Big Screen Entertainment Group Entering Production on Avenger Field
Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) is set to begin production on the audio drama adaptation of its wartime female pilots drama, AVENGER FIELD, next month. The fully immersive radio-style play, featuring accomplished TV and film actors, is based on the real-life adventures of American female pilots in WWII who flew out of the Avenger Field air base in Texas.
The story, created by Big Screen's in-house team, has already been a sellout script book and is now heading to Audible. This move capitalizes on the recent surge in popularity of audio dramas. BSEG CEO Kimberley Kates expressed enthusiasm for the project, highlighting its potential to reach a wider audience and honor the legacy of these remarkable women pilots.
Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) sta per iniziare la produzione dell'adattamento audio drammatico del suo dramma sulle piloti donna durante la guerra, AVENGER FIELD, il mese prossimo. Lo spettacolo in stile radiofonico totalmente immersivo, con attori affermati della TV e del cinema, è basato sulle avventure reali delle piloti americane durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, che volavano dalla base aerea Avenger Field in Texas.
La storia, creata dal team interno di Big Screen, è già diventata un libro di copioni esaurito ed ora si dirige verso Audible. Questa mossa sfrutta l'attuale aumento di popolarità dei drammi audio. La CEO di BSEG, Kimberley Kates, ha espresso entusiasmo per il progetto, evidenziando il potenziale di raggiungere un pubblico più ampio e onorare l'eredità di queste straordinarie piloti donna.
Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) comenzará la producción de la adaptación de audio del drama de sus pilotos femeninas de guerra, AVENGER FIELD, el próximo mes. La obra de teatro inmersiva al estilo radiofónico, con actores destacados de la televisión y el cine, se basa en las aventuras reales de las pilotas estadounidenses en la Segunda Guerra Mundial que volaron desde la base aérea Avenger Field en Texas.
La historia, creada por el equipo interno de Big Screen, ya ha sido un libro de guiones agotado y ahora se dirige a Audible. Este movimiento capitaliza el reciente aumento en la popularidad de los dramas de audio. La CEO de BSEG, Kimberley Kates, expresó su entusiasmo por el proyecto, destacando su potencial para alcanzar a una audiencia más amplia y honrar el legado de estas notables pilotas.
빅 스크린 엔터테인먼트 그룹(OTC: BSEG)은 다음 달 전투기 여성 조종사를 주제로 한 오디오 드라마 AVENGER FIELD의 제작을 시작할 예정입니다. 유명 TV 및 영화 배우들이 출연하는 이 몰입형 라디오 스타일 극은 제2차 세계 대전 중 텍사스의 아벤저 필드 공군기지에서 비행했던 미국 여성 조종사들의 실제 모험을 바탕으로 하고 있습니다.
빅 스크린 내부 팀이 만든 이 이야기는 이미 매진된 대본 책으로, 현재 Audible로 향하고 있습니다. 이 전략은 최근 오디오 드라마의 인기가 급상승한 것에 힘입은 것입니다. BSEG의 CEO인 킴벌리 케이트는 이 프로젝트에 대한 열정을 표현하며, 이 특별한 여성 조종사들의 유산을 기리는 동시에 더 넓은 청중에게 다가갈 수 있는 잠재력을 강조했습니다.
Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) s'apprête à commencer la production de l'adaptation audio de son drame sur les pilotes féminines en temps de guerre, AVENGER FIELD, le mois prochain. Cette pièce immersive au style radiophonique, mettant en vedette des acteurs de télévision et de cinéma accomplis, est basée sur les véritables aventures de pilotes américaines durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui volaient depuis la base aérienne d'Avenger Field au Texas.
L'histoire, créée par l'équipe interne de Big Screen, a déjà été un livre de scénarios épuisé et se dirige maintenant vers Audible. Ce mouvement capitalise sur la récente hausse de popularité des drames audio. La PDG de BSEG, Kimberley Kates, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour le projet, mettant en avant son potentiel à atteindre un plus large public et à honorer l'héritage de ces femmes pilotes remarquables.
Die Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) wird nächsten Monat mit der Produktion der Audio-Dramatisierung ihres Kriegsdramas über Pilotinnen, AVENGER FIELD, beginnen. Das vollständig immersive Hörspiel, das mit etablierten Schauspielern aus Fernsehen und Film besetzt ist, basiert auf den wahren Abenteuern amerikanischer Pilotinnen im Zweiten Weltkrieg, die von der Avenger Field Luftwaffenbasis in Texas aus flogen.
Die Geschichte, die vom internen Team von Big Screen geschaffen wurde, ist bereits ein ausverkauftes Drehbuchbuch und wird nun zu Audible gebracht. Dieser Schritt nutzt den jüngsten Anstieg der Beliebtheit von Audiodramen aus. Die CEO von BSEG, Kimberley Kates, bekundete ihre Begeisterung für das Projekt und hob dessen Potenzial hervor, ein breiteres Publikum zu erreichen und das Erbe dieser bemerkenswerten Pilotinnen zu ehren.
- Expansion into audio drama format, capitalizing on growing market trend
- Adaptation of previously successful script book
- Utilization of in-house talent for content creation
- Potential for wider audience reach through Audible platform
- None.
LOS ANGELES, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC: BSEG) is set to begin production next month on the audio drama adaptation of its wartime female pilots drama, AVENGER FIELD.
Bringing cinematic production values to the audio format, this fully immersive radio-style play features the voice talents of accomplished TV and film actors. The riveting story, heading to Audible, is based on the real-life adventures of American female pilots in WWII who flew out of the Avenger Field air base in Texas.
Created by Big Screen’s in-house writing and development team, the story has already been a sellout script book. Now, Big Screen is capitalizing on the recent surge in popularity of audio drama as the Los Angeles-based production and distribution company expands its storytelling expertise.
BSEG Chief Executive Kimberley Kates said: “AVENGER FIELD is a project close to my heart. Bringing these incredible stories of bravery and determination to life in an audio format allows us to reach a wider audience and honor the legacy of these remarkable women. We are thrilled to embark on this new journey and continue to innovate in the realm of storytelling.”
Ms. Kates created AVENGER FIELD with colleagues Sandro Monetti and Catherine Taylor, with further development help from BAFTA newcomers Muriel Naim and Asligul Armagan.
About Big Screen Entertainment Group:
Big Screen Entertainment Group (OTC:BSEG) is a well-established distribution and production company based in Beverly Hills. Built on a love for storytelling, the business launched in 2005 and has grown to specialize in production, post-production, and distribution in the US and Internationally.
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Lorraine Chi
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