Brilliant Earth Unveils “Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds” Campaign and Introduces The Jane Goodall Collection

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Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRLT) has launched the 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds' campaign, featuring The Jane Goodall Collection. This campaign highlights the company's nearly two-decade leadership in ethical sourcing and diamond innovation. The Jane Goodall Collection, crafted with sustainably sourced materials, includes Capture Collection diamonds made in clean energy facilities using CO2 before atmospheric release.

The collection's design is inspired by Tanzania's banana leaves, symbolizing natural beauty and community importance. 10% of the collection's proceeds will benefit the Jane Goodall Institute, supporting habitat protection, women's health and education, local livelihoods, and environmental leadership. Available on and in 40 showrooms nationwide, this initiative reinforces Brilliant Earth's commitment to ethical luxury and consumer empowerment in making impactful choices.

Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRLT) ha lanciato la campagna 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds', che presenta The Jane Goodall Collection. Questa campagna mette in evidenza il quasi ventennale leadership dell'azienda nell'approvvigionamento etico e nell'innovazione dei diamanti. La Jane Goodall Collection, realizzata con materiali provenienti da fonti sostenibili, include i diamanti della Capture Collection prodotti in strutture a energia pulita utilizzando CO2 prima del rilascio in atmosfera.

Il design della collezione è ispirato alle foglie di banana della Tanzania, simboleggiando la bellezza naturale e l'importanza della comunità. Il 10% dei proventi della collezione sarà destinato al Jane Goodall Institute, sostenendo la protezione degli habitat, la salute e l'istruzione delle donne, i mezzi di sussistenza locali e la leadership ambientale. Disponibile su e in 40 showroom a livello nazionale, questa iniziativa rafforza l'impegno di Brilliant Earth per il lusso etico e l'empowerment dei consumatori nel fare scelte significative.

Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRLT) ha lanzado la campaña 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds', que presenta The Jane Goodall Collection. Esta campaña destaca el liderazgo de casi dos décadas de la empresa en abastecimiento ético e innovación en diamantes. La Jane Goodall Collection, elaborada con materiales de origen sostenible, incluye diamantes de la Capture Collection producidos en instalaciones de energía limpia utilizando CO2 antes de su liberación a la atmósfera.

El diseño de la colección se inspira en las hojas de plátano de Tanzania, simbolizando la belleza natural y la importancia comunitaria. El 10% de los ingresos de la colección beneficiará al Jane Goodall Institute, apoyando la protección del hábitat, la salud y educación de las mujeres, los medios de vida locales y el liderazgo ambiental. Disponible en y en 40 salas de exhibición en todo el país, esta iniciativa refuerza el compromiso de Brilliant Earth con el lujo ético y el empoderamiento del consumidor al tomar decisiones significativas.

브릴리언트 어스 그룹 주식회사(Nasdaq: BRLT)가 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds' 캠페인을 시작하며 제인 구달 컬렉션을 소개합니다. 이 캠페인은 회사가 윤리적인 소싱과 다이아몬드 혁신에서 거의 20년간의 선두주자로 활동해 온 사실을 강조합니다. 제인 구달 컬렉션은 지속 가능한 소재로 제작되었으며, 캡처 컬렉션 다이아몬드를 포함하여 대기 방출 전에 CO2를 사용하여 청정 에너지 시설에서 제작됩니다.

컬렉션의 디자인은 탄자니아의 바나나 잎에서 영감을 받아 자연의 아름다움과 지역사회의 중요성을 상징합니다. 컬렉션 수익의 10%는 제인 구달 연구소에 기부되어 서식지 보호, 여성의 건강 및 교육, 지역 생계 및 환경 리더십을 지원합니다. BrilliantEarth.com과 국내 40개 쇼룸에서 제공되는 이 이니셔티브는 윤리적 사치와 소비자에게 영향력 있는 선택을 할 수 있는 권한을 부여하는 브릴리언트 어스의 약속을 강화합니다.

Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRLT) a lancé la campagne 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds', mettant en avant The Jane Goodall Collection. Cette campagne souligne le leadership d'environ deux décennies de l'entreprise en matière de sourcing éthique et d'innovation dans les diamants. La Jane Goodall Collection, fabriquée avec des matériaux provenant de sources durables, comprend des diamants de la Capture Collection produits dans des installations utilisant des énergies propres en recourant au CO2 avant son rejet dans l'atmosphère.

Le design de la collection s'inspire des feuilles de bananier de Tanzanie, symbolisant la beauté naturelle et l'importance de la communauté. 10 % des profits de la collection seront redistribués au Jane Goodall Institute, soutenant la protection des habitats, la santé et l'éducation des femmes, les moyens de subsistance locaux et le leadership environnemental. Disponible sur et dans 40 salles d'exposition à travers le pays, cette initiative renforce l'engagement de Brilliant Earth en faveur du luxe éthique et de l'autonomisation des consommateurs dans leurs choix significatifs.

Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: BRLT) hat die Kampagne 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds' gestartet, die The Jane Goodall Collection vorstellt. Diese Kampagne hebt die fast zwei Jahrzehnte dauernde Führungsrolle des Unternehmens in der ethischen Beschaffung und Diamanteninnovation hervor. Die Jane Goodall Collection, die aus nachhaltig beschafften Materialien gefertigt ist, umfasst Diamanten aus der Capture Collection, die in sauberen Energieanlagen unter Verwendung von CO2 vor der Freisetzung in die Atmosphäre hergestellt werden.

Das Design der Kollektion ist von den Bananenblättern Tansanias inspiriert und symbolisiert natürliche Schönheit und die Bedeutung von Gemeinschaft. 10 % der Erlöse der Kollektion kommen dem Jane Goodall Institute zugute, das den Schutz von Lebensräumen, die Gesundheit und Bildung von Frauen, die lokalen Lebensgrundlagen und die Umweltführung unterstützt. Diese Initiative, die auf und in 40 Showrooms landesweit erhältlich ist, verstärkt das Engagement von Brilliant Earth für ethischen Luxus und die Ermächtigung der Verbraucher, bedeutungsvolle Entscheidungen zu treffen.

  • Launch of 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds' campaign, showcasing Brilliant Earth's leadership in ethical sourcing and diamond innovation
  • Introduction of The Jane Goodall Collection, reinforcing the company's planet-first ethos
  • Use of sustainably sourced materials, including Capture Collection diamonds made with CO2 in clean energy facilities
  • 10% of The Jane Goodall Collection proceeds will benefit the Jane Goodall Institute
  • Expansion to 40 showrooms nationwide, indicating growth in physical presence
  • None.


The launch of Brilliant Earth's "Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds" campaign and The Jane Goodall Collection represents a strategic move in the ethical jewelry market. This initiative aligns with growing consumer demand for sustainable and ethically sourced products, potentially strengthening BRLT's market position.

The partnership with Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned conservationist, adds significant credibility to Brilliant Earth's sustainability claims. This could enhance brand perception and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, particularly millennials and Gen Z, who are increasingly influential in the luxury market.

However, with a market cap of just $27,575,405, BRLT is a small player in the jewelry industry. While this campaign may boost brand awareness and sales, its impact on overall financial performance may be in the short term. The long-term success will depend on how effectively Brilliant Earth can leverage this initiative to capture market share from larger, traditional jewelers.

Brilliant Earth's collaboration with Dr. Jane Goodall and the introduction of lab-grown diamonds made with captured CO2 demonstrate a significant commitment to environmental sustainability in the jewelry industry. This approach addresses two critical environmental issues: reducing carbon emissions and minimizing the impact of diamond mining.

The use of certified recycled gold further enhances the company's sustainability credentials. These initiatives could set new industry standards and pressure competitors to adopt similar practices, potentially leading to broader positive environmental impacts.

However, the real environmental benefit will depend on the scale of adoption and the efficiency of these processes. It's important to monitor the energy consumption of lab-grown diamond production and ensure that the CO2 capture process is truly effective. The 10% donation to the Jane Goodall Institute is a positive step, but its impact will depend on the collection's sales volume.

Campaign Fortifies Company’s Two Decades of Industry-Defining Diamond Leadership

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brilliant Earth Group, Inc. (“Brilliant Earth” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: BRLT), an innovative, global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry, today announced the launch of the “Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds” campaign, featuring the debut of The Jane Goodall Collection. A continuation of the Company’s partnership with iconic conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall, the collection underscores Brilliant Earth and Dr. Jane Goodall’s collective vision of environmental stewardship. The “Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds” campaign invites consumers to discover the Company's diamond leadership over a nearly two-decade period, starting with its pioneering standards for ethical sourcing. Over that time, Brilliant Earth has championed groundbreaking innovations in both natural and lab diamonds while remaining steadfast in delivering expert craftsmanship, design, and a seamless, highly personalized customer experience.

Since its founding, Brilliant Earth has challenged the industry to reconsider how diamonds are sourced and how jewelry is made. The “Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds” campaign amplifies the Company’s industry-defining innovations in both natural and lab diamonds and highlights Brilliant Earth's groundbreaking diamond collections and standards. By championing transparency and responsible practices, Brilliant Earth not only redefines ethical luxury but empowers consumers to make impactful choices that reflect their values and shape a better future. The launch of The Jane Goodall Collection represents a definitive moment for Brilliant Earth, further reinforcing the Company’s planet-first ethos and commitments.

“Brilliant Earth was founded almost 20 years ago with the aim of paving the way for ethical and sustainable jewelry. Since then, we've challenged many to look at the choices they make, exemplified by our ‘Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds’ campaign, which invites consumers to transform their perceptions about diamonds and recognize the profound impact their choices can have on both communities and the environment,” said Brilliant Earth Co-Founder and CEO Beth Gerstein. “Partnering with Dr. Jane Goodall to launch The Jane Goodall Collection as part of ‘Rethink’ was a natural fit. Her lifelong work in conservation and her continued dedication through The Jane Goodall Institute are just some of the examples of how she is inspiring future generations to get involved in protecting our planet.”

The Jane Goodall Collection is crafted with Brilliant Earth’s industry-leading, ethically and sustainably sourced materials. The limited-edition collection features Brilliant Earth’s Capture Collection diamonds, which are made in clean energy facilities with CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere. Each piece is made with certified recycled gold sourced from responsible refiners.

“Brilliant Earth and I are united in our mission to better the planet for future generations, and I deeply admire their steadfast commitment to ethical and sustainable practices,” said Dr. Jane Goodall. “The Jane Goodall Collection pays homage to my beloved Tanzania, serving as a poignant reminder to consumers that their conscious choices in daily life can catalyze meaningful change. We all play a role and have an impact on our collective future.”

Inspired by Tanzania, the collection’s motif is centered on banana leaves, cherished for their natural beauty and role as a crucial part of daily life for communities around the globe. Ten percent of The Jane Goodall Collection proceeds will benefit the Jane Goodall Institute*, funding crucial work to protect and restore critical habitats, support the health and education of women and girls, cultivate local livelihoods, and mobilize the next generation of environmental leaders.

The Jane Goodall Collection is available now on and in Brilliant Earth’s 40 showrooms nationwide.

About Brilliant Earth

Brilliant Earth is a digitally native, omnichannel fine jewelry company and a global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry. With 2023 full-year revenue of $446 million and 12 consecutive quarters of positive adjusted EBITDA since its initial public offering in 2021, the Company’s mission since its 2005 founding has been to create a more transparent, sustainable, and compassionate jewelry industry. Headquartered in San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO, Brilliant Earth has more than 35 showrooms across the United States and has served customers in over 50 countries worldwide.  

*Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation Fund, a designated fund of Communities Foundation of Texas. Communities Foundation of Texas is a registered 501(c)(3). The Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation supports conservation, research, and education programs of the Jane Goodall Institute. Donation amounts are net of shipping charges paid by Brilliant Earth, taxes, and returns.

About the Jane Goodall Institute

The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community-centered conservation organization founded in 1977 that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By understanding, protecting and improving the welfare of chimpanzees and other great apes, while inspiring action to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, other animals, and the environment. Learn more at Follow Jane and JGI at and @janegoodallinst on Instagram and Twitter.

Media Contact:

Marisa Ochoa

Investor Relations:

Colin Bourland

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is Brilliant Earth's new campaign called and what does it feature?

Brilliant Earth's new campaign is called 'Rethink Everything You Know About Diamonds' and features the debut of The Jane Goodall Collection.

What is unique about the diamonds used in The Jane Goodall Collection by Brilliant Earth (BRLT)?

The Jane Goodall Collection features Brilliant Earth's Capture Collection diamonds, which are made in clean energy facilities using CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere.

How much of The Jane Goodall Collection proceeds will benefit the Jane Goodall Institute?

10% of The Jane Goodall Collection proceeds will benefit the Jane Goodall Institute, funding various environmental and social initiatives.

Where can customers purchase items from The Jane Goodall Collection by Brilliant Earth (BRLT)?

The Jane Goodall Collection is available on and in Brilliant Earth's 40 showrooms nationwide.

Brilliant Earth Group, Inc.


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Luxury Goods
Jewelry, Silverware & Plated Ware
United States of America