Blink Charging and Create Energy Form Strategic Alliance to Revolutionize Energy Management with ‘One-Stop-Shop’ for Next-Generation EV and Renewable Solutions

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Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) has formed a strategic alliance with Create Energy to offer a comprehensive 'one-stop-shop' for next-generation EV and renewable solutions. This collaboration aims to revolutionize energy management by integrating energy assets through a centralized platform, specifically tailored for the commercial and industrial (C&I) market.

The partnership combines Blink's EV charging infrastructure with Create Energy's suite of renewable products, including solar panels, battery storage systems, and EPC services. This unified approach is expected to reduce overall project costs through streamlined procurement and integration. The alliance targets businesses in supply chain logistics, convenience stores, automotive, and commercial real estate sectors.

Both companies have already begun deploying their integrated solutions for C&I customers, including leading Tier 1 automotive providers. This collaboration is set to challenge the status quo in the renewables industry and offer innovative American-made technologies to meet the growing demand in the EV sector.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) ha formato un'alleanza strategica con Create Energy per offrire una 'soluzione completa' per l'energia rinnovabile e i veicoli elettrici di nuova generazione. Questa collaborazione mira a rivoluzionare la gestione dell'energia integrando le risorse energetiche attraverso una piattaforma centralizzata, specificamente progettata per il mercato commerciale e industriale (C&I).

Il partenariato combina le infrastrutture di ricarica per veicoli elettrici di Blink con la gamma di prodotti rinnovabili di Create Energy, tra cui pannelli solari, sistemi di accumulo batterie e servizi EPC. Questo approccio unificato dovrebbe ridurre i costi complessivi del progetto attraverso una semplificazione degli acquisti e dell'integrazione. L'alleanza si rivolge ad aziende nei settori della logistica della catena di approvvigionamento, negozi di convenienza, automotive e immobili commerciali.

Entrambe le aziende hanno già iniziato a implementare le loro soluzioni integrate per i clienti C&I, inclusi i principali fornitori automotive di Tier 1. Questa collaborazione è destinata a sfidare lo status quo nell'industria delle energie rinnovabili e a offrire tecnologie innovative prodotte in America per soddisfare la crescente domanda nel settore dei veicoli elettrici.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) ha formado una alianza estratégica con Create Energy para ofrecer una 'solución integral' para soluciones de energía renovable y vehículos eléctricos de nueva generación. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo revolucionar la gestión energética integrando activos energéticos a través de una plataforma centralizada, diseñada específicamente para el mercado comercial e industrial (C&I).

La asociación combina la infraestructura de carga de vehículos eléctricos de Blink con la gama de productos renovables de Create Energy, que incluye paneles solares, sistemas de almacenamiento de baterías y servicios EPC. Se espera que este enfoque unificado reduzca los costos generales del proyecto a través de una simplificación en la adquisición e integración. La alianza se dirige a empresas en sectores de logística de cadena de suministro, tiendas de conveniencia, automotriz y bienes raíces comerciales.

Ambas empresas ya han comenzado a desplegar sus soluciones integradas para clientes de C&I, incluidos los principales proveedores automotrices de Tier 1. Esta colaboración está destinada a desafiar el statu quo en la industria de energías renovables y ofrecer tecnologías innovadoras fabricadas en EE.UU. para satisfacer la creciente demanda en el sector de vehículos eléctricos.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK)는 Create Energy와 전략적 제휴를 맺어 차세대 전기차(EV) 및 재생 가능 솔루션을 위한 '원스톱샵'을 제공하고자 합니다. 이 협력은 상업 및 산업(C&I) 시장을 위해 특별히 설계된 중앙 집중식 플랫폼을 통해 에너지 자산을 통합함으로써 에너지 관리를 혁신하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이번 파트너십은 Blink의 전기차 충전 인프라와 Create Energy의 재생 에너지 제품군(태양광 패널, 배터리 저장 시스템 및 EPC 서비스 포함)을 결합합니다. 이러한 통합 접근 방식은 프로젝트의 전체 비용을 줄이는 데 기여할 것으로 예상되며, 공급망 물류, 편의점, 자동차 및 상업용 부동산 분야의 기업을 대상으로 합니다.

양사는 이미 C&I 고객을 위해 통합 솔루션을 배포하기 시작했으며, 이에 Tier 1 자동차 공급업체들이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 협력은 재생 에너지 산업의 기존 체제를 도전하고 EV 분야의 증가하는 수요에 부응하기 위해 혁신적인 미국 기술을 제공할 것입니다.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) a formé une alliance stratégique avec Create Energy pour offrir une 'solution clé en main' pour les véhicules électriques de nouvelle génération et les solutions d'énergie renouvelable. Cette collaboration vise à révolutionner la gestion de l'énergie en intégrant les ressources énergétiques via une plateforme centralisée, spécifiquement conçue pour le marché commercial et industriel (C&I).

Le partenariat combine l'infrastructure de recharge des véhicules électriques de Blink avec la gamme de produits renouvelables de Create Energy, incluant des panneaux solaires, des systèmes de stockage de batteries et des services EPC. Cet approche unifiée devrait réduire les coûts globaux des projets grâce à une simplification des achats et de l'intégration. L'alliance cible des entreprises dans les secteurs de la logistique de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, des magasins de proximité, de l'automobile et de l'immobilier commercial.

Les deux entreprises ont déjà commencé à déployer leurs solutions intégrées pour les clients C&I, y compris des fournisseurs automobiles de niveau 1. Cette collaboration est destinée à remettre en question le statu quo dans l'industrie des énergies renouvelables et à offrir des technologies innovantes fabriquées en Amérique pour répondre à la demande croissante dans le secteur des véhicules électriques.

Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) hat eine strategische Allianz mit Create Energy gebildet, um eine 'Alles-aus-einer-Hand'-Lösung für die nächste Generation von EV- und erneuerbaren Energielösungen anzubieten. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, das Energiemanagement zu revolutionieren, indem Energieanlagen über eine zentralisierte Plattform integriert werden, die speziell für den kommerziellen und industriellen (C&I) Markt entwickelt wurde.

Die Partnerschaft kombiniert die EV-Ladeinfrastruktur von Blink mit der Produktpalette von Create Energy für erneuerbare Energien, zu der Solarmodule, Batteriespeichersysteme und EPC-Dienstleistungen gehören. Dieser einheitliche Ansatz soll die Gesamtkosten für Projekte senken, indem Beschaffung und Integration optimiert werden. Die Allianz richtet sich an Unternehmen in den Bereichen Logistik der Lieferkette, Convenience-Stores, Automobilindustrie und gewerbliche Immobilien.

Beide Unternehmen haben bereits begonnen, ihre integrierten Lösungen für C&I-Kunden bereitzustellen, einschließlich führender Tier-1-Automobilanbieter. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich den Status quo in der Erneuerbaren-Branche herausfordern und innovative, in Amerika hergestellte Technologien bereitstellen, um der wachsenden Nachfrage im EV-Sektor gerecht zu werden.

  • Strategic alliance formed between Blink Charging and Create Energy to offer comprehensive renewable energy solutions
  • Integrated platform expected to reduce overall project costs for customers
  • Targeting lucrative commercial and industrial (C&I) market segments
  • Already deploying integrated solutions for Tier 1 automotive providers
  • None.

This strategic alliance between Blink Charging and Create Energy represents a significant move in the EV charging and renewable energy sector. By offering a comprehensive "one-stop-shop" solution, they're positioning themselves to capture a larger share of the growing C&I market. The collaboration could lead to increased revenue streams and improved profit margins for Blink Charging through streamlined operations and reduced costs. However, the financial impact remains uncertain without specific projections or figures. Investors should monitor future earnings reports to gauge the alliance's success in driving growth and profitability for Blink Charging (NASDAQ: BLNK).

This alliance marks a significant technological advancement in the renewable energy and EV charging space. The integration of Blink's EV charging infrastructure with Create Energy's suite of products, including solar panels and battery storage systems, creates a powerful ecosystem for energy management. The centralized platform for asset integration is a key innovation, potentially leading to improved efficiency and cost savings for C&I customers. The emphasis on "next-generation" and "NanoGrid" solutions suggests cutting-edge technology that could set new industry standards. This collaboration could accelerate the adoption of integrated renewable energy solutions in various sectors.

This strategic alliance taps into the growing demand for integrated renewable energy solutions in the C&I sector. By offering a "one-stop-shop", Blink and Create Energy are addressing a key pain point for businesses looking to adopt sustainable energy practices. The collaboration targets high-potential markets such as supply chain logistics, convenience stores and commercial real estate, which could drive significant growth. However, the success of this venture will depend on factors like market acceptance, competitive pricing and the actual performance of the integrated solutions. Investors should watch for early adoption rates and customer feedback to gauge the market's response to this offering.

Bowie, Maryland, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK), a leading global manufacturer, owner, operator, and provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Create Energy, a Tennessee-based renewable energy company, to deliver next- generation energy management products and solutions. This alliance will allow customers to integrate their energy assets through one centralized platform.

The collaboration combines the strengths of both companies to offer a comprehensive “one-stop-shop” for renewable energy solutions tailored specifically to the commercial and industrial (C&I) market. By offering a unified solution, the collaboration reduces overall project costs through streamlined procurement and integration, cutting administrative and logistical expenses while leveraging the efficiencies of both companies' technologies. This includes leveraging Create Energy’s suite of products and services, including solar panels, battery energy storage systems (BESS), transformers, switchgear, and EPC services.

Businesses in supply chain logistics, convenience store management, automotive, commercial real estate, and other sectors can now seamlessly integrate Blink Chargers with Create Energy’s offerings.

“At Blink, we prioritize creating a best-in-class customer experience, so it made sense to take our customer relationships to the next level of convenience and team up with Create Energy to provide a full renewable energy stack offering,” said Jim Nemec, Blink’s Chief Revenue Officer. “This innovative collaboration with Create Energy will provide customers with state-of-the-art EV charging infrastructure coupled with Create’s ecosystem of products. This exemplifies how two like-minded organizations can come together in a symbiotic way to challenge the status quo of renewables.”

Dean Solon, Founder, CEO and President of Create Energy, stated, “This collaboration between Create Energy and Blink is blazing a new path for the industry, leaving old tech in the dust. It’s two fearless U.S.-based renewable companies joining forces to offer cool next-generation Microgrid solutions. The EV sector is hungry for innovative American-made technologies, and Create’s proprietary NanoGrid solution is transforming C&I renewable energy projects. With this alliance, customers will benefit from peak demand reduction and energy independence by using Blink’s top-tier chargers and Create Energy’s products. This is another rocket we are launching into the renewables space.”

The companies have already begun deploying their products and integrating their solutions for C&I customers, including leading Tier 1 automotive providers.


About Create Energy

Create Energy, headquartered in Portland, Tennessee, is a U.S.-based renewable energy company founded by visionary CEO & President, Dean Solon. Create Energy aims to disrupt the clean-tech industry and lay the foundation for U.S.-based renewable energy manufacturing, offering products ranging from transformers, switchgear, PV, BESS, and EV solutions as well as full turnkey EPC services.

About Blink Charging

Blink Charging Co. (Nasdaq: BLNK) is a global leader in electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, enabling drivers, hosts, and fleets to easily transition to electric transportation through innovative charging solutions. Blink’s principal line of products and services include Blink’s EV charging network (“Blink Network”), EV charging equipment, and EV charging services. The Blink Network utilizes proprietary, cloud-based software that operates, maintains, and tracks the EV charging stations connected to the network and the associated charging data. Blink has established key strategic partnerships for rolling out adoption across numerous location types, including parking facilities, multifamily residences and condos, workplace locations, health care/medical facilities, schools and universities, airports, auto dealers, hotels, mixed-use municipal locations, parks and recreation areas, religious institutions, restaurants, retailers, stadiums, supermarkets, and transportation hubs. For more information, please visit

Blink Media Contact
Nipunika Coe
305-521-0200 ext. 266

Blink Investor Relations Contact
Vitalie Stelea
305-521-0200 ext. 446

Create Energy Media Contact
Joseph Fahrney


What is the purpose of the strategic alliance between Blink Charging (BLNK) and Create Energy?

The alliance aims to provide a 'one-stop-shop' for next-generation EV and renewable solutions, integrating energy assets through a centralized platform for the commercial and industrial market.

How will the Blink Charging (BLNK) and Create Energy collaboration benefit customers?

The collaboration is expected to reduce overall project costs through streamlined procurement and integration, offering a unified solution that combines EV charging infrastructure with renewable energy products.

Which market segments is the Blink Charging (BLNK) and Create Energy alliance targeting?

The alliance is targeting businesses in supply chain logistics, convenience store management, automotive, commercial real estate, and other sectors within the commercial and industrial market.

Have Blink Charging (BLNK) and Create Energy already implemented their integrated solutions?

Yes, the companies have already begun deploying their products and integrating their solutions for commercial and industrial customers, including leading Tier 1 automotive providers.

Blink Charging Co.


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United States of America