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Piezo Motion, a Brain Scientific company, has partnered with Benson Engineering to deliver affordable micro-precision motors in the Southern U.S. This collaboration aims to enhance automation technology for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) across multiple states.
Piezo Motion specializes in rotary and linear motors known for speed, size, and precision. The partnership promises to leverage Benson Engineering's 75 years of experience to provide high-quality motion control solutions at competitive prices.
Piezo Motion, a subsidiary of Brain Scientific (OTCQB:BRSF), will host a webinar on March 17 to showcase its innovative miniature precision motors.
The technology aims to disrupt the market by offering affordable piezoelectric solutions tailored for OEMs seeking speed and accuracy.
CEO Hassan Kotob emphasizes that these motors are ideal for various applications, including biomedicine and semiconductors, and provide significant cost benefits.
Piezo Motion, a subsidiary of Brain Scientific (OTCQB: BRSF), has released a whitepaper highlighting its RAS rotary motor's significance in medical devices and high-tech applications. Authored by Dr. Mark Broderick, the whitepaper emphasizes how this innovative piezomotor surpasses traditional DC stepper motors, offering improvements in speed, size, and accuracy for OEMs. As the medical device market continues to grow, Piezo Motion is positioned to meet the rising demand for precision and efficiency, expanding its reach into industries like biomedicine, optics, and semiconductors.
Piezo Motion has partnered with Electroline Sales, Inc. to provide innovative motion control technology to OEMs in the Upper Midwest. This collaboration aims to offer affordable precision motor solutions across various sectors, including medical and robotics. Piezo Motion, a subsidiary of Brain Scientific (OTCQB:BRSF), is recognized for its advanced rotary and linear motors designed for speed and accuracy. The partnership is expected to meet the rising demand for high-precision devices, enhancing both companies' capabilities in the market.
Piezo Motion has announced a partnership with Motion & Control Sales, Ltd., aiming to disrupt the precision motor market with advanced automation solutions. This collaboration will leverage Piezo Motion's innovative motor technology to enhance offerings for OEMs in sectors like automotive, medical, and defense. Motion & Control Sales, a 22-year veteran in the motion control industry, will support regional markets including Michigan and Ohio. This partnership is expected to broaden the market reach of Piezo Motion's products, emphasizing affordability and performance.
Piezo Motion, part of Brain Scientific (OTCQB:BRSF), has partnered with Applied Mechatronics to provide affordable micro-precision motors and motion control solutions to the West Coast. This partnership allows Applied Mechatronics to utilize Piezo Motion’s patented piezo technology, previously deemed cost-prohibitive, for various OEM applications, enhancing speed and accuracy. Piezo Motion specializes in multi-faceted motors suitable for numerous industries, including biomedicine and automotive, promoting significant cost reductions compared to conventional solutions.
Brain Scientific Inc. (OTCQB: BRSF) anticipates revenue growth fueled by new medical products within a projected $4 billion market by 2025. Following its merger with Piezo Motion, the company is pursuing an aggressive go-to-market strategy, having secured over 15 new partners for its precision motion products and a master distribution agent for its neurology products. The focus on telemedicine and remote monitoring positions the NeuroCap and NeuroEEG as key innovations, addressing critical needs in nursing homes and emergency rooms, thereby increasing access to EEG testing.
Piezo Motion, a company under Brain Scientific (OTCQB:BRSF), has announced a new distribution partnership with STXi Motion, an engineering firm specializing in motion control solutions. This collaboration will enable Piezo Motion to provide its piezoelectric motors and motion control technology to STXi's customers in Israel, delivering cost-effective industrial automation solutions. With minimal components and high customization flexibility, these motors are designed for diverse applications across various sectors, enhancing manufacturers' automation capabilities.
Piezo Motion has announced a strategic partnership with Advanced Motion Systems to distribute its advanced micro-precision motors. This collaboration aims to enhance Advanced Motion's offerings in industrial automation across New York, targeting OEMs in various sectors including biomedicine and automotive. The innovative piezoelectric motors promise high speed and accuracy at competitive prices, broadening their application range. Hassan Kotob, CEO of Brain Scientific, expressed optimism regarding market responses to their technologies.
Piezo Motion has partnered with CNBEST Tech to enhance the distribution of its piezoelectric motor solutions in Asia. This collaboration aims to expand Piezo Motion's global reach, especially in markets such as life sciences and medical devices. Marc Hao from CNBEST emphasized the affordable and energy-efficient nature of Piezo Motion's motors. The technology is expected to serve various applications, including laboratory instruments and medical robots. CEO Hassan Kotob expressed confidence in CNBEST's ability to accelerate growth in the region.