Broadridge Investor Pulse Now an Interactive Tool Enabling Public Access to Analyze Investment Behavior of Nearly 50 Million U.S. Retail Investors

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Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) has launched an interactive version of its Investor Pulse tool, providing public access to analyze investment behavior of nearly 50 million U.S. retail investors. The tool now includes a new personal rate of return metric, revealing main street investors' return for 2024 at 13.5% compared to 25% for S&P 500 and 1.3% for Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index.

Key Q4 2024 findings show retail investors achieved a 0.7% median rate of return versus 2.4% for S&P 500 and -3.1% for Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index. Male investors outperformed females (1.0% vs 0.4%) due to higher equity allocation. The data reveals a growing trend in DIY investing, with 24.1% of all assets now invested through self-directed platforms, though advisory channels still maintain the majority share.

The tool offers demographic filtering by region, age, gender, and education level, enabling detailed analysis of investor subsegments and custom peer group benchmarking.

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) ha lanciato una versione interattiva del suo strumento Investor Pulse, fornendo accesso pubblico per analizzare il comportamento d'investimento di quasi 50 milioni di investitori al dettaglio negli Stati Uniti. Lo strumento ora include una nuova metrica del tasso di rendimento personale, rivelando che il rendimento degli investitori di strada principale per il 2024 è del 13,5% rispetto al 25% dell'S&P 500 e all'1,3% dell'Indice Obbligazionario Aggregato Bloomberg.

I risultati chiave del Q4 2024 mostrano che gli investitori al dettaglio hanno raggiunto un tasso di rendimento mediano dello 0,7% rispetto al 2,4% dell'S&P 500 e al -3,1% dell'Indice Obbligazionario Aggregato Bloomberg. Gli investitori maschi hanno sovraperformato le femmine (1,0% contro 0,4%) a causa di una maggiore allocazione in azioni. I dati rivelano una crescente tendenza negli investimenti fai-da-te, con il 24,1% di tutti gli attivi ora investiti attraverso piattaforme autogestite, sebbene i canali di consulenza mantengano ancora la quota maggiore.

Lo strumento offre filtri demografici per regione, età, genere e livello di istruzione, consentendo un'analisi dettagliata dei sottogruppi di investitori e il benchmarking personalizzato dei gruppi di pari.

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) ha lanzado una versión interactiva de su herramienta Investor Pulse, proporcionando acceso público para analizar el comportamiento de inversión de casi 50 millones de inversores minoristas en EE.UU. La herramienta ahora incluye una nueva métrica de tasa de rendimiento personal, revelando que el rendimiento de los inversores de la calle principal para 2024 es del 13.5% en comparación con el 25% del S&P 500 y el 1.3% del Índice de Bonos Agregado de Bloomberg.

Los hallazgos clave del Q4 2024 muestran que los inversores minoristas lograron una tasa de rendimiento mediana del 0.7% frente al 2.4% del S&P 500 y al -3.1% del Índice de Bonos Agregado de Bloomberg. Los inversores hombres superaron a las mujeres (1.0% frente a 0.4%) debido a una mayor asignación en acciones. Los datos revelan una tendencia creciente en la inversión DIY, con el 24.1% de todos los activos ahora invertidos a través de plataformas autogestionadas, aunque los canales de asesoría aún mantienen la mayor parte del mercado.

La herramienta ofrece filtrado demográfico por región, edad, género y nivel educativo, permitiendo un análisis detallado de subsegmentos de inversores y la creación de grupos de referencia personalizados.

브로드리지 파이낸셜 솔루션즈 (NYSE: BR)가 투자자 행동을 분석할 수 있는 Investor Pulse 도구의 인터랙티브 버전을 출시했습니다. 이 도구는 거의 5000만 명의 미국 소매 투자자에 대한 공공 접근을 제공합니다. 이제 이 도구에는 개인 수익률 지표가 추가되어 있으며, 2024년 메인스트리트 투자자들의 수익률은 13.5%로, S&P 500의 25% 및 블룸버그 종합 채권 지수의 1.3%와 비교됩니다.

2024년 4분기 주요 결과에 따르면 소매 투자자들은 S&P 500의 2.4%와 블룸버그 종합 채권 지수의 -3.1%에 비해 0.7%의 중위 수익률을 달성했습니다. 남성 투자자들이 여성 투자자들보다 (1.0% 대 0.4%) 더 높은 주식 배분 덕분에 성과를 올렸습니다. 데이터는 DIY 투자에 대한 증가하는 추세를 보여주며, 현재 모든 자산의 24.1%가 자가 관리 플랫폼을 통해 투자되고 있지만, 자문 채널이 여전히 대다수의 점유율을 유지하고 있습니다.

이 도구는 지역, 연령, 성별 및 교육 수준에 따라 인구 통계 필터링을 제공하여 투자자 하위 세그먼트에 대한 자세한 분석과 맞춤형 동료 그룹 벤치마킹을 가능하게 합니다.

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) a lancé une version interactive de son outil Investor Pulse, offrant un accès public pour analyser le comportement d'investissement de près de 50 millions d'investisseurs de détail aux États-Unis. L'outil inclut désormais une nouvelle métrique de taux de rendement personnel, révélant que le rendement des investisseurs de la rue principale pour 2024 est de 13,5 % contre 25 % pour le S&P 500 et 1,3 % pour l'indice obligataire agrégé Bloomberg.

Les résultats clés du T4 2024 montrent que les investisseurs de détail ont atteint un taux de rendement médian de 0,7 % contre 2,4 % pour le S&P 500 et -3,1 % pour l'indice obligataire agrégé Bloomberg. Les investisseurs masculins ont surperformé les femmes (1,0 % contre 0,4 %) en raison d'une allocation plus élevée en actions. Les données révèlent une tendance croissante à l'investissement DIY, avec 24,1 % de tous les actifs désormais investis via des plateformes autogérées, bien que les canaux de conseil conservent toujours la part majoritaire.

L'outil propose un filtrage démographique par région, âge, sexe et niveau d'éducation, permettant une analyse détaillée des sous-segments d'investisseurs et un benchmarking personnalisé des groupes de pairs.

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) hat eine interaktive Version seines Investor Pulse-Tools gestartet, die öffentlichen Zugang zur Analyse des Investitionsverhaltens von nahezu 50 Millionen US-Einzelhandelsinvestoren bietet. Das Tool enthält jetzt eine neue persönliche Renditemetrik, die zeigt, dass die Rendite der Main-Street-Investoren für 2024 bei 13,5% liegt, im Vergleich zu 25% für den S&P 500 und 1,3% für den Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index.

Wichtige Ergebnisse aus dem 4. Quartal 2024 zeigen, dass Einzelhandelsinvestoren eine mediane Rendite von 0,7% erzielten, im Vergleich zu 2,4% für den S&P 500 und -3,1% für den Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index. Männliche Investoren übertrafen weibliche Investoren (1,0% gegenüber 0,4%) aufgrund einer höheren Aktienallokation. Die Daten zeigen einen wachsenden Trend zu DIY-Investitionen, wobei 24,1% aller Vermögenswerte jetzt über selbstgesteuerte Plattformen investiert werden, obwohl die Beratungskanäle weiterhin den größten Marktanteil halten.

Das Tool bietet demografische Filter nach Region, Alter, Geschlecht und Bildungsgrad und ermöglicht eine detaillierte Analyse von Investorensegmenten und maßgeschneiderte Peer-Group-Benchmarks.

  • Launch of interactive tool provides unprecedented transparency into retail investment behavior
  • Addition of personal rate of return metrics enables better investment analysis and benchmarking
  • Extensive data coverage analyzing nearly 50 million U.S. retail investors
  • Retail investors significantly underperformed S&P 500 in 2024 (13.5% vs 25%)
  • Active mutual fund owners underperformed all other investors
  • Growing shift from advice to online brokerage channels may impact company's traditional advisory business


Broadridge's new interactive Investor Pulse tool represents a strategic enhancement to their data analytics offerings, transforming proprietary data from nearly 50 million retail investors into a publicly accessible resource. This move strengthens Broadridge's position as a dominant player in financial data analytics while creating potential for new revenue streams.

What makes this particularly valuable is the introduction of the personal rate of return metric, which provides unprecedented visibility into actual investor performance across demographic segments. This proprietary data revealed that retail investors earned just 13.5% in 2024 versus the S&P 500's 25%, highlighting a significant performance gap that creates opportunities for financial advisors and asset managers.

The company is effectively monetizing its unique position as a back-office processor by creating actionable intelligence from the massive transaction flows it handles. This data-to-insights business model typically commands higher margins than transaction processing and could drive expansion of Broadridge's valuation multiple over time.

By making this tool publicly available, Broadridge creates a powerful marketing channel that showcases their data capabilities to potential enterprise clients while positioning themselves as an authority in investor behavior analytics. This well-executed product enhancement leverages existing data assets without significant incremental costs, potentially improving operational leverage while deepening relationships with financial institutions that rely on these insights for product development and distribution strategies.

  • New personal rate of return metric added, shows main street investors' return for 2024 at 13.5% vs 25% for S&P 500 and 1.3% for Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index
  • Investor Pulse highlights investors are blending professional advice with rising DIY strategies, but advice driven investors had double the investment assets of their self-directed peers
  • Broadridge unlocks unprecedented transparency into main street investment behavior; makes definitive source of U.S. retail investment behavior publicly available

NEW YORK, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Fintech leader Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: BR) has released its latest Investor Pulse update via its new interactive, publicly available tool, providing critical insight into U.S. individual investor habits to enable asset managers, advisors, policy professionals and investors to deepen their understanding of the national investment landscape. A new feature of Broadridge's Investor Pulse includes the addition of the first-of-its-kind large scale analysis of individual investor rates of return.

Broadridge's Investor Pulse analyzes the taxable and IRA accounts of nearly 50 million U.S. investors and is the definitive source of U.S. retail investment behavior. Its newly created Investor Pulse site, updated monthly, is a dynamic tool for financial professionals and individual investors that unlocks the ability to access and analyze critical trends shaping the investment marketplace.

"Broadridge is committed to helping democratize and digitize investing and the interactive Investor Pulse site, coupled with the introduction of personal rates of return, provides an unprecedented level of detail and accessibility, empowering financial professionals with the most comprehensive and actionable insights into investment behavior," said Dan Cwenar, Head of Broadridge Data and Analytics. "These advancements not only help professionals and individual investors make more informed decisions but also allow them to refine their strategies with a deeper understanding of the evolving financial landscape. We are excited to continue leading the way in providing the most granular and valuable investor data available."

Demographic filtering by region, age, gender, education level, and more empowers users to delve deeper into investor subsegments with unprecedented precision and create custom peer groups on the fly. This new functionality enables advisors and investors to examine and benchmark against a highly specific cohort.

Innovative Personal Rate of Return Data Enlightens Segmentation

The newest element of Broadridge Investor Pulse is a personal rate of return metric that measures investors' asset-weighted total return based off month end positions and provides an indicator of investment gains and losses by segment. Having detailed data about investment rates of return broken down by segments such as age, gender, education level and region is valuable for financial professionals as it enables them to enhance personalization, optimize investment strategies, improve client satisfaction, and ensure more effective decision-making. Highlights of investor rate of return data in Q4 2024 include: 

  • U.S. retail investors experienced positive personal rates of return in Q4 2024:
    • There was a .7% median rate of return for all retail investors compared to 2.4% for the S&P 500 index and -3.1% for the Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index.
  • Returns among wealth and generational segments were primarily driven by increased equity exposure, specifically the combination of equity-oriented mutual funds and ETFs as well as directly held equities or stocks.
  • "Active mutual fund owners" underperformed all other investors as less than 10% of their portfolios included individual stocks. Active mutual fund owners are investors with 50% or more of their asset holdings in active mutual funds.
  • Educational level had no impact on rates of return. Investors with high school, college and grad school all returned .7%.
  • Male investors, driven by their higher allocation to equities, achieved higher personal rates of return versus females at 1.0% and .4% respectively. 

2024 Investor Pulse Key Findings

Based on actual holdings of more than 48 million investors, Broadridge's latest edition of Investor Pulse for calendar year 2024 gleaned these key observations.

The Continued Rise of DIY Investing

In 2024, asset share by DIY investors increased across each generation. Overall, 24.1% of all assets were invested via self-directed platforms. Though advisory channels retain the lion's share of investors' assets, there has been a steady shift from advice to online brokerage channels across all wealth tiers.

Perhaps not unexpectedly, younger generations such as Gen-Z (0.8%), Millennial (9%), and Gen-X (28%) make up a higher relative asset share of the online brokerage channel as compared to advice channels, while Boomers and Silent Generation investors comprise a larger relative share within advice channels.

While the popularity of DIY investing has increased markedly nationwide, Midwest investors are notably the least reliant on a DIY approach with 19.4% of their assets invested via online brokerage platforms compared to 23%-26% for other regions.

Male & Female Investors Diverge in Advice, Product Channels and Personal Rates of Return

While men make up a higher proportion of assets in both advice channels and the online brokerage channel, it is within the latter that the disparity is greatest. Men have 54% asset share among advice channels and an even higher 61% share among DIY-ers with little shifts since 2019.

For mutual funds, ETFs and equities/stocks, men hold a greater share of the assets, with the largest spread for equities/stocks at nearly 15 percentage points more than women investors.

Study Methodology

To create this study, Broadridge analyzed de-identified share ownership data derived from Broadridge's proprietary business processes consisting of tens of millions of retail investor households' taxable and IRA accounts and billions of data points to achieve a unique level of insight into holdings invested through financial intermediaries (broker-dealers, online, RIAs, wirehouses). Broadridge analyzed exchange-traded funds (ETFs), closed-end funds, open-end mutual funds and U.S. equities held in taxable accounts and IRAs for the years ending, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

About Broadridge

Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) is a global technology leader with the trusted expertise and transformative technology to help clients and the financial services industry operate, innovate, and grow. We power investing, governance, and communications for our clients – driving operational resiliency, elevating business performance, and transforming investor experiences. 

Our technology and operations platforms process and generate over 7 billion communications per year and underpin the daily trading of more than $10 trillion of securities globally. A certified Great Place to Work®, Broadridge is part of the S&P 500® Index, employing over 14,000 associates in 21 countries.

For more information about us, please visit

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Prosek Partners


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SOURCE Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.


What is the 2024 performance gap between retail investors and the S&P 500 according to Broadridge (BR)?

Retail investors earned 13.5% in 2024, significantly underperforming the S&P 500's 25% return, showing an 11.5% performance gap.

How much of total assets are now in DIY investing platforms according to Broadridge's 2024 data?

24.1% of all assets are now invested via self-directed platforms, with higher adoption among younger generations.

What is the gender performance gap in Q4 2024 for investment returns?

Male investors achieved 1.0% returns compared to 0.4% for female investors, primarily due to higher equity allocation.

Which region shows the lowest DIY investing adoption according to Broadridge's analysis?

Midwest investors show the lowest DIY adoption at 19.4% of assets, compared to 23-26% in other regions.

How does educational level impact investment returns according to Broadridge's Q4 2024 data?

Educational level had no impact on returns, with investors across high school, college, and grad school all achieving 0.7% returns.
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