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Broad Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: BRAC) has announced a $60,000 deposit into its trust account, enabling a seventh monthly extension to consummate its initial business combination. This extension, at $0.035 per public share, pushes the deadline to August 13, 2024.
The company has a Business Combination Agreement with Openmarkets Group Pty (OMG), an Australian company, signed on January 18, 2023. This agreement, involving BMYG OMG Pty and Broad Capital as the company's sponsor, outlines the planned initial business combination.
Broad Capital Acquisition Corp, a special purpose acquisition company formed by Broad Capital , can potentially use up to twelve monthly extensions under its Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
Broad Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: BRAC) announced a $60,000 extension payment into its trust account on June 12, 2024. This payment, equating to $0.035 per public share, extends the company’s deadline to complete its initial business combination to July 13, 2024. This is the sixth of twelve allowable monthly extensions under the company's amended certificate of incorporation. Broad Capital Acquisition Corp has an ongoing agreement, dated January 18, 2023, to merge with Openmarkets Group Pty , an Australian company, and its affiliates.
Broad Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: BRAC, BRACR, BRACU) has extended its deadline to finalize its initial business combination to June 13, 2024. The company deposited $60,000 into its trust account, translating to $0.035 per public share, for this extension. This marks the fifth of twelve permissible monthly extensions. The company has a standing agreement since January 18, 2023, to merge with Openmarkets Group Pty and BMYG OMG Pty
What is the current stock price of Broad Capital Acquisition (BRAC)?