Brenmiller Energy Can Help Turn The EU's Clean Industry Deal Vision Into Tangible Reality
Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) is positioned to support the European Union's Clean Industrial Deal (CID) with its innovative bGen™ thermal energy storage system. The company has an estimated $440 million project pipeline over the next few years, targeting industrial decarbonization needs.
The bGen™ system stores excess renewable electricity as heat in crushed rock, providing steam, hot air, or direct heat on demand. Key advantages include:
- 30-50% reduction in industrial energy bills
- 30+ years lifespan
- No degradation over time
- No rare-earth minerals required
- Independence from unstable fuel supply chains
The system is currently being implemented across the USA, Israel, Germany, EU, and Hungary, offering an immediate solution for industrial heat applications, which account for over 20% of global emissions. Unlike alternatives such as hydrogen infrastructure or lithium-ion storage, bGen™ requires minimal retrofitting and can be deployed immediately to help meet the EU's clean energy objectives.
Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) è posizionata per supportare il Clean Industrial Deal (CID) dell'Unione Europea con il suo innovativo bGen™ sistema di stoccaggio di energia termica. L'azienda ha un pipeline di progetti stimata in 440 milioni di dollari nei prossimi anni, mirata a soddisfare le esigenze di decarbonizzazione industriale.
Il sistema bGen™ immagazzina l'elettricità rinnovabile in eccesso come calore in rocce frantumate, fornendo vapore, aria calda o calore diretto su richiesta. I principali vantaggi includono:
- Riduzione delle bollette energetiche industriali del 30-50%
- Durata di oltre 30 anni
- Nessuna degradazione nel tempo
- Nessun minerale raro richiesto
- Indipendenza dalle catene di approvvigionamento di combustibili instabili
Il sistema è attualmente in fase di implementazione negli USA, in Israele, in Germania, nell'UE e in Ungheria, offrendo una soluzione immediata per le applicazioni di calore industriale, che rappresentano oltre il 20% delle emissioni globali. A differenza di alternative come l'infrastruttura dell'idrogeno o lo stoccaggio al litio, il bGen™ richiede un minimo di adattamenti e può essere implementato immediatamente per contribuire a raggiungere gli obiettivi di energia pulita dell'UE.
Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) está posicionada para apoyar el Clean Industrial Deal (CID) de la Unión Europea con su innovador sistema de almacenamiento de energía térmica bGen™. La compañía tiene un pipeline de proyectos estimado en 440 millones de dólares en los próximos años, dirigido a satisfacer las necesidades de descarbonización industrial.
El sistema bGen™ almacena electricidad renovable excedente como calor en roca triturada, proporcionando vapor, aire caliente o calor directo bajo demanda. Las principales ventajas incluyen:
- Reducción del 30-50% en las facturas de energía industrial
- Vida útil de más de 30 años
- Sin degradación con el tiempo
- No se requieren minerales raros
- Independencia de cadenas de suministro de combustible inestables
El sistema se está implementando actualmente en EE. UU., Israel, Alemania, UE y Hungría, ofreciendo una solución inmediata para aplicaciones de calor industrial, que representan más del 20% de las emisiones globales. A diferencia de alternativas como la infraestructura de hidrógeno o el almacenamiento de iones de litio, el bGen™ requiere una mínima adaptación y puede desplegarse de inmediato para ayudar a cumplir con los objetivos de energía limpia de la UE.
브렌밀러 에너지 (NASDAQ:BNRG)는 혁신적인 bGen™ 열 에너지 저장 시스템을 통해 유럽연합의 청정 산업 거래(CID)를 지원할 수 있는 위치에 있습니다. 이 회사는 향후 몇 년 동안 산업 탈탄소화 요구를 목표로 하여 약 4억 4천만 달러 규모의 프로젝트 파이프라인을 보유하고 있습니다.
bGen™ 시스템은 과잉 재생 가능 전기를 부서진 암석의 열로 저장하여 필요 시 증기, 뜨거운 공기 또는 직접 열을 제공합니다. 주요 장점은 다음과 같습니다:
- 산업 에너지 비용 30-50% 절감
- 30년 이상의 수명
- 시간이 지나도 열화 없음
- 희귀 광물 불필요
- 불안정한 연료 공급망으로부터의 독립성
이 시스템은 현재 미국, 이스라엘, 독일, EU 및 헝가리에서 구현되고 있으며, 전 세계 배출량의 20% 이상을 차지하는 산업 열 응용 프로그램에 즉각적인 솔루션을 제공합니다. 수소 인프라나 리튬 이온 저장과 같은 대안과 달리, bGen™은 최소한의 개조가 필요하며 즉시 배치되어 EU의 청정 에너지 목표 달성에 기여할 수 있습니다.
Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) est bien positionnée pour soutenir le Clean Industrial Deal (CID) de l'Union Européenne avec son innovant système de stockage d'énergie thermique bGen™. L'entreprise dispose d'un pipeline de projets estimé à 440 millions de dollars pour les prochaines années, visant à répondre aux besoins de décarbonisation industrielle.
Le système bGen™ stocke l'électricité renouvelable excédentaire sous forme de chaleur dans des roches concassées, fournissant de la vapeur, de l'air chaud ou de la chaleur directe à la demande. Les principaux avantages incluent:
- Réduction de 30 à 50 % des factures énergétiques industrielles
- Durée de vie de plus de 30 ans
- Aucune dégradation au fil du temps
- Aucun minéral rare requis
- Indépendance des chaînes d'approvisionnement en combustibles instables
Le système est actuellement en cours de mise en œuvre aux États-Unis, en Israël, en Allemagne, dans l'UE et en Hongrie, offrant une solution immédiate pour les applications de chaleur industrielle, qui représentent plus de 20 % des émissions mondiales. Contrairement à des alternatives telles que l'infrastructure à hydrogène ou le stockage lithium-ion, le bGen™ nécessite un minimum de modifications et peut être déployé immédiatement pour aider à atteindre les objectifs de l'UE en matière d'énergie propre.
Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) ist positioniert, um den Clean Industrial Deal (CID) der Europäischen Union mit ihrem innovativen bGen™ thermischen Energiespeichersystem zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen hat eine geschätzte Projektpipeline von 440 Millionen Dollar in den nächsten Jahren, die auf die Bedürfnisse der industriellen Dekarbonisierung abzielt.
Das bGen™-System speichert überschüssigen erneuerbaren Strom als Wärme in zerstoßenem Gestein und liefert auf Abruf Dampf, heiße Luft oder direkte Wärme. Zu den Hauptvorteilen gehören:
- 30-50% Reduzierung der industriellen Energiekosten
- Über 30 Jahre Lebensdauer
- Keine Degradation im Laufe der Zeit
- Keine seltenen Erden erforderlich
- Unabhängigkeit von instabilen Brennstoffversorgungsketten
Das System wird derzeit in den USA, Israel, Deutschland, der EU und Ungarn implementiert und bietet eine sofortige Lösung für industrielle Wärme Anwendungen, die über 20% der globalen Emissionen ausmachen. Im Gegensatz zu Alternativen wie Wasserstoffinfrastruktur oder Lithium-Ionen-Speicherung erfordert bGen™ minimale Umrüstungen und kann sofort eingesetzt werden, um die Ziele der EU für saubere Energie zu unterstützen.
- $440M estimated project pipeline
- 30-50% reduction in industrial energy costs
- 30+ year system lifespan
- Multiple country implementations already active
- No rare-earth minerals required reducing supply chain risks
- None.
MIAMI, FL / ACCESS Newswire / March 4, 2025 / The European Commission published its most coherent and comprehensive clean energy wish list ever- the Clean Industrial Deal (CID). It's aggressive but, at the same time, lacks the alarmist rhetoric that the United States' Green New Deal presents, instead offering a compelling case for how to address the continent's crippling energy crisis, high industrial costs, and urgent need for decarbonization.
The excellent news is that the ambitious CID, designed to make European industries more competitive while eliminating fossil fuel dependence, is actually doable. Its construction follows the EU recognizing what businesses have known for years-industrial electrification is more than a climate imperative; it's a matter of financial survival. The difference in this cycle of interest is that the greater understanding of processes portrayed in the CID could ultimately exchange political grandstanding for action.
It's about time. Despite the time lost debating instead of implementing, the EU has at least pitched a resolution to focus on "how" to get the mutually desired results. Although starting earlier could have put them much further along in implementing actual solutions, the truth is is that the "how" process wasn't quite the comprehensive solution available today.
Changing The Energy Storage Landscape
That's changed. Innovative energy companies like Brenmiller Energy (NASDAQ:BNRG) are actively implementing industry-changing solutions that can forever change the energy storage and energy-on-demand landscape. Forget adding on to existing technology- Brenmiller's contribution is all their own.
Better still for Brenmiller and its stakeholders, it puts an estimated
Not tomorrow, but now. Europe's industries are being crushed by unsustainable energy costs. Unfortunately, there isn't much relief in sight, especially after years of relying on imported natural gas due to the post-Ukraine energy crisis. Now, they get potentially hit from the other side with the EU's Clean Industrial Deal expecting companies to transition sooner rather than later to cleaner energy sources through electrification and renewable energy.
That "encouragement" still leaves the question of how businesses and industries can achieve this endpoint when industrial-scale energy remains expensive, unstable, and unreliable.
Besting Other Clean Energy Limitations
Relying on solar and wind, while critical to the energy mix, certainly isn't the answer. They offer power, but even combined, can't produce near the MWh needed to power a global population. Not only do they lack in that respect, but the greater danger to majority reliance on those providers is that they
typically only generate power when the weather allows, not when industries need it.
Lithium-ion batteries have been hyped as a solution, but they remain too expensive, too short-lived, extremely dangerous from thermal runaway perspectives, and fundamentally ill-suited for industrial heat applications. Hydrogen, another favorite policy talking point, is still years away from being cost-effective at scale. By the way, the discussion about mass solar and wind projects often leaves out the damaging environmental impact created by manufacturing all of these parts. To create these "farms," massive amounts of industrial steel, oil, and other materials are needed. Just maintaining these farms can create smokestack nightmares.
And keep this in mind- even in a perfect world on their best days, solar and wind can only handle part of the issues faced. They would have a hard time generating the power to lead to decarbonizing industrial heat, which is responsible for over
Brenmiller Energy's bGen™ System
Brenmiller Energy has cracked this problem. Its bGen™ thermal energy storage (TES) system is in the market, fully validated, and making enormous headway into delivering reliable energy on demand to major companies in the USA, Israel, Germany, the EU, and Hungary. Its bGen™ takes excess renewable electricity-whether from solar, wind, or even off-peak grid power-and stores it as heat in crushed rock. When needed, this stored energy is discharged to produce steam, hot air, or direct heat, seamlessly replacing natural gas boilers and fossil-fuel heating systems.
Notably, unlike other storage technologies, bGen™ doesn't degrade over time, doesn't require rare-earth minerals, and doesn't lock businesses into unstable fuel supply chains. It's a low-cost, long-duration energy storage solution that actually works for industrial-scale applications.
Here's what makes bGen™ an ideal fit for the Clean Industrial Deal:
It's immediately deployable. Unlike hydrogen infrastructure mentioned in the CID, which requires massive new investments, or lithium-ion storage, which faces ongoing supply chain issues, bGen™ can be installed in factories today with minimal retrofitting.
It stabilizes energy costs. By storing heat during low-cost, off-peak hours and discharging it when energy is expensive, bGen™ slashes industrial energy bills by 30
-50% -a game-changer for businesses struggling to stay competitive.It provides long-term reliability. With a lifespan exceeding 30 years, bGen™ beats batteries and hydrogen storage on durability and maintenance costs.
It eliminates gas dependency. For industries that still rely on imported LNG or volatile fossil fuel markets, bGen™ offers a clear path to complete energy independence.
Give The Billions To Companies That Can
Europe is throwing billions into hydrogen, lithium-ion storage, and grid infrastructure, hoping these technologies will someday meet industrial needs. The reality? They're years away from cost-effectiveness and don't solve the core problem of industrial heat.
Hydrogen, for instance, has been positioned as the "fuel of the future," but for industrial heat
applications, it remains wildly inefficient. Producing green hydrogen through electrolysis wastes over
Brenmiller's bGen™ system avoids all these pitfalls. It provides industrial-scale heat storage without degradation, fuel dependency, or inefficiency. Unlike batteries, it doesn't require toxic metals. Unlike hydrogen, it doesn't need high-cost infrastructure. Unlike natural gas, it doesn't come with geopolitical risk. Most importantly, while other energy providers hope to contribute, Brenmiller Energy already can.
Brenmiller Energy's Role in the CID
Few, if any, can currently make a similar claim. Yes, there are a few potential competitors emerging, like Rondo, which has raised hundreds of millions so far in developing its hopeful contribution. Investors behind that company obviously see the potential payday if their design performs as expected. If it does, like Brenmiller Energy, it can serve the Clean Industrial Deal built on the idea that decarbonization and economic competitiveness must go hand in hand.
However, rather than wait on a potential comparison, Brenmiller Energy can deliver what's needed today. By integrating bGen™ into Europe's industrial sector, the EU can quickly reduce industrial energy costs, lower dependence on imported gas, strengthen energy independence, increase renewable energy adoption with stable, long-duration storage, and slash emissions across key industries, ensuring the EU meets its climate targets without gutting its industrial base.
Thus, it makes sense for the EU to focus less on experimental hydrogen projects, unreliable solar and wind, or massive grid overhauls. Time and money may be better spent on understanding why Brenmiller's bGen™ system is already being chosen and implemented by large companies across Europe, from manufacturing giants to district heating networks. Two likely reasons- bGen™ can stabilize energy costs and future-proof client operations.
Brenmiller Energy Is Timely To Answer CID Wish List
Rather than resisting fresh ideas, it's time to embrace and, more importantly, rally behind Europe's most ambitious attempt yet to create a low-carbon, high-growth economy. But know this- without the right technologies, the plan will collapse under the weight of high costs, energy instability, and industrial resistance.
Brenmiller Energy can mitigate, even eliminate in many ways, that potential. People must understand that bGen™ isn't just another green energy idea-it's the most practical, cost-effective, and immediately available solution for industrial decarbonization. It allows manufacturers to cut costs, eliminate fossil fuels, and secure long-term energy stability without gambling on unproven technologies.
Ironically, while politicians debate the merits of hydrogen subsidies and lithium supply chains, a real, proven, and validated solution created by Brenmiller Energy is already here, front and center. And it sends a message- if Europe wants to expedite meeting its climate goals without sacrificing its industrial base, it needs to back technologies that work now-not in a decade.
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Additional Disclaimers and Disclosures:This is sponsored content. Hawk Point Media Group, LLC. (HPM) has been compensated, or expects to be, to produce and distribute digital content for Brenmiller Energy Ltd. It should be expressly understood that HPM is not operated by a licensed broker, a dealer, or a registered investment adviser. It should also be expressly understood that under no circumstances does any information published herein represent a recommendation to buy or sell a security. HPM reports/releases are commercial advertisements and are for general information purposes ONLY. The information made available by HPM is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, investment advice or recommendations. The contributors do NOT buy and sell securities covered before or after any particular article, report and/or publication. HPM holds ZERO shares in Brenmiller Energy Ltd. While HPM does not own or market shares, it is prudent to expect that those hiring HPM including that company's owners, employees, and affiliates, may sell some or even all of the Brenmiller Energy Ltd. shares that they own, if any, during and/or after this engagement period. Always do your own due diligence prior to investing in any publicly traded company. Forward-Looking Statements: This article contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. Statements that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this article are subject to other risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on March 18, 2024, which is available on the SEC's website, Hawk Point Media Group, Llc. undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law. For Hawk Point Media Group Llc's full disclaimer and disclosure statement, click HERE.
SOURCE: Brenmiller Energy
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What is the estimated project pipeline value for Brenmiller Energy (BNRG)?
How much can BNRG's bGen™ system reduce industrial energy costs?
What is the lifespan of BNRG's bGen™ thermal energy storage system?
In which countries is BNRG currently implementing its bGen™ technology?