Blink Charging Steps in To Support Isolated Enel X Customers

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Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) is offering support to former Enel X and JuiceBox customers affected by Enel X's decision to close its North American operations. Blink is providing cost-effective solutions and immediate upgrades to ensure uninterrupted access to reliable EV charging equipment and services.

Key points:

  • Blink offers a revenue share program where they cover the cost of EV charging equipment, warranty, and maintenance
  • Free swap-out of existing JuiceBox charging stations for customers needing an upgrade
  • Blink's charging stations are designed to be future-ready, supporting advancements like vehicle-to-grid technology
  • Inventory is ready for immediate shipping and replacement

Michael Battaglia, COO and CEO-Elect of Blink Charging, emphasized the company's focus on removing obstacles to EV charging and making it a beneficial investment for all parties involved.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) offre supporto ai precedenti clienti di Enel X e JuiceBox colpiti dalla decisione di Enel X di chiudere le sue operazioni in Nord America. Blink sta fornendo soluzioni economiche e aggiornamenti immediati per garantire un accesso ininterrotto ad attrezzature e servizi di ricarica EV affidabili.

Punti chiave:

  • Blink offre un programma di condivisione delle entrate dove coprono il costo delle attrezzature di ricarica EV, garanzia e manutenzione
  • Scambio gratuito delle stazioni di ricarica JuiceBox esistenti per i clienti che necessitano di un aggiornamento
  • Le stazioni di ricarica di Blink sono progettate per essere pronte per il futuro, supportando avanzamenti come la tecnologia veicolo-rete
  • Il magazzino è pronto per spedizioni e sostituzioni immediate

Michael Battaglia, COO e CEO-eletto di Blink Charging, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nel rimuovere ostacoli alla ricarica EV e nel renderla un investimento vantaggioso per tutte le parti coinvolte.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) está ofreciendo apoyo a los antiguos clientes de Enel X y JuiceBox afectados por la decisión de Enel X de cerrar sus operaciones en América del Norte. Blink está proporcionando soluciones rentables y actualizaciones inmediatas para asegurar un acceso ininterrumpido a equipos y servicios de carga EV confiables.

Puntos clave:

  • Blink ofrece un programa de participación en ingresos donde cubren el costo del equipo de carga EV, garantía y mantenimiento
  • Cambio gratuito de las estaciones de carga JuiceBox existentes para los clientes que necesiten una actualización
  • Las estaciones de carga de Blink están diseñadas para estar preparadas para el futuro, apoyando avances como la tecnología de vehículo a red
  • El inventario está listo para el envío y reemplazo inmediato

Michael Battaglia, COO y CEO Electo de Blink Charging, enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en eliminar obstáculos para la carga EV y hacer de ello una inversión beneficiosa para todas las partes involucradas.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK)는 Enel X의 북미 운영 종료 결정으로 영향을 받은 전 Enel X 및 JuiceBox 고객들에게 지원을 제공하고 있습니다. Blink는 신뢰할 수 있는 EV 충전 장비와 서비스에 대한 중단 없는 접근을 보장하기 위해 비용 효율적인 솔루션과 즉각적인 업그레이드를 제공하고 있습니다.

주요 사항:

  • Blink는 EV 충전 장비, 보증 및 유지보수 비용을 포함한 수익 공유 프로그램을 제공합니다
  • 업그레이드가 필요한 고객을 위한 기존 JuiceBox 충전소의 무료 교체 제공
  • Blink의 충전소는 차량-그리드 기술과 같은 발전을 지원하도록 설계되었습니다
  • 재고는 즉시 배송 및 교체가 가능합니다

Blink Charging의 COO 및 CEO-elect인 Michael Battaglia는 EV 충전의 장애물을 제거하고 이를 모든 관련자에게 유익한 투자로 만들겠다는 회사의 초점을 강조했습니다.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) offre un soutien aux anciens clients d'Enel X et de JuiceBox affectés par la décision d'Enel X de fermer ses opérations en Amérique du Nord. Blink propose des solutions économiques et des mises à niveau immédiates pour garantir un accès ininterrompu à des équipements et services de recharge EV fiables.

Points clés :

  • Blink propose un programme de partage de revenus où ils couvrent le coût de l'équipement de recharge EV, la garantie et l'entretien
  • Échange gratuit des stations de recharge JuiceBox existantes pour les clients ayant besoin d'une mise à niveau
  • Les stations de recharge de Blink sont conçues pour être prêtes pour l'avenir, prenant en charge des avancées telles que la technologie véhicule-réseau
  • Les stocks sont prêts pour un envoi et un remplacement immédiats

Michael Battaglia, COO et PDG élu de Blink Charging, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à éliminer les obstacles à la recharge EV et à en faire un investissement bénéfique pour toutes les parties concernées.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) bietet Unterstützung für ehemalige Enel X- und JuiceBox-Kunden, die von der Entscheidung von Enel X betroffen sind, seine Nordamerikabetriebe zu schließen. Blink stellt kostengünstige Lösungen und sofortige Aufrüstungen bereit, um einen ununterbrochenen Zugang zu zuverlässiger EV-Ladetechnologie und -dienstleistungen sicherzustellen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Blink bietet ein Umsatzbeteiligungsprogramm, bei dem die Kosten für EV-Ladetechnologie, Garantie und Wartung übernommen werden
  • Kostenfreier Austausch bestehender JuiceBox-Ladestationen für Kunden, die ein Upgrade benötigen
  • Die Ladestationen von Blink sind so konzipiert, dass sie zukunftssicher sind und Fortschritte wie die Fahrzeug-zu-Netz-Technologie unterstützen
  • Der Bestand ist bereit für sofortigen Versand und Austausch

Michael Battaglia, COO und designierter CEO von Blink Charging, betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens darauf, Hindernisse für die EV-Ladung abzubauen und dies zu einer vorteilhaften Investition für alle Beteiligten zu machen.

  • Potential increase in customer base by acquiring former Enel X and JuiceBox customers
  • Revenue share program offering could lead to expanded market presence
  • Ready inventory for immediate shipping and replacement, potentially increasing sales
  • Future-ready charging stations supporting advanced technologies like vehicle-to-grid
  • None.

Blink Charging is stepping in to support former Enel X and JuiceBox customers with cost-effective solutions and immediate upgrades, ensuring uninterrupted access to reliable EV charging equipment and services.

Bowie, Md., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) (“Blink” or the “Company”), a leading global manufacturer, owner, operator, and provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, announced today that in light of Enel X's recent decision to close its North American operations, Blink is stepping in to support EV charging station hosts affected by this change.

Blink is offering a solution for former Enel X and JuiceBox customers to power up their EV charging with Blink. When you sign up for a revenue share program, Blink covers the cost of your EV charging equipment, along with warranty and maintenance. All customers need to do is prepare their site, and Blink will handle the rest. Additionally, if you already have a JuiceBox charging station but need an upgrade, Blink will swap it out for free.

"We’re focused on removing the obstacles to EV charging and making this investment beneficial for everyone involved. A rewarding investment comes from the confidence that the company and its products will remain reliable and innovative,” said Michael Battaglia, COO and CEO-Elect of Blink Charging. “At Blink, we design our charging stations to be future-ready, addressing all aspects of hardware, software, services, and technology. With advancements like vehicle-to-grid technology on the horizon, our chargers are built to support the future of electric vehicles. Our inventory is ready to ship and replace immediately."

For more details about this solution offering and how to upgrade your JuiceBox charging station, Scan Below or Visit:

About Blink Charging

Blink Charging Co. (Nasdaq: BLNK) is a global leader in electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, enabling drivers, hosts, and fleets to transition to electric transportation through innovative charging solutions easily. Blink’s principal line of products and services include Blink’s EV charging network (“Blink Network”), EV charging equipment, and EV charging services. The Blink Network utilizes proprietary, cloud-based software that operates, maintains, and tracks the EV charging stations connected to the network and the associated charging data. Blink has established key strategic partnerships for rolling out adoption across numerous location types, including parking facilities, multifamily residences and condos, workplace locations, health care/medical facilities, schools and universities, airports, auto dealers, hotels, mixed-use municipal locations, parks and recreation areas, religious institutions, restaurants, retailers, stadiums, supermarkets, and transportation hubs.

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Nipunika Coe
305-521-0200 ext. 266

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Vitalie Stelea
305-521-0200 ext. 446



What is Blink Charging offering to former Enel X and JuiceBox customers?

Blink Charging is offering cost-effective solutions and immediate upgrades to former Enel X and JuiceBox customers, including a revenue share program covering equipment costs and free swap-outs for existing JuiceBox charging stations needing upgrades.

How is Blink Charging (BLNK) supporting EV charging station hosts affected by Enel X's closure?

Blink Charging (BLNK) is supporting affected EV charging station hosts by offering a revenue share program that covers the cost of EV charging equipment, warranty, and maintenance. They are also providing free upgrades for existing JuiceBox charging stations.

What advantages does Blink Charging (BLNK) claim for its EV charging stations?

Blink Charging (BLNK) claims its EV charging stations are future-ready, designed to support advancements like vehicle-to-grid technology. They also emphasize having inventory ready for immediate shipping and replacement.

Who announced Blink Charging's (BLNK) support for former Enel X customers?

Michael Battaglia, COO and CEO-Elect of Blink Charging, announced the company's support for former Enel X customers, emphasizing their focus on removing obstacles to EV charging and making it a beneficial investment.

Blink Charging Co.


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Engineering & Construction
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United States of America