New BlackRock Survey Shows One Third of Americans Have No Retirement Savings as BlackRock, Bipartisan Policy Center Launch National Retirement Summit in D.C.

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BlackRock and the Bipartisan Policy Center are launching the 2025 Retirement Summit in Washington D.C., following alarming survey results about Americans' retirement readiness. The survey of 1,000 registered voters revealed that one-third have no retirement savings, and 51% fear running out of money in retirement more than death.

Key findings show that 56% worry about personal finances daily, and only 28% believe working Americans have adequate retirement planning tools. Notably, 80% want Congress to prioritize retirement security legislation.

The Summit, themed 'Redefining Retirement: It's All of our Work,' will convene over 250 leaders on March 12, including prominent figures like Senators Cory Booker and Katie Britt, and business leaders like Jamie Dimon. BlackRock's LifePath Paycheck™ solution has reached $16 billion in assets under management, and the firm has appointed Jaime Magyera as senior sponsor for retirement to address the growing retirement savings gap.

BlackRock e il Bipartisan Policy Center stanno lanciando il Summit sulla Pensione 2025 a Washington D.C., a seguito di risultati allarmanti di un sondaggio sulla preparazione al pensionamento degli americani. Il sondaggio, condotto su 1.000 elettori registrati, ha rivelato che un terzo non ha risparmi per la pensione, e il 51% teme di rimanere senza soldi durante la pensione più della morte.

I risultati chiave mostrano che il 56% si preoccupa delle finanze personali quotidianamente, e solo il 28% crede che gli americani lavoratori abbiano strumenti adeguati per la pianificazione della pensione. È significativo che l'80% desideri che il Congresso dia priorità alla legislazione sulla sicurezza pensionistica.

Il Summit, intitolato 'Ridefinire la Pensione: È un lavoro di tutti noi', riunirà oltre 250 leader il 12 marzo, compresi personaggi di spicco come i senatori Cory Booker e Katie Britt, e leader aziendali come Jamie Dimon. La soluzione LifePath Paycheck™ di BlackRock ha raggiunto 16 miliardi di dollari in asset sotto gestione, e l'azienda ha nominato Jaime Magyera come sponsor senior per la pensione per affrontare il crescente divario nei risparmi pensionistici.

BlackRock y el Bipartisan Policy Center están lanzando la Cumbre de Jubilación 2025 en Washington D.C., tras resultados alarmantes de una encuesta sobre la preparación para la jubilación de los estadounidenses. La encuesta, realizada a 1,000 votantes registrados, reveló que un tercio no tiene ahorros para la jubilación, y el 51% teme quedarse sin dinero en la jubilación más que a la muerte.

Los hallazgos clave muestran que el 56% se preocupa por sus finanzas personales a diario, y solo el 28% cree que los trabajadores estadounidenses tienen herramientas adecuadas para la planificación de la jubilación. Notablemente, el 80% quiere que el Congreso priorice la legislación sobre la seguridad de la jubilación.

La Cumbre, con el tema 'Redefiniendo la Jubilación: Es Trabajo de Todos', reunirá a más de 250 líderes el 12 de marzo, incluidos personajes prominentes como los senadores Cory Booker y Katie Britt, y líderes empresariales como Jamie Dimon. La solución LifePath Paycheck™ de BlackRock ha alcanzado 16 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión, y la firma ha nombrado a Jaime Magyera como patrocinador senior para la jubilación para abordar la creciente brecha en los ahorros para la jubilación.

블랙록과 양당정책센터(Bipartisan Policy Center)가 미국인의 은퇴 준비에 대한 우려스러운 조사 결과에 따라 2025 은퇴 정상 회담을 워싱턴 D.C.에서 개최합니다. 1,000명의 등록 유권자를 대상으로 한 조사에서 3분의 1이 은퇴 저축이 없다고 밝혔으며, 51%는 은퇴 후 돈이 바닥나는 것을 죽음보다 더 두려워하고 있습니다.

주요 결과에 따르면 56%가 매일 개인 재정에 대해 걱정하고 있으며, 단지 28%만이 일하는 미국인들이 적절한 은퇴 계획 도구를 가지고 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 특히, 80%는 의회가 은퇴 보안 법안을 우선시하기를 원합니다.

'은퇴 재정의 재정의: 우리의 모두의 일'이라는 주제로 열리는 이번 정상 회담에는 3월 12일에 Cory Booker와 Katie Britt 상원의원과 Jamie Dimon과 같은 기업 리더를 포함해 250명 이상의 리더가 모일 예정입니다. 블랙록의 LifePath Paycheck™ 솔루션은 160억 달러의 관리 자산에 도달했습니다, 그리고 이 회사는 증가하는 은퇴 저축 격차를 해결하기 위해 Jaime Magyera를 은퇴 담당 수석 후원자로 임명했습니다.

BlackRock et le Bipartisan Policy Center lancent le Sommet sur la Retraite 2025 à Washington D.C., suite à des résultats d'enquête alarmants sur la préparation à la retraite des Américains. L'enquête menée auprès de 1 000 électeurs enregistrés a révélé que un tiers n'a pas d'économies pour la retraite, et 51 % craignent de manquer d'argent à la retraite plus que de mourir.

Les résultats clés montrent que 56 % s'inquiètent de leurs finances personnelles au quotidien, et seulement 28 % croient que les Américains travaillant ont des outils de planification de la retraite adéquats. Notamment, 80 % souhaitent que le Congrès donne la priorité à la législation sur la sécurité de la retraite.

Le Sommet, intitulé 'Redéfinir la Retraite : C'est le Travail de Tous', rassemblera plus de 250 leaders le 12 mars, y compris des personnalités éminentes comme les sénateurs Cory Booker et Katie Britt, et des dirigeants d'entreprise comme Jamie Dimon. La solution LifePath Paycheck™ de BlackRock a atteint 16 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion, et la société a nommé Jaime Magyera comme sponsor senior pour la retraite afin de s'attaquer à l'écart croissant dans les économies de retraite.

BlackRock und das Bipartisan Policy Center starten den Rentengipfel 2025 in Washington D.C., nachdem alarmierende Umfrageergebnisse zur Rentenbereitschaft der Amerikaner veröffentlicht wurden. Die Umfrage unter 1.000 registrierten Wählern ergab, dass ein Drittel keine Altersvorsorge hat, und 51 % fürchten, im Ruhestand mehr Geld zu verlieren als zu sterben.

Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 56 % sich täglich um ihre Finanzen sorgen, und nur 28 % glauben, dass arbeitende Amerikaner über angemessene Rentenplanungsinstrumente verfügen. Bemerkenswerterweise möchten 80 %, dass der Kongress die Rentensicherheitsgesetzgebung priorisiert.

Das Thema des Gipfels 'Rente neu definieren: Es ist unsere gemeinsame Aufgabe' wird am 12. März über 250 Führungspersönlichkeiten zusammenbringen, darunter prominente Persönlichkeiten wie die Senatoren Cory Booker und Katie Britt sowie Unternehmensleiter wie Jamie Dimon. Die LifePath Paycheck™-Lösung von BlackRock hat 16 Milliarden Dollar an verwaltetem Vermögen erreicht, und das Unternehmen hat Jaime Magyera zum Senior-Sponsor für die Rente ernannt, um die wachsende Kluft bei den Altersvorsorgeeinsparungen anzugehen.

  • None.
  • None.

CEOs Larry Fink and Margaret Spellings will convene business, policy, and elected leaders to catalyze action on the urgent need to redefine retirement

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BlackRock has released fresh survey results showing that the ability to retire with dignity appears out of reach for many people. As millions of Americans become increasingly concerned about retirement, BlackRock’s survey shows voters are demanding action to stave off an impending crisis.

Key findings from BlackRock’s survey of 1,000 national registered voters show startling trends:

  • One-third of respondents report having no retirement savings.
  • More than half (51%) of respondents say they fear running out of money in retirement more than they fear dying.
  • Over half (56%) respondents worry about their personal finances at least once a day.
  • Only 28% of respondents believe that working Americans have the necessary tools and resources to save for a secure retirement.
  • An overwhelming majority (80%) believe that Congress and the new administration should prioritize legislation to help people plan and save for a secure retirement.

The data underscores the pressing need for solutions that can help more Americans achieve better financial security throughout their lives. To that end, BlackRock and the Bipartisan Policy Center are convening elected officials, corporate leaders, small business owners, union representatives, pensioners, and state and federal policymakers for the 2025 Retirement Summit to find bipartisan solutions and commitments. The theme of the event, “Redefining Retirement: It’s All of our Work,” highlights how critical it is for both the public and private sectors to think about retirement in new ways to help people live better, longer.

"Fewer than one in three Americans believe they have the tools they need to save for retirement," said Larry Fink, BlackRock Chairman and CEO. "At BlackRock, we're committed to being part of the solution. That's why we're bringing leaders to Washington to explore ways the private sector and government can collaborate to ensure more Americans can achieve a financially secure retirement."

Bipartisan Policy Center President and CEO Margaret Spellings added, “With Americans living longer than ever, lawmakers must prioritize policy that supports personal savings. BPC has long championed such efforts and will continue working with leaders of both parties to ensure all Americans have access to tools and resources to enjoy financial security in their golden years.”

The Summit will take place on March 12 in Washington, D.C. and is expected to bring together over 250 industry leaders, policymakers and executives to the nation’s capital.

Featured confirmed speakers include:


  • Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO, BlackRock
  • Margaret Spellings, President and CEO, Bipartisan Policy Center


  • Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)
  • Senator Katie Britt (R-AL)
  • Senator Todd Young (R-IN)
  • Governor Wes Moore, State of Maryland (D-MD)
  • Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO)
  • Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (D-OH)
  • Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-AL)
  • Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase
  • Beth Ford, Chair and CEO, Land O’Lakes Inc.
  • Ed Kelly, General President, International Association of Fire Fighters
  • Gayle King, Co-Host, CBS Mornings & Editor-at-Large, Oprah Daily
  • Sean McGarvey, President, North America’s Building Trades Unions

Following the Summit, BlackRock and the Bipartisan Policy Center will publish thought leadership encapsulating the key themes and proposals from the event with a view to drive action and solutions. Throughout 2025, both organizations will release additional research and survey data to continue to raise awareness around the need for increased support for Americans preparing for life after work.

Over one-half of the assets BlackRock manages are for retirement1, and its newly launched LifePath Paycheck™ solution is now the fastest-growing retirement income target date strategy for defined contribution plans, with $16 billion in assets under management2. To accelerate the firm’s leadership in retirement investing and elevate its efforts to address the retirement savings gap, BlackRock recently named Jaime Magyera, co-head of the firm’s U.S. Wealth Advisory business as BlackRock’s senior sponsor for retirement. A twenty-year veteran of the firm, Magyera brings a wealth of product expertise, client relationships and hands-on experience to the role.

Magyera said, “As more Americans live longer, many are seeking ways to redefine what that next chapter means for them – and how they will afford it. BlackRock has been a retirement leader for 35 years, and as I step into this new role, I am excited to help the firm use our convening power to meet this moment, and to support ongoing innovation that empowers Americans to live longer lives, better – with optimism, impact, and security.”

Attendance at this event is by invitation only. This is a widely attended event in accordance with Congressional and Executive Ethics laws. Interested members of the media should contact BlackRock Corporate Communications at for more information.

About BlackRock

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to our asset management clients and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. To learn more about BlackRock visit

The survey provides insights from a research study of 1,000 national registered voters in the United States, executed by Public Opinion Strategies, an independent research firm. All interviews were conducted from January 11 through January 15, 2025. The margin of error is +/- 3.1%

1 BLK Estimates based on AUM as of December 31st, 2021 and Cerulli data as of 2020. ETF assets include only qualified assets based on Cerulli data, and assumes 9.5% of institutionally held ETFs are related to pensions or retirement. Institutional estimates includes assets defined as “related to retirement” and are based on products and clients with a specific retirement mandate (e.g., LifePath, pensions). Estimates for LatAm based on assets managed for LatAm Pension Fund clients, excluding cash.

2 BlackRock’s LifePath Paycheck™ Closes 2024 with $16B in AUM | Business Wire

Chris Van Es


Thomasin Bentley


Source: BlackRock


What percentage of Americans have no retirement savings according to BlackRock's 2024 survey?

According to BlackRock's recent survey, one-third (33%) of Americans report having no retirement savings.

How many Americans fear running out of money in retirement more than death?

The survey shows that 51% of respondents fear running out of money in retirement more than they fear dying.

What is the size of BlackRock's LifePath Paycheck™ retirement solution?

BlackRock's LifePath Paycheck™ solution has $16 billion in assets under management and is the fastest-growing retirement income target date strategy for defined contribution plans.

When and where is BlackRock's 2025 Retirement Summit taking place?

The 2025 Retirement Summit is taking place on March 12 in Washington, D.C.

What percentage of voters want Congress to prioritize retirement legislation?

An overwhelming majority (80%) of survey respondents believe Congress and the new administration should prioritize legislation to help people plan and save for a secure retirement.

Who has BlackRock appointed as their new senior sponsor for retirement?

BlackRock has appointed Jaime Magyera, co-head of the firm's U.S. Wealth Advisory business, as their senior sponsor for retirement.

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