BioStem Technologies Announces Record Preliminary Fourth Quarter Net Revenue of $102.9 Million, with Full-Year 2024 Net Revenue Expected to Reach $301.8 Million

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BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM) announced preliminary financial results for Q4 and the full year ending December 31, 2024. Q4 net revenue is expected to be around $102.9 million, representing a 794% increase over Q4 2023. Full-year 2024 net revenue is projected at $301.8 million, a 1,702% increase from $16.7 million in 2023. Q4 gross profit is anticipated to be approximately $99.3 million, up 811% from $10.9 million in Q4 2023. Full-year gross profit is expected to reach $288.1 million, a 1,775% increase from $15.4 million in 2023.

This growth is driven by the adoption of AmnioWrap2 OneView™ and the launch of Vendaje AC®, supported by targeted strategies from Venture Medical, The Venture OneView™ platform has played a important role in market expansion and product adoption. CEO Jason Matuszewski highlighted the transformative year and the strategic initiatives that fueled the revenue growth. He also mentioned the potential finalization of an LOI with ProgenaCare, which would expand BioStem's product portfolio.

BioStem's proprietary BioREtain® method preserves the biological properties of placental tissue, enhancing its wound treatment capabilities. BioStem's products are developed following stringent quality standards, accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks.

BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM) ha annunciato risultati finanziari preliminari per il quarto trimestre e per l'intero anno che si conclude il 31 dicembre 2024. Si prevede che il fatturato netto del Q4 sia di circa 102,9 milioni di dollari, con un aumento del 794% rispetto al Q4 2023. Il fatturato netto per l'intero anno 2024 è stimato a 301,8 milioni di dollari, un incremento del 1.702% rispetto ai 16,7 milioni di dollari del 2023. Si prevede che il profitto lordo del Q4 sarà di circa 99,3 milioni di dollari, in crescita dell'811% rispetto ai 10,9 milioni di dollari del Q4 2023. Si stima che il profitto lordo per l'intero anno raggiunga i 288,1 milioni di dollari, un aumento del 1.775% rispetto ai 15,4 milioni di dollari del 2023.

Questa crescita è alimentata dall'adozione di AmnioWrap2 OneView™ e dal lancio di Vendaje AC®, sostenuta da strategie mirate di Venture Medical. La piattaforma Venture OneView™ ha svolto un ruolo importante nell'espansione del mercato e nell'adozione del prodotto. Il CEO Jason Matuszewski ha sottolineato l'anno trasformativo e le iniziative strategiche che hanno alimentato la crescita dei ricavi. Ha anche menzionato la possibile finalizzazione di una lettera di intenti (LOI) con ProgenaCare, che espanderebbe il portafoglio prodotti di BioStem.

Il metodo proprietario BioREtain® di BioStem preserva le proprietà biologiche del tessuto placentare, migliorando le capacità di trattamento delle ferite. I prodotti di BioStem sono sviluppati seguendo rigidi standard di qualità, accreditati dall'American Association of Tissue Banks.

BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM) anunció resultados financieros preliminares para el cuarto trimestre y para el año completo que finaliza el 31 de diciembre de 2024. Se espera que los ingresos netos del cuarto trimestre sean alrededor de 102,9 millones de dólares, lo que representa un aumento del 794% en comparación con el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Se proyecta que los ingresos netos del año completo 2024 alcanzarán los 301,8 millones de dólares, un incremento del 1,702% respecto a los 16,7 millones de dólares de 2023. Se anticipa que el beneficio bruto del cuarto trimestre sea de aproximadamente 99,3 millones de dólares, un aumento del 811% respecto a los 10,9 millones de dólares del cuarto trimestre de 2023. Se espera que el beneficio bruto del año completo alcance los 288,1 millones de dólares, un aumento del 1,775% desde los 15,4 millones de dólares en 2023.

Este crecimiento es impulsado por la adopción de AmnioWrap2 OneView™ y el lanzamiento de Vendaje AC®, respaldado por estrategias específicas de Venture Medical. La plataforma Venture OneView™ ha jugado un papel importante en la expansión del mercado y la adopción del producto. El CEO Jason Matuszewski destacó el año transformador y las iniciativas estratégicas que impulsaron el crecimiento de los ingresos. También mencionó la posible finalización de una carta de intención (LOI) con ProgenaCare, lo que ampliaría la cartera de productos de BioStem.

El método propietario BioREtain® de BioStem preserva las propiedades biológicas del tejido placentario, mejorando sus capacidades de tratamiento de heridas. Los productos de BioStem se desarrollan siguiendo estrictos estándares de calidad, acreditados por la Asociación Americana de Bancos de Tejidos.

BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM)는 2024년 12월 31일 종료되는 4분기 및 전체 연도의 예상 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 4분기 순수익은 약 1억 2,900만 달러로 예상되며, 이는 2023년 4분기 대비 794% 증가한 수치입니다. 2024년 전체 연도 순수익은 3억 1,800만 달러로 예상되며, 2023년 1,670만 달러에서 1,702% 증가한 것입니다. 4분기 총 이익은 약 9,930만 달러로 예상되며, 2023년 4분기 1,090만 달러 대비 811% 증가할 것으로 보입니다. 전체 연도 총 이익은 2억 8,810만 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되며, 2023년 1,540만 달러에서 1,775% 증가할 전망입니다.

이 성장은 AmnioWrap2 OneView™의 채택과 Vendaje AC®의 출시, 그리고 Venture Medical의 목표 중심 전략에 의해 이끌어지고 있습니다. Venture OneView™ 플랫폼은 시장 확장과 제품 채택에 중요한 역할을 했습니다. CEO Jason Matuszewski는 변혁적인 한 해와 수익 성장의 원동력이 된 전략적 이니셔티브를 강조했습니다. 또한 BioStem의 제품 포트폴리오를 확장할 수 있는 ProgenaCare와의 LOI(양해각서) 최종 체결 가능성도 언급했습니다.

BioStem의 독창적인 BioREtain® 방법은 태반 조직의 생물학적 특성을 보존하여 상처 치료 능력을 향상시킵니다. BioStem의 제품은 미국 조직은행 협회가 인증한 엄격한 품질 기준에 따라 개발됩니다.

BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM) a annoncé des résultats financiers préliminaires pour le quatrième trimestre et pour l'année entière se terminant le 31 décembre 2024. Le revenu net du quatrième trimestre devrait atteindre environ 102,9 millions de dollars, ce qui représente une augmentation de 794 % par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2023. Le revenu net pour l'année entière 2024 est estimé à 301,8 millions de dollars, soit une augmentation de 1 702 % par rapport à 16,7 millions de dollars en 2023. Le bénéfice brut du quatrième trimestre est anticipé à environ 99,3 millions de dollars, en hausse de 811 % par rapport à 10,9 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre 2023. Le bénéfice brut pour l'année complète devrait atteindre 288,1 millions de dollars, soit une augmentation de 1 775 % par rapport à 15,4 millions de dollars en 2023.

Cette croissance est alimentée par l'adoption de AmnioWrap2 OneView™ et le lancement de Vendaje AC®, soutenue par des stratégies ciblées de Venture Medical. La plateforme Venture OneView™ a joué un rôle important dans l'expansion du marché et l'adoption du produit. Le PDG Jason Matuszewski a souligné l'année transformative et les initiatives stratégiques qui ont stimulé la croissance des revenus. Il a également mentionné la possibilité de finaliser un LOI avec ProgenaCare, ce qui élargirait le portefeuille de produits de BioStem.

La méthode propriétaire BioREtain® de BioStem préserve les propriétés biologiques du tissu placentaire, améliorant ainsi ses capacités de traitement des plaies. Les produits de BioStem sont développés selon des normes de qualité strictes, accréditées par l'American Association of Tissue Banks.

BioStem Technologies (OTC: BSEM) gab vorläufige finanzielle Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Gesamtjahr zum 31. Dezember 2024 bekannt. Für das vierte Quartal wird ein Nettoumsatz von etwa 102,9 Millionen US-Dollar erwartet, was einem Anstieg von 794 % im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2023 entspricht. Der Nettoumsatz für das gesamte Jahr 2024 wird auf 301,8 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt, was einem Anstieg von 1.702 % im Vergleich zu 16,7 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2023 entspricht. Der Bruttogewinn im vierten Quartal wird voraussichtlich etwa 99,3 Millionen US-Dollar betragen und damit um 811 % im Vergleich zu 10,9 Millionen US-Dollar im vierten Quartal 2023 steigen. Der Bruttogewinn für das gesamte Jahr wird voraussichtlich 288,1 Millionen US-Dollar erreichen, was einem Anstieg von 1.775 % im Vergleich zu 15,4 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2023 entspricht.

Dieses Wachstum wird durch die Einführung von AmnioWrap2 OneView™ und den Markteintritt von Vendaje AC® angetrieben, unterstützt von gezielten Strategien von Venture Medical. Die Venture OneView™-Plattform spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Markterweiterung und Produktannahme. CEO Jason Matuszewski hob das transformative Jahr und die strategischen Initiativen hervor, die das Umsatzwachstum antrieben. Er erwähnte auch die potenzielle Finalisierung eines LOI mit ProgenaCare, was das Produktportfolio von BioStem erweitern würde.

Die proprietäre BioREtain®-Methode von BioStem bewahrt die biologischen Eigenschaften des Plazentagewebes und verbessert dessen Wundbehandlungsmöglichkeiten. Die Produkte von BioStem werden nach strengen Qualitätsstandards entwickelt, die von der American Association of Tissue Banks anerkannt sind.

  • Q4 net revenue expected to be $102.9 million, a 794% increase over Q4 2023.
  • Full-year 2024 net revenue projected at $301.8 million, a 1,702% increase from 2023.
  • Q4 gross profit anticipated at $99.3 million, up 811% from Q4 2023.
  • Full-year 2024 gross profit expected to reach $288.1 million, a 1,775% increase from 2023.
  • Strong adoption of AmnioWrap2 OneView™ and successful launch of Vendaje AC®.
  • Effective market expansion and product adoption through Venture OneView™ platform.
  • None.

POMPANO BEACH, Fla., Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioStem Technologies, Inc. (OTC: BSEM) (“BioStem”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), a leading MedTech company focused on the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of placental-derived products for advanced wound care, today announced selected preliminary financial results for the fiscal fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024.

2024 Preliminary Fourth Quarter and Year End Results:

  • Fourth quarter net revenue is expected to be approximately $102.9 million, which represents a 794% increase over the fourth quarter of 2023, driven by solid performance across the product portfolio.
  • Full-year 2024 net revenue is expected to be approximately $301.8 million, up from $16.7 million for fiscal year 2023, reflecting an increase of $285.1 million, or 1,702%.
  • Fourth quarter gross profit is expected to be approximately $99.3 million, compared to $10.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2023, which represents an 811% increase.
  • Full-year 2024 gross profit is expected to be approximately $288.1 million, compared to $15.4 million for fiscal year 2023, which represents an 1,775% increase.
  • This exceptional year-over-year growth reflects the robust adoption of AmnioWrap2 OneView™ in the post-acute care market and the successful introduction of Vendaje AC®, supported by the targeted commercial strategies of Venture Medical, LLC (“Venture”), BioStem’s exclusive sales and marketing partner. Leveraging the advanced analytics and market insights provided by the Venture OneView™ platform, BioStem has effectively expanded its market presence, driving accelerated product adoption and strengthening its position as a leader in advanced wound care solutions.

2024 has been an extraordinary and transformative year for BioStem, defined by record-breaking growth and a series of groundbreaking milestones that underscore our leadership in advanced wound care," said Jason Matuszewski, Chief Executive Officer of BioStem. “Achieving over 1,700% year-over-year revenue growth is a testament to the relentless execution of our strategic initiatives, the innovation behind our products like AmnioWrap2™ and the newly-launched Vendaje AC®, and the dedication of our team.

Our success has been further catalyzed by our valued partnership with Venture and their state-of-the-art Venture OneView™ platform, which has revolutionized our distribution capabilities, enhanced visibility within the market, and accelerated product adoption. This synergy exemplifies the power of collaboration in driving impactful results.

As we look to 2025, I am energized by the opportunities ahead, particularly the anticipated finalization of the LOI with ProgenaCare, a key step in broadening our product portfolio and deepening our impact across the continuum of wound care. Coupled with our investments in R&D, clinical trials, and the expansion of our world-class team, we believe this acquisition positions us to continue delivering cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes and create lasting value for all stakeholders.

We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our shareholders, customers, and partners, and we remain committed to leveraging innovation, collaboration, and excellence to shape the future of wound care and beyond.”

About BioREtain®:
BioStem’s placental allografts are processed utilizing BioStem’s proprietary BioREtain®method, which preserves the tissue’s endogenous biological properties while maintaining the structure and matrix found in fresh perinatal tissue. The patented six-step BioREtain®process is gentle, minimally invasive, and preserves the natural integrity of the amniotic tissue/components critical to the wound treatment process. For a full overview of BioREtain, please visit:

Join BioStem’s Distribution List & Social Media:
To follow the latest developments at BioStem, sign-up to BioStem’s email distribution list HERE, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About BioStem Technologies, Inc. (OTC: BSEM):
BioStem Technologies is a leading innovator focused on harnessing the natural properties of perinatal tissue in the development, manufacture, and commercialization of allografts. BioStem is focused on manufacturing products that change lives, leveraging its proprietary BioREtain® processing method. BioREtain® has been developed by applying the latest research in advanced wound care, focused on maintaining growth factors and preserving tissue structure. BioStem Technologies’ quality management system and standard operating procedures have been reviewed and accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (“AATB”). These systems and procedures are established per current Good Tissue Practices (“cGTP”) and current Good Manufacturing Processes (“cGMP”). Our portfolio of quality brands includes AmnioWrap2™, VENDAJE®, VENDAJE AC®, and VENDAJE OPTIC®. Each BioStem Technologies placental allograft is processed at BioStem’s FDA registered and AATB accredited site in Pompano Beach, Florida. For more information visit and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements:
Except for statements of historical fact, this release also contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These forward-looking statements relate to expectations or forecasts of future events. Forward-looking statements may be identified using words such as “forecast,” “intend,” “seek,” “target,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “expect,” “estimate,” “plan,” “outlook,” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding BioStem’s plans and expectations for future performance, including: (i) BioStem’s expectations about projected net revenue and gross profit for the quarter and year end; (ii) BioStem’s expectations regarding product adoption and market presence; (iii) BioStem’s strategic initiatives as well as its ability to accelerate growth in 2025 and beyond; (iv) BioStem’s expectations regarding its timing and ability to close the Progenacare acquisition pursuant to the terms of any agreement entered into by and between the parties, as well as any impact that such acquisition will have on BioStem’s business and operations and (v) BioStem’s ongoing commitment to leverage innovation and collaboration to deliver cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes and create lasting value for stakeholders. The actual financial and operating results that will be reflected in its audited financial statements, when they are completed and publicly disclosed, may differ from these preliminary results.

Forward-looking statements with respect to the operations of BioStem, strategies, prospects and other aspects of the business of BioStem are based on current expectations that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from expectations expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The following is a list of factors, among others, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements: the impact of any changes to the reimbursement levels for BioStem’s products; the significant and continuing competition that BioStem faces, which could adversely affect its business, results of operations and financial condition; rapid technological change that could cause BioStem’s products to become obsolete, and the risk that if BioStem does not enhance its product offerings through its research and development efforts, it may be unable to effectively compete; BioStem’s ability to convince physicians that its products are safe and effective alternatives to existing treatments and that its products should be used in their procedures; BioStem’s ability to raise funds to expand its business; the risk that BioStem may incur significant losses in the future; changes in applicable laws or regulations; the possibility that BioStem may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; BioStem’s ability to maintain production of its products in sufficient quantities to meet demand; and the Company’s ability to consummate an agreement with Progenacare. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Registration Statement on Form 10, and any subsequent amendments, initially filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on September 27, 2024, and in any subsequent filings with the SEC.
You are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Although it may voluntarily do so from time to time, BioStem undertakes no commitment to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

BioStem Technologies, Inc.
Phone: 954-380-8342
Twitter: @BSEM_Tech
Facebook: BioStemTechnologies

PCG Advisory
Jeff Ramson


What is the expected Q4 2024 net revenue for BSEM?

The expected Q4 2024 net revenue for BSEM is approximately $102.9 million.

How much did BSEM's full-year 2024 net revenue increase compared to 2023?

BSEM's full-year 2024 net revenue increased by 1,702% compared to 2023, reaching approximately $301.8 million.

What is the anticipated Q4 2024 gross profit for BSEM?

The anticipated Q4 2024 gross profit for BSEM is approximately $99.3 million.

Which products contributed to BSEM's revenue growth in 2024?

The products contributing to BSEM's revenue growth in 2024 are AmnioWrap2 OneView™ and Vendaje AC®.

How did the Venture OneView™ platform impact BSEM's performance in 2024?

The Venture OneView™ platform helped expand BSEM's market presence and accelerate product adoption in 2024.

What is the significance of the LOI with ProgenaCare for BSEM?

The LOI with ProgenaCare is significant for BSEM as it could expand their product portfolio and enhance their impact in wound care.

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Pompano Beach