Brenmiller Hits Key Project Milestone in Hungary: Secures Land for 30 MWh Thermal Energy Storage Project for Pet Food Manufacturer

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Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG) announced a key milestone in its 30 MWh thermal energy storage (TES) project in Hungary. Brenmiller Europe, a joint venture with Green Enesys and Viridi RE, established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Bren-Dom-TES Kft, securing land adjacent to Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT's (PPF) factory. The 10,000+ square meter plot will host the bGen™ ZERO TES system, replacing PPF’s fossil fuel boilers and reducing gas consumption by 25-30%, thereby lowering energy costs and carbon footprint.

The project includes a 12-year Heat as a Service (HaaS) agreement, providing PPF with electric steam at a fixed price. Brenmiller Europe will also earn additional revenue by offering grid balancing services to the local transmission system operator. The initiative supports PPF’s goal to cut emissions by 42% by 2030.

Chairman and CEO Avi Brenmiller emphasized the significance of local operations in Hungary, enabling timely customer commitments and advancing European clean industry initiatives. Approximately 50% of Brenmiller’s $440 million global pipeline is in Europe, spanning nine industries across eleven countries. The company uses flexible business models, including direct technology sales and HaaS, to lower electrification costs and increase recurring revenues.

Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG) ha annunciato un traguardo importante nel suo progetto di accumulo di energia termica (TES) da 30 MWh in Ungheria. Brenmiller Europe, una joint venture con Green Enesys e Viridi RE, ha costituito una controllata interamente posseduta, Bren-Dom-TES Kft, acquisendo un terreno adiacente alla fabbrica di Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (PPF). Il terreno di oltre 10.000 metri quadrati ospiterà il sistema bGen™ ZERO TES, sostituendo le caldaie a combustibili fossili di PPF e riducendo il consumo di gas del 25-30%, abbassando così i costi energetici e l'impronta di carbonio.

Il progetto include un accordo di Heat as a Service (HaaS) della durata di 12 anni, fornendo a PPF vapore elettrico a un prezzo fisso. Brenmiller Europe guadagnerà anche ricavi aggiuntivi offrendo servizi di bilanciamento della rete all'operatore del sistema di trasmissione locale. L'iniziativa supporta l'obiettivo di PPF di ridurre le emissioni del 42% entro il 2030.

Il presidente e CEO Avi Brenmiller ha sottolineato l'importanza delle operazioni locali in Ungheria, che consentono impegni tempestivi da parte dei clienti e promuovono le iniziative per l'industria pulita in Europa. Circa il 50% del portafoglio globale di Brenmiller, che ammonta a 440 milioni di dollari, si trova in Europa, spaziando in nove settori e undici paesi. L'azienda utilizza modelli di business flessibili, tra cui vendite dirette di tecnologia e HaaS, per abbattere i costi di elettrificazione e incrementare i ricavi ricorrenti.

Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG) anunció un hito clave en su proyecto de almacenamiento de energía térmica (TES) de 30 MWh en Hungría. Brenmiller Europe, una empresa conjunta con Green Enesys y Viridi RE, estableció una filial de propiedad exclusiva, Bren-Dom-TES Kft, asegurando un terreno adyacente a la fábrica de Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (PPF). La parcela de más de 10,000 metros cuadrados albergará el sistema bGen™ ZERO TES, reemplazando las calderas de combustibles fósiles de PPF y reduciendo el consumo de gas entre un 25-30%, lo que disminuirá los costos energéticos y la huella de carbono.

El proyecto incluye un acuerdo de Heat as a Service (HaaS) por un período de 12 años, proporcionando a PPF vapor eléctrico a un precio fijo. Brenmiller Europe también generará ingresos adicionales ofreciendo servicios de equilibrio de red al operador del sistema de transmisión local. La iniciativa apoya el objetivo de PPF de reducir las emisiones en un 42% para 2030.

El presidente y CEO Avi Brenmiller enfatizó la importancia de las operaciones locales en Hungría, permitiendo compromisos oportunos con los clientes y avanzando en las iniciativas de la industria limpia en Europa. Aproximadamente el 50% del pipeline global de Brenmiller, que asciende a 440 millones de dólares, se encuentra en Europa, abarcando nueve sectores en once países. La empresa utiliza modelos comerciales flexibles, incluyendo ventas directas de tecnología y HaaS, para reducir los costos de electrificación e incrementar los ingresos recurrentes.

Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG)는 헝가리에서 30 MWh 열 에너지 저장 (TES) 프로젝트의 주요 이정표를 발표했습니다. Green Enesys 및 Viridi RE와의 합작 투자인 Brenmiller Europe는 오너십이 100%인 자회사인 Bren-Dom-TES Kft를 설립하여 Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (PPF) 공장 옆의 땅을 확보했습니다. 10,000제곱미터가 넘는 부지는 PPF의 화석 연료 보일러를 대체하고 가스 소비를 25-30% 줄이며, 에너지 비용과 탄소 발자국을 낮출 bGen™ ZERO TES 시스템을 수용할 것입니다.

이 프로젝트는 PPF에게 고정 가격으로 전기 증기를 공급하는 12년 Heat as a Service (HaaS) 계약을 포함합니다. Brenmiller Europe는 또한 지역 전송 시스템 운영자에게 그리드 균형 서비스를 제공하여 추가 수익을 올릴 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 PPF가 2030년까지 배출량을 42% 줄이겠다는 목표를 지원합니다.

회장 겸 CEO인 Avi Brenmiller는 헝가리에서 지역 운영의 중요성을 강조하며, 이는 고객 약속을 제때 이행하고 유럽의 청정 산업 이니셔티브를 진전시키는 데 도움이 됩니다. Brenmiller의 4억 4천만 달러 글로벌 파이프라인의 약 50%는 유럽에 있으며, 11개국의 9개 산업을 아우릅니다. 이 회사는 전기화 비용을 낮추고 지속적인 수익을 증가시키기 위해 직접 기술 판매 및 HaaS를 포함한 유연한 비즈니스 모델을 사용합니다.

Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG) a annoncé une étape clé dans son projet de stockage d'énergie thermique (TES) de 30 MWh en Hongrie. Brenmiller Europe, une coentreprise avec Green Enesys et Viridi RE, a établi une filiale à part entière, Bren-Dom-TES Kft, en sécurisant un terrain adjacent à l'usine de Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (PPF). Le terrain de plus de 10 000 mètres carrés accueillera le système bGen™ ZERO TES, remplaçant les chaudières à combustibles fossiles de PPF et réduisant la consommation de gaz de 25 à 30 %, abaissant ainsi les coûts énergétiques et l'empreinte carbone.

Le projet comprend un accord de Heat as a Service (HaaS) d'une durée de 12 ans, fournissant à PPF de la vapeur électrique à un prix fixe. Brenmiller Europe générera également des revenus supplémentaires en offrant des services d'équilibrage du réseau à l'opérateur local du système de transmission. L'initiative soutient l'objectif de PPF de réduire ses émissions de 42 % d'ici 2030.

Le président et CEO Avi Brenmiller a souligné l'importance des opérations locales en Hongrie, permettant des engagements clients rapides et soutenant les initiatives de l'industrie propre en Europe. Environ 50 % du pipeline mondial de Brenmiller, d'une valeur de 440 millions de dollars, se trouve en Europe, couvrant neuf secteurs dans onze pays. L'entreprise utilise des modèles commerciaux flexibles, y compris la vente directe de technologies et le HaaS, pour réduire les coûts d'électrification et augmenter les revenus récurrents.

Brenmiller Energy (Nasdaq: BNRG) gab einen wichtigen Meilenstein in seinem thermischen Energiespeicher (TES) Projekt mit 30 MWh in Ungarn bekannt. Brenmiller Europe, ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen mit Green Enesys und Viridi RE, gründete eine zu 100% im Besitz befindliche Tochtergesellschaft, Bren-Dom-TES Kft, und sicherte sich ein Grundstück angrenzend an die Fabrik von Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (PPF). Das über 10.000 Quadratmeter große Grundstück wird das bGen™ ZERO TES-System beherbergen, das die fossilen Brennstoffkessel von PPF ersetzt und den Gasverbrauch um 25-30% senkt, wodurch die Energiekosten und der CO2-Fußabdruck verringert werden.

Das Projekt umfasst einen 12-jährigen Heat as a Service (HaaS) Vertrag, der PPF elektrischen Dampf zu einem festen Preis liefert. Brenmiller Europe wird auch zusätzliche Einnahmen erzielen, indem es Netzausgleichsdienste für den lokalen Übertragungsnetzbetreiber anbietet. Die Initiative unterstützt PPFs Ziel, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 42% zu senken.

Vorstandsvorsitzender und CEO Avi Brenmiller betonte die Bedeutung lokaler Operationen in Ungarn, die rechtzeitige Kundenverpflichtungen ermöglichen und europäische Initiativen für die saubere Industrie vorantreiben. Ungefähr 50% von Brenmillers globaler Pipeline von 440 Millionen Dollar befindet sich in Europa und erstreckt sich über neun Branchen in elf Ländern. Das Unternehmen nutzt flexible Geschäftsmodelle, einschließlich direkter Technologieverkäufe und HaaS, um die Elektrifizierungskosten zu senken und wiederkehrende Einnahmen zu steigern.

  • Secured land for 30 MWh TES project in Hungary.
  • 12-year HaaS agreement with PPF, reducing gas consumption by 25-30%.
  • Potential for additional recurring revenue through grid balancing services.
  • Supports PPF’s emissions reduction target of 42% by 2030.
  • 50% of $440 million global pipeline in Europe.
  • None.


This project milestone marks a strategic advancement in thermal energy storage implementation. The establishment of the Hungarian SPV and land acquisition for the 30 MWh bGen™ ZERO system represents a concrete step toward project execution. The 12-year HaaS agreement structure is particularly noteworthy, as it provides predictable long-term revenue streams while offering PPF immediate operational benefits without capital investment.

The dual revenue potential is compelling - primary income from the HaaS agreement with PPF, plus additional revenue opportunities from grid balancing services. The projected 25-30% reduction in gas consumption for PPF translates to substantial cost savings and emissions reductions, making the value proposition highly attractive for similar industrial clients. With 50% of Brenmiller's $440 million pipeline focused on Europe, this project serves as a important proof-of-concept for market expansion.

For investors, this development signals strong execution capability and validates the commercial viability of Brenmiller's technology. The structured approach to project financing through local entities demonstrates sound financial planning that could accelerate future deployments.

The strategic positioning of this project is exceptional within the current European energy transition landscape. By securing PPF, a major industrial player producing 700,000 tons of pet food annually across 12 facilities, Brenmiller has established a high-profile reference case that could catalyze adoption across multiple industries.

The business model innovation is particularly noteworthy - the HaaS approach eliminates upfront capital requirements for customers while creating recurring revenue streams for Brenmiller. This model, combined with the additional grid balancing revenue potential, creates a compelling financial structure that could accelerate market penetration.

Given the EU's aggressive decarbonization targets and rising energy costs, this solution addresses two critical market needs: cost reduction and emissions compliance. The project's ability to reduce gas consumption by 25-30% aligns perfectly with PPF's goal of 42% emissions reduction by 2030, demonstrating the technology's role in achieving corporate sustainability targets.

  • Moves ahead with 12-year Heat as a Service (“HaaS”) agreement with Partner in Pet Food Hungaria KFT (“PPF”), one of Europe’s leading private label pet food producers

  • Brenmiller to build, own, and operate a bGen™ ZERO thermal energy storage (“TES”) system adjacent to PPF’s factory in Dombovar, Hungary, and provide PPF with electric steam at a fixed price, which is expected to allow the pet food manufacturer to use 25-30% less gas, lowering its energy costs and carbon footprint

TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Brenmiller Energy Ltd. ("Brenmiller", "Brenmiller Energy” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: BNRG), a leading global energy provider of TES solutions to industrial and utility markets, today announced that Brenmiller Europe S.L. ("Brenmiller Europe"), its joint venture with renewable energy developers Green Enesys and Viridi RE, has established a wholly-owned special purpose vehicle (“SPV”) subsidiary in Hungary, called Bren-Dom-TES Kft. The local entity recently executed agreements to secure an option to acquire the land adjacent to PPF’s factory.

The 10,000+ square meter plot is where Brenmiller Europe plans to build a 30 MWh bGen™ ZERO TES system, which will take precedence over PPF’s fossil fuel boilers. It will charge using electricity from the local grid, and Brenmiller Europe will deliver electric steam to PPF through a HaaS agreement. Transitioning from traditional combustion practices to Brenmiller’s TES system is expected to allow PPF to reduce its gas consumption by 25-30%, significantly lowering energy costs and its carbon footprint. When the bGen™ is operational, Brenmiller Europe will be in a position to earn additional recurring revenue streams by providing grid balancing services to the local transmission system operator.

“We believe that our local operation in Hungary unlocks critical project-based financing, enabling us to meet our customer commitments on time while helping fast-track this European clean industry initiative,” said Avi Brenmiller, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Our TES project for PPF is among the first commercial projects of its kind and serves as a model for scaling our technology worldwide.”

Approximately 50% of Brenmiller’s $440 million global pipeline of commercial opportunities originates in Europe, spanning nine industries across eleven European countries. The Company delivers its solutions through multiple flexible business models, including direct technology sales and HaaS. The latter lowers electrification costs for industrial customers and will potentially allow Brenmiller to capture additional recurring revenues through participation in local electricity market programs.

PPF produces more than 700,000 tons of pet food per year, which is distributed from its 12 production facilities to over 400 retailers across more than 35 European countries. Brenmiller’s arrangement with PPF will help the company achieve its emissions reduction targets of 42% by the end of 2030.

About Brenmiller Energy Ltd.

Brenmiller Energy helps energy-intensive industries and power producers end their reliance on fossil fuel boilers. Brenmiller’s patented bGen™ thermal battery is a modular and scalable energy storage system that turns renewable electricity into zero-emission heat. It charges using low-cost renewable electricity and discharges a continuous supply of heat on demand and according to its customers’ needs. The most experienced thermal battery developer on the market, Brenmiller operates the world’s only gigafactory for thermal battery production and is trusted by leading multinational energy companies. For more information visit the Company’s website at and follow the Company on X and LinkedIn.

About Brenmiller Europe, S.L.

Brenmiller Europe is a joint venture between Brenmiller Energy, Viridi RE, and Green Enesys aimed at accelerating the adoption of the innovative bGen™ thermal energy storage technology across Europe. This partnership combines Brenmiller's cutting-edge technology with the renewable energy expertise of European project developers Viridi RE and Green Enesys, who bring an 18-year proven track record in developing, funding, and building over 100 renewable energy projects. For more information, visit Green Enesys and Viridi.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. Statements that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. For example, the company is using forward-looking statements in this press release when it discusses: The Company acquiring a land that is more than 10,000 square meter adjacent to PPF’s factory; Brenmiller Europe’s future plans to build a 30 MWh bGen™ ZERO TES system, which will take precedence over PPF’s fossil fuel boilers; PPF’s future reduced gas consumption following the operationalization of bGen™; that Brenmiller Europe will be in a position to earn additional recurring revenue streams by providing grid balancing services to the local transmission system operator; that the local operation in Hungary unlocks critical project-based financing, enabling the Company to meet its customer commitments on time; and the Company’s $440 million global pipeline of commercial opportunities. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as “plan,” “project,” “potential,” “seek,” “may,” “will,” “expect,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “could,” “estimate” or “continue” are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that certain crucial factors may affect the company’s actual results and could cause such results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements that may be made in this press release. Factors that may affect the company’s results include, but are not limited to: the company’s planned level of revenues and capital expenditures; risks associated with the adequacy of existing cash resources; the demand for and market acceptance of our products; impact of competitive products and prices; product development, commercialization or technological difficulties; the success or failure of negotiations; trade, legal, social and economic risks; and political, economic and military instability in the Middle East, specifically in Israel. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this press release are subject to other risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the company, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of the company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on March 18, 2024, which is available on the SEC’s website, The company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.


Tori Bentkover

Source: Brenmiller Energy Ltd.


What milestone did Brenmiller Energy achieve in Hungary?

Brenmiller Energy secured land for a 30 MWh thermal energy storage project adjacent to PPF's factory in Dombovar, Hungary.

How will the Brenmiller TES system benefit PPF?

The TES system will reduce PPF’s gas consumption by 25-30%, lower energy costs, and decrease its carbon footprint.

What is the duration of the HaaS agreement between Brenmiller and PPF?

The Heat as a Service (HaaS) agreement between Brenmiller and PPF is for 12 years.

How much of Brenmiller's global pipeline is in Europe?

Approximately 50% of Brenmiller’s $440 million global pipeline is in Europe.

What additional revenue opportunities does Brenmiller expect from the TES project?

Brenmiller expects additional recurring revenue from providing grid balancing services to the local transmission system operator.

What are PPF’s emissions reduction targets supported by Brenmiller's TES system?

PPF aims to reduce its emissions by 42% by the end of 2030.

Brenmiller Energy Ltd


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