Banzai Announces Strategic Business Initiatives to Improve Net Income by up to $13.5 Million Annually

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Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) has announced a comprehensive initiative to improve its Net Income by up to $13.5 million annually. The plan includes reducing annual operational expenses by up to $9.9 million by March 31, 2025, and other expenses by up to $3.6 million. Key measures include:

1. Workforce adjustments: Reducing staffing and independent contractor expenses by 27%.
2. Interest expense reduction: Restructuring long-term debt with Columbia Pacific Advisors, extending maturity to February 19, 2027, and converting to 100% Payable-in-Kind interest.
3. Vendor cost-savings: Implementing additional measures to reduce discretionary spending, legal and accounting expenses, and real-estate costs.

The company aims to extend its cash runway while maintaining its growth plan and continuing investment in its software platform and marketing.

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) ha annunciato un'iniziativa complessiva per migliorare il suo reddito netto fino a 13,5 milioni di dollari all'anno. Il piano prevede la riduzione delle spese operative annuali fino a 9,9 milioni di dollari entro il 31 marzo 2025, e altre spese fino a 3,6 milioni di dollari. Le principali misure includono:

1. Regolazione della forza lavoro: Riduzione dei costi di personale e collaboratori indipendenti del 27%.
2. Riduzione delle spese per interessi: Ristrutturazione del debito a lungo termine con Columbia Pacific Advisors, estendendo la scadenza al 19 febbraio 2027 e convertendo a un interesse pagabile al 100% in natura.
3. Risparmi sui costi dei fornitori: Attuazione di ulteriori misure per ridurre le spese discrezionali, le spese legali e contabili e i costi immobiliari.

La società mira a prolungare la sua liquidità mentre mantiene il proprio piano di crescita e continua a investire nella propria piattaforma software e nel marketing.

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) ha anunciado una iniciativa integral para mejorar su ingreso neto en hasta 13,5 millones de dólares anuales. El plan incluye la reducción de los gastos operativos anuales en hasta 9,9 millones de dólares para el 31 de marzo de 2025, y otros gastos en hasta 3,6 millones de dólares. Las medidas clave incluyen:

1. Ajustes en la fuerza laboral: Reducción de los costos de personal y contratistas independientes en un 27%.
2. Reducción de gastos por intereses: Reestructuración de la deuda a largo plazo con Columbia Pacific Advisors, extendiendo el vencimiento hasta el 19 de febrero de 2027 y convirtiéndose en un interés del 100% pagadero en especie.
3. Ahorros de costos de proveedores: Implementación de medidas adicionales para reducir el gasto discrecional, los gastos legales y de contabilidad, y los costos inmobiliarios.

La empresa tiene como objetivo extender su liquidez mientras mantiene su plan de crecimiento y continúa invirtiendo en su plataforma de software y marketing.

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI)는 연간 1350만 달러까지 순이익을 개선하기 위한 종합적인 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 계획에는 2025년 3월 31일까지 연간 운영 비용을 990만 달러까지 줄이고, 기타 비용을 360만 달러까지 줄이는 것이 포함되어 있습니다. 주요 조치는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 인력 조정: 인건비 및 독립 계약자 비용을 27% 줄입니다.
2. 이자 비용 절감: Columbia Pacific Advisors와 장기 부채를 재구성하여 만기를 2027년 2월 19일로 연장하고, 이자를 100% 지급의 형태로 전환합니다.
3. 공급업체 비용 절감: 재량 지출, 법률 및 회계 비용, 부동산 비용을 줄이기 위한 추가 조치를 시행합니다.

회사는 성장 계획을 유지하고 소프트웨어 플랫폼 및 마케팅에 지속적으로 투자하면서 현금 흐름을 연장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) a annoncé une initiative complète visant à améliorer son revenu net jusqu'à 13,5 millions de dollars par an. Le plan comprend la réduction des dépenses opérationnelles annuelles jusqu'à 9,9 millions de dollars d'ici le 31 mars 2025, ainsi que d'autres dépenses jusqu'à 3,6 millions de dollars. Les mesures clés comprennent :

1. Ajustements de la main-d'œuvre : Réduction des coûts de personnel et des frais de contractants indépendants de 27%.
2. Réduction des dépenses d'intérêts : Restructuration de la dette à long terme avec Columbia Pacific Advisors, prolongeant l'échéance au 19 février 2027 et convertissant en un intérêt entièrement payable en nature.
3. Économies sur les coûts des fournisseurs : Mise en œuvre de mesures supplémentaires pour réduire les dépenses discrétionnaires, les frais juridiques et comptables, ainsi que les coûts immobiliers.

L'entreprise vise à prolonger sa liquidité tout en maintenant son plan de croissance et en continuant à investir dans sa plateforme logicielle et son marketing.

Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) hat eine umfassende Initiative zur Verbesserung des Nettoergebnisses um bis zu 13,5 Millionen Dollar jährlich angekündigt. Der Plan umfasst die Reduzierung der jährlichen Betriebskosten um bis zu 9,9 Millionen Dollar bis zum 31. März 2025 sowie anderer Ausgaben um bis zu 3,6 Millionen Dollar. Zu den wichtigsten Maßnahmen gehören:

1. Anpassungen der Belegschaft: Reduzierung der Personal- und unabhängigen Vertragskosten um 27%.
2. Reduzierung der Zinsaufwendungen: Umstrukturierung der langfristigen Schulden mit Columbia Pacific Advisors, Verlängerung der Laufzeit bis zum 19. Februar 2027 und Umstellung auf 100% in-nature Zinsen.
3. Kosteneinsparungen bei Lieferanten: Implementierung zusätzlicher Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der diskretionären Ausgaben sowie der rechtlichen und buchhalterischen Kosten und Immobilienkosten.

Das Unternehmen hat zum Ziel, seine Liquidität zu verlängern und gleichzeitig seinen Wachstumsplan aufrechtzuerhalten und weiterhin in seine Softwareplattform und Marketing zu investieren.

  • Potential annual Net Income improvement of $13.5 million
  • Reduction of annual operational expenses by up to $9.9 million
  • Extension of long-term debt maturity to February 19, 2027
  • Conversion of interest expense to 100% Payable-in-Kind, reducing cash expenses
  • Continued investment in software platform, sales, marketing, and product development
  • 27% reduction in staffing and independent contractor expenses
  • $0.1 million cost to implement workforce adjustment plan
  • Curtailing of discretionary spending and reduction of real-estate expenses


This strategic initiative by Banzai is a significant move aimed at improving financial health while maintaining growth prospects. The planned $13.5 million annual improvement in Net Income is substantial, especially for a company with a market cap of around $13 million. Key points include:

  • A 27% reduction in staffing and contractor expenses, which should lead to improved operational efficiency.
  • Debt restructuring with Columbia Pacific Advisors, extending maturity and converting interest to PIK, potentially eliminating $1.9 million in annual cash expenses.
  • Additional cost-saving measures across various operational areas.

The $5 million private placement and debt restructuring provide immediate financial relief. However, the success of this plan hinges on Banzai's ability to execute these changes without compromising growth or product quality. Investors should monitor the company's performance in the coming quarters to assess the effectiveness of these measures and their impact on revenue growth and customer retention.

Banzai's strategic initiative reflects broader trends in the tech industry, where companies are focusing on profitability and efficiency in response to a challenging economic environment. The key aspects to consider are:

  • The company's commitment to maintaining investment in its software platform, sales and marketing suggests a balanced approach to cost-cutting.
  • The workforce reduction of 27% is significant and may impact the company's ability to innovate and compete in the short term.
  • The debt restructuring provides breathing room but also increases the potential for future equity dilution.

This move could position Banzai more favorably in the marketing technology sector, especially if it can maintain its growth trajectory while improving profitability. However, the success of this strategy will depend on market conditions, competitive pressures and the company's ability to execute its plan effectively while retaining key talent and customers.

Plan Substantially Extends Cash Runway while Maintaining Growth Plan with
Continued Investment in Software Platform and Marketing

SEATTLE, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Banzai International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNZI) (“Banzai” or the “Company”), a leading marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions, today announced a comprehensive initiative designed to significantly improve its Net Income while maintaining its growth outlook. The Company plans to accomplish this through a reduction of its annual operational expenses by up to $9.9 million by March 31, 2025, along with a reduction in other expenses by up to $3.6 million.

Overall improvement in Net Income is expected to be approximately $13.5 million annually when fully implemented.

The strategic initiative includes a broad range of measures including strategic workforce adjustments, operational consolidation, and various other cost-saving actions. These measures are aimed at increasing efficiency and improving scalability while continuing to build Banzai’s leadership position in the marketing technology industry. Specifically, Banzai expects to:

Implement Workforce Adjustments

Banzai has undertaken a strategic adjustment to reduce its staffing and independent contractor expenses by 27%, which will preserve the company's agility and innovation capacity. Affected employees will be supported with comprehensive severance packages and resources for career transition. The Company anticipates that the total cost to implement this plan will be $0.1 million.

Reduce Interest Expense

Banzai has restructured its long-term debt with Columbia Pacific Advisors (“CP BF”) such that the long-term debt maturity is extended until February 19, 2027 from February 19, 2025, and 100% of interest expense is now Payable-in-Kind (“PIK”) instead of payable in cash. This substantially reduces the Company’s cash expenses. If fully converted to equity under the restructured note, the entire $1.9m annual expense would be eliminated.

Realize Vendor Cost-Savings

Banzai has begun implementing, and will continue to implement, a series of additional measures to further reduce expenses. These will include curtailing discretionary spending, cost-reduction measures for certain legal and accounting expenses, reduction of real-estate expenses, and leveraging automation and digital technologies to enhance operational efficiency.

“Alongside the $5m private placement transaction and debt restructuring transactions the company has executed in the last two weeks, we believe that implementing this strategic initiative, if fully achieved, will enable us to substantially extend our cash runway and invest in growth,” said Joe Davy, CEO of Banzai. “We are dedicated to managing costs efficiently while still advancing innovative products and maintaining the exceptional service our customers rely on, all without sacrificing growth. We will continue to invest in our software platform, sales and marketing and product development. We are confident that this strategic realignment will strengthen our competitive position and contribute to our long-term success."

About Banzai

Banzai is a marketing technology company that provides essential marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. On a mission to help their customers achieve their mission, Banzai enables companies of all sizes to target, engage, and measure both new and existing customers more effectively. Banzai customers include Square, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thinkific, Doodle and ActiveCampaign, among thousands of others. Learn more at For investors, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements often use words such as “believe,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “target,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “should,” “would,” “propose,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “predict,” “potential,” “seek,” “future,” “outlook,” and similar variations and expressions. Forward-looking statements are those that do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Examples of forward-looking statements may include, among others, statements regarding Banzai International, Inc.’s (the “Company’s”): future financial, business and operating performance and goals; annualized recurring revenue and customer retention; ongoing, future or ability to maintain or improve its financial position, cash flows, and liquidity and its expected financial needs; potential financing and ability to obtain financing; acquisition strategy and proposed acquisitions and, if completed, their potential success and financial contributions; strategy and strategic goals, including being able to capitalize on opportunities; expectations relating to the Company’s industry, outlook and market trends; total addressable market and serviceable addressable market and related projections; plans, strategies and expectations for retaining existing or acquiring new customers, increasing revenue and executing growth initiatives; and product areas of focus and additional products that may be sold in the future. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and our actual results of operations, financial condition and liquidity and development of the industry in which the Company operates may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking statements. Therefore, investors should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially include changes in the markets in which the Company operates, customer demand, the financial markets, economic, business and regulatory and other factors, such as the Company’s ability to execute on its strategy. More detailed information about risk factors can be found in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and the Company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q under the heading “Risk Factors,” and in other reports filed by the Company, including reports on Form 8-K. The Company does not undertake any duty to update forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

Investor Relations:
Chris Tyson
Executive Vice President
MZ Group - MZ North America

Rachel Meyrowitz
Director, Demand Generation, Banzai


What is Banzai's plan to improve Net Income?

Banzai (NASDAQ: BNZI) plans to improve Net Income by up to $13.5 million annually through reducing operational expenses by $9.9 million and other expenses by $3.6 million by March 31, 2025.

How is Banzai restructuring its debt with Columbia Pacific Advisors?

Banzai is extending its long-term debt maturity with Columbia Pacific Advisors to February 19, 2027, and converting 100% of interest expense to Payable-in-Kind (PIK) instead of cash payments.

What workforce adjustments is Banzai implementing?

Banzai is reducing its staffing and independent contractor expenses by 27%, with a $0.1 million cost to implement the plan, including comprehensive severance packages for affected employees.

How will Banzai's cost-saving measures affect its growth plans?

Despite cost-saving measures, Banzai plans to maintain its growth outlook by continuing to invest in its software platform, sales and marketing, and product development.

Banzai International, Inc.


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Software - Application
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America