Bion Gives Update; Announces Shareholder Call

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Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET) has announced a shareholder call scheduled for October 9, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET. The company is finalizing testing and data runs at its Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) demonstration facility in Fair Oaks, Indiana, with completion expected this quarter. Bion has received funding from a previously announced loan group, though a formal agreement is pending due to resolved patent-related issues.

The company is in the pre-development phase of the Stovall-Bion project in Shepherd, Montana, aiming to begin construction by December 31, 2024. Despite recent challenges, Bion's interim CEO Craig Scott highlighted that the ARS technology's performance has exceeded expectations. The company's patented system produces organic and low-carbon nitrogen fertilizer products and clean water from animal manure waste, supporting their Gen3Tech system for sustainable livestock production.

Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET) ha annunciato una chiamata per gli azionisti programmata per il 9 ottobre 2024, alle 19:00 ET. L'azienda sta finalizzando i test e le elaborazioni dei dati presso la sua struttura dimostrativa del Sistema di Recupero dell'Ammoniaca (ARS) a Fair Oaks, Indiana, con completamento previsto entro questo trimestre. Bion ha ricevuto finanziamenti da un gruppo di prestiti precedentemente annunciato, anche se un accordo formale è in attesa a causa di questioni di brevetto risolte.

L'azienda si trova nella fase di pre-sviluppo del progetto Stovall-Bion a Shepherd, Montana, con l'obiettivo di iniziare la costruzione entro il 31 dicembre 2024. Nonostante le recenti sfide, il CEO ad interim di Bion, Craig Scott, ha sottolineato che le prestazioni della tecnologia ARS hanno superato le aspettative. Il sistema brevettato dell'azienda produce fertilizzanti organici e a basse emissioni di carbonio e acqua pulita dai rifiuti animali, supportando il loro sistema Gen3Tech per una produzione sostenibile di bestiame.

Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET) ha anunciado una llamada para accionistas programada para el 9 de octubre de 2024, a las 7:00 PM ET. La compañía está finalizando pruebas y análisis de datos en su instalación de demostración del Sistema de Recuperación de Amoniaco (ARS) en Fair Oaks, Indiana, con finalización esperada para este trimestre. Bion ha recibido fondos de un grupo de préstamos previamente anunciado, aunque un acuerdo formal está pendiente debido a cuestiones de patentes resueltas.

La compañía se encuentra en la fase de pre-desarrollo del proyecto Stovall-Bion en Shepherd, Montana, con el objetivo de comenzar la construcción antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024. A pesar de los desafíos recientes, el CEO interino de Bion, Craig Scott, destacó que el rendimiento de la tecnología ARS ha superado las expectativas. El sistema patentado de la compañía produce productos de fertilizantes orgánicos y de bajo carbono y agua limpia a partir de desechos de ganado, apoyando su sistema Gen3Tech para una producción sostenible de ganado.

Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET)는 2024년 10월 9일 오후 7:00 ET에 예정된 주주 전화를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 인디애나주 페어오크스에 있는 암모니아 회수 시스템(ARS) 시범 시설에서 테스트와 데이터 분석을 마무리하는 중이며, 이번 분기 내에 완료될 예정입니다. Bion은 이전에 발표된 대출 그룹으로부터 자금을 받았으나, 특허 관련 문제 해결로 인해 공식 계약은 보류 중입니다.

회사는 몬태나주 셰퍼드에 있는 Stovall-Bion 프로젝트의 개발 전 단계에 있으며, 2024년 12월 31일까지 건설을 시작할 계획입니다. 최근의 어려움에도 불구하고, Bion의 임시 CEO인 Craig Scott는 ARS 기술의 성능이 기대를 초과했다고 강조했습니다. 이 회사의 특허 시스템은 동물 분뇨에서 유기 저탄소 질소 비료 제품과 깨끗한 물을 생산하여 지속 가능한 축산 생산을 지원하는 Gen3Tech 시스템을 지원합니다.

Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET) a annoncé un appel des actionnaires prévu le 9 octobre 2024 à 19h00 ET. L'entreprise est en train de finaliser des tests et des analyses de données dans son installation de démonstration du Système de Récupération de l'Ammoniaque (ARS) à Fair Oaks, dans l'Indiana, avec un achèvement prévu ce trimestre. Bion a reçu un financement d'un groupe de prêts annoncé précédemment, bien qu'un accord formel soit en attente en raison de problèmes de brevet résolus.

L'entreprise est à la phase de pré-développement du projet Stovall-Bion à Shepherd, Montana, visant à commencer la construction d'ici le 31 décembre 2024. Malgré les défis récents, le PDG par intérim de Bion, Craig Scott, a souligné que les performances de la technologie ARS ont dépassé les attentes. Le système breveté de l'entreprise produit des produits d'engrais azotés organiques et à faible émission de carbone ainsi que de l'eau propre à partir des déchets d'animaux, soutenant leur système Gen3Tech pour une production durable de bétail.

Bion Environmental Technologies (OTC QB: BNET) hat einen Aktionärs-Call für den 9. Oktober 2024 um 19:00 Uhr ET angekündigt. Das Unternehmen finalisiert derzeit Tests und Datenanalysen in seiner Demonstrationsanlage für das Ammoniak-Rückgewinnungssystem (ARS) in Fair Oaks, Indiana, mit dem Abschluss, der in diesem Quartal erwartet wird. Bion hat Finanzierung von einer zuvor angekündigten Darlehensgruppe erhalten, während eine formelle Vereinbarung aufgrund gelöster patentbezogener Fragen aussteht.

Das Unternehmen befindet sich in der Vorfeld-Entwicklungsphase des Stovall-Bion-Projekts in Shepherd, Montana, mit dem Ziel, bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 mit dem Bau zu beginnen. Trotz der jüngsten Herausforderungen hob der interimistische CEO von Bion, Craig Scott, hervor, dass die Leistung der ARS-Technologie die Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Das patentierte System des Unternehmens produziert organische und kohlenstoffarme Stickstoffdüngerprodukte sowie sauberes Wasser aus tierischen Abfällen und unterstützt ihr Gen3Tech-System für eine nachhaltige Viehzucht.

  • ARS technology performance at Fair Oaks has exceeded expectations
  • Received funding from previously announced loan group
  • Pre-development phase of Stovall-Bion project underway
  • Goal to begin construction of Stovall-Bion project by December 31, 2024
  • January patent extended coverage into industrial and municipal wastewater sectors
  • Delays, management setbacks, and financial challenges over the last two years
  • Formal loan agreement not yet ratified due to technical issues related to patents
  • New core leadership team installed to address recent challenges

Billings, MT, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. (OTC QB: BNET), a leader in advanced livestock/organic waste treatment technology and sustainable livestock production, gave a short update and announced a shareholder call with management, set for October 9, 2024.

Shareholder Call:

7:00PM ET, October 9, 2024
Zoom Link (will also be on Bion’s website on the day of the call, along with dial-in instructions)

Bion is finalizing testing and data runs at our Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) demonstration facility at Fair Oaks, Indiana. Final economic optimization is being completed, we are acquiring data for a third-party engineering report, and we are preparing for final design of the full commercial scale ARS for the Stovall-Bion JV. We anticipate completion of this phase in this quarter.

The Company has received funding from the loan group previously announced (and disclosed in our recently filed Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024), although a formal agreement has not been ratified at this time, due to some technical issues related to Bion’s patents. Those issues have been resolved and we expect to have a formal agreement by mid-next week. Details of the secured convertible note will be announced in a Form 8-K, to be filed at that time, but have already been agreed to in principle by Bion’s Board of Directors.

We are in the pre-development phase of the Stovall-Bion project. With the Shepherd, Montana, location known, we are now working to put critical strategic partnerships in place, conducting infrastructure planning, soliciting bids/proposals, etc. Our goal is to begin construction by December 31, 2024.

Craig Scott, Bion’s interim CEO, stated, “Our 10-K/Annual Report reads like you’d expect, considering the delays, management setbacks, and financial challenges we’ve faced over the last two years. To deal with these issues, in the last few months we have regrouped and installed a new core leadership team that is very optimistic about our opportunities and has a strong vested interest in our success.

Despite the challenges we face, there is a very bright spot among them: the ARS technology’s performance at Fair Oaks has exceeded our expectations. Further, with the January patent that extended our patent coverage into the industrial and municipal wastewater sectors, we believe our opportunities are significantly greater than before, with both the Stovall-Bion beef project, as well as the potential for standalone ARS systems to provide ammonia control solutions for biogas producers.”

Bion Environmental Technologies’ patented Ammonia Recovery System produces organic and low-carbon nitrogen fertilizer products and clean water from animal manure waste and other organic waste streams. It supports the Gen3Tech system that will minimize environmental impacts from CAFO/ livestock waste, generate Renewable Natural Gas, improve resource and production efficiencies, and produce the ‘cleanest’, most eco-friendly finished beef in the marketplace. Bion is focused on developing state-of-the-art indoor cattle feeding operations and providing solutions in the fast-growing clean fuels industry. See Bion’s website at   

This material includes forward-looking statements based on management's current reasonable business expectations. In this document, the words ‘believe’, ‘anticipate’, and similar expressions identify certain forward-looking statements. It should be noted it is difficult to accurately predict the startup and optimization of a first-of-its-kind advanced waste treatment technology platform. The timelines discussed are estimates only.  These statements are made in reliance on the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Section 27A of the Securities act of 1933, as amended. There are numerous risks and uncertainties that could result in actual results differing materially from expected outcomes.

Contact Information:

Craig Scott         
Interim CEO
(406) 281-8178 direct


When is Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) holding its shareholder call?

Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) is holding its shareholder call on October 9, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET.

What is the current status of Bion's (BNET) Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) demonstration facility?

Bion (BNET) is finalizing testing and data runs at its ARS demonstration facility in Fair Oaks, Indiana, with completion expected in the current quarter.

What is the target date for beginning construction on the Stovall-Bion project?

Bion Environmental Technologies (BNET) aims to begin construction on the Stovall-Bion project by December 31, 2024.

How has the performance of Bion's (BNET) ARS technology been described?

According to Bion's interim CEO, the ARS technology's performance at Fair Oaks has exceeded their expectations.



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