissions by approximately 63,000 tonnes of CO2e; the expanded Fekola Solar Plant reducing the annual consumption of heavy fuel oil by an estimated 20 million liters; and the expanded Fekola Solar Plant supplying approximately 30% of the site’s total electricity demand. All statements in this news release that address events or developments that we expect to occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, although not always, identified by words such as "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "project", "target", "potential", "schedule", "forecast", "budget", "estimate", "intend" or "believe" and similar expressions or their negative connotations, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could", "should" or "might" occur. All such forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made.

Forward-looking statements necessarily involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond B2Gold's control, including risks associated with or related to: the volatility of metal prices and B2Gold's common shares; changes in tax laws; the dangers inherent in exploration, development and mining activities; the uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates; not achieving production, cost or other estimates; actual production, development plans and costs differing materially from the estimates in B2Gold's feasibility and other studies; the ability to obtain and maintain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for mining activities; environmental regulations or hazards and compliance with complex regulations associated with mining activities; climate change and climate change regulations; the ability to replace mineral reserves and identify acquisition opportunities; the unknown liabilities of companies acquired by B2Gold; the ability to successfully integrate new acquisitions; fluctuations in exchange rates; the availability of financing; financing and debt activities, including potential restrictions imposed on B2Gold's operations as a result thereof and the ability to generate sufficient cash flows; operations in foreign and developing countries and the compliance with foreign laws, including those associated with operations in Mali, Namibia, the Philippines, Canada, and Colombia and including risks related to changes in foreign laws and changing policies related to mining and local ownership requirements or resource nationalization generally; remote operations and the availability of adequate infrastructure; fluctuations in price and availability of energy and other inputs necessary for mining operations; shortages or cost increases in necessary equipment, supplies and labour; regulatory, political and country risks, including local instability or acts of terrorism and the effects thereof; the reliance upon contractors, third parties and joint venture partners; the lack of sole decision-making authority related to Filminera Resources Corporation, which owns the Masbate Project; challenges to title or surface rights; the dependence on key personnel and the ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; the risk of an uninsurable or uninsured loss; adverse climate and weather conditions; litigation risk; competition with other mining companies; community support for B2Gold's operations, including risks related to strikes and the halting of such operations from time to time; conflicts with small scale miners; failures of information systems or information security threats; the ability to maintain adequate internal controls over financial reporting as required by law, including Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; compliance with anti-corruption laws, and sanctions or other similar measures; social media and B2Gold's reputation; risks affecting Calibre having an impact on the value of the Company's investment in Calibre, and potential dilution of our equity interest in Calibre; as well as other factors identified and as described in more detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in B2Gold's most recent Annual Information Form, B2Gold's current Form 40-F Annual Report and B2Gold's other filings with Canadian securities regulators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which may be viewed at and, respectively (the "Websites"). The list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect B2Gold's forward-looking statements.

B2Gold's forward-looking statements are based on the applicable assumptions and factors management considers reasonable as of the date hereof, based on the information available to management at such time. These assumptions and factors include, but are not limited to, assumptions and factors related to B2Gold's ability to carry on current and future operations, including: development and exploration activities; the timing, extent, duration and economic viability of such operations, including any mineral resources or reserves identified thereby; the accuracy and reliability of estimates, projections, forecasts, studies and assessments; B2Gold's ability to meet or achieve estimates, projections and forecasts; the availability and cost of inputs; the price and market for outputs, including gold; foreign exchange rates; taxation levels; the timely receipt of necessary approvals or permits; the ability to meet current and future obligations; the ability to obtain timely financing on reasonable terms when required; the current and future social, economic and political conditions; and other assumptions and factors generally associated with the mining industry.

B2Gold's forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management and reflect their current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and speak only as of the date hereof. B2Gold does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's beliefs, expectations or opinions should change other than as required by applicable law. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do, what benefits or liabilities B2Gold will derive therefrom. For the reasons set forth above, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

For more information on B2Gold please visit the Company website at or contact:

Michael McDonald
VP, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
+1 604-681-8371 

Cherry DeGeer
Director, Corporate Communications
+1 604-681-8371


What is the total solar capacity of B2Gold's expanded Fekola Solar Plant?

The expanded Fekola Solar Plant has a total solar capacity of 52 MW, with the Phase 2 expansion adding 22 MW to the existing facility.

How many solar panels were added in BTG's Fekola Phase 2 expansion?

The Phase 2 expansion added 46,200 solar panels, bringing the total panel count to 142,912 at the Fekola Solar Plant.

What are the expected environmental benefits of BTG's expanded Fekola Solar Plant?

The expansion will reduce annual emissions by 63,000 tonnes of CO2e and decrease heavy fuel oil consumption by 20 million liters annually.

How much of Fekola mine's electricity demand will the expanded solar plant supply?

The expanded solar plant will supply approximately 30% of the site's total electricity demand.

What is BTG's emission reduction target for 2030?

B2Gold aims to achieve a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 against a 2021 baseline.


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