Brera Holdings PLC Approved to Dual List Internationally on Upstream
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA) has been approved to dual list its shares on Upstream, a MERJ Exchange market and global securities trading app. Trading will begin on October 1st at 10:00am ET under the ticker 'BREA'. This dual listing aims to provide Brera access to a global investor base outside the U.S., allowing trading using various payment methods and enhancing liquidity.
As the only publicly traded multi-club ownership company focused on football (soccer), Brera will offer non-U.S. shareholders, investors, fans, and followers access to its securities in countries where its teams compete, such as Macedonia, Mozambique, and Mongolia. The company believes this move will help democratize access to professional sports club ownership and create value through its multi-club ownership group strategy.
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA) è stata approvata per la doppia quotazione delle sue azioni su Upstream, un mercato della MERJ Exchange e una app globale per il trading di titoli. Le contrattazioni inizieranno il 1 ottobre alle 10:00 ET con il ticker 'BREA'. Questa doppia quotazione ha l'obiettivo di fornire a Brera accesso a una base di investitori globale al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, consentendo il trading tramite vari metodi di pagamento e migliorando la liquidità.
Essendo l'unica azienda di proprietà multi-club quotata in borsa focalizzata sul calcio, Brera offrirà agli azionisti, investitori, tifosi e follower non statunitensi l'accesso ai suoi titoli nei paesi in cui competono le sue squadre, come Macedonia, Mozambico e Mongolia. L'azienda crede che questa mossa contribuirà a democratizzare l'accesso alla proprietà dei club sportivi professionisti e a creare valore attraverso la sua strategia di gruppo di proprietà multi-club.
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA) ha sido aprobada para listar sus acciones de forma dual en Upstream, un mercado de MERJ Exchange y una aplicación global para el comercio de valores. La negociación comenzará el 1 de octubre a las 10:00 AM ET bajo el ticker 'BREA'. Esta doble cotización tiene como objetivo proporcionar a Brera acceso a una base de inversores global fuera de EE. UU., permitiendo el comercio mediante varios métodos de pago y mejorando la liquidez.
Como la única empresa de propiedad de múltiples clubes que cotiza en bolsa enfocada en el fútbol, Brera ofrecerá acceso a sus valores a accionistas, inversores, aficionados y seguidores no estadounidenses en los países donde compiten sus equipos, como Macedonia, Mozambique y Mongolia. La empresa cree que este movimiento ayudará a democratizar el acceso a la propiedad de clubes deportivos profesionales y a crear valor a través de su estrategia de grupo de propiedad de múltiples clubes.
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA)는 Upstream에 주식을 이중 상장하는 것이 승인되었습니다, MERJ Exchange 시장 및 글로벌 증권 거래 애플리케이션입니다. 거래는 10월 1일 오전 10시 ET에 'BREA'라는 종목 코드로 시작될 것입니다. 이 이중 상장은 Brera가 미국 외부의 글로벌 투자자 기반에 접근할 수 있도록 하여 다양한 결제 방법을 통해 거래하고 유동성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
축구(사커)에 중점을 둔 유일한 상장 다중 클럽 소유 회사인 Brera는 비 미국 주주, 투자자, 팬 및 팔로워에게 그 팀이 경쟁하는 국가, 즉 마케도니아, 모잠비크 및 몽골에서 자신의 증권에 접근할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 이 회사는 이 조치가 전문 스포츠 클럽 소유권에 대한 접근을 민주화하고 다중 클럽 소유 그룹 전략을 통해 가치를 창출하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA) a été approuvée pour une double cotation de ses actions sur Upstream, un marché de la MERJ Exchange et une application mondiale de négociation de valeurs mobilières. Les échanges commenceront le 1er octobre à 10h00 ET sous le symbole 'BREA'. Cette double cotation vise à fournir à Brera un accès à une base d'investisseurs mondiale en dehors des États-Unis, permettant le commerce par divers moyens de paiement et améliorant la liquidité.
En tant que seule entreprise cotée en bourse d'une propriété multi-clubs axée sur le football, Brera offrira aux actionnaires, investisseurs, fans et suiveurs non américains l'accès à ses titres dans les pays où ses équipes concourent, tels que la Macédoine, le Mozambique et la Mongolie. L'entreprise croit que ce mouvement aidera à démoctratiser l'accès à la propriété des clubs sportifs professionnels et à créer de la valeur grâce à sa stratégie de groupe de propriété multi-clubs.
Brera Holdings PLC (Nasdaq: BREA) wurde genehmigt, ihre Aktien an Upstream doppelt zu listen, einem Markt der MERJ Exchange und einer globalen Wertpapierhandelsanwendung. Der Handel beginnt am 1. Oktober um 10:00 Uhr ET unter dem Ticker 'BREA'. Diese doppelte Listung zielt darauf ab, Brera den Zugang zu einer globalen Investorenbasis außerhalb der USA zu ermöglichen und den Handel mit verschiedenen Zahlungsmethoden zu fördern sowie die Liquidität zu erhöhen.
Als das einzige börsennotierte Unternehmen mit mehreren Clubbesitzern, das sich auf Fußball konzentriert, wird Brera nicht-US-amerikanischen Aktionären, Investoren, Fans und Anhängern Zugang zu ihren Wertpapieren in Ländern gewähren, in denen ihre Teams antreten, wie z. B. Mazedonien, Mosambik und Mongolei. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass dieser Schritt dazu beitragen wird, den Zugang zu professionellem Sportvereinsbesitz zu demokratisieren und durch seine Strategie der Mehrclubbesitzgruppe Werte zu schaffen.
- Dual listing on Upstream expands access to global investors
- Potential for increased liquidity and enhanced price discovery
- Opportunity for non-U.S. fans and followers to invest in the company
- Diversified portfolio with teams on three continents
- None.
The dual listing of Brera Holdings PLC on Upstream represents a strategic move to expand its investor base and enhance liquidity. This development could potentially increase the company's visibility and trading volume, especially among non-U.S. investors. The ability to trade using various payment methods, including credit, debit and PayPal, may lower barriers to entry for international retail investors.
However, it's important to note that while this move may increase accessibility, it doesn't necessarily translate to improved financial performance or immediate value creation. The company's success will still largely depend on its operational results and the performance of its football clubs. The multi-club ownership model, while innovative, carries risks associated with managing teams across diverse markets.
Investors should closely monitor how this dual listing affects trading volumes and whether it leads to any significant changes in shareholder composition or valuation. The
Trading to begin October 1st under ticker “BREA” for non-U.S. shareholders, investors, fans and followers
Brera Holdings PLC has been approved to dual list its shares on Upstream
Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brera Holdings PLC (“Brera” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: BREA) today announced it has been approved to dual list its shares on Upstream, a MERJ Exchange market and global securities trading app. Trading becomes available on Upstream on Tuesday October 1st at 10:00am ET under the ticker symbol ‘BREA’.
The dual listing on Upstream is designed to provide Brera the opportunity to access a global investor base outside the U.S. that can trade using credit, debit, PayPal, or USD$ unlocking liquidity and enhancing price discovery while globalizing the opportunity to invest in Brera, the only publicly traded multi-club ownership company focused on football (soccer). Brera will soon be able to offer its non-U.S. shareholders, investors, fans and followers unparallelled access to its securities in diverse countries where its teams compete, such as Macedonia, Mozambique, and Mongolia
Pierre Galoppi, CEO of Brera Holdings, stated, “This dual listing on Upstream presents an incredible opportunity for investors and fans to actively participate in professional sports club ownership through an international portfolio of teams on three continents. As the investment landscape in pro sports evolves, we are committed to democratizing access to this global game, allowing more people to engage with and support their favorite clubs. We believe we can create value by continuing to build out our multi-club ownership group, leveraging player trading and group commercial activities to enhance our overall impact and success, ultimately generating shareholder value and delivering returns.”
Investors and current Brera shareholders outside the U.S. can get ready to trade by downloading Upstream from their preferred app store at, creating an account by tapping Sign Up, and completing a KYC identity verification by tapping the profile icon on the home screen and tapping KYC.
Traders on Upstream’s smart contract-powered platform will experience real-time trading and settlement, and a transparent order book that does not permit common market manipulations.
Pierre Galoppi, CEO of Brera, commented, “Building shareholder value is an ongoing goal of ours at Brera. We believe a dual listing on Upstream’s next generation market greatly supports this goal as we continue to develop and introduce initiatives and milestones that we’re excited to share with our international audience.”
Details on the Brera listing and deposit and trading instructions can be found at The Upstream market is open 5 days a week, 20 hours a day, Monday to Friday: 10:00am to 06:00am UTC+4 (1:00am to 9:00pm EST).
Existing non-U.S. shareholders may initiate the transfer of their shares by opening Upstream, tapping Investor, Manage Securities, Deposit Securities, then entering the ticker symbol ‘BREA’ and the number of shares to deposit, and tapping Submit. Next, investors enter their brokerage firm name and brokerage account number, then tap Submit. Lastly, investors tap Add E-Signature, sign their name on the screen using their finger, tap Done, and then tap Sign.
After completion of the deposit request on Upstream, shareholders will receive via email an executed deposit form to submit to their current brokerage firm to initiate a withdrawal to the transfer agent. Shares will not be transferred without notifying the current broker and requesting a withdrawal. On listing day, shareholders will receive a push notification once the shares are deposited and available for trading on Upstream.
Brera (Nasdaq: BREA) is focused on expanding its social impact football (American soccer) business by developing a global portfolio of emerging football and other sports clubs. The Company aims to create increased opportunities to earn tournament prizes, gain sponsorships, and provide professional football and sports-related consulting services.
Brera is building on the legacy and brand of Brera FC, the first football club acquired by the Company in 2022. Brera FC, known as "The Third Team of Milan," has been cultivating an alternative football legacy since its founding in 2000. The Company owns the trademarked FENIX Trophy Tournament, a nonprofessional pan-European football competition recognized by UEFA, which was inaugurated in September 2021 and organized by Brera FC. The FENIX Trophy has been described by BBC Sport as "the Champions League for amateurs," with ESPN covering the 2024 FENIX Trophy finals. In October 2022, the Internet Marketing Association awarded Brera FC for "Social Impact Through Soccer," recognizing the Company's international efforts.
In March 2023, Brera expanded into Africa with the establishment of Brera Tchumene FC, which was admitted to the Second Division League in Mozambique. The team won its post-season tournament and was promoted to Mocambola, the First Division in November 2023. The Company also acquired
Additionally, in June 2023, Brera acquired a strategic stake in Manchester United PLC, achieving a
In June 2024, the North Macedonian women’s football club Tiverija Strumica officially became part of the Brera family, forming a wholly-owned subsidiary, Women's Football Club Tiverija Brera AD Strumica. Brera Holdings PLC is dedicated to creating bottom-up value from undervalued sports clubs, driving innovation, and achieving socially impactful outcomes. For more information, visit
Upstream, a MERJ Exchange market (, is a global securities trading app. Powered by Horizon's proprietary, transparency-first, matching engine, Upstream allows investors outside of the U.S. to trade securities using just an app.
Upstream is a MERJ Exchange market. MERJ Exchange is a licensed Securities Exchange, an affiliate of the World Federation of Exchanges, a National Numbering Agency, and a member of ANNA. MERJ is regulated in the Seychelles by the Financial Services Authority,, an associate member of the International Association of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). MERJ supports global issuers of traditional and digital securities through the entire asset life cycle from issuance to trading, clearing, settlement, and registry.
For more information, please visit Upstream is currently accepting applications to dual list at
U.S. persons may not deposit, buy, or sell securities on Upstream.
This communication shall not constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is not permitted. All orders for sale are non-solicited by Upstream, and a user's decision to trade securities must be based on their own investment judgment.
MERJ operates a fair and transparent marketplace in line with international best practices and principles of operations of financial markets. Upstream does not endorse or recommend any public or private securities bought or sold on its app. Upstream does not offer investment advice or recommendations of any kind. All services offered by Upstream are intended for self-directed clients who make their own investment decisions without aid or assistance from Upstream. All customers are subject to the rules and regulations of their jurisdiction. By accessing the site or app, you agree to be bound by its terms of use and privacy policy. Company and security listings on Upstream are only suitable for investors who are familiar with and willing to accept the high risk associated with speculative investments, often in early and development-stage companies. U.S. persons may not deposit, buy, or sell securities on Upstream. There can be no assurance the valuation of any particular company's securities is accurate or in agreement with the market or industry comparative valuations. Investors must be able to afford market volatility and afford the loss of their investment. Companies listed on Upstream are subject to significant ongoing corporate obligations including, but not limited to disclosure, filings, and notification requirements, as well as compliance with applicable quantitative and qualitative listing standards.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains information about our views of future expectations, plans, and prospects with respect to Brera's business, financial condition, and results of operations that constitute or may constitute forward-looking statements. Any and all forward-looking statements are based on the management's beliefs, assumptions, and expectations of Brera's future economic performance, taking into account the information currently available to it. These statements are not statements of historical fact. Although Brera believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be attained. Brera does not undertake any duty to update any statements contained herein (including any forward-looking statements), except as required by law. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of factors, risks, and uncertainties, some of which are not currently known to us, that may cause Brera's actual results, performance or financial condition to be materially different from the expectations of future results, performance or financial position. Actual results may differ materially from the expectations discussed in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include general industry considerations, regulatory changes, changes in local, national and international economic conditions and other risks set forth in "Risk Factors" included in our filings with the SEC.
Pierre Galoppi, Chief Executive Officer, Brera Holdings PLC

When will Brera Holdings PLC (BREA) begin trading on Upstream?
What is the purpose of Brera Holdings PLC (BREA) dual listing on Upstream?
How can non-U.S. investors trade Brera Holdings PLC (BREA) shares on Upstream?