Blackbaud Showcases the Future of AI-Powered Fundraising and Financial Management for Social Impact Organizations at bbcon 2024

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Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), the leading provider of software for powering social impact, announced a wide range of innovations at its annual bbcon conference. Key updates include:

1. AI-powered enhancements to Raiser's Edge NXT and Financial Edge NXT, including Blackbaud Copilot for natural language interactions.

2. Improved fundraising tools with optimized donation forms and tap-to-pay capabilities.

3. Enhanced financial management features, including automated invoice scanning and bill pay.

4. Expanded integrations and extensibility options through the Blackbaud Marketplace and new partner connections.

These innovations aim to help social impact organizations raise more funds, save time, and make data-driven decisions. Blackbaud plans to deliver 100% of core Financial Edge NXT capabilities in a unified view by Q1 2025.

Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), il principale fornitore di software per promuovere l'impatto sociale, ha annunciato una vasta gamma di innovazioni in occasione della sua conferenza annuale bbcon. Le principali novità includono:

1. Miglioramenti basati sull'IA per Raiser's Edge NXT e Financial Edge NXT, incluso Blackbaud Copilot per interazioni in linguaggio naturale.

2. Strumenti di fundraising migliorati con moduli di donazione ottimizzati e capacità di pagamento contactless.

3. Funzionalità migliorate di gestione finanziaria, inclusa la scansione automatizzata delle fatture e il pagamento delle bollette.

4. Integrazioni ampliate e opzioni di estensibilità attraverso il Blackbaud Marketplace e nuove connessioni con partner.

Queste innovazioni mirano ad aiutare le organizzazioni impegnate nel sociale a raccogliere più fondi, risparmiare tempo e prendere decisioni basate sui dati. Blackbaud prevede di fornire il 100% delle capacità core di Financial Edge NXT in un'unica vista entro il primo trimestre del 2025.

Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), el principal proveedor de software para impulsar el impacto social, anunció una amplia gama de innovaciones en su conferencia anual bbcon. Las actualizaciones clave incluyen:

1. Mejoras impulsadas por IA en Raiser's Edge NXT y Financial Edge NXT, incluyendo Blackbaud Copilot para interacciones en lenguaje natural.

2. Herramientas de recaudación de fondos mejoradas con formularios de donación optimizados y capacidades de pago por contacto.

3. Funcionalidades de gestión financiera mejoradas, que incluyen escaneo automatizado de facturas y pago de cuentas.

4. Integraciones ampliadas y opciones de extensibilidad a través de Blackbaud Marketplace y nuevas conexiones con socios.

Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo ayudar a las organizaciones de impacto social a recaudar más fondos, ahorrar tiempo y tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Blackbaud planea entregar el 100% de las capacidades centrales de Financial Edge NXT en una vista unificada para el primer trimestre de 2025.

Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB)는 사회적 영향을 위한 소프트웨어의 선두 공급업체로서 연례 bbcon 컨퍼런스에서 다양한 혁신을 발표했습니다. 주요 업데이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. AI 기반의 개선 사항으로 Raiser's Edge NXT와 Financial Edge NXT가 업데이트되었으며, 블랙바드 코파일럿이 자연어 상호작용을 지원합니다.

2. 개선된 기금 모금 도구로 최적화된 기부 양식과 터치 결제 기능이 추가되었습니다.

3. 향상된 재무 관리 기능으로 자동 청구서 스캔 및 지불 기능이 포함됩니다.

4. 확장된 통합 및 블랙바드 마켓플레이스와 새로운 파트너 연결을 통한 확장성 옵션이 제공됩니다.

이러한 혁신은 사회적 영향력을 가진 조직이 더 많은 자금을 모으고, 시간을 절약하며, 데이터 기반 결정을 내리는 데 도움을 주기 위한 것입니다. 블랙바드는 2025년 1분기까지 Financial Edge NXT의 핵심 기능 100%를 통합된 보기로 제공할 계획입니다.

Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), le principal fournisseur de logiciels pour favoriser l'impact social, a annoncé un large éventail d'innovations lors de sa conférence annuelle bbcon. Les principales mises à jour comprennent :

1. Améliorations basées sur l'IA pour Raiser's Edge NXT et Financial Edge NXT, y compris Blackbaud Copilot pour les interactions en langage naturel.

2. Outils de collecte de fonds améliorés avec des formulaires de don optimisés et des capacités de paiement sans contact.

3. Fonctionnalités de gestion financière améliorées, y compris la numérisation automatisée des factures et le paiement des factures.

4. Intégrations élargies et options d'extensibilité via le Blackbaud Marketplace et de nouvelles connexions partenaires.

Ces innovations visent à aider les organisations à impact social à collecter plus de fonds, à gagner du temps et à prendre des décisions basées sur des données. Blackbaud prévoit de fournir 100 % des capacités essentielles de Financial Edge NXT dans une vue unifiée d'ici le premier trimestre 2025.

Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), der führende Anbieter von Software zur Förderung sozialer Auswirkungen, kündigte auf seiner jährlichen bbcon-Konferenz eine Vielzahl von Innovationen an. Wichtige Updates umfassen:

1. KI-gestützte Verbesserungen für Raiser's Edge NXT und Financial Edge NXT, einschließlich Blackbaud Copilot für die Interaktion in natürlicher Sprache.

2. Verbesserte Fundraising-Tools mit optimierten Spendenformularen und kontaktlosen Zahlungsoptionen.

3. Erweiterte Funktionen im Finanzmanagement, einschließlich automatisierter Rechnungs scan- und Zahlungsoptionen.

4. Erweiterte Integrationen und Flexibilitätsoptionen über den Blackbaud Marketplace und neue Partnerverbindungen.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, sozialen Organisationen zu helfen, mehr Mittel zu sammeln, Zeit zu sparen und datengestützte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Blackbaud plant, bis zum ersten Quartal 2025 100% der Kernfunktionen von Financial Edge NXT in einer einheitlichen Ansicht bereitzustellen.

  • Introduction of AI-powered Blackbaud Copilot for improved data insights and user interaction
  • Expansion of optimized donation forms and tap-to-pay capabilities to increase conversion rates
  • Implementation of automated invoice scanning and bill pay to streamline financial processes
  • Deeper integration between Raiser's Edge NXT and Financial Edge NXT for improved workflow efficiency
  • Addition of new partner integrations and extensibility options to enhance product functionality
  • None.


Blackbaud's announcements at bbcon 2024 showcase significant AI-driven innovations across their product suite, which could positively impact the company's market position and financial performance. Key highlights include:

  • The rollout of a reimagined Raiser's Edge NXT by end of 2025, potentially boosting user adoption and retention
  • Introduction of Blackbaud Copilot, an AI-powered assistant, which could differentiate their offerings in the competitive nonprofit software market
  • Expansion of payment processing capabilities and the Complete Cover offering, which may increase transaction volumes and revenue
  • Enhanced integrations and extensibility features, potentially increasing the platform's value proposition and customer stickiness

These innovations could drive revenue growth through increased customer acquisition and retention, as well as higher transaction volumes. However, the impact on profitability will depend on the R&D costs associated with these developments. Investors should monitor adoption rates of these new features and their effect on Blackbaud's financial metrics in upcoming quarters.

Blackbaud's product updates represent a significant leap in AI integration for the social impact sector. The company is leveraging AI across multiple fronts:

  • Blackbaud Copilot: An AI assistant embedded in various products, enabling natural language interactions with data
  • Intelligent Ask: AI-powered feature for optimizing donation amounts
  • Automated invoice scanning: Using Microsoft AI Document Intelligence for payables automation
  • Performance insights and benchmarking: Utilizing Blackbaud's extensive data for AI-driven analytics

The integration of Microsoft Power Platform connectors and SKY Add-ins also enhances the platform's extensibility, allowing for custom solutions and third-party integrations. This approach of combining purpose-built software with AI and extensibility could significantly enhance Blackbaud's competitive edge in the nonprofit technology space. The success of these initiatives will largely depend on user adoption and the actual performance of the AI features in real-world scenarios.

Product Updates Build Connection Between Solutions and Teams While Delivering Contextual Intelligence—All to Help Social Impact Organizations Raise More, Save More and Work Smarter

CHARLESTON, S.C., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB), the leading provider of software for powering social impact, today kicked off its annual technology conference, bbcon, announcing a wide range of innovation shaping the future of social impact technology.

"Our 40-plus years of expertise in this space and unwavering focus help us drive innovation that empowers our customers to achieve their missions," said Mike Gianoni, president, CEO and vice chairman of the board of directors, Blackbaud. "We are transforming the way social impact organizations operate, giving back time and improving data-backed decision making. With cutting edge technology, thousands of customers—from nonprofits, to schools, foundations, companies and more—are amplifying their impact across communities and around the world. We're proud to be the chosen partner of so many incredible organizations, and we're committed to continue delivering for them."

Innovation to Fuel Impact
Blackbaud unveiled a range of product updates and enhancements aimed at connecting workflows and teams to free up time and provide users the insight they need to deliver their best results, without guesswork.

The Future of Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT®
Blackbaud shared its plans and progress for the next generation of its market-leading fundraising software, building on its commitment to roll out a reimagined user experience with all critical-end-to-end workflows and enhanced functionality in a single, unified view by the end of 2025. Key updates include:

  • A new navigation, making it easier and more intuitive for both fundraising and finance users to quickly find what they need among an expanded array of menu options.
  • A common records engine for K-12 school fundraisers launching this year that will provide a complete picture of donors by connecting data across the entire school community.
  • New donor recognition program management capabilities, coming in 2025, to automatically tie gifts to these programs for deeper donor engagement.

Intelligence for Good®: AI Built for Social Impact
Blackbaud is building AI that delivers fundraising performance, benchmarking and forecasting directly in-product, providing social impact professionals with insights connected to their business data and built on Blackbaud's 40 years of sector leadership. Planned AI advancements include:

  • Blackbaud Copilot, an AI-powered coach and assistant that allows users to interact with their data in natural language, ask questions, and gain insights. Copilot is already embedded in Blackbaud Impact Edge™, and a technical preview in both Raiser's Edge NXT and Financial Edge NXT® is planned for 2025 to help fundraisers understand, plan for and engage with high priority donors and prospects, and to help simplify fund accounting by combining automation and personalization.
  • New performance insights to help organizations see how they stack up against others, based on Blackbaud's rich benchmarking data.
  • New tools for education customers, like an Award Cycle Manager within Blackbaud Award Management™ to give scholarship administrators a centralized view and KPIs, and an "at-risk" student tool for Blackbaud's K-12 Education Management portfolio to help teachers identify students in need of extra support by consolidating data on attendance, test scores and work completion.

Accelerated Giving to Raise and Save More
Blackbaud continues to innovate across its integrated payments experiences to help organizations raise more and save more so that they can invest in their missions. Exciting updates include:

  • A wider global roll out of Blackbaud's Optimized and Standard Donation Forms, proven to increase conversion rates, including the recent addition of the Intelligent Ask feature powered by Blackbaud AI, which ensures fundraisers target the right gift amount for each donor.
  • Tap-to-pay capabilities that will allow supporters to tap their card on a mobile device to donate, pay entry fees or buy swag.
  • The extension of Blackbaud's Complete Cover offering—the social impact sector's only solution with guaranteed 0% processing fees—to an initial set of partners, including Trellis for auctions and events and Almabase for higher education giving days.

Connected Financial Management
Blackbaud is connecting workflows throughout the finance office. The company will deliver 100% of core Financial Edge NXT capabilities in a unified view in Q1 of 2025, including new and improved Query and reconciliation functionality. Additional enhancements include:

  • Automated invoice scanning using Microsoft AI Document Intelligence to automate the entire payables process from start to finish directly in Financial Edge NXT.
  • Payment Assistant for fully automated bill pay in Financial Edge NXT, helping customers to save hours a week with auto-reconciliation of payment assistant transactions, to reduce processing costs and to benefit from robust, built-in fraud protection.
  • Deeper integration between Raiser's Edge NXT and Financial Edge NXT to connect workflows from donation through disbursement with fewer manual steps, making it easier and faster to let donors know what their gifts paid for and when.
  • Financial Edge NXT integration with Blackbaud Grantmaking™, connecting departments and surfacing the right financial data at the right time.

Extensibility and Flexibility
Blackbaud is combining the power of purpose-built software designed specifically for the business operations of social impact with platform-level flexibility to enable endless possibilities. The company is delivering more plug-and-play apps, system integrators and consulting services in the Blackbaud Marketplace, plus:

  • New partner integrations, including the connection of Blackbaud Education Management with UBIQ Education and BrightArrow, enabling K12 schools to power best-in-class school websites, connect their data, leverage marketing capabilities to drive enrollment, and give faculty access to mass communication functionality for all their classes, teams, advisories and more.
  • The expansion of Red Arc's existing integration for Raiser's Edge NXT to Blackbaud CRM™ cloud-hosted customers, to directly connect their preferred digital marketing solutions, like Constant Contact, Mailchimp, HubSpot or Salesforce Marketing Cloud, to their CRM.
  • New SKY Add-ins for both low-code and pro-code developers to create hyper-specific solutions and access partner solutions without ever leaving Blackbaud software. 
  • Six new Microsoft Power Platform-certified connectors offering more flexibility, plus added low-code tools for Blackbaud CRM that have already been popular in Raiser's Edge NXT for embedding power automate workflows, power apps, adaptive cards and Power BI extensions.

Happening at bbcon 2024
bbcon 2024 is taking place this week in Seattle, welcoming thousands of social impact professionals for three days of unmatched networking, the latest in industry trends and inspiring keynotes. The agenda features a day-two keynote conversation with Emmy® award-winning actress and nonprofit founder Sheryl Lee Ralph, as well as a day-three appearance by Dr. Alex George, a bestselling author and podcaster focused on resilience and mental wellness. As the presenting sponsor, Microsoft will deliver several sessions on how nonprofits can use AI with their data to drive mission success around fundraising and campaign planning.

Mainstage sessions can be livestreamed for free through the bbcon virtual pass, with replay content available on demand beginning October 15. Visit for more information, and for more details on Blackbaud's product roadmap, register to attend the Blackbaud Product Update Briefings, happening Nov. 12-14.

About Blackbaud
Blackbaud (NASDAQ: BLKB) is the leading software provider exclusively dedicated to powering social impact. Serving the nonprofit and education sectors, companies committed to social responsibility and individual change makers, Blackbaud's essential software is built to accelerate impact in fundraising, nonprofit financial management, digital giving, grantmaking, corporate social responsibility and education management. With millions of users and over $100 billion raised, granted or managed through Blackbaud platforms every year, Blackbaud's solutions are unleashing the potential of the people and organizations who change the world. Blackbaud has been named to Newsweek's list of America's Most Responsible Companies, Quartz's list of Best Companies for Remote Workers, and Forbes' list of America's Best Employers. A remote-first company, Blackbaud has operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica and the United Kingdom, supporting users in 100+ countries. Learn more at or follow us on X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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Forward-looking Statements
Except for historical information, all of the statements, expectations and assumptions contained in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding expected benefits of products and product features. Although Blackbaud attempts to be accurate in making these forward-looking statements, it is possible that future circumstances might differ from the assumptions on which such statements are based. In addition, other important factors that could cause results to differ materially include the following: general economic risks; uncertainty regarding increased business and renewals from existing customers; continued success in sales growth; management of integration of acquired companies and other risks associated with acquisitions; risks associated with successful implementation of multiple integrated software products; the ability to attract and retain key personnel; risks associated with management of growth; lengthy sales and implementation cycles; technological changes that make our products and services less competitive; and the other risk factors set forth from time to time in the SEC filings for Blackbaud, copies of which are available free of charge at the SEC's website at or upon request from Blackbaud's investor relations department. All Blackbaud product names appearing herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackbaud, Inc.

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What new AI features is Blackbaud (BLKB) introducing for fundraising?

Blackbaud is introducing Blackbaud Copilot, an AI-powered assistant that allows users to interact with their data in natural language, ask questions, and gain insights. It will be available in Raiser's Edge NXT and Financial Edge NXT in 2025.

How is Blackbaud (BLKB) improving donation processing for nonprofits?

Blackbaud is rolling out Optimized and Standard Donation Forms with an Intelligent Ask feature powered by AI, as well as introducing tap-to-pay capabilities for easier donations and payments.

What financial management updates is Blackbaud (BLKB) implementing in Financial Edge NXT?

Blackbaud is implementing automated invoice scanning using Microsoft AI, a Payment Assistant for automated bill pay, and deeper integration with Raiser's Edge NXT. They plan to deliver 100% of core Financial Edge NXT capabilities in a unified view by Q1 2025.

How is Blackbaud (BLKB) enhancing its products for education customers?

Blackbaud is introducing an Award Cycle Manager in Blackbaud Award Management for scholarship administrators and an 'at-risk' student tool in its K-12 Education Management portfolio to help identify students needing extra support.

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