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Savencia Cheese USA has initiated a voluntary recall of select soft ripened cheeses from their Lena facility due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The recall affects specific products including Aldi Emporium Selection Brie, Supreme Oval, La Bonne Vie Brie and Camembert, Industrial Brie, Market Basket Brie, and Glenview Farms Spreadable Brie, all manufactured in September and October 2024.
The affected products have specific best-by dates ranging from December 24, 2024, to January 13, 2025. While no adverse health events have been reported, routine testing identified possible equipment contamination. Consumers are advised to return affected products to their place of purchase for a full refund.
Savencia Cheese USA has initiated a voluntary recall of select soft ripened cheeses from their Lena facility due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The recall affects specific products including Aldi Emporium Selection Brie, Supreme Oval, La Bonne Vie Brie and Camembert, and Market Basket Brie, with best-by dates in December 2024. While no adverse health events have been reported, routine testing identified possible equipment contamination. Consumers are advised to return affected products for a full refund.